Company Stories C

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Note: Carl Nelson Consulting, Inc is not an investment adviser and may hold a financial interest or client relationship in companies discussed.
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C12 Energy ... C2N Diagnostics .... C2Sense ..... C3Nano ... C4 Therapeutics ..... C8 Sciences ... C9 ... Cabaletta Bio ..... CABG Medical ..... Cadence Pharma .... CadheRx Therapeutics ..... Caisson Biotech ... Calabazas Creek Research ... Caladrius Biosciences .... Cala Health ..... Calando Pharmaceuticals ... Calbiotech .... Calera ... Caliber Biotherapeutics .... Calibra Medical ... Calient ... California Wave Power Technologies ..... Calimmune ..... Caliper Life Sciences ... CaliSolar ... Calistoga Pharmaceuticals ... Calithera BioSciences ..... Calixa Therapeutics .... Callidus Biopharma ... Calporta Therapeutics ..... Calspan ..... Caltech Metals ... Calysta ..... Calyxt ..... Cambrian Innovation .... Cambridge Endoscopic Devices ... Cambridge Heart ...Cambridge Nanotech ... Cambridge Research & Instrumentation ... Cambrios Technologies ... CAMX ..... Cancer Genetics ... Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals ..... Candela ... CanDiag .... Canopy Biosciences .... Capesym ... Capillary Biomedical ..... Capio Biosciences .... Capnia....CAPP Medical .... Capricor Therapeutics .... Cara Therapeutics .... Carbice .... Carbolyn Thera ..... Carbon ..... Carbon-Carbon Advanced Technologies .... Carbon Design Systems ... Carbon Engineering .... Carbtex Technology .... Carbylan Therapeutics ..... Cardeas Pharma ... CardiacAssist .... Cardiac Concepts ... Cardiac Dimensions ... Cardiac Science ..... Cardialen .... CardiAQ Valve Technologies ... Cardica ... Cardiff Oncology .... Cardio Diagnostics Holdings .... CardioDx ... Cardio Flow ..... CardioFocus ... CardioInsight Technologies ..... Cardiokinetix .... CardioMag ... CardioMEMS .... Cardionomic ..... CardioNXT ..... Cardiorobotics ... Cardiosolutions ... Cardiosolv ... CardioSpectra ... CardioTech ... Cardiovate .... CardiOx ... Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals ... Cardiva Medical .... CareDx (formerly XDx) .... Caribou Biosciences ... Carigent Therapeutics ... (formerly CARMA Thera) Carisma Therapeutics ..... Carlsme .... Carmell Therapeutics .... sCarmot Therapeutics ... Carnegie Speech ... CaroGen ... Carter Aviation Technologies .... Carticept Medical ..... Cartiva ..... Cascade Designs ... Cascade Microtech ... Cascadian Therapeutics (formerly Oncothyreon) ..... Casma Therapeutics .... Castle Biosciences ..... Castle Creek Pharmaceuticals .... Catabasis Pharmaceuticals ... Catadon Systems ... Catalyst Biosciences ... Catalyst Pharma ... Catalytic Innovations ..... Catalyze .... Catelectric .... Cebix .... Cedarburg Pharmaceuticals ... Cedilla Therapeutics .... CeeTox ... Celadon .... Celator Pharmaceuticals ... Celcuity ..... Celdara Medical .... Celladon .... Cellara ... ..... Cell Care Therapeutics .... Cellceutix ... CellCyte Genetics ... Cell Design Labs ..... Celldex Therapeutics ... Cellectar ... Cellerant Therapeutics ... Celleration ... Cell Genesys ... Cell Microsystems ... Cell Point ... CellRight Technologies ..... CellSavers ..... Cellscape .... Cell Signaling Technology ... Cellscript ..... Cell Therapeutics ... CellTraffix ... Cellular Bioengineering ... Cellular Biomedicine Group ...... Cellular Dynamics International ... CellzDirect ... CeloNova Biosciences .... Cel-Sci .... Celsion ... Celsius Therapeutics ..... Celtaxsys .... Celula ... Celularity ..... Celunol ... Cempra Pharmaceuticals ... CeNeRx BioPharma .... Censa Pharmaceuticals ..... Centerline Biomedical ..... Centice ... Centocor ... Centrexion Therapeutics ..... Centritec Seals ... Centrose ... Century Therapeutics .... Cephalon ... Cepheid ... Ception Therapeutics .... Cequent Pharmaceuticals ... Ceramic Tubular Products .... Cerebras Systems ..... Ceradyne ... Cerahelix ...  Ceramatec ... Ceramitron ... Cerapedics ... CerSci Therapeutics ... Cerevast Therapeutics ... Cerealus Holdings ... Cerebral Therapeutics ... Cerecor .... Ceregene ... Ceres Nanosciences ..... Cerevance .... CereVasc ..... Cerexa ... Cerion Enterprises ... Cermet ... Cernostics .... Cerulean Pharma ... Cerus ..... Cervel Neurotech ..... Cesca Therapeutics .... Ceterix Orthopaedics ... CFD Research ... CFX Battery ... CGI Pharmaceuticals ... ChaCha ... Chantilly BioPharma .... Chapman Innovations ... Charles River Analytics .... Charles River Lab ... Charter Medical .... Chase Therapeutics ..... CHASM .... Chatham Therapeutics .... Checkerspot ...... Chemat ... Chembio Diagnostic Systems .... ChemImage ... Chemir Analytical Services ... ChemoCentryx ... ChemRegen ... Chemtura ... Chesson Labs ... Chesapeake Sciences ... Chiasma ... Chimera Bioengineering ...... Chimerix ... Chlorogen ... Choice Therapeutics ... Chondrogenics ... Chordia Therapeutics .... Chorum Technologies ... ChromaCode ..... ChromaDex ..... Chronix Biomedical ... Chrysalis BioTherapeutics .... Cibus Global ... Cidara Therapeutics .... Ciena ... Ciencia ... Cilion ... CimaBay Thera ..... CinCor Pharma .... CinRx .... Ciranova ... Circle Technologies .... Cirius Therapeutics ..... CivaTech Oncology .... Civetta Therapeutics .... CiVi Biopharma ..... Civitas Therapeutics ... Clarassance ... Claresta Solutions ..... Claret Medical .... Claria Medical .... Clark-MXR ... Claros Diagnostics ... Claros Technologies .... ... Clean Diesel Technologies ... Clear Catheter Systems .... ClearCount Medical Solutions ... ClearEdge Power .... Clear Guide Medical ... Clearside Biomedical ... Cleave Biosciences .... Clene Nanomedicine Cleveland BioLabs ... Cleveland Polymer Technologies ..... CleverSet ... Climate Corporation ... Clinical Data ... Cloudant ... CloudMade ... Cloud Pharmaceuticals .... Clovis Oncology ... Clovis Tech .... CMC Biologics .... C-Motive Technologies .... CND Life Sciences ..... Coap Tech ..... CoAdna,Holdings ..... CoAxia .... Cobalt Biofuels ... Cocoon Biotech ..... Cocrystal Discovery .....Coda Biotherapeutics .... Co-D Therapeutics ..... ... Codexis ... Co-Diagnostics .... Codiak BioSciences ..... Codon Devices .... Cofactor Genomics Cogenra ...... Cogentix Medical .... Cognex .... Cognitive Code ... Cognition Therapeutics .... Cohera Medical .... Coherus Biosciences .... Cohesive Technologies ... ColdQuanta .... ColdWatt ... Collagenex Pharmaceuticals ... Collegium Pharmaceutical ... CoLucid Pharmaceuticals ... Columbia Labs ..... CombinatoRx ... Combined Energies .... Combinent BioMedical Systems .... Comet Therapeutics .... Comfort Motion Technologies ... CommonwealthBiotechnologies ... Commonwealth Fusion Systems ..... Compact Membrane Systems ... Compendia Bioscience ..... Compass Therapeutics ..... Compellent Technologies ... Complete Genomics ... Complexa ... Conatus Pharmaceuticals ... Concert Pharmaceuticals ... Concordia Fibers ... Concurrent Technologies ... Conductus ... ConforMIS ... Cognigen ... Conispire ... Connecticut Valley Bindery ....  CombiMatrix ... Confluence Life Sciences ..... ConjuGon ... COnovate .... Consonus Technologies ... Constant Therapeutics .... Constellation Pharmaceuticals ... Context Therapeutics ..... ControlRad Systems ..... Contour Energy Systems ... Convelo Therapeutics ..... Conventus Orthopaedics .... Convergen ... ConverGene .... Convio ... Convoy Therapeutics .... Cool-Bio .... CoolCAD Electronics ... CoolChip Technologies ... Cool Earth Solar .... Cooligy ... CoolTech ...... Corbus Pharmaceuticals ..... Corcept Therapeutics ... Cordex Systems .... CorePower Magnetics .... CoreStreet ... Coretek ... Corgenix Medical ... Corixa ... Corindus .... Corinnova ..... Corinthian Ophthalmic ... Corium International .... CorMatrix Cardiovascular .... Cormedix .... Cornami ..... Cornerstone BioPharma then Cornerstone Therapeutics ..... Cornerstone Research ... Cornerstone Therapeutics ... Coronado Biosciences ... CorQuest Medical ..... Correx ... Corridor Pharmaceuticals ... Cortana ..... Cortendo AB .... Cortexyme ... Corvidia Therapeutics .... Corvid Technologies... Corvus Pharmaceuticals ..... CosmosID ..... CoStim Pharmaceuticals .... Cougar Biotechnology ... Coulbourn Instruments ... Coulter Pharmaceutical .... Cour Pharmaceutical Development ... Coverity .... Creare .. Creative Hybrid Solutions ... Creatv MicroTech ... Cree Research... Crescendo Bioscience .... Crinetics Pharmaceuticals ... CrispTek .... Critical Therapeutics .... CritiTech ... Crossbar ..... Cross Current .... CrossFiber ... Cruise Automation ..... Crux Biomedical ... CryoCor ... CryoLife ... Cryomedical Sciences ..... Cryosa .... Cryptonite ..... Crystal IS ... Crystallume ... Crystal Systems ... CSA Engineering ... CS-Keys ... CTD Holdings ..... Cteir ... CTI ...., CTI BioPharma (formerly Cell Therapeutics) .... Cuberg ... Cubist Pharmaceuticals ... Cue Biopharma ..... Cullinan Oncology ..... Cumberland Pharma ... CuraGen ... Curamir Therapeutics .... Curative .... Current Motor .... Curi Bio ... Curtana Pharmaceuticals ... Custom Electronics .... CVD Equipment .... CVRx CV Therapeutics ... Cyanotech .... Cyberdyne ... CyberKey Solutions ... Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems ... Cybernet Systems ... Cyberonics .... CyberOptics ... Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals ... Cyclerion Therapeutics ... Cydan ... Cykloburn Technologies ..... CymaBay Therapeutics .... Cymbet...Cybrexa Therapeutics ..... Cygnal Therapeutics .... CyMedica Orthopedics ..... Cymer Technologies (formerly Cymer Laser) ... Cynosure ... Cyntellect ... Cypher Genomics ... CyPhy Works ... Cypress Bioscience ... Cyrus Biotechnology ..... Cyteir Therapeutics .... Cyterix Pharmaceuticals ... CytImmune ... CytoAgents .... CytoBioScience Cytocentrics ..... CytoCore (formerly Molecular Diagnostics) ..... Cytocybernetics ..... CytoDyn .... Cytogel Pharma ... Cytokinetics ... Cytometix ... CytomX ... Cytonome ... Cytophil ... Cytori Therapeutics ... CytoSolv ... CytoSen Therapeutics .... Cytosorbents ..... Cytovale .... Cytovas ... CytRx .... Cytyc ... CyVek ... 


C12 Energy

About 5 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions come from manufacturing cement. Kurt Zenz House, a research fellow at MIT and cofounder of a startup  C12 Energy (no SBIR), hopes to turn the problem into a solution ... The key to his approach is that alkaline solutions react with carbon dioxide and trap it in various compounds. For example, lye reacts with carbon dioxide to form baking soda. Combining the baking soda with seawater creates a type of cement, the glue that holds concrete together. [Kevin Bullis, MIT Tech Review, Sep/Oct09]

C2N Diagnostics (St Louis, MO)

C2N Diagnostics (St Louis, MO; $3.M SBIR) which offers the PrecivityAD™ blood test that can help detect if certain markers for Alzheimer’s disease are in the brain, now has its results available for review. The study appears in Clinica Chimica Acta, the official peer-reviewed journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. [company press release, May 27, 21]

C2Sense (Cambridge, MA)

The Engine, a new VC fund in Cambridge, MA aims to bridge that [long lead time] gap by investing in breakthrough technologies that require extensive time and funding. Its [announced] first round of investments consists of seven startups (Analytical Space (Boston, MA, laser satellite data links w former Gen Pete Worden as advisor), Baseload Renewables (co-founded by Professor Yet-Ming Chiang who co-founded A123 Systems), C2Sense (Cambridge, MA; patented chemiresistive sensing C2Sense is able to selectively target gases unable to be sensed through other methods ), iSee (next generation of humanistic artificial intelligence technology for human and robotic collaborations), Kytopen (better genetically engineer cellsby developing technology that modifies microorganisms 10,000 times faster than current state-of-the-art methods ), Suono Bio (Cambridge, MA, ultrasonic therapeutics), and Via Separations (industrial separation processes, sonme SBIR) in sectors including aerospace, advanced materials, genetic engineering, and renewable energy. .... a for-profit, public-benefit corporation and a fund that’s separate from MIT ... MIT also contributed $25 million to your first investment fund of $200 million.    [Elizabeth Woyke,,  Sep 19, 17]

C3Nano (Palo Alto, CA)

In its first round of venture funding, C3Nano (Hayward, CA) raised $3.2 million. The startup is working on a new electrode material for use in flexible displays, touch screens, solar cells and smart windows. C3Nano was spun out of Stanford University in early 2010, from the chemical engineering laboratory of Prof. Zhenan Bao. [Stephen EF Broan, San Francisco Business Times, Feb 17, 11]

C3Nano (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR)  was awarded the $200,000 first prize [in the 2010 MIT Clean Energy Prize] for a venture plan intended to help the students grow a solar cell company.

C4 Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

C4 Therapeutics (Watertown, MA; no SBIR) up 34% [Oct 2, 20] priced its [IPO] for $182.4 million [to] to support the development of its multiple degrader drug candidates to human proof-of-concept [company press release, Oct 2, 20]

C4 Therapeutics(Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) announced that it has launched from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute with the closing of a $73 million Series A round of financing. The Company is developing novel treatments in the field of targeted protein degradation using proprietary Degronimid™ technology. The Degronimid platform technology was pioneered since 2010 by researchers in the Bradner Lab at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and described in a seminal paper published in the Journal Science in June 2015. Degronimids represent a new class of small molecule targeted protein degradation (TPD) therapeutics that target disease-causing proteins and facilitate their rapid destruction and clearance from the cell. The Company has executed a license agreement with Dana-Farber that provides worldwide exclusivity for all applications of the Degronimid technology.  [company press release, Jan 7, 16]

C8 Sciences (New Haven, CT)

Connecticut Innovations announced today that it has committed $450,000 from its Pre-Seed Fund to three startups in the life sciences sector.  The quasi-public agency, which is focused on technology and innovation, said the funds are going toArcantatura (Groton, CT; no SBIR),  C8 Sciences (New Haven, CT; no SBIR), and Medical Device Logistics (Stonington, CT; no SBIR). According to Connecticut Innovations, each of the companies has secured matching funds from private investors.   [James Connolly, Mass High Tech, Aug 25, 11]

C9 (Saratoga NY)

C9 will make a new generation of silicon carbide chips at the Saratoga (NY) Technology & Energy Park. .... with help from the state's $1.75M ... C9's products now are made at the facilities of FALA and Nanodynamics(New York City; $6M SBIR) and the firms already have invested $11M into silicon carbide research. [Alan Wechsler, Albany Times-Union, Jul 28]

Cabaletta Bio (Radnor, PA)

Cabaletta Bio up 34% [Dec 23, 19]

Cabaletta Bio (Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR) filed to go public to finance early-stage tests of its experimental cell therapies for autoimmune diseases. [Ben Fidler,, Oct 3. 19]

Cabaletta Bio, a cell therapy startup spun out of the University of Pennsylvania, raised a $50 million Series B. [Frank Vinluan,, Jan 4, 19]

Cabaletta Bio (Radnor, PA; no SBIR) launched out of the University of Pennsylvania with an exclusive license deal and two multi-year sponsored research agreements. The fledgling biotech company will work on engineered T cell products for B cell-mediated autoimmune disease. .... also raised $38 million Series A to advance its lead asset, [DSG3-CAART. [Mark Terry,, Nov 10, 18]

CABG Medical

Medical 21  (Plymouth, MN; no SBIR), the latest project from medtech pioneer and St. Jude Medical founder Manny Villafaña, kicked off a new, $15 million funding round last Friday. .... had a successful first funding round last year when it raised roughly $2 million. That capital, according to Villafaña, was exclusively used on animal tests for Medical 21’s flagship product, an artificial blood vessel that for decades been a pipe dream among medical professionals.... In 2000, he founded CABG Medical which raised $30 million [IPO] in 2004, developed a polymer-based tube that transferred blood from one side of the heart to the other. Clinical test results, however, weren’t favorable and CABG Medical ultimately shut down in 2006. ....  After that, in 2007, Villafaña established Kips Bay Medical. The startup made a mesh product out of nitinol wire that provided support to a patient’s saphenous vein graft in their leg during coronary artery bypass surgery. Kips Bay went on to raise $16 million during its 2011 IPO before shutting its doors four years later.  [Sam Schaust, Twin Cities Business, Sep 6, 17]

Cadence Pharma (San Diego, CA)

Cadence Pharma (San Diego, CA; no SBIR 206 employees)  up 34% [Nov 15, 13]  said  that the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware ruled in its favor in a patent infringement lawsuit.  ....  should give Ofirmev patent exclusivity through 2021 [, Nov 15]

CadheRx Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA)

Avalon Ventures and UK-based drug giant GSK said they have formed another San Diego biotech startup. ... PDI Therapeutics (named for the enzyme protein disulfide isomerase, La Jolla, CA) , will develop immunotherapies for cancer. Like all other companies formed under the three-year-old partnership, PDI will be housed at Avalon's COI Pharmaceuticals, an incubator that provides shared facilities and management.  Meanwhile, Avalon said the first two companies created under the collaboration, Sitari Pharmaceuticals and Silarus Therapetics, have identified a clear path to potential drugs, thus meeting their first milestones, said Jay Lichter, an Avalon managing director and also COI's president and CEO. Sitari and Silarus are respectively developing drugs for celiac disease and iron overload disorders. ...  GSK and Avalon established their partnership in April 2013, with up to $465 million from GSK and up to $30 million from Avalon to form up to 10 companies in San Diego. Up to $10 million in Series A funding is to be invested in each company to get it off the ground. ... The five other companies founded by the Avalon/GSK collaboration are Thyritope Biosciences, Adrenergics, CadheRx Therapeutics, Calporta Therapeutics, and Iron Horse Therapeutics.    [Bradley Fikes, San Diego Union Tribune, May 20, 16]

Crossing the halfway point in their alliance to form up to 10 biotech companies in San Diego, La Jolla's Avalon Ventures and UK-based GlaxoSmithKline they have added three new companies to their portfolio. Adrenergics (no SBIR), CadheRx Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR), and Calporta Therapeutics  (no SBIR), will each receive up to $10 million, along with research and development support from the partners. Previously announced companies include Sitari Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) , Silarus Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR) , and Thyritope Biosciences  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR). [Bradley Fikes,, Jun 15, 15]

Crossing the halfway point in their alliance to form up to 10 biotech companies in San Diego, La Jolla's Avalon Ventures and UK-based GlaxoSmithKline they have added three new companies to their portfolio. Adrenergics (no SBIR), CadheRx Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR), and Calporta Therapeutics  (no SBIR), will each receive up to $10 million, along with research and development support from the partners. Previously announced companies include Sitari Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) , Silarus Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR) , and Thyritope Biosciences  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR). [Bradley Fikes,, Jun 15, 15]

Caisson Biotech (Austin, TX)

Caisson Biotech LLC (Austin, TX; no SBIR) said that it has expanded the scope of its partnership with global pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk  to expand the use of the Austin biopharma company's HEPtune drug-delivery technology.  The deal could be worth as much as $167 million in milestone payments  [Greg Barr, Austin Business Journal, Mar 11, 14]

Calabazas Creek Research (San Mateo, CA)

The rest of DOE,'s Phase II list also shows a preference for SBIR experience: Euclid Labs (Solon, OH; $18M SBIR since 2004, all DOE including one $10M award), four new Phase IIs;  Radiabeam Technologies (Santa Monica, CA, $10M SBIR since 2005  SBIR) three awards; Tech-x (Boulder, CO; something over $50M SBIR since 1994) three new awards Muons (Batavia, IL;  $13M since 2002 SBIR, all DOE) three awards; Far-Tech (San Diego, CA;$9+M SBIR since 2003) two awards; Ridgetop Group (Tucson, AZ; $10M SBIR since 2002) two awards;  Calabazas Creek Research (San Mateo, CA; $26M since 1994) two awards; Niowave (Lansing, MI;  $5M since 2007 SBIR) two awards; Mesa Photonics  (Santa Fe, NM;  $0.8M since 2008 SBIR) two awards; Green Mountain Radio Research (Colchester, VT;  $5.7M SBIR)  two awards.  Of 104 awards, 33 went to multiple winners who already had collected $378M SBIR from the federal government.  Is DOE over-emphasizing contractor competence at the expense of companies and technologies with brighter futures?  No one knows becasue Congress shows little interest in the question, and the agency has a bias toward making itself smarter.  

Caladrius Biosciences (Basking Ridge, NJ)

As Caladrius Biosciences (Bernards, NJ; $2.1M SBIR) merges with Cend Therapeutics (no SBIR) to become Lisata Therapeutics, it’s leaving a coronary artery disease trial by the wayside. ... [because] COVID-19 supply chain challenges disrupt operations [Annalee Armstrong, May 24, 202 Fierce Biotech]

Caladrius Biosciences  [Basking Ridge, NJ; $2M SBIR, founded 2006) down 25% [Feb 14, 19] announced top-line results from The Sanford Project: T-Rex Study, a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind Phase 2a clinical trial [that showed] no improvement in the primary endpoint of preservation of C-peptide levels vs. placebo at 1 year was observed at the group level [company press release, Feb 13, 19] total funding $63M []

Caladrius Biosciences up 31% [Jun 20, 18]

Caladrius Biosciences (Basking Ridge, NJ; $2M SBIR) up 67% [Jun 19, 18], a clinical-stage biopharma with multiple technology platforms targeting select cardiovascular indications and autoimmune diseases, announces [FDA] granted regenerative medicine advanced therapy ("RMAT") designation to the Company's late-stage CD34+ cell therapy program for the treatment of refractory angina. [company press release, Jun 19, 18]

Cala Health (Burlingame, CA)

Stealth medical device maker Cala Health (Burlingame, CA; no SBIR, founded 2014) raised $18 million in Series A ...  working on a wearable therapy for hand tremors.  ....  backers include Google Ventures and Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation ... CEO Kate Rosenbluth founded the startup as a Stanford University spinout  [Gina Hall, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Feb 17, 16]

Calando Pharmaceuticals (Pasadena, CA)

Calando Pharmaceuticals (Pasadena,CA; one SBIR) is also packing nanoparticles with a substance previously too dangerous to use. In this case the drug is called camptothecin, and the nanoparticle is made from a strand of sugar molecules. As the camptothecin is attached to the sugar molecules, the strand folds up into a sphere, hiding the drug inside as a clenched fist might hide a pea. [The Economist, Nov 8, 08]

Calbiotech ((San Diego, CA)

Calbiotech (San Diego, CA; $200K SBIR, 30 employees, founded 1997) announced it bought Moduline Systems (Grass Valley, CA; four emoloyees, no SBIR, founded 1994)  .... Moduline manufactures equipment which other manufacturers use to build end use products for medical testing.  Calbiotech develops, manufactures and sells test kits and test products which are used by researchers and labs around the world in laboratory automation systems.   [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Dec 11, 13]


Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc. has closed loan commitments of $52 million to three new portfolio companies -- Althea Technologies (San Diego, CA; $400K SBIR), Calera (no SBIR) (CEO Brent Constantz picked by CNBC as one of fifteen leading innovators), and an unnamed company. [San Francisco Business Times, Aug 5, 10]

Caliber Biotherapeutics (Bryan, TX)

The DARPA effort, called Blue Angel, has been working since May 2009 to develop a surge capacity for flu viruses ....      Four companies are working to transform protein-producing tobacco plants from a proof of concept to a demonstration of the capability. The next step will be to develop full industrial processes for producing the proteins. The companies are Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology in Delaware, Kentucky BioProcessing (Owensboro, KY; no SBIR, bought by Reynolds Tobacco Jan 2014), a consortium called Project GreenVax, whose partners are the Texas A&M University system and a Texas company called G-Con, and Medicago USA in North Carolina. [Cheryl Pellerin, American Forces Press Service]   In 2009  DARPA, launched Blue Angel, a program that challenged three tobacco pharming facilities—among them,  and Caliber Biotherapeutics (Bryan, TX; no SBIR) —to produce 10 million doses of flu vaccine in one month. The reward? Tens of millions in funding. [Erika Fry, Fortune, Sep 22, 2014]

;Calibra Medical (Redwood City, CA)

Calibra Medical (Redwood City,CA; no SBIR) developer of a needle-free insulin patch-pen, raised $8.1 million in financing.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Apr 14, 11]

Calient (San Jose, CA)

CALIENT READY FOR MONSTER FUNDING Calient Networks (San Jose, CA), a startup that makes all-optical switches based on MEMS technology, is several days away from closing on a third round of financing in excess of $150 million. It's a monster round.After asking for a $1.5B pre-money, the company settled for a $750M pre-money. MEMS technology, which uses a compact array of tiny mirrors to switch beams of light, is one of several possible approaches to building large, all-optical switches. Calient officials claim its product,expected to enter customer trials in the next few weeks, can pack a complete 1,000 by 1,000 port optical switch into a box the size of a kitchen drawer.  After asking for a $1.5B pre-money, the company settled for a $750M pre-money. MEMS technology, which uses a compact array of tiny mirrors to switch beams of light, is one of several possible approaches to building large, all-optical switches. Calient officials claim its product, expected to enter customer trials in the next few weeks, can pack a complete 1,000 by 1,000 port optical switch into a box the size of a kitchen drawer. [R. Scott Raynovich, Light Reading, [email protected]] How much SBIR did Calient need to get started? Hah!

California Wave Power Technologies (Berkeley, CA)

AquaHarmonics (Oregon City, OR; no SBIR) grand-prize winner of the Wave Energy Prize [$5M] — a [federal] Energy Department-funded public competition to increase the energy capture potential of wave energy devices—will build a larger version of its winning device for open-ocean testing. regon-based AquaHarmonics won the Wave Energy Prize competition by demonstrating a five-fold improvement in energy capture per unit structural cost. The company will seek to upscale its device while maintaining low costs.    runner-up  California Wave Power Technologies (Berkeley, CA; no SBIR) will upscale its WEC technology for open-ocean testing. ... CWPT's device demonstrated more than a three-fold improvement in energy capture per unit structural cost. Through testing, the alifornia-based company will validate and update estimated costs for a full-scale version of its technology. [press release, USDOE, Jun 15, 17] total money to all four winners: $12M 

Calimmune (Tucson, AZ)

CSL Behring [King of Prussia, PA with parent company in Australia; develops, manufactures and markets protein based therapies] paid out $91 million upfront for biotech Calimmune (Tucson, AZ; no SBIR, founded 2006) and gains a preclinical asset for sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia, adding to its blood disease pipeline.   [Ben Adams, Fierce Biotech, Aug 28, 17] has advanced lead development programs with novel ex vivo gene therapies for hematologic diseases. [company website]

Caliper Life Sciences

Caliper Life Sciences (Hopkinton, MA; one SBIR) which makes software used for drug development, today said it will cross-license technology with AntiCancer (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) in order to settle a patent lawsuit. Caliper gains the rights to sublicense AntiCancer’s protein optical imaging patents to third parties. San Diego-based AntiCancer obtains rights to license Caliper’s fluorescent protein imaging patents to a specified number of third parties. That figure was not disclosed. [Boston Globe, Feb 28]

CaliSolar (Sunnyvale, CA)

solar-power startups in particular have seen a three-year surge, from a low of no venture investment in the third quarter of 2005 to a high of more than half a billion dollars in the second quarter of this year.  CaliSolar (Sunnyvale, CA; no SBIR) $13M; Wakonda Technologies (Fairport, NY; $200K SBIR) $9M; Prism Solar Technologies (Lake Katrine, NY; no SBIR) $9M. [Dean Takahashi, MIT Tech Review, S/O 08]

Calistoga Pharmaceuticals (Seattle, WA)

Calistoga Pharmaceuticals (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) has landed $40 million in fresh venture capital to fund its drugs' advance through clinical trials. ... has raised nearly $100 million since it was founded in 2006.  [Jason Bacaj, Seattle Times, Jun 30, 10]Cancer and inflammatory disease company

Calistoga Pharmaceuticals (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) said it’s raised $30 million in a second round of financing. ... formed two years ago after being spun off from former local biotech Icos Corp  (no SBIR). In 2007, it raised $26 million in its first round of financing.  [Puget Sound Business Journal, May 5, 09]

Calithera BioSciences (South San Francisco, CA)

Calithera Bio down 20% [Apr 16, 20]

Calithera Bio up 18% [Apr 15, 20]

Calithera Biosciences up 24% [Dec 23, 19]

Calithera Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR, founded 2010, 36-employees) missed its price target by a wide margin but raised $80 million ....  developing a drug called CB-839, designed to inhibit glutaminase, which cancer cells eat for energy. ... raised nearly $100 million.  [Cromwell Schubarth, Valley Business Journal, Oct 2, 14] 

Calithera Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA;no SBIR) filed paperwork declaring its intent to go public. The firm, spun out of the University of California, San Francisco lab of Jim Wells, raised a Series D round in October 2013 that signaled a shift in strategy, from work based on Wells’ research on the role of caspases in cancer cell death to a new oncology program based on glutamine metabolism. [Alex Lash,, Aug 28, 14]

The best relationship that a early-stage biotech company can have with Big Pharma is no relationship. And that includes Big Biotech, says Calithera Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) CEO Susan Molineaux. ...   Molineaux's point: Large organizations tend to stifle innovation, especially if the early-stage company's product doesn't fit into the right bucket at the right time.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, May 30, 14]  Useful advice IFF you have ample  independent capital. Of course, the biggest enterprise - USG - has the same attitude toward SBIR companies.

Calithera Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR, founding in June 2010) started an early-stage trial of an oral cancer-fighting drug designed to wreak havoc with a tumor cell's ability to make energy.   [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Feb 24, 14] had a $35M Series D financing Oct 2013 [company website]

Exploiting glutamine for fun and profit.  Calithera BioSciences (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) scooped up a $35 million Series D round, allowing it to push into a Phase I trial testing its lead experimental drug against advanced solid tumors.  .....  focusing CB-839 on tumors that are dependent on glutamine, an amino acid that keeps the gastrointestinal tract and immune system healthy.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Oct 29, 13]   Another private exploiter of the science of glutamine probably funded some time ago by USG research with no specific commercial target, the kind of research that the Republican House wants to question whether it meets short term economic and political goals.  And the exploiters will try their hardest to avoid taxes that go to pay for the nation's knowledge base that the exploiters get for free.  Thanksgiving might be an appropriate time for the science exploiters to tell the Tea Party types to wake up to the reality of where prosperity comes from.

Calixa Therapeutics (San Diego, CA)

Adynxx  (San Francisco, CA;  no SBIR) has kept a low profile since its founding five years ago, but is discussing its work publicly today, announcing it has completed enrollment in its initial clinical trial of 30 healthy volunteers. ... supported by a Series A venture financing of $18 million from Domain Associates from 2010, is composed of people who worked together on a series of Domain-backed companies that were acquired, including Peninsula Pharmaceuticals (no SBIR), Cerexa  (no SBIR), and Calixa Therapeutics (no SBIR).  [Luke Timmerman, xconomy,com, Aug 7, 12]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals inked a deal to buy fellow antiobiotic drug developer Calixa Therapeutics  (San Diego CA; no SBIR)  for $92.5 million upfront and up to $310 million more in potential payments to Calixa shareholders. [Ryan McBride, Dec 14, 09]

Callidus Biopharma (Doylestown, PA)

Callidus Biopharma (Doylestown, PA; no SBIR) raised $4.6 million in a private stock sale this week.  ..... plans to use the proceeds from its series A financing to accelerate pre-clinical development of the company’s pipeline of potential therapies for lysosomal storage diseases, including its lead candidates in Pompe and Gaucher diseases.  [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, May 16, 13]

Calporta Therapeutics

Avalon Ventures and UK-based drug giant GSK said they have formed another San Diego biotech startup. ... PDI Therapeutics (named for the enzyme protein disulfide isomerase, La Jolla, CA) , will develop immunotherapies for cancer. Like all other companies formed under the three-year-old partnership, PDI will be housed at Avalon's COI Pharmaceuticals, an incubator that provides shared facilities and management.  Meanwhile, Avalon said the first two companies created under the collaboration, Sitari Pharmaceuticals and Silarus Therapetics, have identified a clear path to potential drugs, thus meeting their first milestones, said Jay Lichter, an Avalon managing director and also COI's president and CEO. Sitari and Silarus are respectively developing drugs for celiac disease and iron overload disorders. ...  GSK and Avalon established their partnership in April 2013, with up to $465 million from GSK and up to $30 million from Avalon to form up to 10 companies in San Diego. Up to $10 million in Series A funding is to be invested in each company to get it off the ground. ... The five other companies founded by the Avalon/GSK collaboration are Thyritope Biosciences, Adrenergics, CadheRx Therapeutics, Calporta Therapeutics, and Iron Horse Therapeutics.    [Bradley Fikes, San Diego Union Tribune, May 20, 16]

Crossing the halfway point in their alliance to form up to 10 biotech companies in San Diego, La Jolla's Avalon Ventures and UK-based GlaxoSmithKline they have added three new companies to their portfolio. Adrenergics (no SBIR), CadheRx Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR), and Calporta Therapeutics  (no SBIR), will each receive up to $10 million, along with research and development support from the partners. Previously announced companies include Sitari Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) , Silarus Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR) , and Thyritope Biosciences  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR). [Bradley Fikes,, Jun 15, 15]

Crossing the halfway point in their alliance to form up to 10 biotech companies in San Diego, La Jolla's Avalon Ventures and UK-based GlaxoSmithKline they have added three new companies to their portfolio. Adrenergics (no SBIR), CadheRx Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR), and Calporta Therapeutics  (no SBIR), will each receive up to $10 million, along with research and development support from the partners. Previously announced companies include Sitari Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) , Silarus Therapeutics (La Jolla, CA; no SBIR) , and Thyritope Biosciences  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR). [Bradley Fikes,, Jun 15, 15]

Calspan (Buffalo, NY)

TransDigm Group has completed the acquisition of aerospace and defense systems testing company Calspan (Buffalo, NY; $1.3M SBIR) through an approximately $725 million transaction that includes certain tax benefits. Calspan, which owns a transonic wind tunnel facility, is projected to generate $200 million in 2023 revenue, Transdigm said. [Naomi Cooper,, May 9, 2023]

Calspan (Buffalo, NY; $1M SBIR, founded 1943) received a five-year, $20 million contract to help the U.S. Air Force operate, engineer and maintain the service branch’s Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator and Test Aircraft.  [Mary-Louise Hoffman,, Jul 14, 17]

Caltech Metals (San Diego CA)

Caltech Metals (San Diego CA; no SBIR) is making more durable sheet metal that resembles corrugated cardboard. On the outside are thin steel layers. Sandwiched in between is a rippled layer created by crinkling steel into waves. The resulting product is the same thickness as sheet metal, but half the weight and more than three times as strong. It could be cheaper and better than aluminum in automobile hoods, fenders, and other parts, says CellTech CEO Doug Cox.  [Business Week, Oct 22, 07]

Cambrian Innovation (Watertown, MA))

NASA has a nice piece by Mike DiCicco of Goddard Space Flight Center on commercialization from  four NASA SBIR/STTR awardees. Read the stories.. Companies: Serionix (Champaign, IL), Cambrian Innovation (Watertown, MA), Electric Power Systems (Lombard, IL), Zeus (Orangeburg, SC)

Exploiting Insecurity.  Right now, we are asking millions of Americans to accept high immigration while they are already living with maximum insecurity. Their wages are declining, their families and communities are fragmenting, their churches are shrinking, government services are being cut, their values and national identity feel unstable. Of course they are going to react with suspicion if suddenly on top of all this they begin to feel like strangers in their own place. [David Brooks, NYTimes, Nov 7, 19] why a scheming insulting amoral liar can get elected President.

Cambridge Endoscopic Devices (Framingham, MA)

Cambridge Endoscopic Devices (Framingham, MA; no SBIR) which is developing single-incision technology for endoscopic surgeries, has reported a $7.5 million equity funding.  .... founded 2004 by president Woojin Lee [who] co-founded endoVia Medical (no SBIR), where he helped develop surgical robotic systems for laparoscopic and endoluminal surgery.   [James Connolly, Mass High Tech, May 18, 10]

Calyxt (St Paul, MN)

Calyxt up 34% Jan 19, 21]

Calyxt up 20% [Jan 15, 21] a plant-based technology company, announced it has contracted to sell all 2020 grain production of its high oleic soybean to ADM, a global leader in human and animal nutrition and the world's premier agricultural origination and processing company headquartered in Chicago. [company press release, Jan 14, 21]

Calyxt down 21% [Oct 16, 20]

Calyxt up 25% [Jun 9, 20]

Calyxt down 26% [Mar 6, 20] reported financial results

Let's go inland. Five [coastal] metropolitan areas accounted for 90% of all U.S. high-tech job growth between 2005 and 2017, according to a recent study by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and the Brookings Institution. ... Many economists say getting tech workers to settle outside the major hubs won’t be easy. They cite “agglomeration”—when companies and talent cluster in a few places—which allows for ideas to spread more quickly and for companies to have a larger recruitment pool. ... There is group of entrepreneurs working on spreading tech talent more evenly across the U.S. [Shayndi Raice, Wall Street Jounral, Mar 9, 20]

Calyxt up 17% [Dec 12, 19]

Calyxt up 25% [Dec 3, 19]

Calyxt up 21% [Aug 8, 19] Reports 2(nd) Quarter Financial Results

Calyxt (Roseville, MN; no SBIR) up 24% [Dec 17, 18] announced the issuance of European patent No. 3008186, which claims methods to create gene-edited plants by the transient delivery of sequence-specific nucleases, including CRISPR/Cas9 [company press release, Dec 17, 18]

Calyxt up 21% [Apr 17, 18]

Calyxt down 10% [Mar 23, 18]

Calyxt down 11% [Feb 20, 18]

Calyxt down 21% [Feb 1,18]

Calyxt down 12% [Jan 8, 18]

Calyxt up 13% [Dec 20, 17]

Calyxt up 11% [Dec 11, 17]

Calyxt  up 13% [Nov 1, 17]

Calyxt down 14% [Oct 31, 17]

Calyxtup 12% [Oct 10, 17]

Calyxt up 11% [Sep 21, 17]

Calyxt up 11% [Sep 19, 17]

Calyxt down 11% [Sep 18, 17]

Calyxt down 13% [Sep 15, 17]

Calyxt up 10% [Sep 5, 17]

Calyxt up 42% [Jul 20, 17]

Calyxt (New Brighton, MN; no SBIR) agriculture company aimed at designing healthier foods using gene-editing technology developed by the University of Minnesota, kicks off its initial public offering this week [to raise] $105M. Twin Cities Business, Jul 17, 17]

Calyxt (St Paul, MN; no SBIR) focusing on developing healthier food products to benefit both consumers and growers, today announced that it has closed on the purchase of a 10-acre parcel in the St. Paul suburb of Roseville to build its new headquarters facility. [company press release, Mar 1, 16]   won a $477,000 state grant to build the headquarters [Minneapolis/ St Paul Business Journal, Mar 2]

Cambridge Heart (Bedford, MA)

Cambridge Heart (Tewksbury,MA; no SBIR) has raised $2.9 million in a private placement, the company reported ... developer of diagnostic heart tests for cardiac disease ...  will provide the capital necessary to fund operations as we execute on the next phase of commercialization for our MTWA module and continue clinical work related to the application of MTWA to identify patients with ischemia,” Cambridge Heart President and CEO Ali Haghighi-Mood said. [Julie Donnelly, Mass High Tech, Dec 21, 10]

Cambridge Heart (Bedford,MA; no SBIR) got bad news that a diagnostic test intended to identify patients who should receive heart defibrillators did not produce conclusive data [Boston Globe, Nov 7, 07]

Cambridge Nanotech (Cambridge, MA)

Ultratech a supplier of lithography and laser-processing systems used to manufacture semiconductor devices and high-brightness LEDs (HB-LEDs), has acquired the assets of Cambridge Nanotech (Cambridge, MA; one SBIR) for an undisclosed amount.  {Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Dec 21, 12]

Cambridge Research & Instrumentation (Woburn, MA)

Caliper Life Sciences (no SBIR) is paying $20 million to acquire Cambridge Research & Instrumentation (Woburn, MA; $14M SBIR), a developer of optical imaging systems, according to a news release from the two companies today. The buyout deal calls for Caliper to issue $10.5 million in a common stock offering, pay $7.5 million in cash and take in CRi’s $2 million in debt. [Mass High Tech, Dec 9, 10]

Calysta (Menlo Park, CA)

Biotech startup Calysta (Menlo Park, CA; no SBIR) announced $30 million in Series C funding to advance new product development, commercial manufacturing and continued advances in its proprietary state-of-the-art gas fermentation platform. ... In January 2016 Calysta announced conditional receipt of a grant from the United Kingdom for development of a Market Introduction Facility in northern England.   [company website, Feb 2, 16]

Cambrios Technologies (Cambridge, MA)

Two companies founded by Ms [Angela] Belcher are already making things with viruses. Cambrios Technologies (Cambridge, MA; one SBIR) is producing transparent coatings for touch screens and Siluria Technologies (no SBIR)  (Ms Belcher likes to name her companies after geological time spans) is using viruses to develop catalysts for turning natural gas into oil and plastics. There are also potential applications in solar cells, medical diagnostics and cancer treatment. And all that from an idea inspired by a sea shell. [The Economist, Apr 21, 12] The Economist ran a compelling piece on the third industrial revolution (the fruit of digitization) that has the potential to lure back manufacturing from distant cheap-labor Asia to smart-labor America where the customers shop with flexible ideas. Government funding sources serious about the economic future would do well to heed the implications of future manufacturing, although not because it would create that many unskilled jobs.


Kenan Sahin best known for selling his billing software company, Kenan Systems, for $1.5 billion to Lucent in 1999, without having taken a dollar of outside investment. ...  he has spent much of his time and fortune quietly working to push battery technologies forward, launching Tiax in 2002 [jump-starting the company by acquiring the technology division of the once-prominent consulting firm Arthur D. Little for $16.5 million]  to produce and foster promising advances before turning them over to a marketplace ...  this spring it announced that a spinout, CAMX Power, was emerging from stealth mode. ...  CAMX lined up deals with two of the world’s largest chemical manufacturers, U.K.-based Johnson Matthey and Germany’s BASF, to produce and sell the [lithium-nickel-cobalt] material to battery makers. ...  Johnson Matthey said the CAMX material delivered as much as a 25 percent improvement in energy density over the nickel-manganese-cobalt cathode materials used in many electric vehicles today, and about a 5 percent gain over an advanced chemistry going into upcoming models.    [James Temple,, November 14, 2017]  Sahin was an immigrant from Turkey at age 16.

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford NJ)

Cancer Genetics up 22% [Feb 24, 21]

Cancer Genetics down 18% [Feb 11, 21]

Cancer Genetics up 50% [Feb 10, 21]

Cancer Genetics down 20% [Feb 9, 21]

Cancer Genetics down 20% [Feb 9, 21]

Cancer Genetics up 37% [Jan 28, 21]

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford NJ; no SBIR) down 27% [Jan 21, 21]

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford NJ; no SBIR) up 75% [Jan 20, 21]

Stemonix (Maple Grove, MN; no SBIR, 30 employees) agreed to a merger with Cancer Genetics (Rutherford, NJ; no SBIR) a publicly traded pharmaceutical company based in ., the companies announced. ... Stemonix uses stem-cell technology to create "micro-organs," like heart cells or parts of the brain, for pharmaceutical companies to use in drug testing and development. ... Cancer Genetics sold its research and development arm last year, but still supports preclinical trials through its discovery services arm. [Carrigan Miller, MinneInno, Aug 24, 20]

Cancer Genetics up 27% [Dec 6, 19]

Cancer Genetics down 17% [Dec 2, 19]

Cancer Genetics up 58% [Nov 29, 19]

Cancer Genetics up 16% [Nov 22, 19]

Underdog Pharmaceuticals (Mountain Viwew, CA; no SBIR) and SENS Research Foundation (SRF) announced the launch of Underdog and the completion of its seed round, providing $3.95 million to promote Underdog’s development of disease-modifying treatments for atherosclerosis and other age-related diseases. [company press release, Nov 21, 19]

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford, NJ; $3.3M SBIR) up 131% [Nov 20, 19] reported quarterly results

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford, NJ; $2M SBIR, founded 1999) a DNA-based cancer diagnostic company announced the pending closure of its Los Angeles laboratory in a move that could affect dozens of workers. [Dana Bartholomew, LA Business Journal, May 25, 18] announced that it has completed the sale of BioServe Biotechnologies (India) Private Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cancer Genetics to biomedical research company, REPROCELL Incorporated, for $1.9 million. [Apr 27, 18]

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford, NJ; $1.8M SBIR) down 21% [Aug 15,17]   Cancer Genetics  and vivoPharm Pty. Ltd. (Australia) announced they have entered into a definitive agreement for Cancer Genetics to acquire vivoPharm for approximately $12 million USD.  [joint companies press release, Aug 15, 17]   Our revenue from biopharma projects during the second quarter were uneven due to the delay of 9 clinical trials, although we expect many of them to start over the next 2 quarters. [Cancer Genetics press release, Aug 15, 17]

Cancer Genetics  (Rutherford, NJ; $1.9M SBIR) up 18% [Oct 28, 15] Receives Third Patent for Proprietary Genomic FHACT(R) Test, Further Advancing the Detection and Treatment of Cervical and Other HPV-Associated Cancers  [company  press release]

Cancer Genetics  (Rutherford, NJ;  $1.9M SBIR) up 12% [Aug 11, 15]  strong quarterly and announced it has entered into an agreement in principle to acquire substantially all the assets and operations of Los Angeles based Response Genetics (Los Angeles, CA; no SBIR). As part of the transaction, Response Genetics has filed chapter 11 Bankruptcy.  [company press release]

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford NJ; $2M SBIR)  up 11% [Feb 19, 15]

Cancer Genetics (Rutherford NJ; $1.9M SBIR) up 11% [Nov 10, 14]  Announces Strong Third Quarter With Growth Across All Categories [company press release]

Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals

Sucampo Pharmaceuticals (Rockville, MD; no SBIR) now has the option to an exclusive agreement to commercialize a colon cancer drug, which could net the company $190 million. The company inked the deal with Arizona-based Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals for $5 million. If the drug successfully completes Phase III trials in the first half of 2016, it could receive approval in 2019.  [Tina Reed, Washington Business Journal, Jan 12, 16]


Candela up 17% [Sep 21, 09]

Syneron Medical Ltd. of Israel said it has agreed to buy Candela in an all stock transaction.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Sep 09, 09] Candela up 43%

Candela up 10% [Feb 25, 08]

Candela down 15% [Jan 30, 08]

Candela up 10% [Jan 29,08]

Candela Laser jumped 26% after announcing a big profit gain. [Oct 26, 06]

Candela Laser was down 29% for the week after reporting lower profits. [Aug, 06]

Candela Laser took a 32% whack when it reported earnings below expectations. CEO Puorro laid much of the blame on "aggressive pricing" of a new product and forecast healthier revenue for the next quarter.. [spring 04] 

Candela paid the price for a poor profit report as traders knocked a third of the price in a day. Make bigger profit or get your PE knocked down to low numbers, Candela now trading at nine times earnings. Just two weeks ago a pundit opined that "Candela's revenues and earnings are growing at a fantastic pace. The growth Candela is experiencing may be sustainable," said Jack Ellis, founder of The Savvy Analyst, an interactive, online equities research firm.

Candela, a user of SBIR a decade ago, bought the assets of Applied Optronics, a subsidiary of Schwartz Electro-Optics, a long-time and continuing beneficiary of SBIR, for $1.2M. [Mass High Tech, Jan 9.03]

CanDiag (Charlotte, NC)

CanDiag (Charlotte, NC; no SBIR) is a UNC-Charlotte spinoff that’s developing the blood test for breast cancer. The three-employee company is 1 1/2 years old and has raised $1.7 million in investments, grants and loans, including support from the N.C. Biotechnology Center, said co-founder and CEO Pinku Mukherjee .... The kit would cost several hundred dollars per test and could be introduced as early as late 2015, Mukherjee said.   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Feb 26, 14]

Canopy Biosciences (St Louis, MO)

Canopy Biosciences  (St Louis, MO; no SBIR, founded 2016), a young startup looking to accelerate the commercialization of life science reagent tools and services, has raised $2 million from investors.  [Brian Feldt, St. Louis Business Journal, Jan 30, 17]

Capesym (Natick, MA)

Aerodyne Research (Billerica, MA; 199 SBIR Phase Is and something like $80M total SBIR) will receive five $1-million DOEnergy [SBIR Phase II] grants, and Radiation Monitoring Devices (Watertown, MA;  404 SBIR Phase Is and something like $150M SBIR) will receive three $1 million grants, the department said. ...  Other local companies in line to receive Energy Department grants: Conispire (Boston, MA: no SBIR) , Aspen Products Group (Marlborough.MA; $5.6M SBIR), Capesym (Natick, MA; $5.3M SBIR); Nova Scientific  (Sturbridge, MA; $9M SBIR); Beacon Power (Tyngsborough, MA; $1M SBIR), the department said.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Jun 29, 12]

Capillary Biomedical (Irvine, CA)

Capillary Biomedical  (Irvine, CA; $300K SBIR) announced that it has raised $2.9million in a Series .. has developed the SteadiSet tm infusion set with SteadiFlow tm technology, a patented design that addresses several key failure points with current infusion sets that dramatically affect the health, quality of life, and cost for the 1.2 million worldwide insulin pump users. [company press release, Aug 14, 18]

Capio Biosciences(Madison, WI )

Capio Biosciences (Madison, WI; no SBIR) startup co-founded by University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Seungpyo Hong and University of North Carolina researcher Andrew Wang – is looking to grow after raising $2.9 million by selling stock.  [Jennifer Henderson, Triangle Business Journal, Jan 6, 17] ...   circulating tumor cells, or CTC's, can be used to diagnose, treat, and monitor a patient using a minimally invasive blood test, or liquid biopsy.  Using our in-house designed, proprietary technology, OncoSense CTC, we are able to remove these CTC's from a patient's liquid biopsy without altering them in any way.  []

Capnia (Palo Alto, CA)

Capnia  up 145% [Feb 18, 15]

Capnia down 14% [Dec 2, 14]

Capnia down 11% [Nov 26, 14]

Capnia  (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR, founded 1999), a startup working on a breath-based device to help determine the health threat of jaundice in newborns, updated IPO plans it filed earlier this year in which it hopes to raise up to $35 million. ... to launch its CoSense hemolysis test in the U.S. and in the EU. It has already been approved for use in both regions. ... has raised at least $22 million from investors.     [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Nov 10, 14] 

Capnia (Palo Alto, CA), which delivers carbon dioxide through a patient's nose to treat maladies like migraines and rhinitis, has raised $16 M of a potential $19 M round of funding.  [Venture Beat: San Jose Mercury News, Apr 30]

CAPP Medical (Palo Alto, CA)

Health care powerhouse Roche (Swiss) bought a startup [CAPP Medical (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR, founded 2013)] led by a team of Stanford University oncologists and industry veterans, the company said  ...  deeper into the world of cell-free DNA technology to detect and monitor cancer or early insights into potential problem pregnancies.  The technology developed by CAPP Medical finds a cancer signature and could help doctors select more-personalized cancer therapies and monitor tumor response and resistance to therapies via a simple blood draw, Roche said.  ...  Roche late last year bought Ariosa Diagnostics (San Jose, CA; no SBIR), which has focused on detecting genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, from the maternal blood stream.   [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Apr 15, 15]

Capricor Therapeutics (formerly Nile Therapeutics, San Francisco, CA)

Capricor Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; $5.3M SBIR) announced that it has entered into a partnership with Nippon Shinyaku Co (Japan) for the exclusive commercialization and distribution in the United States of Capricor’s lead asset, CAP-1002, for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare neuromuscular disease with limited treatment options. ... Capricor will receive an upfront payment of $30 million with potential additional milestone payments of up to $705 million. [Capricor press release, Jan 25, 2022]

Capricor Therapeutics down 18% [Jan 26, 21]

Capricor Therapeutics up 35% [Jan 25, 21]

Capricor Therapeutics down 19% [Jul 30, 20]

Capricor Therapeutics up 27% [Jul 27, 20]

Capricor Therapeutics up 29% [Jul 24, 20]

Capricor Thera up 18% [Jul 20, 20]

Capricor Therapeutics down 165 [my 13, 20]

Capricor Thera up 16% [May 11, 20]

Capricor Thera down 18% [Apr 30, 20]

Capricor Therapeutics (Beverly Hills CA; no SBIR, founded 2005) up 253% [Apr 29, 20], a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of first-in-class biological therapeutics for the treatment and prevention of diseases, announced today new data reporting 100 percent survival in critical COVID-19 patients who were treated with Capricor's lead asset, off-the-shelf ( "allogeneic") cardiac cell therapy CAP-1002, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as part of six compassionate care cases. [company press release, Apr 28, 20] total funding $63M []

Capricor Therapeutics (Beverly Hills, CA; $8M SBIR) up 93% [Jul 15, 19] a clinical-stage biotechnology company, announced that a pre-specified interim analysis performed on 6-month data from the HOPE-2 trial showed statistically significant results [for steroid-treated boys and young men who are in advanced stages of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD),across several independent clinical measures. [company press release, Jul 15, 19]

Capricor Thera down 10% [Oct 5, 17]

Capricor  Thera up 14% [Oct 2, 17]

Capricor Thera (Beverly Hills CA; one SBIR in 2009, market cap $52M) up 38% [Sep 29, 17]  announced that the national principal investigator for its HOPE-2 Trial will be Craig M. McDonald, M.D., a distinguished thought leader in the clinical management of neuromuscular diseases, including muscular dystrophies, and the development of novel outcome measures for DMD clinical trials.  [company press release, Sep 28, 17]

A long-standing effort to commercialize a Mayo Clinic-developed type of a designer drug that addresses both chronic heart failure and associated renal failure has been suspended by a San Francisco biotech company, which licensed the technology in 2008.   Capricor Therapeutics (formerly Nile Therapeutics, San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) announced this month that it was terminating its license agreement with Mayo for the technology, which it was developing for its Cenderitide pharmaceutical candidate. [Don Jacobson, Twin Cities Business, Mar 1, 17]

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT)

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT; no  SBIR) raised $55 million [in IPO]  ... focuses on pain treatments.  [AP, Jan 31, 14] Stock price up 17% in Day One trading.

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT;  no SBIR, founded 2004) Cara has so far raised at least $43 million nbsp; said it has started a first-in-man, Phase 1 clinical trial of an oral form of its CR845 pain compound. ...  An intravenous formulation of the drug is already in Phase 2 trials to treat acute post-operative pain, with data expected in the first quarter of 2012. [Lori Valigra, Mass High Tech, Nov 23, 11]

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT; no SBIR)  that develops therapeutics to treat pain, received $3 million [VC in the quarter] [Janice Posada, Hartford Courant, Jul 20, 11]

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT; no SBIR) has closed on $15 million in a Series D financing [which] will mostly go toward further development of its painkiller CR845 ... has raised more than $43 million since it was launched in 2004 in Tarrytown, N.Y.  It moved to Shelton in 2007 after receiving a a $4 million loan from Connecticut Innovations’ BioScience Facilities Fund to fund the relocation [Mass High Tech, Jul 21, 10]

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT; no SBIR) received the largest single investment, $12 million in fourth-round financing. [Hartford Courant, Oct 18,08]

Cara Therapeutics (Shelton, CT; no SBIR) closed on $12.3 million of additional funding to a Series C financing. ...received a US patent for CR845, which is being developed as a treatment for acute and chronic pain of visceral, inflammatory and neuropathic origin, and treatment for itching associated with several diseases and conditions.  [Mass High Tech, Jul 25, 08]

Carbice (Atlanta, GA)

Carbice (Atlanta, GA; $900K SBIR) largest maker of nanotube technology in the world is relocating production of its tiny electronics to the West End, an area that is steadily becoming one of the Atlanta’s innovation attractions..... [moving to] 23,000 square feet of labs, etc. [Zach Armstrong, AtlantaInno, Sep 02, 2022]


Carbon, the Silicon Valley-based 3D printing technology startup spun out of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill three years ago as Carbon3D, has pulled back the curtain on its first commercial 3D printer. If you want to get your hands on this printing technology that Carbon says is 100 times faster than existing 3D printing methods, you’ll have to shell out $40,000 a year to rent one of its machines—not counting the $10,000 installation fee, plus the cost of liquid plastic, Bloomberg reports.  [Frank Vinluan,, Apr 4, 16]

Carbon-Carbon Advanced Tech (Arlington TX)

Carbon-Carbon Advanced Technologies (Arlington, TX; $2.5M SBIR) will expand manufacturing spaces, develop new production capabilities and purchase capital equipment to produce large complex assemblies made of carbon-carbon under a 38-month, $7.57 million contract [part of $25M contract to GE and NorthropGrumman [Jane Edwards,, May 1, 2023]

Carbon Design Systems (Waltham, MA)

Carbon Design Systems (Waltham, MA; no SBIR) reports closing a $6M Series E round of funding, increasing the total amount of venture capital raised by the company to $34M , officials said. ... develops tools to create virtual hardware models  [Mass High Tech, Jan 11, 08]

Carbon Engineering

Carbon Engineering and Aerion have teamed up to test whether synthetic fuels derived from captured CO2 can enable carbon-neutral flights. [James Temple, MIT Tech Rvw, July 8, 20] A thermodynamicist would note that getting useful energy from carbon dioxide requires splitting the molecule which requires as much energy as was released when the molecule was formed.  

Carbtex Technology (Houston, TX)

Carbtex Technology (Houston, TX; no SBIR, founded 2008)  a fast-growing, runaway success with its Diamondown fabric material, which has special properties to keep people warm in extremely cold temperatures, but the company also is in the process of finalizing materials advancements for batteries and cotton. .....  founder Francis McCullough  has 74 patents to his name .. plans to record revenues of between $500,000 and $750,000 in 2013. To get the company going, McCullough said he has invested more than $1 million of his own money ... [like no other fabric]  it also prevents radiant heat loss[which] is responsible for 40 percent of a person’s heat loss  [Molly Ryan, Houston Business Journal, Nov 6, 13]

Carbylan Therapeutics

Carbylan Thera down 73% [Feb 2, 16]

Carbylan Thera  up 15% [Dec 15, 15]

Carbylan Thera  down 10% [Dec 14, 15]

Carbylan Thera up 12%  [Nov 4, 15]

Carbylan Thera up 11% [Nov 2, 15]

Carbylan Thera up 18% [Oct 2,15]

Carbalyn Thera down 12% [Aug 24, 15]

Carbylan Thera  up 10% [Jul 17,15]

Carbylan Thera  down 11% [Jun 23, 15]

Carbylan Thera  up 12% [May 12, 15]

Carbylan Thera up 10% [May 4,15]

CytRx up 19% [May 4,15]

Carbylan Thera down 11% [Apr 29,15]

Carbylan Thera down 15% [Apr 28,15]

Carbylan Thera up 20% [Apr 20,15]

Carbylan Thera up 13% [Apr 17,15]

Carbylan Therapeutics (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR, founded 2005) raised $65 million in an IPO ...  developing an injectable treatment for osteoarthritis pain in the knee, raised about $4 million in debt financing in February after putting off its IPO. It has raised $35 million.  [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Apr 9, 15]

Carbylan Therapeutics, a startup that is working on injectable treatments for osteoarthritis pain, on Monday disclosed it plans to raise up to $86.25 million in an IPO.  ...  has raised $31 million in funding since it was founded in 2005  [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Dec 30, 14]

Cardeas Pharma (Seattle, WA)

Cardeas Pharma (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) Obtains $5,000,000 New Funding Round ...  stealth mode pharmaceutical developer. ... plans to use the money to run both preclinical experiments and initial clinical trials of a novel therapeutic to be used in hospitals.  [, Dec 21, 11]

CardiacAssist (O'Hara, PA)

Medtech LivaNova PLC (UK) said it is acquiring CardiacAssist (dba TandemLife, Pittsburgh, PA; $1M SBIR, founded 1996), focused on advanced cardiopulmonary temporary support solutions, for $250 million. [Patty Tascarella, Pittsburgh Business Times, Feb 20, 18]

medical device company CardiacAssist (Pittsburgh, PA; $1M SBIR, founded 1996) changed its name to TandemLife and has plans to nearly double the size of the company in 18 months.  ...  in 2001 rolled out its first product, TandemHeart, which provides people who need it with cardiac support.  [Paul J. Gough, Pittsburgh Business Times, Mar 31, 16]

CardiacAssist (Pittsburgh, PA; $1M SBIR, founded 1996) announced that it has received 510(k) [FDA] clearance for its new TandemLung® oxygenator, a medical device that acts as an artificial lung to infuse oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood.  When paired with CardiacAssist’s TandemHeart® blood pump, the TandemLung represents a leap forward in extracorporeal life support (ECLS) technology for patients in need of critical cardiopulmonary care. [company press release, Mar 16, 16]

CardiacAssist (O'Hara, PA; $1M SBIR) announced it has received a class 2 medical device license from Health Canada for a product that is used to treat people with severe breathing problems.  CardiacAssist’s Protek Duo cannula improves the gas exchange in the lungs, and it is used with the company’s mechanical heart device  [Kris B. Mamula, Pittsburgh Business Times, Aug 20, 14]

Cardiac Concepts

Medical devices start-ups powered Minnesota to the best quarterly VC performance in eight years just as a sagging economy curbed venture spending across the country. ... Seven medical device firms captured $130 million, led by CVRx (Brooklyn Park, MN; no SBIR) that makes a device that treats high blood pressure, raised $84 million on top of the $200 million investors have already poured into the company.  Cardiac Concepts  (no SBIR) first-round financing totaled a hefty $21 million. ... Other notable deals: Proto Labs (Maple Plain, MN; no SBIR) -based maker of injection molded products, attracted $67.2 million. Sage Electrochromics (Faribault, MN; $2M SBIR) raised $13.3 million, which makes glass that influences building temperatures, previously won $16 million in venture financing.  [Minneapolis Star Tribune, Oct 26, 08]

Cardiac Dimensions (Kirkland, WA)

Cardiac Dimensions (Kirkland, WA; no SBIR), a leader in the development of innovative, minimally invasive treatments for patients with heart failure, announced a $39 million Series B financing to] to continue to build clinical evidence for Cardiac Dimensions’ Carillon® Mitral Contour System® for the treatment of functional mitral regurgitation (FMR) in patients with heart failure, including continuing The CARILLON Trial U.S. pivotal study and completing the follow-up and publication of the landmark randomized, double-blinded REDUCE FMR global study. [company press release, Apr 26, 18]

 Cardiac Dimensions (Kirkland, WA; no SBIR) raised $8.5 million from Arboretum Ventures, also of Kirkland, adding to the $20 million round it announced in April.  [Alex Lash,, Oct 9, 14]

Cardiac Dimensions (Kirkland, WA; no SBIR) said it's raised $20 million in financing..... specializes in making tools for the treatment of heart failure  ....   "to significantly expand its European commercial activities (and) proceeds from the financing will be used to initiate a multi-national, blinded, randomized clinical trial, involving up to 20 hospitals," regarding its treatment of functional mitral regurgitation. [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Apr 16, 14]

Cardiac Dimensions (Kirkland, WA; no SBIR), maker of devices to address heart failure, will use the $20 million it has raised to fund international commercial expansion and begin a new clinical trial of its Carillon Mitral Contour System for treating functional mitral regurgitation—a condition affecting some 20 million people worldwide in which blood flow to the body is limited by poor heart valve function. ....   already has operations in Sydney, Australia, and Frankfurt, Germany, says the funding will support expanded operations in both countries, with Australia serving as a base for access to Asia Pacific markets and a research and development center   [Benjamin Romano,, Apr 16, 14]

Cardiac Dimensions  (Kirkland, WA; no SBIR), developer of a device to treat a common form of heart failure, said it won European Union regulatory clearance to start selling its device. The company, which has raised more than $65 million in its 10-year history, will now look to compete against a rival technology which Abbott Laboratories sells for about 20,000 Euros a patient, said CEO Rick Stewart.  [Luke Timmerman,, Oct 6, 11]

Cardiac Dimensions (Kirkland, WA; no SBIR) raised $35.5 M VC ... builds devices designed for treating heart-related conditions [Seattle Times, Dec 19, 07]

Cardiac Science (Waukesha, WI)

medical device firm Cardiac Science (Waukesha, WI; no SBIR) filed  for Chapter 11 bankruptcy [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Oct 20, 15]  designs, manufactures, and markets Powerheart® automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and related services [company website]

Cardialen (Minneapolis, MN)

Cardialen (Minneapolis, MN; $1.9M SBIR in Missouri) developing low-energy implantable defibrillation therapy designed to more gently restore normal heart rhythm, announced closing a $17 million Series B investment [to] advance Cardialen’s clinical program with further human testing of its unpinning termination (UPT) therapy and begin development of an implantable device. [company press release, Oct 10, 18]

Cardialen (St Louis, MO; no SBIR), a medical device company based out of the BioGenerator in the Cortex innovation district, has raised $1.52 million ...  has developed treatment for irregular heartbeats that is designed to keep the heart in a normal rhythm in the long term, slowing the progression of atrial fibrillation (AF), a common type of cardiac arrhythmia. [Brian Feldt, St. Louis Business Journal, Mar 26, 15]

Cultivation Capital has invested just short of $11 million of the $20 million tech fund it created in 2012.   ...  started out as a tech fund, created its life sciences fund in 2013 with plans to invest some $30 million over five years.  ....  its portfolio: Immunophotonics (Columbia, MO; no SBIR) developed a cancer vaccineMolecular Sensing  (Nashville, TN; no SBIR) commercializing a label-free molecular interaction assay system based on Back-Scattering InterferometryAdarza BioSystems (WEST HENRIETTA, NY; $1.8M SBIR) early stage medical diagnosticsCardialen (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR) developed a treatment to keep the heart in a normal rhythm for people suffering from atrial fibrillation (AF)Euclises Pharmaceuticals (St Louis, MO; no SBIR) developing pain and cancer medications; Mobius Therapeutics (St Louis, MO; no SBIR) commercial stage venture focused on ophthalmic surgery solutions; Pulse Therapeutics (St. Louis, MO; no SBIR) developed a new approach to accelerate the concentration and delivery of physician-selected agents within the vasculature; Galera Therapeutics (Malvern, PA; no SBIR) focused on the development of breakthrough drugs targeting the oxygen metabolic pathways.  [Brian Feldt, St. Louis Business Journal, Oct 27, 14]   

CardiAQ Valve Technologies (Winchester, MA)

CardiAQ Valve Technologies (Winchester, MA; no SBIR) has closed on a $6.5 million Series A round led by private investors including board member Rob Michiels [who] served until April 2009 as president and COO at CoreValve, which was bought by Medtronic for $700 million, plus milestone payments. [Mass High Tech, Jan 12, 10]

startup CardiAQ Valve Technologies (Winchester, MA; no SBIR; founded 2007) has raised an additional $109,000 for an existing recent financing round, according to officials at the company.  CardiAQ is developing a new medical approach to allow doctors to use a special catheter to implant a mitral valve in a beating heart. This permits the patient to avoid undergoing open heart surgery, thus reducing the risk and cost to both the patient and the health-care provider, claimed the company. Earlier this month, the firm announced it had been awarded $750,000 in [private] translational funding  [Marc Songini, Mass High Tech, May 21]

CardiAQ Valve Technologies (Winchester,MA; no SBIR) received $750,000 in seed cash from Broadview Ventures Inc. ....  developing a new approach that allows doctors, using a special catheter, to implant a mitral valve in a beating heart. This permits the patient to avoid undergoing open heart surgery, and reduces the risk and cost to both the patient and the health-care provider, claimed the company.  [Mass High Tech, May 13]

Cardica (Redwood City, CA)

Cardica down 17% [May 6, 16]

Cardica up 11% [May 4, 16]

Cardica up 10% [Mar 22,16]

Cardica up 13% [Feb 25, 16]

Cardica up 15% [Feb 24, 16]

Cardica down 14%  [Jan 28, 11]

Cardica up 12% [Dec 28, 10]

Cardica said in a [SEC] filing that it received a delist warning from Nasdaq...  because it doesn't meet the minimum market value of $50 million  [Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal, Jun 25, 10]

Cardica completed a $10.2 million private placement. [San Francisco Business Journal, Oct 1, 09]

Cardica said it received a delist warning from Nasdaq because it doesn't meet the minimum $10 million stockholders' equity requirement. [San Francisco Business Times, Sep 4, 09]

Cardica   down 11% [May 6,09]

Cardica   up 14% [May 4, 09] 

Cardica   up 10% [Apr 24, 09]

Cardica  down 11% [Feb 20,09]

Cardica  up 22% [Jan 28,09]

Cardica up 31% [Nov 26, 08]

Cardica down 15% [Nov 25, 08]

Cardica up 28% [Nov 24, 08]

Cardica  down 11% [Nov 17, 08]

Cardica up 13% [Nov 4, 08]

Cardica up 17% [Oct 16, 08]

Cardica down 15% [Oct 6, 08]

Cardica up 26% [Sep 9, 08] after the FDA approved the surgical system maker's PAS-Port system for use in cardiac bypass surgery  [AP]

Cardica up 14% [Jul 23, 08] . Motley Fool's group grope - CAPS investor intelligence database - called it ready to roar after a 20% rise in the second quarter.

Cardica up 35% [Jun 10, 08]

Cardica up 11% [Apr 21, 08] on results from a six-month economic analysis comparing the cost of off-pump, "beating heart" coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures, which were performed using the C-Port® Distal Anastomosis Systems, with the cost of traditional on-pump CABG surgery. The study showed that beating heart CABG saved $1,684 per procedure, inclusive of the cost of the C-Port systems in the beating heart cases, compared to traditional bypass surgery. [company press release]

Cardica down 12% [Apr 14, 08]

Cardica  up 14% [Mar 24, 08]

Cardica up 17% [Mar 11, 08]

Cardica down 10% [Mar 10, 08]

Cardica down 11% [Mar 7, 08]

Cardica down 12% [Jan 25, 08]

Cardica down 15% [Dec 11, 07]

Cardica down 13% [Nov 12, 07]

Cardica down 10% [Nov 9, 07] after pricing  a secondary at just over half its 12-month high.

Cardica down 14% [Oct 26, 07]

Cardica up 11% [Oct 8, 07]

Cardica up 16% as European regulators approved a new variation of a device used in heart surgery.

Cardica (Redwood City, CA; one Phase 1 SBIR) tumbled 15% after a broker cut its rating on shares of the developer of technological surgery aids to sell, saying exuberance about closed-chest heart-bypass surgery products was premature. [Wall Street Journal, Sep 11]

Cardiff Oncology (San Diego, CA)

Cardiff Oncology up 33% [Sep 21, 20]

Cardiff Oncology (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) up 40% [Sep 17, 20], a clinical-stage oncology therapeutics company developing drugs to treat cancers with the greatest medical need for new treatment options, including KRAS-mutated colorectal cancer, castration-resistant prostate cancer and leukemia, today announced an electronic poster presentation of clinical data further demonstrating the safety, efficacy and durability of response of onvansertib in KRAS-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients [company press release, Sep 17, 20]

CardioDiagnostics Holdings (Chicago, IL)

Cardio Diagnostics ($200K SBIR) down 22% [Mar 6, 2023]

Cardio Diagnostics Holdings (Chicago, IL; $200K SBIR) which is using AI to reimagine the possibilities for detecting, treating, managing and preventing different types of cardiovascular disease. Today, the Chicago-based AI-powered precision cardiovascular medicine company (Nasdaq: CDIO) has launched PrecisionCHD, a new blood test for the early detection of coronary heart disease. It is the second clinical test built using Cardio Diagnostics' proprietary AI-driven Integrated Epigenetic-Genetic Engine. [Alex Zorn, Chicago Inno, Feb 28, 2023]

CardioDx (Palo Alto, CA)

Cardiovascular genomics company CardioDX (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR) disclosed that it raised $21 million in a planned $25 million round of new private funding. ....  revived IPO plans that had stalled last fall, when it had hoped to raise up to $92 million, but it hasn't set a date for the offering nor updated its prospectus since.   [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Jul 28, 14]

Last week, Celladon (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) , Xencor  (Monrovia, CA, $800K SBIR) and Palo Alto’s CardioDx (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR) all postponed their IPOs.  [Bruce Bigelow,, Nov 22, 13]

CardioDX  (no SBIR) which sells diagnostic tests for cardiovascular diseases, set price targets for an upcoming IPO in which it hopes to raise up to $92 million. [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Nov 5, 13]

CardioDx (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR) is announcing today that Palmetto GBA, the national contractor for Medicare, has agreed to reimburse the company for its Corus CAD test.  ....  The company has performed the test 30,000 times through a mixture of free offerings, patients paying for it out of their own pockets, or by case-by-case negotiations with private insurers, which Levison calls “hand-to-hand combat.”  [Luke Timmerman,, Aug 7, 12]

GE Healthcare has entered into an alliance with CardioDx (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR, founded 2004) to develop diagnostic tools for cardiovascular disease. As part of the alliance, the GE Healthymagination Fund directed $5 million to CardioDx as part of a Series D round. ... part of GE’s $6 billion Healthymagination initiative  [Michelle Lang, Mass High Tech, May 13, 10]

Cardio Flow (St. Paul, MN)

Early-stage medical device company, Cardio Flow (St. Paul, MN; no SBIR) received $4.3 million in equity funding from an undisclosed angel investor in early June. [ , Aug 8, 19]

CardioFocus (Marlborough, MA)

medical device maker CardioFocus (Marlborough, MA; $300K SBIR) raised $12M in equity per an SEC filing. [BostInno, Jul 20,20]

CardioFocus (Marlborough, MA; $300K SBIR, founded 1990), dedicated to advancing ablation treatment for atrial fibrillation (AFib), announced the completion of a $55 million round of financing. [company press release, May 29, 19] prior funding $220M []

CardioFocus (Marlborough, MA; one SBIR a decade ago) has raised $13.64 million of a planned $15.64 million equity round, the laser ablation device company said  ... previously raised $9 million in a Series C round in June 2008 [Mass High Tech, Feb 25, 11

CardioFocus (Marlborough, MA; one Phase 1 SBIR) raised $9 million in a Series C round, and appears to still be in development of a product to treat a common cardiac arrhythmia.  [Mass High Tech,Jun 20,08]

CardioInsight Technologies (Cleveland, OH)

Medtronic announced a deal valued at $93 million to buy [CardioInsight Technologies (Cleveland, OH;  no SBIR)] that makes a disposable vest which can map the heart’s electrical activity in 3-D.  ... CardioInsight was spun out of Case Western Reserve University in 2006 to commercialize the Ecvue, a single-use vest filled with sensors that can precisely measure and map the bioelectrical activity that makes the heart beat.  [Joe Carlson, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jun 19, 15]

Cardiokinetix (Menlo Park, CA)

Cardiokinetix  (Menlo Park, CA; no SBIR) which has developed a catheter-based treatment for heart failure, has raised $50 million and given Edwards Lifesciences exclusive rights to buy the company in the future.      [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Dec 9, 14]

CardioMag (Schenectady, NY)

A Little Short.  CardioMag Imaging (Schenectady, NY; $700K SBIR) preliminary results, due June 25, will show it lost $5 million last year and has just $600,000 in cash ... Carl Rosner, CardioMag's president and chief executive officer, is providing $2M in bridge financing in a loan to the company that carries 8% interest and is convertible to common stock. The company, meanwhile, plans a replacement for Rosner. [Eric Anderson, Albany Times-Union, Jun 19] The stock dove 90% on the London Exchange.

CardioMag Imaging  (Schnenectady NY) says there's nothing else in the world like its heart-health scanner. But until insurance companies recognize the value of its early detection of heart problems, hospitals and other potential customers have been hesitant to purchase the machines, which can cost $550,000 ... CardioMag got a boost earlier this month when the machine was a runner-up in the medical devices category of The Wall Street Journal's annual technology innovation awards competition. [Eric Anderson, Albany Times Union, Oct 17] CardioMag has had at least one Phase 2 SBIR for its magento wonder machine.


Georgia Tech plans to develop an incubator aimed at nurturing the next generation of medical device companies. ... part of a broader expansion by the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC), a 30-year-old business technology incubator that has produced several Atlanta tech companies including Suniva (no SBIR), CardioMEMS (no SBIR) and Vendormate  (no SBIR).  ... ATDC's plan includes opening multiple satellite offices in Midtown, where it will focus on building startups in niches, such as microelectronics fabrication, advanced manufacturing and clean tech.    [Urvaksh Karkaria, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Feb 5, 15]

Cardionomic (Forest Lake, MN)

Cardionomic (New Brighton, MN; no SBIR) raised $15.8 million to further clinical research of its neuromodulation device for heart failure. [Kait Ecker, Twin Cities Business, Feb 24, 20]

Med-tech startup Cardionomic (New Brighton, MN; no SBIR, founded 2011) lands $9M for heart-failure device [that] uses electricity to simulate certain nerve branches, improving the heart muscle's ability to appropriately relax and contract. [Kathryn Grayson, Minneapolis Business Journal, May 7, 18] total funding $29M []

Cardionomic  (Forest Lake, MN; no SBIR) a med-tech startup that's developing a device to treat a type of heart failure, has raised $20 million in its first round of venture-capital funding. ... is designing a neuromodulation device to treat acute decompensated heart failure, in which fluid builds up in the lungs of patients. Hospitals admit 1 million people annually with the condition, which is currently treated with medications.  [Mark Reilly, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal,  Oct 27, 15]

med-tech start-up Cardionomic (Forest Lake, MN; no SBIR) announced it received $20 million in early private financing ... to significantly advance product development and the creation of clinical evidence,” CEO Steve Goedeke said.  ... is designing a minimally invasive medical device intended to be used in hospitals to treat the causes and symptoms of the condition called acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), which causes fluid to build up in the lungs and makes breathing difficult. [Joe Carlson, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Oct 26, 15]

CardioNXT (Westminster, CO)

CardioNXT (Westminster, CO; no SBIR, founded 2012) medical device company raises $2.1M for atrial fibrillation tech ... Total Equity Funding: $3.6M   [, Jun 2, 17]  ...  has built a platform of products that enable a better understanding of complex cardiac arrhythmias  []

Cardiorobotics (Newport, RI)

Medrobotics (Raynham, MA; no SBIR) developer of robotic snake technology, has taken in $6.48 million of a total $10 million offering of debt and option, warrant, or other right. ... a spinout of Carnegie Mellon University that was previously known as Cardiorobotics ... developing robotic technologies for surgical and interventional applications, including minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Its main product is the cardioARM, a snake-like robotic probe controlled remotely. It is designed to enable surgeries with minimal or no incisions.  [Lori Valigra, Mass High Tech, Dec 28, 11]

Cardiorobotics (Newport, RI (originally founded in 2005 as Innovention Technologies, Pittsburgh, PA); no SBIR) has landed $5 million in venture capital ... makes the cardioARM, a snake-like, remote-controlled robotic probe intended to minimize incisions necessary for surgical procedures. ... In June, raised a Series A round of $11.6 million  [Mass High Tech, Jan 21, 10]

Cardiorobotics (Newport, RI; no SBIR) has taken in $11.6 million in a Series A venture capital funding round ...  to move Cardiorobotics’ main robotic surgery product toward the commercial market by establishing a clinical feasibility trial on humans, and gaining regulatory approval in the United States and the European Union.  [Mass High Tech, Aug 3, 09]

Cardiosolutions (Stoughton, MA)

Medical device company Cardiosolutions (West Bridgewater, MA; no SBIR) has raised $3.3 million of what it plans as a $6.5 million funding round, the first funding the company has taken in since late 2009. ... developing a catheter-based approach to repair mitral valves without open-heart surgery, officials said. The catheters are designed to reach the heart through blood vessels in the inner thigh.  [Rodney Brown, Mass High Tech, Sep 6, 11]

Cardiosolutions (Stoughton,MA) raised $7M in VC. It is one of a family of start-ups by STD Med Inc., a developer and manufacturer of medical devices. Other firms so founded are Agiolink, Arthrosurface, and Spirus Medical.  None have a record of SBIR. [Mass High Tech, Sep 26, 07]

Cardiosolv (Baltimore, MD)

The BioMaryland Center has awarded nearly $1 million in grants to five life sciences firms. The companies received up to $200,000 each and will use the funding for research. ...  part of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development.   The recipients:

Animalgesic Labs (Baltimore, MD;  no SBIR) manufacturing its first batch of FDA authorized pain medication
    Cardiosolv  (Baltimore, MD;  one SBIR)  undertaking a study to create a less-invasive treatment for tachycardia patients.
    Adlyfe  (Rockville, MD;  $1.7M SBIR) commercializing technologies for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease;
    CrispTek   (Columbia, MD;  no SBIR) developing and marketing three new certified gluten and allergen-free baking mixes
    Remedium Technologies  (College Park, MD;  no SBIR) advancing its Hemogrip TM, a proprietary lifesaving technology to stop traumatic bleeding.   [Ryan Sharrow, Baltiore Business Journal, Jun 4, 13]

CardioSpectra (San Antonio,TX)

CardioSpectra (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) one of the first companies to receive money from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, has become the first to be acquired. ... $1.35M from the state fund in mid-2006, part of the approximately $5 million in investment it has received. be acquired for $25M in cash by Volcano (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR), a medical devices company. [Austin American-Statesman, Dec 12]

CardioTech (Wilmington, MA)

CardioTech  (Woburn,MA;$1M+SBIR) sold its Catheter and Disposables Technology Inc. subsidiary in Minnesota to Tacpro Inc. for $1.2 million in cash.  [Mass High Tech, Apr 1, 08]

CardioTech (Wilmington, MA; $1.2M SBIR) hired an investment banker that will help it evaluate strategic alternatives for its Catheter and Disposables Technology (CDT) business, which is based in Plymouth, Minn. CDT designs and provides contract manufacturing services for medical devices. [Mass High Tech, Feb 22, 08]

Cardiovascular drug development company Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals [Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR] has raised $15 million in equity financing, the company said. ... the same day the company announced positive phase I results from its lead drug candidate, CXL-1020, which is being developed for the treatment of patients with acute decompensated heart failure, or ADHF. ...  founded in 2005 .... Including the latest round, the company has raised $38.5 million in three rounds of funding [Frank Vinluan, Triangle Business Journal, Aug 2, 10]

Cardiovate (San Antonio, TX)

Medical device early stage startup Cardiovate (San Antonio, TX; at least $150K SBIR, founded 2012) that aims to repair or replace clogged arteries with regenerated tissue has closed a small financing round from angel investors, The University of Texas Horizon Fund, and Targeted Technology, according to its CEO. ... closed a $350,000 round of convertible notes from the investors in August,according to CEO Mark Standeford. The company plans to use that money, as well as an additional $150,000 it may seek, for patent legal work and to start a year-long animal study of its medical device, Standeford says. [company website, Nov 22, 17]

Early stage Cardiovate (San Antonio, TX; one SBIR, founded 2012) startup that aims to repair or replace clogged arteries with regenerated tissue has closed a small financing round [$350,000 convertible notes] from angel investors, according to CEO Mark Standeford, who joined Cardiovate in 2014. [David Holley,, Sep 1, 16]

biotech startup Cardiovate (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR, founded 2012) has signed a patent and technology licensing agreement with the University of Texas at San Antonio and the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio.   ...  has won numerous awards and honors for its stent technology.  ...  currently operates out of the New Venture Incubator  [Mike W. Thomas, San Antonio Business Journal, May 30, 14]

CardiOx (Columbus, OH)

the Ohio Third Frontier Commission approved more than $84.9 million to support promising startups, new cutting-edge technologies and getting innovative ideas to the marketplace.  Two Cincinnati companies are to receive $100,000 grants:   Sense Diagnostics (Cincinnati, OH; no SBIR) will use the money to enable commercialization of a device named SENSE, a noninvasive radio frequency sensor that detects changes in the brain – including seizures, hemorrhage and increased swelling/edema.      Standard Bariatrics (no SBIR) will use the money to further develop and commercialize a stapler guide. It will improve surgical procedures that reduce the volume of the stomach to help morbidly obese patients lose weight. [Barrett J. Brunsman, Cincinnati Business Courier, Jun 18, 14]  Other Central Ohio entities receiving Third Frontier funds:     EWI:$4.9 million as part of its matching funds toward a federal award creating a $148 million high-tech manufacturing research institute near Detroit in collaboration with Ohio State and the University of MichiganCardiox (Columbus, OH; no SBIR) :$1.7 million loan toward commercializing its device that detects abnormal blood flow from the earInmobly (Columbus, OH; no SBIR):$1 million loan for scaling up the spread of its technology that helps stop broadband traffic logjams from video downloads. [Carrie Ghose, Columbus Business First, Jun 23, 14]  Third Frontier seems a standard subsidy program with metrics that don't really measure the impact against the investment.  But political programs usually work that way: fanfare for the handouts and no public ROI rerports and no control group for comparison.

CardiOx (Columbus, OH; no SBIR)  has landed $8 million in venture capital to fund the launch of its first product, a minimally invasive detector of holes in the heart. The medical device company raised $2.7 million last year in venture capital and government grants, [Columbus Business First, Sep 2, 11]

Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals(Chapel Hill, NC)

Bristol-Myers Squibb and Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) announced that the companies have signed a definitive agreement under which Bristol-Myers Squibb will acquire Cardioxyl, a private biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. The acquisition will give Bristol- Myers Squibb full rights to Cardioxyl’s lead asset CXL-1427, a novel nitroxyl (HNO) donor (prodrug) in Phase 2 clinical development as an intravenous treatment for acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). The transaction includes upfront and near-term milestone payments of up to $300 million and potential additional consideration of up to $1.775 billion upon the achievement of certain development, regulatory and sales milestones..... Cardioxyl secured $14.5 million in a Series A venture financing in 2006 and $28M Series B in 2012.    [company website, Nov 2, 15]

Cardiva Medical (Santa Clara, CA)

Cardiva Medical (Santa Clara, CA; no SBIR), an innovator in the field of vascular closure, announced that the company has received [FDA] PMA approval for the VASCADE® MVP Venous Vascular Closure System. VASCADE MVP is the first and only vascular closure system designed and labeled specifically for multi-site venous closure – for 6-12 French inner diameter sheaths. [company press release, Dec 27, 18] total funding $136M []

CareDx (formerly XDx)(Brisbane, CA)

CareDx (formerly known as XDx, Brisbane, CA; no SBIR) maker of heart diagnostics, took its shares public .... to raise $40 million ... about 20 to 25 percent lower than it hoped for. F, the firm’s main product is a monitor that tests the blood samples of heart transplant patients to warn doctors of post-transplant rejection. [Alex Lash,, Jul 17, 14]

Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA)

Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; $300K SBIR) down 23% [Jul 14,2023] Announces Pricing of Upsized $125 Million Public Offering [company press release, Jul 13, 2023]

Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; $300K SBIR) up 22% [Jul 7, 2023]

Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; $300K SBIR) up 46% [Jul 6, 2023] Pfizer (PFE.N) has invested $25 million to buy a minority stake in Caribou Biosciences, making it the latest small biotechnology firm to attract the pharmaceutical giant's interest. [Reuters, Jul 6, 2023]

Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; $300K SBIR) up 22% [May 12, 22] announced initial results demonstrating a 100% overall response rate (ORR) and 80% complete response rate (CR) in cohort 1 (n=5 evaluable) from its ANTLER Phase 1 trial for CB-010 in patients with relapsed or refractory B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (r/r B-NHL). [company press release, May 12, 2022]

Genus plc (UK), a global pioneer in animal genetics, and Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; no SBIR), a leader in the revolutionary field of CRISPR-Cas gene editing, are pleased to announce a multi-year strategic collaboration where Genus receives a worldwide, exclusive license to Caribou’s leading CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology platform in certain livestock species. This is a significant move for Genus and marks the largest technology-driven alliance that Genus has made to date. The partnership positions Caribou at the forefront of an emerging market for which CRISPR-Cas9 could have profound benefits to animal welfare and society.  [company press release, May 18, 16]     Caribou also announced the completion of a $30 million Series B financing round ... to continue to expand our industry-leading CRISPR gene editing technology platform and accelerate our efforts in highly promising application areas in agriculture, therapeutics, biological research, and industrial biotechnology.  [company press release, May 16, 16]

Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA;  $200K SBIR, founded 2014), was issued a patent for its work in the fast-moving and contentious field of CRISPR biology. ...  the Caribou patent seems to head in a different direction. It gives the company claim to use CRISPR machinery for genetic detection and analysis—perhaps in the service of making a health diagnosis, for example—but not editing.  [Alex Lash,, Feb 19, 16]  Raised $11 Million in Series A Funding in April 2015 [company website]

 a licensing and equity deal struck by [Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; no SBIR) and chemical giant DuPont] brings them together in a way that could accelerate the use of so-called CRISPR gene-editing technology for human and animal drugs, diagnostics, industrial biotechnology, research tools and agriculture. ... Caribou — founded by University of California, Berkeley, chemistry and molecular and cell biology professor Jennifer Doudna and run by CEO Rachel Haurwitz, a former graduate student in Doudna's lab — and DuPont have accumulated lots of intellectual property around CRISPR and applications of the technology ...  DuPont controls a piece of the CRISPR puzzle, and will license to Caribou the rights to technology using a specific DNA-cutting enzyme, called Cas9. It had already exclusively licensed that technology from Vilnius University in Lithuania.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Oct 8, 15]

Caribou Biosciences  (Berkeley, CA; no SBIR, founded 2011) , a developer of CRISPR-Cas9 technologies for precision cell engineering announced [in April 2015] that it  closed an $11 million Series A financing round. [compaany website] Caribou has also formed, with pharma company Novartis and a venture-capital firm, a startup called Intellia. With $15m raised in 2014 Intellia will focus its work on gene therapies in which cells are taken from patients, edited and put back.  [Economist, Aug 22,15]

UC Berkeley professor Jennifer Doudna won the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for her research into the CRISPR/Cas9 bacterial defense system, which has become a new method to edit genomes, with potential use in therapeutics. Doudna and her co-winner, French researcher Emmanuelle Charpentier, published a paper in 2012 that is often cited as the key that unlocked the potential of the system. Doudna is a cofounder of Editas Medicine (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR), which is pursuing CRISPR/Cas9-related therapeutics, and of Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA; no SBIR). The prize is part of the series created last year by several Silicon Valley moguls. [Alex Lash,, Nov 13, 14]

[molecular system being used to make genetically engineered laboratory animals more easily than could be done before, with changes in multiple genes] Crispr is moving toward commercial use. Five academic experts recently raised $43 million to start Editas Medicine  (Cambridge, MA)  that aims to treat inherited disease. Other start-ups include Crispr Therapeutics, which is being formed in London, and Caribou Biosciences (Berkeley, CA).  [Andrew Pollack, New York Times, Mar 3, 14]  Serious tech advances can raise serious money.

Carigent Therapeutics (New Haven, CT)

Carigent Therapeutics (New Haven, CT; no SBIR)  reports it has closed on the second tranche of a $2 M ... from Saint Simeon Marketing and Investments Lda of Portugal ... Carigent's products are based on nanotechnology that was licensed in 2006 from Yale University . [Mass High Tech, Dec 11]

(formerly CARMA Therapeutics) Carisma Therapeutics Philadelphia, PA)

Carisma Therapeutics (formerly CARMA Therapeutics, Philadephia, PA; no SBIR, founded 2016) focused on the development of macrophage-based immunotherapeutics, announced the close of a $53 million Series A financing to further expand its technology platform and rapidly drive its programs toward clinical development. [company press release, Jul 3, 18]

Carisma Therapeutics (formerly CARMA Therapeutics,Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR, founded 2016) developing macrophage-based immunotherapeutics, announced the close of a $53 million Series A financing. [company press release, Jun 27, 18]

<~- end carisma thera -->

Carlsme (San Diego, CA

Startup Carlsmed (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) and startup spine imaging system company Precisive Surgical (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) have completed a merger to develop a personalized surgical workflow platform [which] will combine clinical intelligence, advanced image recognition, and 3D printing to enable earlier surgical intervention delivering personalized implants to patients with complex, multi-level spinal alignment deviation, according to Carlsmed. [Nancy Crotti,, Jul 19, 19]

CARMA Therapeutics

CARMA Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR, founded 2016) Closes Initial Funding to Advance Chimeric Antigen Receptor Macrophages (CARMA) to Treat Solid Tumors  [company press release, Jun 12, 17]....   launched by co-founders Saar Gill, MD, PhD and Michael Klichinsky, PharmD to commercialize new cellular therapies [company website] 

Carmell Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA)

Carmell Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.5M SBIR) up 46% [Jul 27, 2023] announced the execution of a definitive agreement and plan of merger with Flagstaff-based Axolotl Biologix, a profitable regenerative medicine company developing products for active soft tissue repair, aesthetics and orthopedic indications [company press release, Jul 28, 2023]

Carmell Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.5M SBIR) down 36% [Jul 24, 2023]

Carmell Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.2M SBIR) raised $11M [Patty Tascarella PittsburghInno, October 14, 2021]

Carmot Therapeutics (Berkeley, CA)

Carmot Therapeutics (Berkeley, CA; at least $2M SBIR, founded 2010) dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapeutics generated through Chemotype Evolution, announced that it has closed a $15M financing [to] support development of the company’s lead type 2 diabetes drug, a dual GLP-1R/GIPR agonist, through early clinical proof of concept. [company press release, Jan 17, 18] Hong Kong’s Horizon Ventures led the series B [Fierce Biotech, Jan 17, 18] [earlier] announced a multi-year drug discovery collaboration and licensing agreement with Amgen (Thousand Oaks, CA)[in which] Amgen can select multiple targets to pursue and Carmot will receive an upfront payment and research support and is eligible to receive milestone payments based on achievement of pre-clinical, clinical, and commercialization milestones potentially worth more than $240 million. In addition, Carmot is eligible to receive royalties on the net sales of products resulting from the collaboration. [company press release, Dec 6, 17]

Carnegie Robotics (Pittsburgh, PA)

Carnegie Robotics (Pittsburgh, PA; $3.4M SBIR) and Neya Systems (Warrendale, PA; $9M SBIR) will share the $14.8 million award from the Army with Clarksburg, MD-based Robotics Research Autonomous Industries. [Nate Doughty, Pittsburgh Inno, Dec 27, 2023]

Nilfisk (Denmark, founded 1906) announced The Horizon Program, a pioneering global program that will deliver the most intelligent and technologically advanced cleaning solutions in the industry. Working with Carnegie Robotics  (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2010), the leading provider of advanced robotics sensors and software, Nilfisk's Horizon Program is a strategic, long-term program of multiple product launches, the first [an optionally manned scrubber/dryer] to be released in 2017. [joint companies press release, Oct 4, 16]

Carnegie Robotics (no SBIR, founded 2013) has been awarded a $23 million [US Army] contract to build landmine-seeking robots ..  The autonomous mine detection system is being developed to provide soldiers the capability to detect, mark and neutralize explosive hazards. .... spun out of Carnegie Mellon University's National Robotics Engineering Center ...  to commercialize projects being developed at CMU   [Justine Coyne,  Pittsburgh Business Times, Oct 8, 14]

Carnegie Speech (Pittsburgh, PA)

Carnegie Speech (Pittsburgh, PA; $300K SBIR) said it has raised $2.2 million. ... provides software for assessing and teaching spoken languages to non-native speakers, ... also announced a new a partnership and technology development agreement with In-Q-Tel, an independent strategic investment firm that identifies innovative technology solutions to support the CIA. It is the third such agreement between Carnegie Speech and In-Q-Tel. [Pittsburgh Business Journal, Oct 6, 09]

Carnot BioSciences

SmartZyme BioPharma (New York, NY; no SBIR, founded 2013), an OrbiMed Advisors portfolio company, and Hemoshear Therapeutics (Charlottesville, VA; $17M SBIR) announced a strategic agreement to develop novel protein-based therapeutics to treat rare metabolic diseases. SmartZyme will spin off its protein engineering platform into a new company, Carnot BioSciences, which will be led by a reunited team of former Synageva and Alexion scientists and executives. SmartZyme will focus on advancing its core asset, a next-generation glucose-sensing enzyme designed to make continuous glucose monitors significantly more affordable and easier to manufacture for use by people living with Type 1 and insulin-requiring Type 2 diabetes. [Hemoshear press release, Dec 4, 18]

CaroGen (Hamden, CT)

CaroGen (Hamden, CT; no SBIR) biopharmaceutical company that's in the early stages of working on a Hepatitis B vaccine, is looking for a $500,000 equity investment [byConnecticut Inovations]. ... trying to commercialize research that came out of Yale University's medical school, had previously received $160,000 in support from various programs at CI.   [Mara Lee, Hartford Courant, Aug 6, 14]

Carter Aviation Technologies (Wichita Falls, TX)

The Navy is joining DARPA on a project that could ultimately result in military drones taking flight from smaller Navy ships.   ...  The first two phases of the program focus on preliminary design and risk reduction for the TERN system. Five companies were awarded contracts last fall for the first phase of the program, which focuses on development of a preliminary design:     Northrop Grumman Aurora Flight Sciences (Manassas, VA; $24M SBIR);  AeroVironment (Monrovia, CA; $15M SBIR);  Maritime Applied Physics (Baltimore, MD; $7M SBIR);   Carter Aviation Technologies (Wichita Falls, TX; one SBIR)   [Jill R. Aitoro, Washington Business Journal, Jun 13, 14]   

Carticept Medical (Alpharetta,GA)

Cartiva (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) a venture-backed  firm that's developing treatments for osteoarthritis, raised $1.5 million [in December] .  [David Allison, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Dec 30, 14]    Cartiva Synthetic Cartilage Implant (SCI) was designed to replace the damaged cartilage surface of arthritic joints, such as the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot and the knee. Made of a material designed to mimic natural cartilage, Cartiva SCI restores the natural joint structure in order to relieve pain and provide more normal function. ...  spun out from Carticept Medical  (no SBIR) in December 2011  [company website]

Carticept Medical  (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) medical device maker has raised $20 million to commercialize new technology and move forward on a separate clinical trial.  ...  develops products that repair damaged cartilage or provide pain relief for patients with cartilage damage. ... raised $20 million in 2007, is led by Tim Patrick — a serial entrepreneur. Patrick founded Proxima Therapeutics (no SBIR) in 1996, which was acquired by Cytec Industries (no SBIR) in 2005.  [Urvaksh Karkaria, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Mar 29. 10]

Cartiva (Alpharetta, GA)

Cartiva (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) is raising $8.5 million to launch the first synthetic cartilage repair product in the US aimed at treating patients with osteoarthritis. ...  resurfaces cartilage defects with a cylindrical synthetic polymer.   [Urvaksh Karkaria, Atlanta Business Chronicle, May 1, 15]  All those knee, hip, and shoulder replacements could be replaced by replacement cartilege. 

Cartiva (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) a venture-backed  firm that's developing treatments for osteoarthritis, raised $1.5 million [in December] .  [David Allison, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Dec 30, 14]    Cartiva Synthetic Cartilage Implant (SCI) was designed to replace the damaged cartilage surface of arthritic joints, such as the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot and the knee. Made of a material designed to mimic natural cartilage, Cartiva SCI restores the natural joint structure in order to relieve pain and provide more normal function. ...  spun out from Carticept Medical  (no SBIR) in December 2011  [company website]

Cascade Designs (Seattle,WA)

A hand-carried ultrasound device helps doctors in Haiti perform emergency surgery on earthquake survivors. A battery-powered chlorinator helps residents of a Kenyan slum make their water safe for drinking. ...  SonoSite (Bothell, WA; no SBIR) which makes rugged, hand-carried ultrasound devices, applying its technology in countries without adequate health systems seemed a natural step. It already had a successful commercial product for the developed world, used by the military in the field. ...  Another product, by Cascade Designs (Seattle, WA;  $1M SBIR) and PATH, is designed as a simple solution to purify water. The "smart electrochlorinator" takes salt, water and a small amount of electricity generated by a battery to produce a chlorine solution that makes water safe for drinking. PATH has been testing the device, which costs about $100, in the Korogocho slum of Nairobi and will soon begin field tests at a half-dozen other locations in Kenya and Zimbabwe.  [Kristi Heim, Seattle Times, Mar 21, 10]

Cascade Microtech (Beaverton, OR)

Cascade Microtech (Beaverton, OR; $700K SBIR) up 32% [Feb 4, 16]

Cascade Microtech (Beaverton, OR; $700K SBIR) up 10% [Sep 29,15]

Cascade Microtech (Beaverton, OR; $600K SBIR) acquired ATT Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH (Germany) for $27.7 million.  Cascade makes electrical measuring and testing equipment for the computer industry. [Rob Smith, Portland Buusiness Journal, Oct 2, 13]

Cascade Microtech  (Beaverton, OR; $700K SBIR two decades ago), which makes machines that measure and test semiconductor devices, is No. 4 in The Seattle Times’ 22nd annual Best of the Northwest rankings. ... sales have been growing in the last three years, with 75 percent of its revenue from outside North America.  [Marissa Evans, Seattle Times, Jun 11, 13]

Cascade Microtech down 11% [Feb 7, 13]

Cascade Microtech up 10%  [Aug 7, 12]

Cascade Microtech up 13%  [Jul 3, 12]

Cascade Microtech up 18% [Jan 12, 11]

Cascade Microtech  up 12% [Nov 17, 10]

Cascade Microtech  up 10% [Sep 30, 10]

Cascade Microtech up 11% [Jul 17, 09]

Cascade Microtech up 10% [Jul 8, 09]

Cascade Microtech  up 17% [Jul 1, 09]

Cascade Microtech up 12% [Jun 19, 09]

Cascade Microtech up 16% [May 29, 09]

Cascade Microtech  up 19% [Apr 8, 09]

Cascade Microtech  down 13% [Apr 6, 09]

Cascade Microtech up 10%% [Apr 2, 09]

Cascade Microtech  up 26% [Mar 27, 09]

Cascade Microtech  down 23% [Mar 9, 09]

Cascade Microtech  down 10% [Jan 26, 09]

Cascade Microtech  up 10% [Jan 23, 09]

Cascade Microtech up 41% [Jan 6, 09]

Cascade Micotech up 13% [Oct 29, 08]

Cascade Microtech down 20% [Oct 24, 08]

Cascade Microtech up 20% [Oct 20, 08]

Cascade Microtech up 13% [Oct 15, 08]

Cascade Microtech up 10% [Oct 13, 08]

Cascade Microtech down 22% [Oct 10, 08]

Cascade Microtech down 13% [Sep 29, 08]

Cascade Microtech down 21% [Sep 22, 08]

Cascade Microtech up 23% [Sep 19, 08]

Cascade Microtech up 12% [Jun 13, 08]

Cascade Microtech (Beaverton, OR; $800K SBIR)  unveiled two new Pyramid parametric probe cards that allow single-pass high performance DC and RF measurements and reduce the cost of parametric production test for semiconductors with advanced processes nodes at 65 nm, 45 nm and beyond [Erin McCarty, The Oregonian, Feb 8]

Cascadian Therapeutics (formerly Oncothyreon) (Seattle, WA)

Cascadian Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) up 71% [Jan 31,18] Seattle Genetics struck a deal to acquire Cascadian Therapeutics, gambling on an experimental breast cancer drug in late-stage testing. SeaGen will pay $10 per share in cash, or $614 million, for  Cascadian and its lead drug tucatinib, being developed for women with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. [Ben Fidler,, Jan 31, 18]

Cascadian Thera down 12% [Jun 29,17]

Cascadian Thera (formerly Oncothyreon, no SBIR) up 18% [Jun 28,17]

Alder Biopharma down 10% [Jun 28,17]

biotech startup Antegrin Therapeutics (St. Louis, MO; no SBIR) merged with a similar  Cascadia Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) to form Indalo Therapeutics (St. Louis, MO) -  a biotechnology company dedicated to developing novel therapies to treat fibrotic diseases. ... unites Antegrin’s robust portfolio of small-molecule integrin antagonists with the strong drug-development expertise, seasoned executive experience, and proven track record of success of Cascadia. [Indalo press release, Oct 17, 16]

biopharmaceutical company Oncothyreon (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) said it is changing it name to Cascadian Therapeutics and will trade on Nasdaq under the new ticker symbol CASC starting Thursday.  CEO Scott Myers said in a statement that the company is changing its name “to underscore our transition away from therapeutic vaccines to developing innovative targeted therapies for cancers.”   [Seattle Times, Jun 8, 16]

Casma Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Casma Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR), completed a $50M Series B round. [BoInno, Sep 10]

Rheostat Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) reeled in a $23 million series A round to develop treatments for neurodegenerative and rare diseases by targeting autophagy, the cell’s garbage disposal. .... It’s not the only company looking to exploit autophagy—in May, Casma Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) launched with $58.5 million to develop a product engine that will identify and validate targets that induce autophagy at various stages of the process and connect them to various diseases. [Amirah Al Idrus, Fierce Biotech, Nov 26, 18]

Casma Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA) announced its launch with a $58.5 million Series A investment from Third Rock Ventures. Casma is developing strategies to boost autophagy in the body -- the process by which cells break down components and recycle them for energy or as functional building blocks -- to target lysosomal storage disorders, liver and muscle diseases, inflammation and neurodegeneration. [, May 3, 18]

Cassava Sciences (Austin, TX)

Cassava Sciences down 24% [Nov" 17, 21] [SEC] is investigating claims that Cassava Sciences [sixth-best performing US stock this year] manipulated research results of its experimental Alzheimer’s drug with the matter.[Dave Michaels and Joseph Walker, Wall Street Journal,Nov 18, 2021]

Cassava Sciences (Austin, TX; no SBIR) up 49% [Nov 4, 21] announced that it has been informed by the Journal of Neuroscience that there is no evidence of data manipulation in an article it published in July 2012 describing a new approach to treating Alzheimer's disease(1). [company press release, Nov 4, 21]

Cassava Sciences up 26% [Nov 2, 21]

Cassava Sciences up 18% [Sep 25, 20]

Cassava Sciences (Austin, TX; no SBIR) up 133% [Sep 14, 20] announced final results of a Phase 2b study with its lead drug candidate, sumifilam, in Alzheimer's disease. [company press release, Sep 14, 20]

Cassava Sciences (Austin, TX; no SBIR down 74% [May 15, 20] reported top-line results from a Phase 2b study of PTI-125, its lead investigational drug, in patients with Alzheimer's disease. This study did not meet its primary endpoint. [company press release, May 15, 20]

Cassava Sciences (Austin, TX; no SBIR) up 32% [Apr 23, 20] a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on Alzheimer's disease, today announced that it has been awarded a new $2.5 million [NIH] research grant award [that] will support the on-going clinical evaluation of PTI-125, the Company's lead investigational drug. PTI-125 has a unique mechanism of action that seeks to improve both neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation in patients with Alzheimer's disease. [company press release, Apr 23, 20]

Castle Biosciences (Friendswood, TX)

Castle Biosciences (Friendswood, TX; no SBIR) announced thaat its [IPO] raised $73M. .... a commercial-stage dermatological cancer company focused on providing physicians and their patients with personalized, clinically actionable genomic information to make more accurate treatment decisions. [company press release, Aug 9, 19]

Castle Biosciences (Friendswood, TX; no SBIR, founded 2007) announced pricing of its [IPO] expected to be $64.0 million. [company press release, Jul 24, 19]

Castle Biosciences (Friendswood, TX; no SBIR) diagnostics company, closed $11.7 million of an expected $20 million round, according to a statement.   .... makes diagnostic tests for various types of cancer. ... will nearly double its nationwide sales force from 15 employees to around 30 ...  new efforts by the Texas Medical Center to make Houston a hub for biosciences include bringing Johnson & Johnson's JLabs to the medical center's new accelerator and co-working space. [Joe Martin, Houston Business Journal, Jul 27, 15]

Castle Creek Pharmaceuticals (Parsippany, NJ)

Fibrocell Science (Exton, PA; no SBIR), focused on transformational autologous cell-based therapies for skin and connective tissue diseases, announced the completion of a collaboration agreement with Castle Creek Pharmaceuticals (Parsippany, NJ, no SBIR) to develop and commercialize Fibrocell’s lead gene therapy candidate, FCX-007, for the treatment of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), a rare, life-threatening genetic disorder diagnosed at infancy with no cure or treatment approved by [FDA].  .... Castle Creek  will receive an exclusive license to commercialize FCX-007 in the United States. Castle Creek Pwill be responsible for all development and manufacturing expenses up to $20 million prior to the initial Biologics License Application (BLA) filing with the FDA. .... Fibrocell will receive an upfront payment of $7.5 million, $2.5 million for the first patient enrolled in the Phase 3 clinical trial and $30 million upon BLA approval and commercial readiness. Fibrocell is also eligible to receive up to $75 million in sales milestones, consisting of $25 million when FCX-007 achieves $250 million in cumulative net sales and an additional $50 million upon attaining $750 million in cumulative net sales. In addition, Castle Creek Pharmaceuticals will pay Fibrocell a 30% share of the gross profits from FCX-007 sales.  [Fibrocell press release, Apr 15, 19]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA)

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Boston, MA; one SBIR) acquired Quellis Biosciences (Boston, MA; no SBIR), a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering new molecules to treat serious rare diseases. The private placement is expected to result in gross proceeds to Catabasis of approximately $110M before deducting placement agent and other offering expenses. [Rowan Walrath, BostInno, Feb 2, 21]

Boston drugmaker Catabasis Pharmaceuticals is laying off 16 employees, 48% of the company's workforce, as part of a restructuring. [BostInno, Dec 11, 20]

Catabasis Pharma up 16% [Oct 9, 19]

Catabasis Pharma up 16% [Mar 15, 19]

Catabasis Pharma down 24% [Feb 6, 19]

Catabasis Pharma up 10% [Mar 7, 17]

Catabasis Pharma down 71% [Feb 1, 17] announced that primary efficacy end point of average change from baseline to week 12 in the MRI T2 composite measure of lower leg muscles for the pooled edasalonexent treatment groups of 67 mg/kg/day and 100 mg/kg/day compared to placebo was not met  [company press release, Jan 31, 17]

Catabasis Pharma up 10% [Jan 24, 17]

Catabasis Pharma  up 10% [Jan 4, 17]

Catabasis Pharma down 13% [Oct 27, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 40% [Sep 29, 16] and Sarepta Therapeutics announced a joint research collaboration to explore a combination drug treatment approach for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). [company press release, Sep 28, 16]

Intra-Cellular Therapies down 64% [Sep 29, 16] said its lead drug candidate had a similar rate of effectiveness to placebo in a Phase 3 schizophrenia trial.  [Josh Beckerman, Dow Jones Newswire, Sep 28, 16]

Genocea Thera down 12% [Sep 29, 16]

Catabasis Pharma down 13% [Sep 23, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 12% [Sep 22, 16]

Catabasis Pharma down 12% [Sep 7, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 20% [Aug 4, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 12% [Aug 3, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 11% [Jul 14, 16]

Catabasis Pharma down 26% [Jun 8, 16]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals  said its experimental cholesterol drug failed to meet its main goal in a mid-stage study, sending its shares down 34 pct in extended trading.  The drug, codenamed CAT-2054, was tested in patients suffering from hypercholesterolemia, which can be sporadic or inherited and is characterized by elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood that can lead to various heart diseases. [Reuters, Jun 7, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 11% [May 25, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 16% [May 23, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 10% [May 13, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 11% [May 2, 16]

Catabasis Pharma down 10% [Apr 27, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 11% [Mar 31, 16]

Catabasis Pharma  down 10% [Mar 17,16]

Catabasis Pharma up 26% [Mar 7,16]

Catabasis Pharma up 44% [Mar 4,16] after reporting quarterly results

Catabasis Pharma down 15% [Feb 8, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 14% [Jan 25, 16]

Catabasis Pharma up 12% [Jan 20, 16]

Catabasis Pharma down 17% [Jan 15, 16]

Catabasis Pharma down 10% [Dec 30, 15]

Catabasis Pharma up 10% [Dec 17, 15]

Catabasis Pharma (Cambridge, MA; $200K SBIR) up 11% [Dec 17, 15]

Catabasis Pharma (Cambridge, MA; $200K SBIR in 2010) up 14% [Oct 23,15]

Catabasis Pharma (Cambridge, MA; one SBIR) up 12% [Sep 2, 15]

Lightstone Ventures closed its first fund at $172 million, aimed at biotech and medical device companies.  ....  will make about five investments per year, Carusi told Dow Jones, with three-quarters of the investments in early-stage biotech and medical device companies  ....   has invested in  hearing aid company EarLens (Redwood City, CA;  $900K SBIR)  as well as Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA; one SBIR), a clinical stage biotech company targeting cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory diseases, and FIRE1, a therapeutic device company in Ireland.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, May 1, 14]

Catabasis (Cambridge, MA, one SBIR) began a mid-stage clinical trial testing a drug known as CAT-2003 in patients with very high triglyceride levels. It will also examine the drug’s ability to lower the high cholesterol levels of patients taking statins.  [Ben Fidler,, Aug 23, 13]  

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA; one SBIR). has added $8 million to a Series A round of venture financing, bringing the firm’s Series A round to $47.6 million, according to a news release ...  founded three years ago by veterans of Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. and researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Joslin Diabetes Center, plans to use the dollars to speed up development of CAT-2003, its potential treatment for severe hypertriglyceridemia, a condition that stems from an excess of fat in the blood that affects an estimated 3 million to 4 million U.S. patients. High blood fat levels can increase the risk of acute pancreatitis. [Galen Moore, Boston Business Journal, Dec 13, 11]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) biopharmaceutical company focused on inflammatory and metabolic diseases, has raised $14.5 million in a second tranche of a Series A funding round ...  development milestones reached, in leading to human clinical trials, for its drug candidate to treat type 2 diabetes.  [Michelle Lang, Mass High Tech, Dec 8, 10]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals focused on inflammatory and metabolic diseases, has closed a $39.6 million Series A funding round [Mass High Tech, Apr 21, 10]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) raised $7.7 million in financing, according to [SEC] filing ... part of a $39.7 million funding round that the company notes in its regulatory filing as planning to raise. ...developing therapeutics for inflammatory and metabolic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. [Mass High Tech, Apr 15, 10]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR)  has raised about $2 million in an amendment to a filing with the SEC  [Mass High Tech, Jan 18, 10]

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) raised some $1 million in a financing round, according to official documents. According to the company’s website, it’s working on a new class of drugs that treat inflammatory diseases. Catabasis’ platform relies on small molecules that target the pathways related to the inflammatory response.  [Mass High Tech, May 13]

Catadon Systems (Carlsbad,CA)

February under-the-radar deals. Catadon Systems (Carlsbad, CA; no SBIR) A maker of towers for elevating wind turbines Equity $689,500;   Aethlon Medical (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) A developer of a medical device to treat infectious diseases Debt* $600,000 ;  Ampla Pharmaceuticals (La Jolla,  CA; no SBIR) A stealthy biotech company Equity $295,271;  Cibus Global (San Diego, CA; no SBIR)  A developer of environmentally friendly technology for producing crop traits Equity* $201,132  *includes some options and warrants [Erin Kutz,, Apr 6, 10]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA)

Catalyst Biosciences up 24% [Apr 24, 20]

Catalyst Biosciences down 19% [Feb 13, 20] announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering [to raise $30M]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) up 66% [Dec 19, 19] announced it has entered into a global license and collaboration agreement with Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB) for the development and commercialization of pegylated CB 2782 (CB 2782-PEG) for the potential treatment of geographic atrophy (GA) associated dry age-related macular degeneration (dry AMD). ... Catalyst will receive a $15 million upfront payment and is eligible to receive up to $340 million in clinical, regulatory, and commercial milestone payments plus future tiered royalties based on net sales. [company press release, Dec 19, 19] total funding $205M []

Catalyst Biosciences up 25% [Oct 3, 19]

Catalyst Pharmaceuticals (Coral Gables, FL; no SBIR), which markets amifampridine (Firdapse) for the autoimmune disorder Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, sued the FDA claiming the agency’s approval of a rival drug from Jacobus Pharmaceutical (Princeton, NJ; $2M SBIR) violates its drug’s marketing exclusivity. [company press release, Jun 12, 19]

Catalyst Biosciences up 15% [Jan 4, 19]

Catalyst Biosciences up 15%  [Jun 19, 18]

Catalyst Biosciences up 12% [Mar 5, 18]

Catalyst Biosciences up 11% [Feb 12, 18]

Catalyst Bio up 18% [Feb 9,18]

Catalyst Biosciences up 19% [Jan 31,18]

Catalyst Biosciences  up 11% [Jan 25,18] 

Catalyst Biosciences  up 10% [Jan 24,18]

Catalyst Bioscience up 21% [Jan 17, 18]

Catalyst Biosciences up 30% [Dec 20, 17] announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering expected to be approximately $10.5M [company press release, Dec 20, 17]

Catalyst Biosciencesup 11% [Dec 14, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences up 10% [Dec 11, 17 ]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco CA; one SBIR, 440 employees, market cap $21M) up 19% [Nov 17, 17]

Catalyst Bioscience up 12% [Sep 6, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences up 13% [May 31,17]

Catalyst Biosciences down 26% [Apr 7, 17] announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of units for gross proceeds of $18 million  [company press release, Apr 7, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences down 11% [Apr 5, 17]

Catalyst Bioscience down 12% [Mar 30, 17]

Takeda, which bought Ariad for $5.2 billion in January, has found matching roles for fewer than half of the Cambridge biotech's approximately 300 employees, a spokeswoman for the Japanese drug giant said.    [Scott Eisen, Boston Business Journal, Mar 30, 17]  They had to be satisfied with the profit from the company sale. Capitalism - love it or hate it depending on circumstance.

Catalyst Biosciences down 30%  [Mar 29, 17]down 30% [Mar 29, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco CA; one SBIR) up 121% [Mar 28, 17]  a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel medicines to address hematology indications, today announced that the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) approved the Investigational New Drug Application (IND) for CB 2679d/ISU304.  [company press release, Mar 28, 17]

 Catalyst Biosciences (San Francisco, CA;one SBIR) down 12% [Mar 14, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences down 18% [Feb 14, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; one SBIR, 19 employees) up 23% [Feb 13, 17]

Catalyst Biosciences up 35% [Dec 29, 15]

Catalyst BioPharma down 11%  [Nov 12, 15]

Catalyst Biosciences up 13% [Dec 24, 15]

Catalyst Biosciences up 11% [Oct 22,15]

Catalyst Bio down 23% [Oct 16,15]

Catalyst BioSci up 11% [Oct 7,15]

Catalyst Biosciences down 17% [Sep 21, 15]

Catalyst Biosciences (San Francisco, CA; one SBIR) down 10% [Sep 10, 15]

Catalyst BioScience up 31% [Aug 31, 15]

Catalyst Biosciences (Winston-Salem NC; one SBIR) up 12% [Aug 24, 15]

Targaceptt (Winston-Salem, NC; one SBIR, market cap $90M) and Catalyst Biosciences (San Francisco, CA; one SBIR) jointly announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement to merge the two companies. The combined entity, to be named Catalyst Biosciences, Inc., is expected to create a financially strong company to harness the catalytic power of engineered human proteases to develop next-generation biopharmaceuticals with improved efficacy and therapeutic index to treat major diseases.  [joint companies press release. Mar 6, 15]   "We're not prepared to spend another $100 million on nicotinic research," Dr. Stephen A. Hill, president and CEO of Targacept ... A few years ago, Targacept had 150 employees, as Justin Catanoso, contributor to the Business Journal, reported. Now it has 20.  [James Ritchie, Triad Business Journal, Mar 6, 15]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; one Phase 1 SBIR) licensed its technology to MedImmune for research into autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in a deal worth up to $195 million.[San Francisco Business Times, Jul 7, 09]

Catalyst Biosciences (South San Francisco, CA; one Phase 1 SBIR) will be paid $21 million upfront in a deal with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.  [San Francisco Business Times, Jun 30, 09]

Catalyst Pharma (Coral Gables, FL; no SBIR)

Catalyst Pharm down 20% [Sep 23, 19]

Catalyst Pharma down 17% [Sep 12, 19]

Catalyst Pharma up 16% [May 10, 19]

Catalyst Pharma down 24% [May 8, 19]

Catalyst Pharma down 40% [May 7, 19]

Catalyst Pharma up 30% [Mar 25, 19]

Catalyst Pharma up 16% [Mar 20, 19]

Catalytic Innovations (Adamsville, RI)

Catalytic Innovations (Adamsville, RI; no SBIR, spin-off company from Yale University) has developed a proprietary catalyst and reactor design that turns air, sunlight and water into a pure ethanol product that can be used in consumer products: Alcohol, perfume and other ethanol-based products could become a vehicle to fight climate change. [Karis Hustad, Rhode Island Inno, November 10, 2017]

Catalyze (Madison, WI)

Catalyze (Madison, WI; no SBIR, founded 2013) health care technology company, has raised $4 million from nine investors, according to [SEC] filing ...  has a mechanism that changes how wheelchairs are propelled by their users   [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 13, 15]

Catelectric (Storrs, CT)

Six start-up technology firms have received grants as part of the state's small-business incubator program,  ... administered by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology ...  $32,000 to $50,000 went to: AllerQuest LLC of West Hartford, Catelectric Corp. of Storrs, Hydrogen Safety of East Hartford, Quadra-Aerrow International of Glastonbury, Revegen Inc. of Farmington and the Center for Network Centric Product Support Research of East Hartford.  [Hartford Courant, Dec 12, 08]  no SBIR for any

Cebix (LaJolla, CA)

Cebix (LaJolla, CA; no SBIR) , [biotech] raised $30.9 million in venture capital ... developing drugs for diabetes. Along with the investment, the company reported positive results in a Phase 1/2 trial of its lead drug, Ersatta, for diabetic neuropathy. [Bradley Fikes, utsandiego. com, Oct 19, 12]

Cedarburg Pharmaceuticals (Grafton, WI)

Cedarburg Pharmaceuticals  (Grafton, WI; no SBIR) signed an agreement to be acquired for $38.2 million in cash by AMRI. .... makes active pharmaceutical ingredients for both generic and branded customers. The company's products include controlled substances, steroids, prostaglandins, vitamin D analogs, and ingredients for the analgesic, ophthalmology and oncology therapeutic areas.  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mar 24, 14]

Cedilla Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Cedilla Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR), a startup focused on diseases caused by protein dysregulation, raised $30.4M in equity in a $60M funding round, per an SEC filing. [Rowan Walthrup, BostInno, Sep 24, 20] launched previously launched with $56.2 million in Series A funding [company website]

Cedilla Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) announced a $56 million Series A round .... like a few others, wants to use small molecules to trigger the destruction of disease-causing proteins by the cell. ... CEO Alexandra “Sandra” Glucksmann says targeting biochemical events that are upstream of the ubiquitin-tagging process gives her company flexibility to go after a wider range of protein targets. [Corie Lok,, Apr 24, 18]

CeeTox (Kalamazoo,MI)

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) said it has teamed with [CeeTox (Kalamazoo, MI; no SBIR, founded 2003) startup] to introduce a service that uses stem cells to help researchers screen potential new drugs for cardiac toxicity [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug 14, 12]


Peers Not Always Your Friend.  Celadon won a GAO protest that NIH used evaluators with conflicts of interest and denied a Phase 1 award. Then, when NIH said that all the SBIR funds for the year had been used up, GAO recommended that NIH reimburse Celadon for all its costs, including the proposal preparation. What a sad evasion of responsibility by NIH. If the proposal was unfairly denied, NIH should have had it reviewed by a fair panel and award it if the panel rates it in the range of proposals accepted that year. There is no such thing as NIH is out of money. NIH is the USG which would have gained complete and unrestricted use of Celadon's technology if it had won the contract. The whole USG, not just NIH. At SDIO/BMDO in the few cases where a company could show me that it had not been evaluated fairly (usually because the evaluators didn't understand the proposal's argument(s)), I got a new evaluation and then, if I would have given them the award with the resulting new evaluation, I gave them the Phase 1 without regard to year of the money. Fairness first. I had plenty of money for the really good stuff and no regrets about rejected proposals at the margin of competitiveness. And all the agencies have the same plenty of money for the really good projects, and a boatload of marginal proposals from which they use up the mandated money.

Celator Pharmaceuticals (Princeton, NJ)

Celator Pharma up 10% [May 19, 16]

Celator Pharma down 10% [Mar 29,16]

Celator Pharma down 15% [Mar 24,16]

Celator Pharmaceuticals (Princeton, NJ; no SBIR) raised $32.5 million in the final closing of a private placement of common stock ... for late state testing of Celator’s lead new drug candidate, CPX-351 Liposome Injection, an experimental therapy for patients with secondary acute myeloid leukemia.  [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal,  May 1, 13]

charities, increasingly frustrated with the slow emergence of new disease treatments, are pouring millions of dollars into pharmaceutical start-ups to bring new drugs to market. Starting with a $76 million partnership between Vertex Pharmaceuticals and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the practice has become an important new source of capital for small drug companies. ... Last month, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a blood-cancer charity, announced a $3.7 investment in closely held Celator Pharmaceuticals (Princeton, NJ; no SBIR) The charity will fund a midstage clinical trial on a drug to fight acute myeloid leukemia, a blood cancer that kills about 9,000 people a year in the U.S. ... All told, about a dozen disease-based charities recently have started funding early-stage drug research at start-up companies -- usually in exchange for royalties or stock options. Most of the charities say they were inspired by the success of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation   [Keith Winstein, Wall Street Journal, Feb 10, 09]

Celcuity (Plymouth, MN)

Celcuity up 12% [Oct 30, 17]

Biotech startup Celcuity (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR) raises $23M in IPO  [Katharine Grayson,  Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal, Sep 20, 17]

Celcuity up 50% [Sep 20, 17]

Celcuity (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR) is a biotechnology firm using cellular analysis to discover new cancer subtypes with the aim of commercializing diagnostic tests for the diseases. The company plans to raise $18 million at an implied market cap of around $84 million.  [, Sep 18, 17]

Celcuity (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR, founded 2012) files to raise $15M through IPO  [Katharine Grayson,Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal, Aug 23, 17]  developing novel diagnostic tests that functionally analyze diseased live cells. Our mission is to transform care for cancer patients by providing the most biologically complete diagnosis available.  CEO Brian Sullivan  has over 25 years of experience founding and building successful technology companies. He was chairman and CEO of Sterilmed (Plymouth, MN, no SBIR) a medical device company, from 2003 until its sale to Johnson & Johnson for $330 million in 2011. Previously he was cofounder and CEO of Recovery Engineering (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR), a filtration company that he took public and subsequently sold to Proctor and Gamble for $265 million in 1999.[company website]

Cellular analysis startup Celcuity LLC (Plymouth, MN; no SBIR) received a $5.75 million cash infusion during its latest funding round. ... Its flagship product, CELx, is a diagnostic test that analyzes live tissue and can determine a more accurate diagnosis for cancer patients, particularly those with breast cancer. [Sam Schaust, Twin Cities Business, May 3 , 17]

Celladon (San Diego, CA)

Last week, Celladon (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) , Xencor  (Monrovia, CA, $800K SBIR) and Palo Alto’s CardioDx (Palo Alto, CA; no SBIR) all postponed their IPOs.  [Bruce Bigelow,, Nov 22, 13]

Cellara (Madison, WI)

Five bioscience companies winners of [Wisconsin] BIOforward’s 2014 Emerging Company Showcase. ... chosen because they have transitioned successfully out of research and development, with good proof of concept for their products.  BioTechnique  (Madison, WI; no SBIR) will make cancer-fighting drugs and other types of drugs for other companies; Cellara (Madison, WI; no SBIR) working on a small-platform modular robotic system for use in stem cell production;
Gel Combs (Madison, WI; no SBIR) designs and makes improved combs for gel electrophoresis applications as well as custom plastic parts for the microscopy and microbiology industries; Kosmetikos (Marshfield, WI; no SBIR) a skin care company start-up; and Organic Research (Milwaukee, WI; no SBIR) develops digital pathology software tools to provide critical decision support to pathologists by automatically identifying disease markers.   The winning companies receive high-visibility exhibit space at the Oct. 8 Bioscience Vision Summit, recognition at one of the summit’s large plenary sessions, a free year of membership in BIOforward, and specialized one-on-one technical assistance ranging from business planning and investor introductions to collaborative partnerships.  ...   BioForward was founded in 1987, as the Wisconsin Biotechnology Association, a partnership among leaders in Wisconsin’s emerging biotechnology industry.   [Bob Van Enkenvoort, Wisconsin State Journal, Sep 26, 14]

Celdara Medical (Lebanon, NH)

Cardio3 BioSciences (Belgium, partly owned by Mayo Clinic) is expanding into the cancer-fighting business with a deal to buy a unit of Celdara Medical  (Lebanon, NH; $1M SBIR). ...  $6 million in cash and $4 million in stock  ... could also receive up to $50 million if the products hit regulatory milestones and as much as $80 million if the treatment is a hit on the market.  [Mark Reilly, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal, Jan 8, 15]

Cell Care Therapeutics (Monrovia, CA)

Cell Care Therapeutics (Monrovia, CA; no SBIR, founded 2014) announced the closing of a $4.3 million seed round investment [to] advance its lead preclinical-stage drug candidate for major eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy (DR) and neovascular age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD), two of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness in the developed world. [company press release,Oct 23, 18]

Cellceutix (Beverly, MA)

biopharmaceutical company Cellceutix (Beverly, MA; no SBIR; 2 employees) said a cancer drug it is testing in clinical trials is more advanced than similar drugs under development by larger companies that were featured in The New York Times on Sunday. Merck, Roche and Sanofi are not yet testing their drugs in clinical trials against many kinds of cancer but Cellceutix, which was not mentioned in the Times article, said Monday that it is already conducting such trials.  [Callum Borchers, Dec 24, 12]

Cellceutix (Beverly, MA; no SBIR) biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering and developing small molecule drugs to treat unmet medical conditions, plans to collaborate with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center on a research project that will explore the potential of a Cellceutix drug candidate for treating certain types of cancer.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Mar 19, 12]

CellCyte Genetics

CellCyte Genetics, whose market value briefly put it among the region's biggest biotech firms last year, has shut down — and hasn't been able to pay rent on its Bothell headquarters. [Seattle Times, Dec 24, 08]

The SEC has upgraded its probe of CellCyte to a formal investigation ...  The Seattle Times reported in December that the stock was being promoted by a wave of brochures and unsolicited faxes paid for by a major company shareholder who has been sanctioned by regulatory authorities in Canada. [Seattle Times, May 16, 08]

CellCyte Genetics, briefly one of the Seattle area's most valuable biotechs by market capitalization, is running short of cash for its ongoing operations, according to regulatory documents filed Monday. [Angel Gonzalez, Seattle Times, Apr 15, 08]

The SEC initiated an inquiry into CellCyte Genetics, the Bothell biotech whose stock has fallen 93% since December, according to a letter written by a lawyer representing the company.  ... German securities regulators are also investigating recent stock-promotion efforts related to the company, The Seattle Times has learned.  CellCyte's market value soared to $440 million last fall as it was hyped by anonymous faxes and colorful brochures paid for by third parties with links to a well-known British Columbia stock promoter.    [Angel Gonzalez, Seattle Times, Apr 5]

a shareholder lawsuit against CellCyte Genetics, accusing the biotech company and its officers of artificially inflating its stock price and defrauding investors with misleading claims. The lawsuit seeks class-action status. The lead plaintiff is a San Diego-area stockholder who bought and sold several thousand CellCyte shares in the past three months, [Seattle Times, Jan 16]

Who Is He? fledgling biotechnology company CellCyte Genetics(no SBIR), whose market value soared to more than $400M last fall after being hyped by offshore shareholders, plunged 55% Monday and Tuesday in heavy selling. The sharp drop coincided with changes made on the company's Web site after The Seattle Times inquired late last week about the accuracy of statements in the biography of CellCyte chief executive and co-founder Gary Reys.  [Angel Gonzales, Seattle Times, Jan 9]

Cell Design Labs (Emeryville, CA)

Sangamo Thera up 14% [Feb 22, 18]  Gilead Sciences has formed a broad alliance with Sangamo Therapeutics, continuing an aggressive push into cellular immunotherapy that began late last year. Gilead will pay Sangamo $150 million up front in cash in the deal, through which Gilead will tap Sangamo’s gene editing techniques to try to develop a variety of next-generation cell therapies for cancer. ... Gilead’s run began when it paid nearly $12 billion for Kite in August, just months before the FDA approved the non-Hodgkin lymphoma cell therapy axicabtagene ciloleucel (Yescarta) Kite had developed. In December, Gilead followed that up by paying $567 million for privately held Cell Design Labs (Emeryville, CA; no SBIR, founded 2015, total funding $34M), working on next-gen CAR-T techniques, in December.  [Ben Fidler,, Feb 22, 18]

Celldex Therapeutics (Hampton, NJ, and Needham, MA)

Celldex Thera (Hmpton, NJ; $600K SBIR) up 25% [Jul 12, 21] announced updated data from the Company's ongoing, open label Phase 1b clinical trial of CDX-0159 in patients with antihistamine refractory cold urticaria and symptomatic dermographism, the two most common forms of chronic inducible urticaria. [company press release, Jul 9, 21]

Celldex Therapeutics up 19% [Oct 6, 20]

Celldex Thera up 29% [Jun 19, 20] announced the closing of its underwritten public offering to raise $150 million [company press release, Jun 18, 20]

Celldex Therapeutics up 37% [Jun 15, 20] announced the [$130M] pricing of its previously announced underwritten public offering. [company press release, Jun 15, 20]

Celldex Therapeutics (Hampton NJ; $500K SBIR) up 82% [Jun 11, 20]

Myriad Gdnetics down 21% [Jun 11, 20]

CellDex Thera (Hampton, NJ; $600K SBIR) down 19% [Feb 11, 19] after a one-for-fifteen reverse stock split [company press release, Feb 8, 19]

Celldex Therapeutics (Hampton, NJ, and Needham, MA; no SBIR) paid $62.5 million upfront, all in stock, for privately held Kolltan Pharmaceuticals (no SBIR). [Alex Lash,, Nov 4, 16]

Celldex Therapeutics (Hampton, NJ, and Needham, MA; $2.6M SBIR) fell more than 50 percent this week after its cancer vaccine for glioblastoma, rindopepimut (Rintega), failed a Phase 3 trial. Celldex stopped the study early after an independent monitoring board deemed that rindopepimut wouldn’t succeed   [Ben Fidler,, Mar 10, 16]

Celldex Therapeutics (Needham, MA; no SBIR) company developing a brain cancer vaccine, has priced a $31M public offering. ... to support clinical trials of its products and to add to its working capital. ... has created a “Precision Targeted Immunotherapy Platform” that is focused on antibodies to create combination immunotherapeutic drug candidates  [Mass High Tech, May 18, 11]

Celldex Therapeutics (no SBIR) said it has agreed to buy CuraGen in a transaction that values CuraGen at $94.5 million. [Boston Globe, May 29, 09]

AVANT Immunotherapeutics, announced that, pursuant to a previously announced shareholder vote, the company will change its name to Celldex Therapeutics  effective October 1, 2008  [Boston Globe, Sep 30]

Cellectar (Madison, WI)

The National Cancer Institute has awarded a $12 million grant to the University of Wisconsin-Madison that the school will use to study Cellectar Biosciences’ (Madison, WI; SBIR) leading drug candidate, the company said in a news release that the university will study CLR 131, a therapeutic Cellectar is developing that it said has the potential to treat malignant tumors and certain forms of blood cancer, including multiple myeloma. [Jeff Buchanan,, Sep 14, 16]

Cellectar Biosciences received a $2 million grant from the National Cancer Institute that thebiotech said will help support a Phase 2 clinical study of its leading drug candidate. [Jeff Buchanan,, Aug 8, 16]

Fastest grower.  Bolstered by a growing technology industry, [state of] Washington’s gross domestic product growth outpaced the rest of the nation, according to a U.S. Department of Commerce report [as it] grew 3.9 percent during the first quarter of 2016 to nearly $456 billion.  [Ashley Stewart, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jul 28, 16]

Cellectar Biosciences announced that it has received the second phase of a [NIH $2M] Fast-Track SBIR award to support funding of a Phase 2 clinical study of the company's lead product candidate, CLR 131, for the potential treatment of hematologic malignancies, including multiple myeloma.  [company press release, Aug 3, 16]

Cellectar Bio down 11% [Jul 15, 16] Jamey Weichert, co-founder and chief scientific officer of Madison-based Cellectar Biosciences, resigned from the company. [Jefff Buchanan,, Jul 15, 16]

Cellectar Biosciences (Madison, WI;  SBIR) announced top-line results of the first phase of a federally funded study in which it found that a radiotherapeutic isotope it’s developed to treat micro-metastatic disease reduced the volume of certain triple negative breast cancer tumor models by about 60 percent, relative to a control group. [Jeff Buchanan,, Jun 27, 16]

Cellectar Bio up 16% [Jun 15, 16]

Cellectar Biosci  up 23% [Jun 2, 16]

Cellectar BioSci down 13% [May 26, 16]

Cellectar BioSci up 13% [May 25, 16]

Cellectar BioSci down 23% [May 24, 16]

Cellectar BioSci up 18% [May 23, 16] announces that its previously filed non-provisional US and International (PCT) patent applications for Phospholipid-Ether Analogs as Cancer Targeting Drug Vehicles have received their US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) identification numbers and have been published by the USPTO, which marks the next step in the application process for approval and issuance of these patents.  [company press release, May 20, 16]

Cellectar Biosciences said it raised $8 million in a public stock offering. In a press release, Cellectar president and CEO Jim Caruso said the money “positions the company to execute our operating plan to achieve a number of meaningful milestones,” which include a phase 1 clinical study of a therapeutic Cellectar is developing to treat multiple myeloma. Last month, Cellectar announced a 1-for-10 reverse stock split, meaning stockholders were given one share for every 10 company shares they owned. [Jeff Buchnan, xconomy,com, Apr 26, 16]

Cellectar Biosciences (Madison, WI; no SBIR) developer of cancer treatment and diagnostic drugs, said it has raised $8 million in a secondary offering. [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 20, 16]

Cellectar Bio  down 31% [Apr 15, 16]

Cellectar Bio  down 18% [Apr 14, 16]

Cellectar Bio up 27% [Apr 1, 16]

Cellectar Biosciences down 13% [Mar 28,16]

Cellectar Biosciences (Madison WI; one SBIR) down 13% [Mar 22,16]

Novelos Therapuetics (Madison, WI; no SBIR) publicly-traded developer of drugs for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, said  it has changed its name to Cellectar Biosciences  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb 11, 14]

Cellectar (Madison WI; no SBIR) working on cancer-fighting drugs, has merged with a publicly traded firm, Novelos Therapeutics (Newton MA; one SBIR) The transaction essentially grafts Cellectar's research onto the upper management of Novelos. With the merger, Novelos will shift its official headquarters to Madison. ... In February 2010 - well before the transaction with Cellectar - Novelos announced that a cancer-treating drug it was working on had failed clinical trials. [Rick Romell, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 11, 11]

Cellectar (Madison, WI; no SBIR) testing a radioactive drug with potential to identify and treat tumors has raised $2.7 million of funding, according to [SEC] filing ... already raised $22 million prior  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb 22, 10]

Cellerant Therapeutics (San Carlos, CA)

Cellerant Therapeutics (San Carlos, CA; $3.8M SBIR) won a contract valued at up to $153 million over five years with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, the company said  [San Francisco Business Times, Sep 1, 10]  developing a novel, cell-based medicine (Myeloid Progenitors / CLT-008) as a treatment for chemotherapy- and radiation-induced neutropenia as well as for Acute Radiation Syndrome. [company website]

Celleration (Eden Prairie, MN)

Alliqua BioMedical (Langhorne, PA; no SBIR) a provider of advanced wound care products, announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Celleration (Eden Prairie, MN; no SBIR) for an initial purchase price of approximately $30.4 million, which is comprised of both cash and stock. ...  Celleration is focused on developing and commercializing the MIST Therapy® therapeutic ultrasound platform for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds ... Since Celleration's MIST Therapy System was commercialized in 2005, MIST therapy has been performed more than 1.2 million times on over 85,000 patients in the U.S. and the U.K.   [Alliqua press release, Feb 2, 15]

Wound-healing med-tech firm Celleration (Eden Prairie, MN; no SBIR) is close to wrapping up a $7 million round of financing as it expands product sales into the U.K  [Katherine Grayson, Minneapolis / St Paul Business Journal, Jan 14, 2013].

Cell Genesys (South San Francisco, CA)

Cell Genesys, a 20-year-old Bay Area biotechnology company that has yet to win its first drug approval, said that it is firing most of its employees and considering a sale or merger after canceling work on its lead product. ... halting a second late-stage clinical trial of its experimental therapy GVAX in prostate cancer because an independent committee of experts concluded it was unlikely to deliver positive results.  .... among a long line of companies that have tried in vain to produce successful cancer immunotherapies, which are also called cancer vaccines. [San Francisco Chronicle, Oct 17, 08]

Cell Genesys (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) developer of an immune-system booster tested against prostate cancer, lost nearly three-fourths of its value in Nasdaq trading Wednesday after reporting that more people died on combination therapy that included the drug. [San Jose Mercury News, Aug 27]

Shares in Cell Genesys (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) shot up 20% [Feb 15, 08] after the company released a favorable analysis of its experimental prostate cancer vaccine GVAX.  [SF Chronicle, Feb 16]

Cell Point (Centennial, CO)

Cell Point (Centennial, CO; no SBIR) has yet to release a product to market, but it is not your typical startup. ...  formed 10 years ago and says it has raised nearly $46 million, including $3 million over the past three months. .. developing an agent for cancer detection, quantification and monitoring ...  "We've spent over $32 million refining the agent," said Colip, who previously worked in health care investment banking. "We're in licensing discussions on worldwide rights with about 15 major pharmaceutical companies."  [Andy Vuong, Denver Post, Jan 24, 11]

CellRight Technologies (San Antonio, TX)

CellRight Technologies (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) biotech played a role in the separation surgery of 10-month-old conjoined twins in Corpus Christi, TX. ....  makes cadaver-derived bone and tissue grafts and its Matrix IQ Dermis product was used in the twins’ surgery to help repair their abdominal walls. [Angela Shah,, April 18, 16]

CellSavers (San Diego, CA)

Venture Capital investments in San Diego 3Q2016.    Ostendo Technologies (Carlsbad, CA; one SBIR)  $42 million;  Tealium ( San Diego; no SBIR)  $35 million ; Singlera Genomics   (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) $20 million;  Avelas Biosciences     (San Diego, CA; no SBIR)  $20 million ;  Fortis Therapeutics     (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) $18 million ; Histogen   (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) $16 million ; Medsphere Systems  (Carlsbad, CA; no SBIR) $15 million;  CellSavers  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) $15 million;  Progenity  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) $12 million; AristaMD  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR)  $11 million.   [Bruce Bigelow,, Oct 11, 16] 

Cellscape (Newark, CA)

Cellscape (Newark, CA; no SBIR) is betting it is zeroing in on a way to [to create a reliable, noninvasive way to get precious [fetal red blood] cells, and extract all kinds of genetic information from them for diagnostic purposes]. Cellscape has raised a little less than $20 million since it was founded five years ago .... . It isn’t yet ready to take its proprietary test to the market, but Cellscape made a preliminary move in that direction this summer by hiring an experienced commercial diagnostic CEO  [Luke Timmerman,, Aug 21, 13]

Cellscript (Madison, WI)

drug developer Argos Therapeutics (Durham, NC; no SBIR) working on experimental treatments to fight HIV just secured a supply agreement for materials at the heart of its personalized disease-fighting technology.... signed a new supply agreement with a Wisconsin biotechnology company, Cellscript.(Madison, WI; no SBIR) ... Argos pays Cellscript $4.6 million in fees to develop, manufacture and supply the ingredients behind Argos’ personalized immunotherapy platform, which Argos hopes has disease-targeting applications in everything from cancer to HIV.   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Dec 29, 15]

Cell Signaling Technology(Danvers, MA)

Biomedical research products supplier Cell Signaling Technology (Danvers, MA; $5.4M SBIR) has bought the assets of the company’s Dutch distributor BIOKÉ BV. The acquisition opens up CST market coverage to Europe. ... began its global expansion in 2008 when it established a wholly owned subsidiary in Tokyo, which now supplies products to its Japanese customer base.  ...  In March 2007, the company formed an alliance with drug giant Merck & Co. Inc., providing its proteomics technology for biomarker discovery and related expertise to aid Merck’s efforts to develop cancer-fighting drugs. Established in 1999, reports about 300 employees.  [Mass High Tech, Jul 10,09]

Cell Signaling Technology (Danvers, MA; $3M SBIR) announced  the continuation of a research agreement with drug company Bristol-Myers Squibb for kinase inhibitor profiling. [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Feb 5]

Cell Microsystems (Durham, NC)

Cell Microsystems (Durham, NC; $13M SBIR) announce the acquisition of Fluxion Biosciences, a leader in automated patch clamp technology and cell-based assay tools. This acquisition complements the Company’s platforms and applications based on the CellRaft technology [company press release, Aug 23, 2023] ... and announce the placement of their CellRaft AIR System at MBC BioLabs (San Carlos, CA; no SBIR), a premier life science incubator [company press release, Aug 3, 2023]

Cell Therapeutics (now CTI BioPharma) (Seattle, WA)

Cell Therapeutics said it's changed its name to CTI BioPharma  [Ben Miller,  Puget Sound Business Journal, May 30, 14]

Cell Therapeutics drug Pixuvri, used for treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, has been deemed "cost-effective" by a health care agency in the United Kingdom. [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Feb 27, 14]

Cell Therapeutics down 17% [Jan 27, 14]

Cell Therapeutics up 14% [Jan 17, 14]

Cell Therapeutics said it's terminated two anti-cancer drug deals it's held with Novartis; one for pixantrone (Pixuvri) and the other for paclitaxel poliglumex (Opaxio). [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jan 13, 14]

Cell Therapeutics  said a U.K.-based medical body has recommended use of the Seattle biotech's Pixuvri (pixantrone) treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in England and Wales. [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jan 6, 14]

Cell Therapeutics said that a partial hold placed on its cancer drug trial of tosedostat, placed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in June after a patient in a clinical trial of the drug died, has been removed. [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jan 2, 14]

Cell Therapeutics said it received a $5 million milestone payment from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. related to sales of its former anti-cancer prescription drug Trisenox. [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Dec 2, 13] 

Senomyx up 17% [Jan 14, 14]

Cell Therapeutics received [FDA] notice that a partial clinical hold on its potential blood-related cancer treatment tosedostat has been removed and studies on the drug may continue. [AP, Jan 2, 14]

Cell Therapeutics and Baxter International enter into a licensing agreement for the development and commercialization of pacritinib (the JAK2/FLT3 inhibitor that's currently in Phase 3 testing for myelofibrosis).   Terms: Upfront payment to CTIC of $60M, $30M of which is an equity investment; CTIC eligible for milestone payments up to $112M and sales milestone payments assuming approval; CTIC gets royalties on sales outside the U.S., where BAX has assumed commercialization rights; the two companies will jointly commercialize the drug in the U.S.  [, Nov 15, 13]

Cell Therapeutics is closer to getting French approval of Pixuvri, the company’s cancer drug.The French National Health Authority’s Transparence Commission on Monday granted market access to the drug, which was developed to treat adult patients with multiple relapses or refractory aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. [Valerie Bauman, Puget Sound Business Journal, Aug 13, 13]

Cell Therapeutics secured a loan of up to $15 million with a Palo Alto-based finance company. [Valerie Bauman, Puget Sound Business Journal, Mar 28, 13]

Cell Therapeutics said a test of its tosedostat drug for patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia showed promise. [Puget Sound Business Journal, Mar 4, 13]

Cell Therapeutics will pay $19 million and adopt new corporate governance measures under a settlement that ends nearly three years of litigation with shareholders. The shareholder lawsuit had accused the Seattle-based biotech of not accurately disclosing information about Pixantrone, the company’s drug for non-Hodgkin lymphoma.  [Valerie Bauman, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jan 18, 13]

Cell Therapeutics tumbled nearly 25 percent after it said it plans to sell $60 million in preferred stock to raise money for the launch of its lymphoma drug Pixuvri and to fund studies of its drug pacritinib as a treatment for myelofibrosis. [AP, Oct 5, 12]

Cell Therapeutics said the Food and Drug Administration awarded orphan drug incentives to its brain cancer drug Opaxio.[AP, Oct 2, 12]

Cell Therapeutics up 39% [Sep 11, 12] after the company announced the launch of its non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment in the European Union.[Wall Street Journal, Sep 12]Cell Therapeutics up 39% [Sep 11, 12] after the company announced the launch of its non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment in the European Union.[Wall Street Journal, Sep 12]

Cell Therapeutics said it will sell 40 million shares of its stock at $1 per share to an unnamed institutional investor that will raise $40 million [Puget Sound Business Journal, May 29, 12]

Cell Therapeutics. (Seattle WA; 0ne SBIR) has received permission from the European Commission to market its cancer drug Pixuvri (pixantrone) in the European Union as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.  [Jennifer Sokolowski, Puget Sound Business Journal, May 10, 12]

Cell Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; one SBIR a dozen years ago) said it has agreed to pay $30 million in cash and stock for worldwide rights to a drug candidate that has completed a phase-two clinical trial for myelofibrosis, a bone marrow disease. [Seattle Times, Apr 19]

Cell Therapeutics paid off $11.2 million to retire all of its outstanding convertible debt.  [Valerie Bauman, Puget Sound Business Journal, Dec 19, 11]

Cell Therapeuticssaid it's settled a lawsuit with the former reimbursement expert of its Trisenox anti-cancer prescription drug for $11 million [Puget Sound Business Journal, Aug 11,11]

Cell Therapeutics said it's raised $25 million by selling stock to a single, unnamed investor. [Puget Sound Business Journal, Jan 13, 11]

Cell Therapeutics  said it's sold $21 million of its preferred stock and warrants to investors. [Puget Sound Business Journal, Oct 20, 10]

Cell Therapeutics said it’s signed a five-year deal with NerPharMa DS that will have the Nerviano, Italy, pharmaceutical company manufacture the Seattle biotech’s Pixantrone drug. [Puget Sound Business Journal, Jul 14, 10]

Cell Therapeutics said it made a deposit [$39.3 million in cash] to cover the costs of all of its convertible debt coming due in 2010.[AP, Jul 1, 10]

Cell Therapeutics said it sold $21 million of its preferred stock to three institutional investors, who have warrants to purchase up to $13 million more. ... Shares slumped  23% to 34 cents [Puget Sound Business Journal, May 24, 10]

Cell Therapeutics laid off 36 employees to conserve cash after its only drug with completed clinical trials was turned down for approval by the Food and Drug Administration.  [Seattle Times, Apr 15, 10]

The FDA rejected Seattle-based Cell Therapeutics‘ application to sell a new drug for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, pixantrone. This was the obvious outcome, since the FDA’s cancer boss, Richard Pazdur, gave the company a public dressing down at an advisory committee hearing last month, and the panel of cancer experts voted 9-0 against it.  ... If you really want to follow this in more depth, read a blistering opinion piece from’s Adam Feuerstein.   [Luke Timmerman, Seattle Times, Apr 15, 10]

Cell Therapeutics' new lymphoma drug failed to win a recommendation from a panel of cancer experts who advise the FDA, reported. Shares of the company fell by more than 50 percent on the news.  [Seattle Times, Mar 22, 10]

Cell Therapeutics sank 40% after the FDA said that there was limited clinical evidence on the Seattle company's proposed drug to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. [Wall Street Journal, Feb 9, 10]

Cell Therapeutics has survived more than one near-death experience in the past, ....  pretty much the whole farm is riding on this [next week's] panel vote. ... ran down to less than a couple of weeks of cash at one point last year, doesn’t have any marketed products generating cash at the moment and nothing besides pixantrone with a legitimate shot at imminent FDA approval. Amazingly, it has burned through more than $1.4 billion of capital since its founding in 1991 without ever becoming profitable. Yet the company has been so prodigious at convincing investors to keep writing checks, and so popular with the fast-money crowd, that it now has an astonishing 574 million shares outstanding. [Luke Timmerman,, Feb 3, 10]

Cell Therapeutics has raised $28.5 million through a sale of preferred stock, the Seattle biotechnology company said Thursday in a regulatory filing. [Seattle Times, Jan 15, 10]

Cell Therapeutics has dropped efforts to win European marketing approval for its Opaxio drug to treat non-small cell lung cancer, dealing a setback to one of the Seattle biotech company's two key drug programs.  [Seattle Times, Sep 23, 09]

Cell Therapeutics said today that an institutional investor has purchased $20 million in shares and warrants. [Seattle Times, May 11, 09]

Cell Therapeutics said it has raised $15 million in cash from an investor.  The company said the investor, who received shares of preferred stock, has the right to purchase an additional $5 million worth of preferred stock within 60 days.  ..... Shares of Cell Therapeutics were down more than 19% trading to 31 cents a share. [Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle), Apr 13, 09]

Cell Therapeutics said it will lay off the 62 employees at its Italian research center and shutter the facility. [Seattle Times, Feb 28, 09]

Cell Therapeutics has partnered with a California pharmaceutical company to sell its only commercial drug, Zevalin.  The Seattle-based biotech and Spectrum Pharmaceuticals of Irvine will split the costs and the profits, the companies said Wednesday. Spectrum will pay Cell Therapeutics $15 million in the near term, and up to $15 million in milestone payments upon hitting certain sales targets.  [Angel Gonzalez, Seattle Times, Nov 27, 08]

Cell Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; one SBIR) said its net quarterly loss decreased to $46 million from $48 million in the same period last year.... revenues had risen to $2.6 million from $20,000, mainly due to sales of Zevalin, a radio-immunotherapy to treat cancer.  Operating expenses were down to $20 million from $49 million in the same period last year. ... it will need to raise additional financing this year and is exploring alternatives to do so.  [Seattle Times, Nov 8, 08]

Cell Therapeutics said it will need to raise money soon because its available cash won't last beyond September. [Seattle Times, Aug 19, 08]

Cell Therapeutics said in a regulatory filing that without a capital infusion "we will have insufficient funds to continue operations through the end of the current fiscal quarter." [Seattle Times, Jul 21, 08]  After $800M invested over 16 years, including one SBIR after $70M and its IPO.  Stock price down 99.7% from its Y2K high.

In a bid to once again become a biotech company with marketed products, Cell Therapeutics said  it completed its purchase of U.S. rights to the cancer drug Zevalin for $10M. ... Cell Therapeutics has had no commercial products since it sold off Trisenox in 2005.   [Angel Gonzalez, Seattle Times, Dec 28, 07]

Cell Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; one SBIR) up 10% as it announced it would file an application to sell its cancer-fighting therapy Xyotax in the European Union ahead of schedule.  [Seattle Times, Dec 19, 07]

Finger Pointing Back. The government now contends that a whistle-blower within Cell Therapeutics (Seattle WA; one SBIR) was the mastermind of a much bigger scheme than the ones on which he reported.... In April, the company agreed to pay $10.5 million to the government to settle the charges. ... But the Justice Department has had a change of heart about Mr. Marchese and is asking a federal judge to award him nothing.   [Barry Meier, New York Times, Oct 25, 07]

Cell Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; one SBIR) agreed to acquire cancer-therapy developer Systems Medicine (Tucson, AZ; no SBIR) for $20M in stock. ... Earlier this year, Miami-based Dor BioPharma rebuffed an unsolicited bid from Cell Therapeutics ... Cell Therapeutics, which hasn't turned a profit since it was founded in 1991, doesn't have any drugs on the market. It sold off Trisenox, a leukemia treatment, in 2005. Its flagship drug, Xyotax, has failed several major trials, but the company still hopes to get it on the market.  [Angel Gonzalez, Seattle Times, Jul 26]

Cell Therapeutics executives will do a whirlwind tour of Milan where tits  research is based in the  suburb of Bresso since it acquired local biotech Novuspharma in 2003. ... Italian-speaking shareholders can check the company's Web site in Dante's language. [Seattle Times, Jul 3, 07]

 Cell Therapeutics (Seattle, WA; one SBIR) wooed physicians with expensive dinners, cocktail parties at resort facilities and payments of up to $1,500 to get them to prescribe its cancer drug for unapproved uses, according to a lawsuit unsealed yesterday by the U.S. Attorney's Office. The company, without admitting any wrongdoing, has agreed to pay $10.5M to settle the government's claims.[Seattle Times, Apr 18]

CellTraffix (Pittsford, NY)

CellTraffix (Pittsford, NY, no SBIR) is commercializing a technology by Michael King, a chemical engineer at the University of Rochester who's developing the cell-capture devices wherein bioengineers have developed an implantable device that captures very pure samples of stem cells circulating in the blood. The device, a length of plastic tubing coated with proteins, could lead to better bone-marrow transplants and stem-cell therapies, and it also shows promise as a way to capture and reprogram cancer cells roaming the bloodstream. [Katherine Bourzac, MIT Tech Review, Feb 13]

Cellular Bioengineering

Grab Your Politician for Plus-Up. Smaller and more transparent earmarks of federal funds for favored domestic projects are returning after a one-year moratorium on the controversial practice. ... a bit less than 1% of total R&D appropriations (3% for DOD) ... The Senate Top 10, are mostly smaller states with senators in key committee chairmanships—Mississippi, New Mexico and Tennessee are at the top. ... search AAAS's new database of 2008 earmarks [AAAS Newsletter, Sep 07] But for small business, even 1% is a big honey pot. In the list (August version): Electro Energy  (CT; SBIR), Ocean Power Technologies (OR, SBIR in NJ),  DBS Energy CT, Eikos (MA; $8M+ SBIR), Cellular Bioengineering HI, Cerematec  (UT; SBIR), Ramgen WA, Advanced Radar Technologies WY, Compact Membrane Systems (DE; $20M SBIR), SD Catalyst Group SD.  Your story is that high-tech small business will create jobs, and they don't know whether your claim is valid or just wishful thinking. Like the federal mission agencies who then have to award and supervise the contract, they don't seem much to care.

Cellular Biomedicine Group

Cellular Biomedicine up 18% [Nov 7, 18]

Cellular Biomedicinedown 19% [Oct 11, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine down 10% [Oct 4, 18]

Cellular BioMedicine down 18% [Sep 28, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine up 12% [Jun 22, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine up 11% [Apr 12, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine down 11% [Mar 5, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine Group up 12% [Mar 2, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine Group up 10% [Mar 1, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine down 11% [Feb 20, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine down 13% [Feb 7,18]

Cellular Biomedicine Group down 11% [Jan 11, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine Group up 20% [Jan 8, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine Group up 24% [Jan 5, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine up 14% [Jan 3, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine up 11% [Jan 2, 18]

Cellular Biomedicine up 11% [Dec 28, 17]

Cellular Biomedicine Group

Cellular Biomedicine up 24% [Jun 1,17] announced the Company's approved a new stock repurchase program granting the company authority to repurchase up to $10 million in common shares  [company press release, Jun 1, 17]

Cellular Biomedicine Group up 13% [May 26,17]

Cellular Biomedicine Group down 10% [May 25,17]

Cellular Biomedicine down 12% [May 22, 17]

Cellular Biomedicine Group down 10% [May 18, 17]

Cellular Biomedicine Group down 10% [May 16, 17]

Cellular Biomedicine Group (Cupertino, CA and Shanghai, China; no SBIR) up 62% [May 15, 17], a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical firm engaged in the development of effective immunotherapies for cancer and stem cell therapies for degenerative diseases, today announced the addition of a new independent Phase I clinical trial of the Company's ongoing CARD-1 study in patients with chemorefractory and aggressive DLBCL.  [company press release, May 15, 17]

Cellular Biomedicine down 11% [Jul 19, 16]

Cellular Bio down 13% [Jun 27, 16]

Cellular Biomedicine  up 12% [Jun 23, 16]

Cellular Biomedicine down 11% [Jun 22, 16]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR)  is partnering with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to make cells available to researchers developing new therapies for Parkinson’s disease. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 30, 16]

Cellular Biomedicine up 10% [May 20, 16]

Cellular Biomedicine Group down 10% [May 2, 16]

Cellular Biomedicine up 12% [Mar 29,16]

Cellular BioMedicine down 11% [Apr 6,15]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI)

FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics (Madison, WI), a leading developer and manufacturer of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and tissue-specific cells differentiated from iPSCs, has announced the launch of its newest product, iCell® Microglia. Microglia are the immune cells of the central nervous system responsible for fundamental physiological and pathological processes. Differentiated from human iPSCs, iCell Microglia will be used in life science research to enable the study and development of therapies for degenerative neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. [company press release, Jan 8, 19]

Fujifilm Cellular Dynamics (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR), the local stem cell developer and manufacturer that was acquired by Japan-based Fujifilm in 2015, has laid off 10 percent of its staff worldwide, the Wisconsin State Journal reported. At the same time, the company is expanding its manufacturing space in Madison, and it intends to hire more people and perhaps bring its headcount back to the level it was at before the recent restructuring, the State Journal reported. [Jeff Engel,, Nov 8, 18]

Fujifilm Cellular Dynamics (Madison, WI) said it struck an agreement with the University of California, Irvine, under which the Wisconsin company will license technology from the school in order to develop stem cell-based therapies for Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative neurological conditions. The company, formerly known as Cellular Dynamics International (one SBIR), has been a Fujifilm subsidiary since 2015, when it was acquired by the Japanese firm for $307 million. [Jeff Buchanan,, Jun 11, 18]

Fujifilm said it plans to use stem cells developed by Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) it owns [since 2015, when it was acquired by the Japanese company for $307 million], as part of a new partnership between Fujifilm and Takeda Pharmaceutical that’s aimed at developing regenerative medicine therapies. ... aimed at developing therapies that help patients with heart failure generate heart muscle  [Jeff Buchanan,, Feb 13, 18]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) manufacturer of human stem cells, said some of its cells were launched into space in mid-December as part of a mission to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. The cardiomyocytes (cells that constitute cardiac muscle) were traveling aboard a SpaceX ship and will help NASA validate its “new Bioculture System for automated cell culture on the International Space Station and to study human cardiac cell function in microgravity,” CDI said. [Jeff Buchanan,, Jan 5, 18]

Cellular Dynamics International (founded 2004) intends to construct a new, 100,000-square-foot headquarters in Verona, WI, and move its operations there, according to a company proposal posted on the city’s website. ...   "to command the field of stem cell therapy,”   [Jeff Buchanan,, Dec 29, 16]

StemBioSys inked its second distribution deal in as many months, announcing plans today to bring its stem cell production products to South Korea in the coming weeks.   Korean life science equipment distributor SeouLin Bioscience Co. will begin selling StemBioSys products in the country, with products going on the market in the next few weeks, says CEO Bob Hutchins.   .... SeouLin Bioscience signed a similar distribution deal with Cellular Dynamics (Madison, WI;  $500K SBIR) in August 2015.   [David Holley,, Jul 12, 16]

Since Fujifilm acquired Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI) for $307 million last year, CDI hasn’t made any major declarations regarding when—or how—it would use products manufactured by its parent company.  [Now] CDI said it had entered into a collaboration with the National Eye Institute (NEI), one of the National Institutes of Health  aimed at making stem cells and retinal cells for use in the development of a therapy for retinal degenerative disease.   [Jeff Buchanan,, Jun 23, 16]

The world's largest publicly available stem cell bank is now open, ready to provide the first 300 cell lines to researchers who are modeling disease and trying to develop new drugs.  The stem cell bank, which plans to offer 750 stem cell lines by February 2016, is funded by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine. The cell lines are being made by Cellular Dynamics International (founded 2004, IPO 2013), a Madison maker of human cells that was acquired in May for $307 million by Fujifilm Holdings[Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sep 2, 15]

 The pending sale of Cellular Dynamics International should end the company's nagging financial struggles and could prove to be the moment that stem cell technology came of age, emerging from a blurry vision to a period of concrete medical advances — including the laboratory production of working human organs.   Cellular Dynamics said late last month it has agreed to be acquired by Fujifilm Holdings. for about $307 million, or $16.50 a share, in a quick transaction that could close by the end of April.  [Mark Johnson and Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 20, 15]

Cellular Dynamics Intl (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR in 2007, founded 2004) up 107% [Mar 30,15] Fujifilm Holdings (Japan) said  it will acquire Cellular Dynamics International for $307 Million, as the Japanese company tries to expand its business in regenerative medicine. [Dow Jones Newswire, Mar 30, 15]

Cellular Dynamics up 12% [Mar 16, 15]

Cellular Dynamics Intl  up 18% [Mar 6, 15] financial results improved [smaller loss] in the quarter as "A growing number of pharmaceutical, biotech and CRO companies, as well as academic researchers continue to adopt CDI's products for their research programs." [company press release]

Cellular Dynamics up 11% [Feb 26, 15]

Cellular Dynamics International is reporting  that it has obtained and begun manufacturing cells from two such “superdonors.” These two cell lines are believed to be genetically compatible with up to 19 percent of the U.S. population. The company says it has manufactured the two cell lines with a plan to hopefully develop them into simple, cost-effective replacement cell therapies.  [Luke Timmerman, Forbes, Feb 9, 15]

Cellular Dynamics International that makes human cells in industrial quantities, said Monday it has made cell lines from two "superdonors," people whose cells and tissues are more compatible for donation to unrelated patients.  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb 9, 15]

Cellular Dynamics Intl down 10% [Jan 30, 15]

Cellular Dynamics down 14% [Oct 1, 14]

Cellular Dynamics has been granted a U.S. patent on the automated production of cells that can be grown into any of the more than 200 types of cells in the body.  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug 28, 14]

Cellular Dynamics Intl down 11% [Aug 12, 14]

Cellular Dyamics up 11% [Jun 16, 14]

Cellular Dynamics International up 10% [May 9, 14]

Cellular Dynamics up 10% [Jan 10, 14]

Swiss Giant Nestle will use Cellular Dynamics’s cells to develop nutritional products that help maintain health, manage chronic conditions or promote healthy aging. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan 8, 14]

Cellular Dynamics Intl  up 14% [Dec 16, 13]

The Jain Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to cure muscular dystrophies caused by dysferlin protein deficiency, today announced the signing of a Master Service Agreement with Cellular Dynamics International . CDI will create five induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from patients with these dystrophies. As there are currently no effective treatments for these genetic disorders, establishing model iPSC lines is an important step toward developing new drugs and therapies for these patients. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.  [CDI press release, Dec 4, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International says it has entered into a definitive agreement for a $16 million grant from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine to create a biobank from the stem cells of 3,000 individuals. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov 5, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International (founded 2004) said it was issued its fifth patent this year by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  ....   said the newly issued patent relates to the method by which induced pluripotent stem cells are developed into diverse types of blood vessel and blood cells.  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Oct 16, 13]

Cellular Dynamics down 10% [Oct 3, 13] 

Cellular Dynamics International said it has received a patent for a new method of creating stem cells that could open the door to therapeutic research and clinical use. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Oct 2, 13]

Cellular Dynamics  down 14% [Sep 30, 13] 

Cellular Dynamics Intl down 11% [Sep 27, 13]

Cellular Dynamics up 11% [Sep 4, 13]

In its first earnings report since going public, Cellular Dynamics International reported strong revenue growth and a narrower loss compared to a year ago. [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug 29, 13]

Cellular Dynamics up 12% [Aug 7, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International  (one SBIR) up 11% [Aug 6, 13]

Cellular Dynamics   down 21% [Jul 25, 13] in first day of trading

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) maker of fully functioning human cells in industrial quantities, said it has priced its initial public offering at $12 a share [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jul 24, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR, founded 2004) which makes fully functioning human cells in industrial quantities, has filed with federal securities regulators to raise as much as $57.3 million [IPO].  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jun 4, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International said opening a facility in Novato, CA in response to its receiving a $16 million grant award from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine to create and bank human induced pluripotent stem cells.  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 1, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) said it has been awarded $16 million to manufacture stem cell lines for research.... from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, which was established with a $3 billion fund approved by taxpayers in California to accelerate stem cell research in that state. [Paul Gores, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mar 21, 13]

AstraZeneca, a British drug company,said it would buy human heart muscle, blood vessels, nerve cells and liver cells made from iPS cells by Cellular Dynamics,(Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) a company founded by James Thomson, a biologist at the University of Wisconsin,who led the team that, in 1998, isolated the first human embryonic stem cells and in 2007 published the American version of the iPS work. [The Economist, Jan 12, 13]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) said it has teamed with [CeeTox (Kalamazoo, MI; no SBIR, founded 2003) startup] to introduce a service that uses stem cells to help researchers screen potential new drugs for cardiac toxicity [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug 14, 12]

Fifty Nifty Techno-Innovators as judged byTechnology Review magazine [Apr 12]. In the company of investment magnets like Facebook and Google are a few companies and ideas that would be fit for a realistic SBIR program intent on seeding technically uncertain innovation with a future if it can be shown to work.  
Alta Devices
(no SBIR) high-efficiency gallium arsenide–based solar cells provide a way to lower the cost of solar power.  Can economically produce robust cells that use only small amounts of the expensive semiconductor.
 Integrated Diagnostics
(Baltimore, MD; $1M SBIR)  By reducing the cost of diagnostic tests, it has allowed the monitoring of more disease markers. Its synthetic antibodies replace more expensive antibodies widely used in diagnostics.   
Suntech (no SBIR) Has developed a low-cost way of making better silicon solar cells. Its new panels are more efficient because they reflect less light and use thinner electrodes that block less light.   
(no SBIR) Its high-energy batteries, which will first appear in consumer devices, could make electric cars cheaper and improve their range.  Making batteries without the flammable liquid found in conventional electric-car batteries means they can store more energy. 
(no SBIR) Makes fuel and chemicals from the carbon monoxide produced by processes such as steelmaking.  Genetically engineered organisms turn the gas into ethanol and other useful chemicals. 
First Solar
  (Toledo, OH; $750K SBIR) It is reducing the cost of utility-­scale photovoltaic installations.  constrains costs with vertical integration of everything from plant construction to the manufacture of high-efficiency cadmium telluride cells. 
Wildcat Discovery (no SBIR) Has used high-speed methods to find materials that improve the performance of batteries. Identified a pair of materials that could increase energy density by 25 percent in batteries for cars and portable electronics. 
Siluria  (no SBIR) Its catalytic process is able to convert cheap and abundant natural gas into ethylene, a commodity chemical used to make plastic.  Developed a family of catalysts that selectively cause methane to react to form ethylene.
  (San Diego, CA; $260K SBIR) Its three-dimensional artificial tissue structures can be used for drug testing and are likely to find therapeutic applications. A printing process methodically deposits layers of cells and gel material to build up new tissues.    Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) Using human iPS cells in drug screening could accelerate the development of new therapies.  Its new product derived from iPS cells is meant for use in vascular targeted drug discovery, tissue regeneration, and life science research.
Foundation Medicine 
(no SBIR)  Its new diagnostics exploit a growing understanding of the molecular basis of cancer.   It has developed a comprehensive cancer diagnostic test and is partnering with pharmaceutical companies to use the test in drug development.

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) raised $30 million [VC in the quarter]. ... from mostly Midwestern investors in a deal that hinted at the possibility of an initial public offering. The latest round brought to $100 million the total amount raised by the six-year-old, privately-held company. CDI was founded by stem cell pioneer James Thomson and others. It said it would use the $30 million to launch new stem cell lines and increase production capacity.  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jul 19, 11]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) said  it has forged an agreement with a Japanese company to distribute its stem-cell derived heart cells. ... CDI calls itself the world's first industrial maker of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and tissue cells. Like embryonic stem cells, these powerful cells can be grown into any of the more than 200 cells in the body. ... in April raised $30 million of funding from mostly Midwestern investors  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jun 8, 11]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) has raised $30 million of funding from mostly Midwestern investors in a deal that hints at the possibility of an initial public offering. The round brings to $100 million the total amount raised ... has more than 100 employees, was named last year to the MIT Technology Review's 2011 list of the 50 most innovative companies. ...  The company is the realization of stem cell pioneer James Thomson's vision for making large quantities of high-quality, pure stem cells and tissue cells grown from them widely available to researchers around the world. Thomson's vision was based on his understanding that this was an industrial problem academia couldn't solve, Palay said.  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 7, 11]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) said it will make a presentation at the JPMorgan Healthcare Conference .... founded in 2004 by stem cell pioneer James Thomson and others. It bills itself as the world's largest producer of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell lines and tissue cells for drug discovery and safety.  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan 6, 11]

Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) has raised $40.6 million, according to [SEC] filing ... sells stem cell-derived heart cells to Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche and others to help them test the toxicity of drugs. ... previously raised $18 million in late 2008 from mostly Wisconsin-based investors.  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb 18, 10]

Cellular Dynamics International's (Madison, WI; $500K SBIR) disclosure Wednesday that its researchers have generated stem cells from ordinary human blood samples holds enormous promise in the emerging field of personalized medicine ...  the first company to say it can make stem cells from something as readily available, and so representative of human diversity, as blood, Palay said. ...  formed in 2004 by stem cell pioneer James Thomson and three other UW researchers. The company has 65 employees ... raised $18 million from mostly Wisconsin-based investors late last year [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jul 9, 09]

Thump, thump. Thump, thump  Heart muscle cells in a cluster beat with the same rhythm as a human heart.  Scientists at Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI; at least $1M SBIR) company aiming to put itself at the center of a new industry, grew the cells from human tissue.  Scientists engineered the tissue cells to be pluripotent, which means they could turn into the beating heart cells under the microscope, or liver cells or any other cells in the human body. These cells, the scientists said, are just the beginning of the coming revolution in medicine. [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Nov 29, 08] ... co-founded by stem cell pioneer and University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher James Thomson, has absorbed a pair of sister companies and raised $18 million in financing, the firm said.  [Business Journal of Milwaukee, Nov 24, 08]

CellzDirect (Pittsboro, NC)

CellzDirect, (Pittsboro, NC; no SBIR) a biotechnology company, has agreed to be bought for $57M cash by [Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA; $4M SBIR), 4,700 worldwide employees with annual revenue over $1B] that supplies nearly every drug research laboratory worldwide. [Sabine Vollmer, Raleigh News&Observer, Jan 12]

CeloNova Biosciences (San Antonio, TX)

CeloNova BioSciences (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) announced that it has [FDA] approval of its first-in-class COBRA PzF™ NanoCoated Coronary Stent System. Regulatory approval of the novel stent system was based on findings from the pivotal PzF SHIELD clinical trial, which successfully met its primary safety and effectiveness endpoints at 9-month follow-up, demonstrating no stent thrombosis and low clinically driven target lesion revascularization (TLR) of 4.6 percent  [company press release, Mar 1, 17]

Applied Genetic Tech up 11%  [Nov 10, 15]

Boston Scientific agreed to pay $70 million plus future milestone payments to buy CeloNova Biosciences (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR)’s portfolio of tiny drug-filled medical devices intended to treat advanced liver cancer and uterine fibroids.  ... Boston Scientific employs 5000 in [Twin Cities area].  ...  CeloNova already has U.S. and European approval to sell similar Embozene and Oncozene microspheres to treat the vascular tangles known as arteriovenous malformations, and difficult-to-remove tumors that contain many blood vessels, including uterine fibroids.  [Joe Carlson, Minneapolis Star Tribune,

CEL-SCI (Vienna, VA)

CEL-SCI up 25% [Aug 15, 22]

CEL-SCI down 32% [Jun 30, 21]

CEL-SCI (Vienna, VA; $2.6M SBIR, founded 2007) down 15% [May 17, 21]

CEL-SCI down 45% [Jun 28, 21]

CEL-SCI up 22% [Apr 22, 21]

CEL-SCI down 18% [Feb 29, 21]

CEL-SCI up 29% ,Jan 29, 21]

CEL-SCI (Vienna, VA; $2.6M SBIR) up 73% [Jan 27, 21] the company CEO Geert Kersten tweeted, ‘the story of how the shorts have devastated companies with novel ideas shows collaboration deep into the system.’ ‘After $GME, big changes are coming,’ he added, referring to the gaming retailer, GameStop [, Jan 27, 21]

CEL-SCI down 16% [May 4,20] announced it has been notified that it has reached the targeted threshold of 298 events (deaths) required to conduct the data evaluation for its pivotal Phase 3 head and neck cancer study of Multikine* (Leukocyte Interleukin, Inj.) immunotherapy. [company press release, May 4, 20]

CEL-SCI down 34% [Feb 26, 20] issued explanatory letter about Phase3 trial to shareholders

CEL-SCI up 23% [Jan 21, 20]

CEL-SCI down 17% [Jun 25, 19]

CEL-SCI up 15% [Jun 20, 19]

CEL-SCI up 20% [Jun 13, 19]

CEL-SCI up 22% [Jun 10, 19]

CEL-SCI up 26% [Jun 4, 19]

CEL-SCI up 21% [Apr 5, 19]

prior funding $72M []

CEL-SCI up 14% [Sep 14, 18]

CEL-SCI down 15% [Sep 13, 18]

CEL-SCI (Vienna, VA; $2M SBIR) announced that after a four and a half year battle a decision has been delivered by the arbitrator in CEL-SCI's arbitration suit against clinical development giant inVentiv, now part of Syneos Health (NASDAQ:SYNH). The arbitrator ruled that inVentiv materially breached its contract with CEL-SCI. inVentiv was the Clinical Research Organization (CRO) that CEL-SCI had hired to manage the Company's global Phase 3 head and neck cancer study from 2011 to 2013. [company press release, Jun 28, 18] ... also announced it has entered into definitive agreements with institutional investors for an offering of shares of common stock with gross proceeds of approximately $5 million ... also announced it received $2,133,677 through the exercise of warrants by investors [company press release, Jun 27, 18]

drug company Cel-Sci (Vienna, VA; $800K SBIR, founded 1983) raised $1 million from institutional investors in a direct offering of 10 million shares, [SEC] filing this week shows.  [Tina Reed, Washington Business Journal, Mar 1, 17] announces that the NYSE MKT has accepted the Company's plan to bring itself into compliance with the Exchange's continued listing standards. [compamy press release, Feb 27, 17]

Cel-Sci (Vienna, VA; $800K SBIR, traded on NYSE) priced a secondary offering of stock and warrants that could raise as much as $12 million for ongoing research. ...  for its Phase 3 head and neck cancer clinical trial, an ongoing Phase 1 study with HIV/HPV co-infected patients and other research and development.   [Jeff Clabaugh, Washington Business Journal, Oct 23, 15]

Cel-Sci (Vienna, VA; $900K SBIR 1998-2003, on NYSE) will raise $10 million in a secondary offering  ... to fund ongoing clinical trials  [Jeff Clabaugh, Washington Business Journal, Apr 14, 14]

Celsion (Columbia,MD)

Celsion (Lawrenceville NJ; $200K SBIR)  up 13% [Feb 20, 15]

Celsion (Columbia, MD; one SBIR)  raised $8.5 million in a recent stock sale to investors, the Columbia developer of cancer drugs said in a June 14 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. ... develops and commercializes oncology drugs that include using heat energy to fight tumors. The company has partnerships with hospitals and research organizations including Duke University Medical Center, the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health.  [Gary Haber, Baltimore Business Journal, Jun 13, 11]

Celsius Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Celsius Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2018), focused on the discovery and development of precision therapeutics for patients with autoimmune diseases and cancer, announced a collaboration with Janssen Biotech. ... Celsius will apply its proprietary single-cell genomics and machine learning platform to identify predictive biomarkers of response from Janssen’s VEGA study, a Phase 2a clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of combination therapy with guselkumab and golimumab in patients with ulcerative colitis. [company press release, Jul 9, 19] total funding $65M []

Celsius Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR), new technology is single-cell genomics—the study of genetic activity of individual cells. .. founded by scientists from the Broad Institute and elsewhere, and now has $65 million in Series A funding [to] use single-cell genomics to find new drug targets for autoimmune disease and cancer. [Corie Lok,, May 15, 18]

Celtaxsys (Atlanta, GA)

Celtaxsys (Atlanta, GA; no SBIR), a clinical stage drug development company, completed a $45 million [Series D] funding round, the company announced ... developing novel therapies for inflammatory diseases, will use the money to fund a Phase 2 trial to assess the safety and efficacy of its leading drug candidate, CTX-4430.  [Ellie Hensley,  Atlanta Business Chronicle, Jun 8, 15]

Celula (San Diego, CA)

Celula (San Diego, CA; one SBIR) a molecular diagnostic startup founded five years ago, has raised $15 million in a secondary round of venture funding ...  develops innovative instruments for personalized diagnostics that use advanced micro-fluidics and other technologies [Bruce Bigelow, signonsandiego,com, May 28, 10]

Celularity (Warren, NJ)

Celularity (Warren, NJ), a biotechnology company founded by stem cell pioneer Robert Hariri, MD, PhD, is announcing the formation of the company with $250M in funding with contributions from Celgene. Celularity sources, develops, and deploys transformative therapies derived from the placenta for treatment of complex medical conditions including hematological and solid tumors, autoimmune disease, diabetes, as well as degenerative effects of aging. [company press release, Feb 15, 18]


Diversa (San Diego, CA) and Celunol (Cambridge, MA, aka BC International; 3 SBIRs) completed their merger to form Verenium. [Mass High-Tech, Jun 21]

Cempra Pharmaceuticals (Chapel Hill, NC)

drug developer Cempra (Chapel Hill, NC;  no SBIR, founded 2006) announced it has received authorization under its existing contract with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to receive funding of $25.5 million through mid-2018 for a Phase 2/3 clinical study of solithromycin [experimental pneumonia treatment]. [company press release, Mar 7, 16]

drug developer Cempra (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR, founded 2006) said it had dosed the first patent in a new clinical trial. ...  would test the ability of oral Taksta to treat acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI).   Drug giant Pfizer already makes a treatment for ABSSSI called Zyvox, a drug in a family of products that generated more than $1 billion in 2014 revenue for Pfizer. However, Pfizer faces new competition for Zyvox because it lost patent protection this year.  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Dec 8, 15]

Cempra (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) is in line for a $10 million milestone when the Japanese drug regulating authority processes a patent on Cempra’s experimental pneumonia treatment. This would be the second $10 million tranche received by Cempra from Toyama Chemical Company, a subsidiary of FUJIFILM Holdings  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Apr 27, 15]

Cempra (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR, founded 2006, 54 employees) has been awarded a federal grant of $16 million as part of a five-year $58.6 million research contract with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA. ...  represents Cempra’s sole source of revenue at this time. In the initial phase of the BARDA contract, Cempra received $17.7 million to study solithromycin in patients aged 12 to 17 years of age with a variety of infections....  has no drugs on the market. Cempra is developing antibiotics to treat drug-resistant bacterial infectious diseases, including pneumonia and prosthetic joint infections.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 20, 14]

Novan Therapeutics  (Durham, NC; no SBIR)  that is developing nitric oxide-based skin therapies, has been awarded a $7.8 million government [HHS] contract to develop a treatment for thermal burns. ... Novan began operations in January 2008 and has raised $20 million in private equity funding from individuals. The company has no drugs on the market but is conducting Phase 2 clinical trials on a nitric oxide-based therapy for acne. ...  Also  getting grants from that part of HHS:  Chimerix ($600K SBIR)   $24.8M for smallpox; Cempra Pharmaceuticals  $58M; GlaxoSmithKline  $200M. [David Brfacken, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 26, 13]

antibiotic developer Cempra (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) is officially in the bioterrorism fight. The company has announced a $58 million contract with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to develop its solithromycin to treat infections by bioterror threat pathogens. [Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, May 28, 13] In a subsequent news flash May 31, Cempra bemoans the fact that the government isn't doing its duty by supporting the company's fight against gonorrhea. That bad old short-sighted government funding something other than my pet project.

Pharmaceutical company Cempra on Friday became the first Triangle company to complete an initial public offering of stock in 10 months, raising nearly $48 million.  That was considerably lower than the nearly $90 million the Chapel Hill company had said it hoped to raise in earlier regulatory filings. ... has raised nearly $80 million in venture funding since its founding in 2006    [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Feb 6, 12]

Cempra (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) developing new antibiotics for pneumonia and staph wants to raise $78 million in IPO on NASDAQ as  "CEMP." [Lynn Cowan, Wall Street Journal, Jan 30, 12]

Cempra Pharmaceuticals, (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR)  developing treatments for drug-resistant skin infections and pneumonia, plans to raise as much as $86.3 million in an [IPO] ...has two antibiotics in clinical trials.   [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 12, 11]

Cempra Pharmaceuticals (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) tiny company developing new antibiotics, has raised $46 million in venture capital financing. It's one of the largest venture hauls by a Triangle company in the past year. [Alan Wolf, Raleigh News &Observer, May 14, 09]

Cempra Pharmaceuticals (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) raised [another] $10M in new financing, ...  previously raised $22M VC. [Raleigh News&Observer, Jan 11, 08] founded in January 2006 to develop medicines to meet the increasing need for treating drug-resistant bacterial infections in the community and hospital. .. focused on capturing near-term value from market opportunities in anti-infectives [company website]

CeNeRx BioPharma (Cary,NC)

CeNeRx BioPharma (Cary, NC; no SBIR) completed a $13 million series C round of fundraising, the drug developer announced. ... to pay for phase II human trials of its lead product candidate, depression drug TriRima.[Jeff Drew, Triangle Business Journal, Aug 13, 10]

CeNeRx BioPharma  (Cary, NC; no SBIR) developing a new type of antidepressant and other experimental medicines has raised $9 million to continue research on its products.  also used some of the money to buy the rights to an early stage compound that could be developed into treatments for degenerative nerve diseases such as Alzheimer’s. ...  a small work force and hires out much of its research and clinical testing. The company, founded in 2005, has raised about $42 million to date.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Jun 16, 09]

Censa Pharmaceuticals (WELLESLEY, MA)

PTC Therapeutics (SOUTH PLAINFIELD, N.J; $6M SBIR) announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Censa Pharmaceuticals (WELLESLEY, MA; no SBIR), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of CNSA-001 (sepiapterin), a clinical-stage investigational therapy for orphan metabolic diseases, including phenylketonuria (PKU) and other diseases associated with defects in the tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) biochemical pathways diagnosed at birth. PTC will pay an upfront consideration of approximately $10 million in cash and up to 850,000 shares of PTC common stock. In addition to the upfront payments, potential future consideration includes $217.5 million in development and regulatory milestones for the two most advanced programs and receipt of a priority review voucher, including $30 million to be paid in either cash or PTC common stock at our option for completing the enrollment of a Phase 3 clinical trial for CNSA-001 for PKU, $109 million in development and regulatory milestones for each additional indication of CNSA-001, net sales milestones up to an aggregate amount of $160 million and a contingent value payment of a percentage of annual net sales ranging from single to low double digits. [PTC press release, May 6, 20]

Centerline Biomedical (Cleveland, OH)

Centerline Biomedical (Cleveland OH; $3.4M SBIR) announced the closing of a $33 million Series B equity financing led by Cleveland Clinic [to] help propel the company into new surgical applications, accelerate its commercial sales and add to its growing clinical evidence repository. Centerline Biomedical’s system improves visualization and guidance in endovascular procedures while reducing dependence on radiation and contrast agents with the goal of improving patient outcomes [company press release, Jun 27, 2022]

Centerline Biomedical (Cleveland, OH; $3.4M SBIR) a private medical technology company, announced the closing of a $33 million Series B equity financing led by Cleveland Clinic with participation by GE Healthcare, RIK Enterprises, JobsOhio, Jumpstart Ventures and G2 Group Ventures. This funding will help propel the company into new surgical applications, accelerate its commercial sales and add to its growing clinical evidence repository. [company press release, Jun 27, 2022]

Centice (Morrrisville, NC)

Centice (Morrisville, NC; $3.7M SBIR) raised $835,000 in debt financing, according to documents filed with the SEC ....  founded in 2004 to commercialize patented and patent-pending computational sensor technology  [Lauren Ohnesorga, Triangle Business Journal,Feb 23, 12]

Centice (Morrisville, NC) that has raised about $20 million in venture capital, is betting a retooled version of its flagship product will catch on with pharmacies looking for ways to avoid serious errors. [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 24, 10]

Centice (Morrisville, NC;  $3.7M SBIR) medical technology company, has raised $6.1 million in a Series C round of fundraising. ...  founded in 2004. The company employs 22. Centice has raised more than $22 million in venture financing. [Triangle Business Journal, Oct 27, 09]

Centice  (Morrisville, NC; $3.5M SBIR), a startup that has developed a tabletop device to detect prescription drug errors, has received another $4 million to bolster sales to retail pharmacies. Existing investors provided the cash, bringing the total amount raised to $20 million since 2004.  [Sabine Vollmer, Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 7, 09]

Centice (Morrisville NC; one SBIR) is within one year of marketing its first major product, company officials said, after raising $11.3M in private financing [Raleigh News&Observer, Nov 16]

Three Triangle technology firms raised $10.5M last month to hire workers, invest in research and market new products Medical-implants maker Sicel Technologies raised $7M; Biotech startup Entegrion raised $2M (first VC); Centice Corp. raised $1.5M. [Raleigh News and Observer, Nov 10] Sicel and Centice have had SBIRs.

Centocor (Malvern, PA)

FDA granted marketing approval to Simponi Aria, a treatment for moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis developed by Janssen Biotech [formerly Centocor (Malvern, PA; $300K SBIR in 1987), now a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Jul 19, 13]

Centrexion Therapeutics (Boston, MA)

Centrexion Therapeutics (formerly Centrexion in Baltimore, MD) (Boston, MA; no SBIR, founded 2013) focused on developing non -opioid, non-steroidal therapeutics for the treatment of chronic pain, announced the successful completion of a $67 million Series D financing.  Proceeds will be used to fund the Phase 3 program for Centrexion’s lead therapy, CNTX-4975, a synthetic, ultra-pure injection of trans-capsaicin, for the treatment of chronic pain due to knee osteoarthritis(OA).   [company press release, Jan 2, 18]

Centritec Seals (East Hartford, CT)

'Boy there's a lot of friction getting this thing going,'" said Douglas Rode, an engineer who bought the inventor's solution to the slow-going wheel for $1. The product is an encasement for rail car wheels that circulates grease and prevents the need for new ball bearings.The new invention is the main product for sale by Centritec Seals (East Hartford, CT; no SBIR) LLC though the concept could be applied to other wheels ... Centritec Seals was one of six companies to win a 2011 Innovation Pipeline Award at a gathering Thursday, organized by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology and other groups. [Matthew Sturdivant, Hartford Courant, Oct 27, 11]

Centrose  (Madison, WI)

Centrose  (Madison, WI; $1M SBIR), a drug discovery company, raised $1.5 million, [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan 22, 16] is waging war against diseases using a new understanding of cell surface biochemistry.  Using this  information, Centrose is  now  finding  unconventional ways to  specifically redirect crucial  cancer causing pathways.    [company website]

Centrose LLC (Madison, WI; $700K SBIR) said Thursday it has opened a new biological testing facility and is adding jobs.  Centrose, which uses sugar chemistry to improve existing drugs, said its new facility nearly doubles the company's research and development space.  [Paul Gores, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug 13, 09]

Centrose LLC (Madison, WI; $800K federal with some SBIR) raised $2.1 million of funding from undisclosed, out-of-state angel investors  .... to use its sugar chemistry to improve existing drugs  ...  hopes to have the drug, which it says is very potent against non-small cell lung cancer, ready for clinical trials in humans within two years, he said.  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb 11, 09]

A revolutionary drug development engine that enhances drugs by specifically adding novel sugars will now benefit from [another] $150K. Centrose (Madison WI; maybe SBIR) and the University of Wisconsin received notice that the NSF will fund a joint effort aimed at optimizing a proprietary drug discovery method. Specifically, Centrose will use the funds to expand the sugar chemistry while the University will use their share to optimize the biochemistry behind the sugar attachment process. ... Earlier this year, Centrose exclusively licensed a set of drug enhancement technologies from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) that use sugars to lower toxic effects and increase drug potency. Since then, the Company has raised over $1 M in private funding and received another $500K in federal funding [company press release, Nov 20]

Three Madison technology companies have been qualified to receive investor tax credits under the state's angel investor and venture fund tax credit programs. The companies are: Windlift LLC, which is developing a wind-powered pump that has a patent pending; Centrose LLC, which is trying to use sugar chemistry to make a variety of existing and failed drugs less toxic and more effective; and Symbiont Web Inc., which is developing software to create a relationship between network, Web and mobile space to promote faster data flows and more stable Internet connections. The tax credit program provides a dollar-for-dollar reduction for state income taxes owed to investors in qualified companies. [Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Nov 3, 07] No SBIR for the firms.

Centrose (Madison WI; no SBIR) wants to raise $3M ,the biotech start-up has already gotten commitments for $875,000 ... headed by James Prudent, who was previously chief scientific officer and a board member at EraGen Biosciences in Madison. The company has exclusive rights to 12 patents from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for what it says is a proprietary technology that uses sugar molecules to make drugs less toxic and more effective. [Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Sep 21]

Sweet Hope. Centrose LLC (Madison, WI) is hoping to build a drug discovery franchise that leverages its chemistry expertise and its proprietary technology that uses sugar molecules to make drugs less toxic and more effective.  It has exclusive rights to 12 patents from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and is getting a $200K SBIR NIH grant. [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 23]

Century Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA)

Century Therapeutics announced its acquisition of Empirica Therapeutics to leverage its iPSC-derived allogeneic cell therapies against glioblastoma (GBM). [Century press release, Jun 23, 20]

Corporate and venture-capital investors are funneling $250 million into startup Century Therapeutics LLC (Philadelphia, PA) to finance an effort to cure cancers through a new type of cellular therapy. ... is using a type of stem cell, called induced pluripotent stem cells, to develop cancer treatments. The approach involves reprogramming a mature cell into a state that enables it to differentiate into any type of cell. [Brian Gormley, Wall Street Journal, Jul 1, 19]

Cephalon   (Fraser,PA)

Teva (Israel)said it's discontinuing or divesting 14 new drug-development programs in non-core therapeutic areas. ...  best known as the world’s largest generic drug manufacturer. In recent years its has expanded its branded drug business through acquisitions that have include Cephalon (Frazer, PA; $500K SBIR) in 2011.   [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Oct 6, 14] 

Cephalon (Fraser, PA; $500K SBIR) said it signed an option agreement to acquire Ception Therapeutics (Malvern, PA; no SBIR), which is developing a drug to treat esophagus inflammation in children and asthma in adults. ... will pay Ception a $100 million upfront option payment and another $250 million if it exercises its option to purchase all of the company’s outstanding stock. ... Ception is conducting late-stage testing of it lead product, Reslizumab, as a treatment of pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis and midstage testing of the same drug as a treatment of eosinophilic asthma in adults.  [Philadelphia Business Journal, Jan 14, 09]

Alkermes said that it has regained from Cephalon full commercialization rights to Vivitrol, once-monthly, extended-release injectable medication for the treatment of alcohol dependence. [Boston Globe, Dec 1, 08]

Cephalon (Fraser, PA, $0.5M SBIR) and its wholly owned subsidiary Cima Labs Inc. filed a patent infringement lawsuit Tuesday against Watson Laboratories , which wants to make a generic version of Cephalon's Fentora drug for cancer pain.  [Philadelphia Business Journal, Jun 3, 08]

Cepheid  (Sunnyvale,CA)

In late March, the FDA approved the use of Cepheid (Sunnyvale, CA; $13M SBIR)'s GeneXpert rapid molecular diagnostic machines to test for the new coronavirus. .. Since its 2001 first use for anthrax the GeneXpert has been adapted to test for flu, strep, norovirus, chlamydia, tuberculosis, MRSA—and now, COVID-19. [Tekla S. Perry, IEEE Spectrum, Apr 7, 20]

Silicon Valley startup Cepheid and Sherlock Biosciences (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) announced a research collaboration to explore the development of new cutting-edge molecular diagnostic tests. [Rowan Walrath, BostInno, Feb 27, 20]

Cepheid up 53% [Sep 6, 16] on acquisition by Danaher

Dynavax Tech up 28% [Sep 6, 16]  issued its own press release about the cancellation and suggested a Dec. 15 deadline for FDA approval of the drug, Hepislav-B, was still on. [, Sep 6]

Danaher is buying molecular diagnostics company Cepheid (Sunnyvale, CA; $7.3M SBIR including one $4M) in a deal valued at about $4 billion.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 5, 16]

Cepheid down 22% [Oct 14,15]

Cepheid up 11% [Apr 24,15]

Cepheid  up 12% [Jan 31, 14]

Cepheid  down 10%  [Sep 27, 12]

Cepheid  up 13% [Aug 7,12]

Cepheid down 18%  [Jul 20, 12]

Cepheid  up 26% [Jan 27, 12]

Cepheid down 10% [Aug 8, 11]

Cepheid up 29% [Jul 22, 11]

Cepheidup 10% [Sep 2, 10]

Cepheid up 12% [Jul 23, 10]

Shorts.  Synaptics was eighth in rank of short interest as a percentage of float. Alnylam Pharma and Cepheid were seventh and eight in days of average trading volume to cover the short interest.  [Wall Street Journal, Mar 10, 10]

Cepheid up 13% after preannounced third-quarter revenue of $41 million, in line with analysts' estimates. [Wall Street Journal, Oct 15, 09]

Cepheid   up 22% [Apr 24, 09]

Cepheid  up 17% [Mar 23, 09]

Cepheiddown 16% [Mar 2, 09]

Cepheid down 11% [Jan 20, 09]

Cepheid down 16% [Jan 13, 09]  posted fourth-quarter revenue short of analysts' expectations and cut its full-year revenue forecast on slowing customer demand. [Wall Street Journal, Jan 14]

Cepheid down 14% [Dec 1, 08]  On a stock bloodbath day

Cepheid up 13% [Nov 24, 08]

Cepheid up 11% [Nov 13, 08]

Cepheidup 17% [Nov 4, 08]

Cepheid up 10% [Nov 3, 08]

Cepheid down 10% [Oct 15, 08]

Cepheid up 22% [Oct 13, 08]

Cepheid down 35% after the company reported a widened second quarter loss. [San Jose Mercury, Jul 25, 08]

Cepheid up 12% [Mar 3, 08]

Cepheid up 10% [Jan 10, 08]

Cepheid up 11% [Dec 5, 07]

Cepheid up 10% [Oct 30, 07]

Cepheid (Sunnyvale, CA; $3M SBIR) first made its name with anthrax-detection tests to guard the nation's post offices from bioterrorism attacks back in 2001. Now, [its] gene-based testing system is becoming part of an escalating nationwide defense against the deadly "superbug" called MRSA, which is often innocently spread by well-meaning health care workers. Cepheid won FDA approval in April for its test for a life-threatening, antibiotic-resistant form of the common staph bacterium, a strain that now kills more people in the United States each year than the AIDS virus.  [Bernadette Tansey, San Francisco Chronicle, Oct 28]

Ception Therapeutics (Malvern, PA)

Cephalon (Fraser, PA; $500K SBIR) said it signed an option agreement to acquire Ception Therapeutics (Malvern, PA; no SBIR), which is developing a drug to treat esophagus inflammation in children and asthma in adults. ... will pay Ception a $100 million upfront option payment and another $250 million if it exercises its option to purchase all of the company’s outstanding stock. ... Ception is conducting late-stage testing of it lead product, Reslizumab, as a treatment of pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis and midstage testing of the same drug as a treatment of eosinophilic asthma in adults.  [Philadelphia Business Journal, Jan 14, 09]

Cequent Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA)

Cequent Pharmaceuticals(Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) raised $3.4 million of a planned $15 million financing round. ...  tapping research developed at the Institut Pasteur in Paris and at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School to develop therapeutics using RNA interference technology to prevent and treat a wide range of human diseases, from inflammatory diseases to cancer. [Mass High Tech, Nov 2, 09]


Ceradyne (Costa Mesa, CA; $5M SBIR until 2004), a 3M subsidiary [since 2012 for $860M], has won a potential $111.1M contract to supply the U.S. Army and Air Force with body protection plates widely used in tactical vests of military personnel. [Nichols Martin,, Mar 25, 20]

Ceradyne (3M subsidiary since 2012, $4.4M SBIR, founded 1967) awarded [one of three] spots on a potential $704.2M contract to supply hard armor plates to the U.S. Army. [Brenda Marie Rivers, GovConWire, Mar 7, 19]

[3M] is already investing in R&D with plans to open a new R&D lab at its HQ and hiring 700 scientists to run the new lab. The company is also looking at inorganic growth opportunities, having already bought ceramic maker Ceradyne in 2012 [Sneha Shah,, Jan 22]

Ceradyne up 43%  [Oct 1, 12] agreed to be acquired by 3M for $860 million, or a 43% premium  [Wall Street Journal, Oct 2]<

Ceradyne down 14% [Apr 24, 12]  whiffed on revenues and missed estimates on earnings per share.  [Motley Fool]  two weeks ago Motley Fool praised the firm The company is really focused, Jim explains, on advanced technical ceramics. Since the height of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the company has been diversifying its products stream -- from creams for removing sand from oil coming out of the earth to engine parts in the growing natural gas trucking industry.  The war armor market was great, but expensive ceramics has a tough slog in price-sensitive commercial markets.

Ceradyne up 19% [Mar 9, 11] after anticipating much higher profits than expected

Ceradyne said it’s buying specialty glass company Viox (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) for $27 million in cash. ... Viox is 40 years old and markets, develops and manufactures specialty glass products for the electronic, industrial and health care industries. [Puget Sound Business Journal, Jan 5, 11]

Ceradyne tumbled 14% after the ceramics products maker slashed its 2009 earnings guidance by more than half on expectations of lower armor shipments and further weakened demand for industrial ceramics.  The company also said it agreed to buy almost all of the business and assets and some technology and intellectual property of Diaphorm Technologies(no SBIR) for $9.5 million in cash. [AP, Jun 9, 09]

Ceradyne down 16% [Feb 10, 09]

Ceradyne down 22% [Dec 19, 08]

Ceradyne up 11% [Dec 16, 08]

Ceradyne  down 12% [Dec 1, 08]  On a stock bloodbath day

Ceradyne down 11% [Nov 14, 08]

Ceradyne up 18% [Nov 13, 08]

Ceradyne as its third-quarter net income decreased 41% on charges and losses from auction-rate securities. The armor maker further cut its 2008 earnings and revenue outlooks. [WSJ, Oct 29]

Ceradyne up 10% [Oct 16, 08]

Ceradyne down 13% [Oct 15, 08]

Ceradyne up 10% [Oct 13, 08]

Ceradyne up 13% [Sep 18, 08]

SemEquip (Billerica, MA; no SBIR) has been acquired by Ceradyne (Costa Mesa, CA; $4M SBIR)  for about $25 M cash. [Mass High Tech, Jul 9]

One Wall Street (Hough) wag finds contrarian value in Ceradyne which he says is down 60% over the past six months and has a forward PE ration of only 6 with good growth prospects.

after Ceradyne cut its 2008 outlook for revenue and earnings and 11% of its workforce, the market cut its stock price 24% [Feb 26, 08] On the bright side, Ceradyne is expanding its solar business and plans to add 200,000 square feet of manufacturing capacity near its existing plant in China. The company sees shipments of its ceramic crucibles, which are used to melt silicon for use in solar panels, increasing. [David Bogoslaw, Business Week, Feb 26]

Ceradyne is Forbes's third fastest growing high tech company with a 75% compounded sales growth rate for three years, thanks to IEDs in Iraq.

Jack Hough touts Ceradyne as a capital efficient company with low PE ratio and high sales growth. [Wall Street Journal, Jan 10]  What Hough didn't say was that Ceradyne was a great beneficiary of IEDs and Army demand for the best cost-irrelevant defense - NOW. Not a repeatable market.

Ceradyneup 10% [AP, Nov 28, 07] after the company said it will receive additional funding to produce bulletproof vests, and is likely to receive a $400 million body armor contract.

Ceradyne got $436M in government contracts in  2006, says's database. Physical Optics $21M.

Forbes's annual list of the best 200 small companies had several SBIR awardees: Ceradyne #12, Flir Systems 37, II-IV 58, ATMI 69, ViaSat 90, Surmodics 105, Micrel 149, OPNET Tech 167.

War Was Great for Business. Ceradyne lost 6% and at least one broker said that demand for body armor will fall as the US shrinks the number of US military bodies in Iraq. [Jan 07]

Armored Profits.  The market loved the war business at Ceradyne which reported nearly tripled profits. Stock up 14% [Nov 1, 06]

Motley Fool notes that bulls outnumber bears 191-3 for Ceradyne in what it admits is an unscientific survey. Contrarian note: If everybody is bullish, few must be buying. [Oct 06]

Ceradyne has been winning contracts as a result of the government's strong demand for the firm's ceramic body armor. Higher revenue combined with Ceradyne's relatively efficient manufacturing has allowed for significant profit margin improvement  [Reuter's, Sep 11]

Ceradyne got a five-year open end contract for potentially $600+M to supply armor shields for Army vehicles as the Army finds there is no good substitute for a shield, even though it adds a lot of weight, in an ambush world.  Here is one great ROI story for SBIR where tons of profits flowed from four Phase 2 SBIRs. Unfortunately, it would not have happened without a war of nasty surprises. But one formula for business success is to be in position to exploit a sudden market opening. 

Among Business Week's 100 hot growth companies were Ceradyne  and  II-VI. [Jun06]

Ceradyne  has been in a strong uptrend since the summer, and this rally has taken its shares from $20 to its current price of about $47. More recently, though, the stock dropped amid an offering of more shares. Despite the recent fall, CRDN continues to appear to be a solid company. Its superior profit margins helped it land recently on the Reuters Select Quality-category screen for Strong Operating Margins.  [Reuters, Dec 8, 05]

War Profits Someone. Reuters also likes Ceradyne which has  posted impressive Operating Profit Margins for the last five-year ... Over the last five years, the company's revenue expanded at an average annual rate of 47.98%, easily outpacing the Industry's 8.63% .. Demand for the company's body armor has also remained strong, and the company has worked to meet that demand. As a result, its market share has climbed significantly. The US government continues to spend in this area, [Mar 05]

Ceradyne took a 9% hit after it announced the opening of a new armor plant (in DOD-speak: vehicle armor design and armored vehicle prototype facility). 

Ceradyne jumped 18% on news that it got a $461M Army contract for ceramic body armor.  With the press's continual harping on lack of armor for bodies and Humvees in Iraq, the Army is moving as fast as its bureaucratic legs allow to buy more, more, more. Especially to have a decent story by the fall election. Earlier this year Ceradyne said it was buying Germany's ESK Ceramics for $136M. The success grows it right out of future SBIR competition. Unfortunately, war is good for business as long as the war in some other country. 

Armored Jeeps.Ceradyne got some useful press [R Cheng, Wall Street Journal, Mar 17] for its attempts to sell the Army even more armor for Humvees beyond the hard seats. Perhaps the handful of Phase 2 SBIRs will help Ceradyne take on the gorilla in the armor business - Armor Holdings. On the SBIR scale Ceradyne is a publicly-traded giant at 430 employees and which was already big when it got its first SBIR in 1998. Maybe Irvine Sensors a few blocks away could learn a few lessons on making a profit and having SBIR.

Cerahelix (Orono,ME)

Cerahelix<(Orono, ME; no SBIR) developing a DNA-based way to produce advanced nanofiltration membranes for water re-use and recycling, has received $255,000 in funding from an offering of $750,000, according to [SEC] documents  [Don Seiffert, Mass High Tech, Mar 8, 12]

Ceramic Tubular Products (Lynchburg, VA)

The Department of Energy will award $128M to support 75 research projects that seek to advance the development of solar technologies. Most money went to academic and large businessses. Several awards went to former SBIR winners: Energy Materials (Norcross GA one SBIR) won a $4M Solar project award to create new methods to deposit layers of material to make the cell, develop a high-speed process ; Leading Edge Crystal Technologies (Gloucester, MA; one SBIR) won $2.5M to develop a floating-silicon method for producing high-quality single crystalline wafers ; Sunvapor (Livermore, CA ; one SBIR) won $2.5M to show how using enormous tanks that normally store liquefied petroleum gas can be used to accumulate and store solar-generated steam ; Brayton Energy (Hampton,NH; $3M SBIR) won $700K to partner w Oak Ridge Lab to examine examine creep behavior—the tendency to deform under mechanical stress—in thin-sheet nickel alloys; Ceramic Tubular Products (Lynchburg, VA; $3.2M SBIR) won $1.9M to develop silicon carbide composite receiver tubes for molten chloride salt and liquid sodium receivers; Echogen Power Systems, (Akron, OH; $300K SBIR) won $4.4M to develop a large-scale, low-cost, single-shaft compressor for supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles; Osazda Energy (Albuquerque, NM; one SBIR) won $1M to develop a cost-effective metal paste that strengthens the metal connections in solar cells; Scion Plasma (East Lansing, MI; $200K SBIR) won $1M to develop a tool that rapidly deposits transparent conductive oxide onto heterojunction silicon with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) solar cells; Swift Coat (Peoria, AZ; one SBIR) won $1M to make and scale multilayer, anti-reflective and anti-soiling coatings for solar glass [Jane Edwards, govconwire, Nov 7, 19]

Ceramatec (Salt Lake,UT)

Grab Your Politician for Plus-Up Smaller and more transparent earmarks of federal funds for favored domestic projects are returning after a one-year moratorium on the controversial practice. ... a bit less than 1% of total R&D appropriations (3% for DOD) ... The Senate Top 10, are mostly smaller states with senators in key committee chairmanships—Mississippi, New Mexico and Tennessee are at the top. ... search AAAS's new database of 2008 earmarks [AAAS Newsletter, Sep 07] But for small business, even 1% is a big honey pot. In the list (August version): Electro Energy  (CT; SBIR), Ocean Power Technologies (OR, SBIR in NJ),  DBS Energy CT, Eikos (MA; $8M+ SBIR), Cellular Bioengineering HI, Cerematec  (UT; SBIR), Ramgen WA, Advanced Radar Technologies WY, Compact Membrane Systems (DE; $20M SBIR), SD Catalyst Group SD.  Your story is that high-tech small business will create jobs, and they don't know whether your claim is valid or just wishful thinking. Like the federal mission agencies who then have to award and supervise the contract, they don't seem much to care.

Ceramitron (St. Louis, MO)

A one-man St. Louis startup called Ceramitron LLC has landed a $99,000 [SBIR] contract with NASA to build a miniature sensor for weather balloons, land rovers and submarines. ... drastically reducing the size, weight and cost of a mass spectrometer — normally a laboratory instrument — to a disposable device the size of a tennis ball,” he said. [St Louis Business Journal, Dec 1, 08]

Cerapedics (Westminster, CO)

Cerapedics (Westminster, CO; no SBIR, founded Y2K), announced that the company completed a $22 million financing [to] to accelerate the commercial release of i-FACTOR™ Peptide Enhanced Bone Graft and support the execution of a second Level I investigational device exemption (IDE) human clinical study that will broaden our market indication in the $2 billion U.S. spinal market,” said [CEO] Glen A. Kashuba. [company press release, Jul 13, 18]

Cerapedics (Westminster, CO; no SBIR) got $19M Series C finance round to support a U.S. clinical trial in the United States of its “i-FACTOR” peptide enhanced bone graft for cervical spine and, if approved by the FDA, prepare for commercialization. [Denver Business Journal, Dec 12, 12]

CerSci Therapeutics (Ft Worth, TX)

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; $1.6M SBIR) announced the acquisition of CerSci Therapeutics (Ft Worth, TX; $2.2M SBIR), a clinical-stage biotechnology company with worldwide rights to a portfolio of novel compounds for neurological conditions, including non-opioid therapies for acute and chronic pain. ... ACADIA acquired all of the outstanding shares of CerSci for $52.5 million, primarily in ACADIA stock. CerSci shareholders may also receive up to $887 million in development, commercialization, and sales milestones in addition to tiered royalties in the mid-single digits based on annual net sales. [joint companies press release, Aug 25, 20]

Cerevast Therapeutics (Redmond, WA)

Cerevast Therapeuticsa medical technology company with primary emphasis in the field of SonoLysis for the treatment acute ischemic stroke and other vascular disorders, got $1.5M in VC. [Venture Deal, Apr 22, 13].

Cerealus Holdings (Waterville, ME)

Maine Technology Institute today announced four new Development Awards — conditional loans — totaling $761,348 for four Maine technology companies. The awards by MTI, a publicly financed non-profit, were matched with combined contributions over $890,047 by the recipients Wizbe Innovations (Manchester, ME)  $64,000 to develop parachute fabric for the U.S. Army with controllable and adjustable permeability. Wizbe initially began their work with a U.S. Army SBIR to develop a prototype fabric. ...  Pika Energy (Gorham, ME; no SBIR)   $274,291 to develop a wind turbine system that offers lower upfront costs to make it easier and less expensive for families and businesses to produce clean renewable electricity. Early stage development was supported with an MTI Seed Grant.   ...  Cerealus Holdings(Waterville, ME; no SBIR) $261,849 to commercialize their Cerecarb, which is designed to enable paper mills to reduce costs by substituting ash filler for expensive pulp fiber. ... RainStorm(Orono, ME; no SBIR) $161,208 to expand access to affordable education opportunities nationally by providing local adult education programs with a simple, affordable course catalog and online registration website.   [Mass High Tech, Jun 27, 11]

Cerebral Therapeutics (Aurora, CA)

Cerebral Therapeutics (Aurora, CA; no SBIR) a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company developing innovative treatments for uncontrolled neurological diseases, announced a $35 million Series B financing [company press release, Jan 7, 20] prior funding $11M []

Cerebras Systems (Los Altos, CA

Deep learning demands new chips. The Semiconductor Industry Association and its research affiliate have enlisted 22 tech companies to launch a broad study of technologies that might bring computing advances. Alternatives range from stacking circuitry in space-saving layers to making chips from biological materials such as proteins.  Development is particularly intense in deep learning --- training systems by exposing them to immense quantities of data rather than programming them with explicit instructions. ... IBM is targeting deep learning with TrueNorth, a chip unveiled in 2014 and composed of one million structures patterned after the brain’s neurons. Mr. Modha said it has shown startling acceleration of deep-learning applications and is on track to create a “business at scale” by 2019.  Venture capitalists have taken notice. ... Cerebras Systems,(Los Altos, CA; no SBIR,25 employees) plans to design processors targeting deep learning, found it surprisingly easy to raise venture-capital funds, said founder Andrew Feldman. ... Other startups designing chips for deep learning include KnuEdge (San Diego, CA; no SBIR), Graphcore Ltd  (UK), Cornami (Santa Clara, CA; no SBIR) and Wave Computing (Campbell, CA; no SBIR).     [Don Clark, Wall Street Journal, Jan 11, 17]  Why no SBIR? Such companies are reaching too far too fast needing too much capital for federal mission agencies to keep up with plodding SBIR.

hardware stealth startup Cerebras Systems (Los Altos, CA) is expected to do a $25M first round.  What we’ve heard from sources is that the company is working on a specialized next-generation chip (possibly a GPU) for deep-learning applications.  [Matthew Lynley,, Dec 20, 16]

Cerecor (Baltimore, MD)

Cerecor up 23% [Dec 23, 19]

Cerecor up 19% [Dec 6, 19]

Cerecor up 21% [Aug 8, 19]

Cerecor down 20% [Mar 5, 19] announced sale of common stock

Cerecor up 16% [Jan 16, 19]

biotech Cerecor (Baltimore, MD; $1.3M SBIR) has acquired Ichorion Therapeutics (New York, NY; no SBIR) for up to $26.6M in stock, BBJ reports. Cercor works mostly in the neurotechnology space, but CEO Peter Greenleaf has said it aims to ramp up its commercial efforts in pediatrics. Ichorion develops treatments for rare diseases that affect someone's ability to process food. [DCInnoBeat, Sep 26, 18]

Cerecor up 14% [Aug 20, 18]

Cerecor (Baltimore, MD; $1.3M SBIR) down 12% [Aug 13, 18]

Cerecor up 10% [Mar 29, 18]

Cerecor up 10% [Mar 7, 18]

Cerecor up 12% [Mar 2, 18]

Cerecor up 13% [Feb 26, 18]

Cerecor up 17% [Feb 14, 18]

Cerecor up 10% [Feb 12, 18]

Cerecor down 18% [Dec 28, 17]

Cerecor (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR) and TRx Pharmaceuticals, LLC (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) announced that the companies have entered into a purchase agreement in which Cerecor will acquire TRx, including subsidiary Zylera Pharmaceuticals, LLC and its franchise of commercial medications led by Poly-Vi-Flor® (multivitamin and fluoride supplement tablet, chewable) and Tri-Vi-Flor® (multivitamin and fluoride supplement suspension/drops) and a merger agreement in which Cerecor will acquire Zylera Pharma Corp. [Cerecor press release, Nov 17, 17]

Cerecor (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR) down 56% [Nov 30, 16]  announced top-line clinical results from its major depressive disorder (MDD) Phase 2 clinical trial (Clin301-203) of adjunctive treatment of CERC-301, an oral, NR2B specific, NMDA receptor antagonist. Overall, the trial failed to demonstrate efficacy on the primary endpoint for mean improvement in Bech-6, a subset of the Hamilton Depression Scale (HDRS-17), averaged over days 2 and 4 post dose. [company press release]

Cerecor (Baltimore MD; no SBIR, IPO Oct 2015)  up 22% [Oct 21, 16]

Cerecor (Baltimore MD; no SBIR, IPO Oct 2015, market cap $23M) up 43% [Jul 29, 16]  announced that the Pharmacotherapies for Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders (PASA) Consortium has provided a grant to assess the efficacy of CERC-501, a selective kappa opioid receptor (KOR) antagonist, separately and in combination with one of two anti-hypertensive drugs (both of which target norepinephrine), in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-induced alcohol use disorder (AUD) in animal models. [company press release, Jul 25, 16]  and an NIH grant of $1M [company press release, Jul 20, 16]

biopharmaceutical company Cerecor (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR) is planning a $27.5 million[IPO] toward developing drugs to treat depression and substance-use disorders.  ...  has two drugs under development in Phase 2 clinical trials ... One is intended to treat patients with major depressive disorders who are not responding to current treatments ... the other drug in Phase 2 trials is also intended to treat major depressive disorders, but it could additionally treat substance-use disorders related to drugs like nicotine, alcohol and cocaine. .. acquired its rights from Eli Lilly ... just over a year after Cerecor raised $32 million in a Series B    [Rick Seltzer,  Baltimore Business Journal, Sep 25, 15]

biopharmaceutical firm Cerecor (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR, founded 2011) has raised $32 million in a Series B fundraising round ... brings the company's total funding to at least $54 million ....  specializes in developing drugs to treat neuropsychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression. ...  More recently the company has been looking at projects for which biomarkers can be used to help determine results. Researchers and doctors often rely on feedback from patients about how they are feeling to determine if a depression or anxiety drug is working.   [Sarah Gantz, Baltimore Business Journal, Jul 21, 14]

Cerecor(Baltimore, MD; no SBIR) said it closed a $6.8 million round of financing. That brings to $30 million the total amount of money the [ biopharmaceutical] company's raised since its 2011 launch  ...   focuses on discovering, developing and commercializing prescription drugs for the human nervous system. [Baltimore Business Journal, Sep 12, 13]

Ceregene (San Diego, CA)

Sangamo BioSciencesCeregene (San Diego, CA; $1.1M SBIR) working on a virus-delivered gene therapy for Alzheimer's disease, in a stock and cash deal. ... Ceregene's CERE-110 is a gene therapy that uses an adeno-associated virus, or AAV. It is in a Phase II clinical trial with Alzheimer's patients.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Aug 26, 13]

Ceregene  (San Diego, CA; $1M SBIR) drug developer, said it raised $11.5 million from four venture capital firms [for] a phase 2 clinical study of CERE-120, an experimental gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease that is surgically implanted in the brain. [Keith Darce, San Diego Union Tribune, Nov 12, 10]

Ceregene (San Diego, CA; $1.1M SBIR) which is developing gene therapy treatments for Parkinson’s and other ailments, says it is getting $2.5 million from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. [Bruce Bigelow,, Jul 3, 10] 

An experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease being developed by Ceregene (San Diego, CA; $1M SBIR) failed to show effectiveness in an important clinical trial, the company said yesterday. [San Diego Union Tribune, Nov 27, 08]

Ceres Nanosciences (Prince William County, VA)

Ceres Nanosciences (Manassas, VA; $4M SBIR), a global leader in developing wastewater testing methods based on its Nanotrap® technology, and Ginkgo Bioworks (Boston,MA; $3M SBIR), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, announced that they are partnering to bring pathogen monitoring capabilities to laboratories around the world. [Gingko press release, Sep 12, 2023]

Ceres Nanosciences (Manassas, VA; $2.2M SBIR) announced it is has received [FDA] Breakthrough Device designation for its new point-of-care Nanotrap® Lyme Antigen Test System. ...requiring only a patient’s urine sample [company press release, Jul 12, 18]

Ceres Nanosciences (Manassas, VA; $2.2M SBIR) received a designation under the FDA’s Breakthrough Device program, which means its Lyme disease test could get to market much faster. The announcement comes soon after a $9M Series A round at the end of May, bringing its total funding to about $15M.  [DCInno, Jul 23, 18]

George Mason University spinoff Ceres Nanosciences (Manassas, VA; $1M DARPA funding plus NIH)  announced  the  completion  of  a  $3M   Series  A financing  as part of a larger,  $9M Series A round  .... has  developed  and  commercialized  a  novel  anoparticle  technology,  the  “Nanotrap®”,  which  provides  powerful biomarker  capture  and  biofluid  sampleprocessing capabilities for a wide array of diagnostic applications and sample handling needs.   [company press release, Feb 2, 17]

Ceres Nanosciences (Prince William County, VA; no SBIR, founded 2009 from George Mason U) created a highly sensitive test that isolates previously undetectable biomarkers for illness. The technology, dubbed “nanotrap particles,” sets itself apart as an antigen test, meaning it has the ability to detect an infectious agent directly. Other tests can only detect an antibody, which is produced by a person’s immune system in reaction to an infectious agent.Testing for an antigen increases the sensitivity of a diagnostic test by 100 times or more and can reliably detect previously undetectable diseases, CEO Ross Dunlap says. ....  more than $4 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with about $2.5 million in angel funding   [Tina Reed, Washington Business Journal, Sep 23, 16]

Cerevance (Boston, MA)

Cerevance (Boston, MA; no SBIR), a biotech focused on developing new treatments for brain diseases, has added $45 million to its coffers in a Series B financing round from investors including the venture capital arm of Google parent company Alphabet and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates. [Sarah de Crescenzo, Apr 14, 20]

CereVasc (Boston, MA)

Dan Levangie [CEO of CereVasc (Boston, MA; no SBIR) CEO]'s medical device startup aims to treat hydrocephalus with a less invasive method that leverages newer technologies now in use for vascular and neurological procedures. As the company prepares to test its device in humans, it is announcing the close of $43.9 million in Series A financing [Frank Vinluan,, Jun 9, 20]

Cerexa (Oakland, CA)

Adynxx(San Francisco, CA;  no SBIR) has kept a low profile since its founding five years ago, but is discussing its work publicly today, announcing it has completed enrollment in its initial clinical trial of 30 healthy volunteers. ... supported by a Series A venture financing of $18 million from Domain Associates from 2010, is composed of people who worked together on a series of Domain-backed companies that were acquired, including Peninsula Pharmaceuticals (no SBIR), Cerexa  (no SBIR), and Calixa Therapeutics (no SBIR).  [Luke Timmerman, xconomy,com, Aug 7, 12]

Cerion Enterprises (Rochester, NY)

Cerion Enterprises (Rochester, NY; no SBIR)  gets $200,000 to help develop materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries, which are used in automotive applications and in consumer electronics .  [Andrea Deckert, Rochester Business Journal, Mar 10, 10]

Cermet (Atlanta, GA)

BMDO SBIR company Cermet (Atlanta, GA) says it has got Wafer Technology,UK. to market Cermet's bulk semiconductor substrates (including ZnO, GaN and AlN) to key customers in Europe. Cermet president Jeff Nause said Cermet is very pleased ... Cermet's products include ZnO substrates for blue LEDs, blue laser diodes, and high frequency microwave devices. Interestingly, Cermet's advisory board includes Dr. Ian Ferguson, Director of Research for EMCORE, another BMDO SBIR winner although BMDO does not claim much of EMCORE's public market success. Some of Cermet's story can be read in last spring's Atlanta Business Chronicle.

A Bright Blue Laser Company (Dec 16). Cermet (Atlanta, GA) got a BMDO Phase 2 STTR to develop GaN crystals that could eventually make digital video disc (DVD) more affordable and commercially viable. ... The company is also developing crystals for a number of corporate clients, who asked not to be identified. ... The company is focused on a patent-pending process of growing crystals synthesizing gallium nitride (GaN) powder which in turn is used to grow high-purity single crystals of GaN from a liquid. The idea came from president Jeff Nause in 1993 while still a Georgia Tech student. Nause hopes to begin selling the crystals within six months. .. Potential customers include Hewlett-Packard which would develop the laser to sell to Sony or Hitachi. SDL, Xerox, CREE Research, Northrop Grumman, and Dow Chemical have also showed interest This puts Cermet at the beginning of the DVD development chain, and it is one of the few companies to be doing such sophisticated crystal research and development outside of Boston or California. It has seven employees, three Tech graduates and four co-op students. Cermet ([email protected]) was incorporated by a Tech professor in 1991, but began focusing on crystal growth when Nause joined the company in 1995. Nause hopes to add between four and eight employees next year to do research and marketing. The basic skull melting process had a BMDO Phase 1 in 1994 for a different nitride. [facts from Evelina Shmukler, Atlanta Business Journal, Dec 14, and the public SBIR databases] Why BMDO? Why not? Who else takes chances on new technology in a one-man company with no PhD? And who else would reject a go-nowhere Phase 2 proposal for over-fantasizing about commercialization and battle GAO to preserve the idea that SBIR without aggressive after-market action is a waste of taxpayer's money?

Cernostics (Pittsburgh, PA)

Cancer diagnostics company Cernostics (Pittsburgh, PA: one SBIR) announced it had received two patents in the United States and a third patent in Japan.   The patents pertain to different aspects of the company’s TissueCypher technology platform.   [Kris B. Mamula, Pittsburgh Business Times, Feb 11, 14]

Cernostics(Pittsburgh, PA; one SBIR) has raised $1.4 million in Series B funding for its work on a next-generation cancer diagnostic tool.  ....  toward the commercialization of TissueCypher: Barrrett's, which Cernostics said "uniquely quantifies whole slide digital images, providing greater information and accuracy compared to traditional subjective tissue diagnostics."   ....  said it has raised more than $6 million in grants and investment so far for its work to fight esophageal cancer.   [Paul J. Gough, Pittsburgh Business Times, Dec 3, 13]

Cerulean Pharma (Cambridge, MA)

Shares of  Cerulean Pharma fell more than 60 percent after its nanoparticle cancer drug, CRLX101, failed its second Phase 2 trial, this time in kidney cancer. Cerulean later announced plans to slash 48 percent of its workforce by the end 2016.  [Alex Lash,, Aug 19, 16]

Cerulean Pharma [filed for IPO] previously filed plans to raise $75 million, but last week lowered that to about $60 million. The clinical-stage biotech is developing targeted cancer therapies for ovarian, kidney and rectal cancers. Incorporated in 2005   [Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Apr 8, 14]

Cerulean Pharma (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) said that it has closed a $10 million Series B-1 financing.  [Boston Globe, Jul 28, 09]


Cerus up 23% [Dec 17, 14] FDA approved the first system that could be used by blood banks to destroy viruses and bacteria in donated blood plasma, potentially making transfusions safer.  The system represents an extra safety step beyond testing donations for viruses like H.I.V. and hepatitis C, and one that can protect against pathogens that seem to emerge periodically, as well as the known ones.  “You can’t test for something unless you know what it is,” said William M. Greenman, the chief executive of Cerus  (Concord, CA; $3.4M SBIR 2003-2006), the company that developed the product, which is known as the Intercept Blood System.     [ANDREW POLLACK, New York Times, Dec. 16, 2014]

Cerus down 12% [May 2, 14]

Cerus  (Concord, CA; $3.4M SBIR) down 17%  [Feb 26, 14]

Cerus up 13% [Jan 14, 11]

Cerus  down 21% [Nov 10, 10]

Cerus up 13% [Sep 8, 10] <

Cerus down 13% [Apr 30, 10]

Cerus up 15% [Apr 5, 10]

Cerus down 23% [Jul 28, 09]

Cerus up 17% [Oct 20, 08]

Cerus up 17% [Oct 17, 08]

Cerus down 26% [Oct 10, 08]

Cerus down 10% [Oct 6, 08]

Cerus up 14% [Sep 18, 08]

Cerus down 10% [Jul 29, 08]

Cerus down 12%  [May 2, 08]

Cerus up 11% [Apr 1, 08]

Cerus up 11% [Mar 26, 08]

Cervel Neurotech (Redwood City, CA)

Rio Grande Neurosciences (Santa Fe, NM; no SBIR), the leading provider of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) electroceuticals ™ , announced the completion of its acquisition of Cervel Neurotech (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR)’s multi-coil Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) technology.  [Rio Grande press release, Oct 20, 16]   Rio Grande also signed a cooperate research and development agreement (CRADA) with AFRL  [Tristan Navera, Dayton Business Journal, Oct 25, 16]  CRADA's give the company access to certain government R&D, but no funding.

Cesca Therapeutics (formerly Thermogenesis) (Rancho Cordova, CA)

Cesca Thera down 20% [Oct 15, 19]

Cesca Thera up 20% [Sep 23, 19]

Cesca Thera up 17% [Sep 9, 19]

Cesca Therapeutics (Ranch Cordova, CA; no SBIR), a market leader in automated cell processing and point-of-care, autologous cell-based therapies, announced the completion of its public offering [of common and warrants] to raise $5.5 million. [company press release, May 18, 18]

Cesca Therapeutics, a market leader in automated cell processing and point-of-care, autologous cell-based therapies, announced that it has entered into definitive purchase agreements with certain institutional investors [to] raise $1.4M. [company press release, Mar 26, 18]

Cesca Thera down 14% [Jan 10, 18]

Cesca Therao up up 13% [Jan 9, 18]

Cesca Therapeutics, a market leader in automated cell processing and point-of-care, autologous cell-based therapies, today announced that it has priced a best efforts registered public offering of up to [$2.7M] [for] general corporate purposes, including working capital.  [company press release, Nov 30, 17]

Cesca Therapeutics, a market leader in automated cell processing and point-of-care, autologous cell-based therapies, announced that it has priced a best efforts registered public offering of up to $2/7M. [company press release, Nov 29, 17]

Cesca Thera down 10% [Nov 28, 17]

Cesca Thera up 21% [Nov 21, 17]

Cesca Pharma up 17% [Nov 16, 17]

Cesca Thera down 11% [Nov 15, 17]

Cesca Thera (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR, 70 employees) up 34% [Oct 3, 17] announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a Notice of Allowance regarding the company's pending application for a patent covering its proprietary method for separating rare, therapeutically critical target cells from blood, bone marrow, leukapheresis product, and other cell sources, while maintaining the viability of the cells under asceptic conditions. [company press release, Oct 3, 17]

Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR), a market leader in automated cell processing and point-of-care, autologous cell-based therapies, announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, ThermoGenesis ($500K SBIR), has entered into an asset acquisition agreement with SynGen (Sacramento, CA; no SBIR) technology company active in the cellular processing field. [company press release, Jul 9, 17]

Cesca Thera up 18% [Jul 10, 17]

Cesca Therapeutics  (RANCHO  CORDOVA, CA; no SBIR), a market leader in automated cell processing and point-of-care autologous cell-based therapies, announced that it has closed a revolving line of credit with Boyalife Investment Fund II, Inc.  [company press release, Mar 13, 17] announced encouraging data from a study evaluating the use of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) for the treatment of chronic non-healing ulcer [company press release, Mar 15, 17]

Cesca Thera  up 11% [Jan 4, 17]

Cesca Thera up 36% [Dec 29, 16]

Cesca Thera down 14% [Oct 27, 16]

Cesca Thera down 13% [Oct 25, 16]

Cesca Thera up 27% [Oct 24, 16] announced that the United States Patent & Trademark Office granted the third of a family of patent applications related to its proprietary methods for the treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disorders, such as critical limb ischemia (CLI) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). [company press release]

The Chinese group of stem-cell research companies Boyalife Group that invested $15 million in Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR) earlier this year is now the majority owner of the company.   [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Aug 26, 16]

Cesca Thera down 10% [Aug 23, 16]

Cesca Thera up 13% [Aug 22, 16]

Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR) is raising $2.5 million in a registered direct stock offering to institutional investors, taking on funds that may give it more time to conduct clinical trials of its regenerative medical technology before the company is at risk of running out of cash.  [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Aug 4, 16]

Cesca Thera down 17% [Aug 4, 16]

Cesca Thera up 22% [Aug 3, 16]

Cesca Thera down 11% [Jul 27, 16]

Cesca Thera up 44% [Jul 26, 16]

Cesca Thera up 10% [Jul 25, 16]

Cesca Thera  up 10% [Jun 28, 16]

Cesca Thera  up 21% [Jun 9, 16]

Cesca Thera down 13% [May 31, 16]

Cesca Thera up 14% [May 24, 16]

Cesca Thera down 13% [May 20, 16]

Cesca Thera (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR) up 80% [May 19, 16] an autologous cell-based regenerative medicine company, announced publication of data from a pilot study utilizing the company's innovative technology for treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction. The report was published in the "International Journal of the Cardiovascular Academy", currently online. [company press releaase, May 19, 16]

Struggling biomedical company Cesca Therapeutics announced a 1-for-20 reverse stock split in a move designed to keep the company on the Nasdaq [Sacramento Business Journal, Mar 3, 16]

A Chinese stem-cell research company [Boyalife Group] invested $15 million into regenerative medicine company Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR), the company reported  ...  to repay currently outstanding senior secured convertible debentures and retire associated Series B Warrants. [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal and company press release, Feb 3, 16]

Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR) signed an agreement to raise $15 million in a private placement from an institutional investor. ....  to fund its ongoing clinical trials and for working capital. ... has developed and sold medical equipment to harvest, store and preserve marrow and blood products, which can be used for therapies.  [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Sep 2, 15]

Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; $500K SBIR as Thermogenesis; KOOLsaid it has a contract to provide cord blood and cell storage technology to Upstate Medical University’s cord blood bank in Syracuse, N.Y.   ...  There are 27 total public cord blood banks in the nation.  ...   develops, makes and sells cell-based regenerative medical technologies.  [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Oct 13, 14]   merged with TotipotentRX (no SBIR) in Feb 2014 and changed name. [company website]

Regenerative therapy company Cesca Therapeutics (Rancho Cordova, CA; no SBIR) is raising $11.3 million in its underwritten public offering.  ... is developing and commercializing human cell and marrow harvesting, processing and storage technologies for regenerative therapies for diseases and medical conditions, ranging from heart attacks to cancer.  [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Jun 13, 14]

Cesca Therapeutics(Rancho Cordova, CA; $500K SBIR as Thermogenesis) has a supply agreement with Cook Medical for clinical trials of its stem cell heart attack therapy.  The trials are set to begin later this year  [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Feb 25, 14]  the company’s shareholders approved the merger of ThermoGenesis with TotipotentRX of Los Angeles.  TotipotentRX was the exclusive provider of cell-based product and services to Fortis Healthcare System, which is an integrated healthcare system that operates in 11 countries.   [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Feb 19, 14]

ThermoGenesis (Rancho Cordova, CA; $500K SBIR)  is paying $18.6 million to buy TotipotentRx (Los Angeles, CA; no SBIR) that specializes in cell-based therapy. ... Totipotent is the exclusive provider of cell-based product and services to Fortis Healthcare System, which is an integrated healthcare system that operates in 11 countries. ...  ThermoGenesis develops and sells technologies for processing and storing stem cells and tissue. ...  The combined company will take on a new name, Cesca Therapeutics  [Mark Anderson, Sacramento Business Journal, Jul 16, 13]

Ceterix Orthopaedics (formerly SuturePro Technologies)(Menlo Park, CA)

Ceterix Orthopaedics (Menlo Park, CA; no SBIR) closed an $18 million financing round following a $19.5 million B round raised in January 2013. ... filed two new key patents, both related to its core business of meniscal and soft tissue repair. Ceterix specializes in surgical tools for arthroscopic surgery. [Richard Brandt, Silicon Valley Business Journal, May 14, 14]

 Ceterix Orthopaedics (no SBIR, formerly known as SuturePro Technologies) raised $18 million in a new round of funding, including venture capital and debt financing, to expand the market for its minimally invasive surgical tools. .... for the commercial expansion of its products that enable surgeons to place stitches in tight joint compartments like the knee, hip and shoulder.  ....  last year rolled out its first product  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, May 13, 14]

Ceterix Orthopaedics(formerly known as SuturePro Technologies, Menlo Park, CA ; no SBIR) launched its first product, a device that helps doctors to place stitches in tight joint compartments, like those in the knees, hips and shoulders. [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Jul 16, 13]

Ceterix Orthopaedics (Menlo Park, CA; no SBIR, 30 employees) emerged from stealth mode this week by declaring that after less than three years in business, it’s ready to start selling a new surgical device that it says could be useful for more than 600,000 people a year in the U.S. who end up getting part or most of their [knee] meniscus surgically removed. ....  has pulled in about $28 million in financing ....  to commercialize an idea from Justin Saliman, an orthopedic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. [Luke Timmerman,, Jul 16, 13]

Ceterix Orthopaedics (Menlo Park, CA;  no SBIR) a developer of surgical tools for arthroscopic procedures,...said it raised $19.5 million in series B financing  .... developed a way to improve the outcomes of arthroscopic procedures by allowing surgeons to place suture patterns that can only be done in open surgeries, or not at all, before.  [Cromwell Shubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Jan 28, 13]

CFX Battery (Azusa, CA)

CFX Battery(Azusa, CA; no SBIR), which makes lithium ion batteries that can power electric cars, medical devices, mobile phones and computers. The technology transfer office at Caltech invested in CFX and helped raise $15 million to get the company started.  [James Flanigan, New York Times, Jul 16, 09]

CGI Pharmaceuticals (Branford,CT)

CGI Pharmaceuticals (Branford, CT; no SBIR) a small-molecule-focused biotech  has signed a deal to be acquired by Gilead Sciences  for up to $120 million.  [Michelle Lang, Mass High Tech, Jun 25, 10]

Chantilly BioPharma (Chantilly, VA)

Chantilly BioPharma (Chantilly, VA; no SBIR, founded 2011) biotech focused on developing new drug delivery technologies, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection  [Bill Flook, Washington Business Journal, Jun 18, 14]

Chapman Innovations (Salt Lake City, UT)

Chapman Innovations (Salt Lake City, UT; no SBIR) has developed a heat- and fire-resistant fabric, CarbonX, that will be featured tonight on the Discovery Channel's "Smash Lab" show. The program examines new technologies in experimental applications.    The fabric was developed by company founder Mike Chapman, who previously worked in motorsports and wanted to create a fabric that would protect race-car drivers from fire-related injuries. The result was a fabric made of oxidized polyacrylonitrile, a nonconductive carbon-based material and a strengthening fiber. The company says the product can withstand temperatures of more than 3,000 degrees. [Brianna Lange, Salt Lake Tribune, Feb 19]


Most folks in the Indianapolis suburb of Carmel know Scott Jones as "the guy who invented voicemail." In the early '90s Jones made about $50 M on his company, which created the predominate form of voicemail, and he "retired" at age 31. Over the past two decades this driven inventor has been generating ideas for new products and companies - some were successful, others hit the scrap heap - at a pace that would make Thomas Edison's head spin. Jones's latest company, ChaCha, is developing a potential rival to Google - a search engine assisted by human experts who will help you find your answer. [, Nov 5]

Charles River Analytics (Cambridge, MA)

The Department of Energy has awarded $53 million [of SBIR] to multiple small businesses to develop clean energy materials and systems in support of the Biden administration’s net-zero emission goals. Proposals include a lithium-ion electric vehicle battery from Bioenno Tech (Santa Ana, CA; $4M prior SBIR), a bio-based composite material from Z&STech (no apparent SBIR) and a direct air capture system from Advanced Cooling Technologies (Lancaster, PA; $80M prior SBIR; competitor in same city,Thermacore; $32M prior SBIR). ... Charles River Analytics (Cambridge, MA; $270M SBIR) proposed a method to detect an attack on critical infrastructure assets such as power grid, while Cornerstone Research Group (Miamisburg, OH; $127M prior SBIR) offered a predictive health monitoring tool to maintain electric grid systems. [Mary-Louise Hoffman,, May 19, 2022] prior SBIR data from SBA

Charles River Analytics (Cambridge, MA; lots of SBIR, 285 awards) that specializes in computer intelligence for defense and business purposes, announced it would be working on an $18.5 million contract to increase technological capabilities of the U.S. Air Force. [Boston Business Journal, Mar 27, 14]

Charles River Analytics (Cambridge, MA; 285 SBIR awards) a developer of intelligent systems solutions, , announces a new [$500,000] contract from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to investigate and model how human intuition works and how it can be effectively trained. ... part of a larger team effort under ONR’s Basic Research Challenge: Enhancing Intuitive Decision Making through Implicit Learning Basic Research Challenge (I2BRC) that is valued at $3.75 million over four years.  [company press release, Feb 24, 14] SBIR not mentioned. 

Charles River Analytics (Cambridge, MA; over $100M SBIR, 135 employees) announced a contract to develop technology for NASA that detects volcanic eruptions, storms and algae blooms from satellite imagery. ...  amount of the contract is not being disclosed. A NASA SBIR related to DIPSARS was given to Charles River Analytics in 2012, valued at $125,000.  [Sara Castellanos, Boston Business Journal, Jan 9, 14]  More handouts to make the government smarter, which NASA finds high purpose for its SBIR.

Charles River Lab

Charles River Labs  up 17% [Jan 10, 12]

Charles River Labs down 10% [Aug 8, 11]

Charles River Lab down 21% [Nov 6, 08] after the life sciences company slashed its earnings forecast. [BostonGlobe]

Charles River Lab down 18% [Oct 23, 08]

Charter Medical (Winston-Salem, NC)

Charter Medical, (Winston-Salem, NC; no SBIR) biotech firm, has been sold to Fenner PLC (UK) for $29.9 million. Charter designs and makes specialty single-use products used in blood transfusion and blood filtration markets, and had been owned by Lydall (Manchester, CT; no SBIR), according to a press release.  [Triad Business Journal, Feb 4, 15]

Chase Therapeutics (Washington, DC)

Chase Therapeutics (Washington, DC; no SBIR) has locked in a $4M equity round, according to SEC filings, bringing its funding total to at least $5.3M since being acquired in 2016 by Allergan. The product-based company is focused on the development of treatments for brain disease, including a compound that fights Parkinson's, which is the farthest along of its products but still in clinical trials. [DCInno, Aug 29, 18]


CHASM, a developer and manufacturer of advanced materials for printed electronics and battery applications, announced the completion of an $11 million Series A financing [to] to expand production capabilities and continue the launch of new products, which are positioned to penetrate large existing markets. [company press release, Oct 2, 18]

Chatham Therapeutics (Chapel Hill, NC)

Baxter Internationaland Chatham Therapeutics (Chapel Hill, NC; no SBIR) announced that Baxter has agreed to acquire all of Chatham's outstanding membership interests. ... an initial payment of $70 million  ....  Baxter obtains broad access to Chatham's gene therapy platform, including the previously partnered hemophilia B (FIX) program, a preclinical hemophilia A (FVIII) program, and the potential future application to additional hemophilia treatments.  [Baxter press release, Apr 2, 14]


Genomics startups are increasing in number and quality, so much so that three-year-old Illumina Accelerator has expanded with its latest class to accommodate five of them.  ... provides genomics-focused startups with capital, lab space at Illumina Accelerator’s offices in San Francisco, access to Illumina’s sequencing equipment and expertise, and advice on developing a business from legal experts, recruiting professionals, and Illumina executives and scientists, says Amanda Cashin, co-founder and head of the accelerator.  ..... takes an 8 percent equity stake ..   Checkerspot: designing advanced physical materials that can be used in industrial applications; Chimera Bioengineering:  aims to improve the efficacy and reduce the side effects of engineered cell therapies for oncology;  Encompass Bioscience:  wants to integrate genetic information into the healthcare system; Mantra Bio: studies exosomes, small lipid vesicles that are excreted from cells and deliver information, aiming to discover new drug targets and therapies;  Solarea Bio: The only company not from the Bay Area, Boston-based Solarea is developing probiotic treatments that are derived from natural sources   ....   Of the previous 13 startups that have completed the program since 2014, a few have already made some funding splashes.  Xcell Biosciences (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) develops a type of cell culture that can be used in certain types of cell propagation and gene editing, raised a $12 million Series A round of funding in February.  EpiBiome (South San Francisco, Ca) raised a $6 million seed Series A round of funding for its process of engineering microbiomes that might be used against drug-resistant bacteria in early 2016.  Trace Genomics (New York) raised a $4 million seed round in mid-2016 for its work sequencing and analyzing the genomes of soil.     [David Holley,, Jul 26, 17]  


Chemat TechnologyNamed a Top Ten Nano-Firm Considered survivors of government-funded research and development, Chemat became a profitable business in 2000 (half of that attributed to customer sales), a decade since the sol-gel solution company was founded. Prior to that, Chemat's R&D Division was successful in completing nearly one hundred contracts for government agencies and industry clients. Its mission is the creation and commercialization of sol-gel based advanced materials and technologies, for its own use and to provide its clients with technologies they can use to create leading-edge products using advanced materials. [LARTA, Jul 16]

Chembio Diagnostic Systems (Medford, NY)

Chembio Diagnostics down 29% [Jul 23, 21]

Chembio Diagnosticsdown 61% [Jun 17, 20] announced that [FDA] has revoked the Emergency Use Authorization granted to the company in April to sell its rapid test for the antibodies domestically. [James T. Madore and Ken Schachter,, Jun 17, 20]

ChemBio Diagnostics up 16% [Apr 20, 20]

ChemBio Diagnostics up 25% [Apr 16, 20]

Chembio Diagnostics (Medford, NY; $9M SBIR) up 27% [Apr 13, 20]

Chembio Diagnostics (Medford, NY; $9M SBIR) up 40% [Apr 1, 20] a leading point-of-care diagnostic company focused on infectious diseases, today announced the U.S. launch of the rapid DPP COVID-19 serological point-of-care test for the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies. These results can be obtained within 15 minutes from a simple finger stick utilizing Chembio’s MicroReader 1 and MicroReader 2 analyzers which are produced by Chembio Germany. [company press release, Mar 31, 20]

Chembio Diagnostics up 15% [Aug 25, 16]

Chembio Diagnostics (Medford, NY; $4M SBIR) down 13% [Aug 16, 16]

 A race to detect Ebola:

  • [FDA] authorized emergency use of BioFire (Salt Lake City, UT; no SBIR)’s FilmArray system to diagnose Ebola in U.S. hospitals and military labs.   ...  uses PCR [polymerase chain reaction] technology, but can deliver results in about one hour on the premises of any treatment facility that has one of the machines, which cost around $39,000 apiece.  ...  Many U.S. hospitals already have the machines, which were approved to diagnose pathogens including those causing gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.   
  • Corgenix Medical (Denver, CO; $600K SBIR) is speeding up development of a portable Ebola test kit designed to deliver results from a drop of blood in about 10 minutes, said [CEO] Doug Simpson. It uses so-called “lateral-flow” technology, which is similar to that found in a home pregnancy test, and doesn’t require electricity or a machine to process the sample. A paper strip displays one blue line if no virus is detected, two blue lines if virus is detected, and no lines if the test didn’t work properly.  ...  Corgenix is working with Tulane University in New Orleans and other partners in the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, with funding from the NIH. ..  Researchers are testing the Corgenix device, including in West Africa, but haven’t yet gathered enough data to apply for approval by either FDA or WHO, said Mr. Simpson.  
  • Chembio Diagnostics Systems (Medford, NY; no SBIR) maker of rapid diagnostics for HIV and syphilis, this week formed a partnership with another company, Integrated BioTherapeutics (Gaithersburg, MD;  $1.1M SBIR), to develop a point-of-care test for Ebola. Chembio plans to use substances known as “reagents,” developed by Integrated BioTherapeutics, for the test. Chembio hopes to begin testing the tool in Africa within months, said Chief Executive John Sperzel. 
  • Genalyte (San Diego, CA;  no SBIR) developing an Ebola diagnostic that uses a silicon chip to test a drop of blood drawn with a pinprick. The chip is processed through a 15-inch-wide machine that delivers results in about 10 minutes, said Genalyte Chief Executive Cary Gunn.  
  • OraSure Technologies (Bethlehem, PA; no SBIR), maker of an oral test for HIV, is exploring whether it can develop a rapid oral test for Ebola, said Chief Executive Douglas Michels. Chembio’s Mr. Sperzel said his company also would consider developing an oral Ebola test.     [Peter Loftus, Wall  Street Journal, Nov 5, 14]

Chembio Diagnostic Systems  (Medford, NY; $3.9M SBIR) down 17% [Oct 14, 14]

Chembio Diagnostic Systems  (Medford, NY; $3.9M SBIR) up 17% [Oct 13, 14]

ChemImage (Pittsburgh, PA)

ChemImage(Pittsburgh, PA; $2.5M SBIR) has landed a $17 million defense contract based on real-time sensor technology [it] developed  ...  Last year, the company was named a partner in the [SBIR] Commercialization Pilot Program ...  will be working with General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products as a subcontractor  [Malia Spencer, Pittsburgh Business Times, Mar 1,11]  Want a big military contract? Get a big military contractor as a partner for contacts you couldn't begin to copy.

Chemir Analytical Services

Star Entrepreneur. For the ninth year in a row, Chemir Analytical Services has been awarded recognition for rapid growth and contributions to the greater St. Louis area. [company website]  This year it was chosen by Ernst & Young as “entrepreneur of the year” in technology for the central Midwest. [St Louis Post Dispatch]  CEO Shri Thanedar started as an 18-year-old Bachelor’s chemist in India, and has grown the firm to $24M/yr in revenues.  No SBIR.

ChemoCentryx (Mountain View, CA)

ChemoCentryx (San Carlos, CA; one SBIR) up 109% [Aug 4, 2022] Amgen and ChemoCentryx, a biopharmaceutical company focused on orally administered therapeutics to treat autoimmune diseases, inflammatory disorders and cancer, announced that the companies have entered into a definitive agreement under which Amgen will acquire ChemoCentryx for $3.7 billion. [joint companies press release, Aug 4, 2022]

ChemoCentryx ($100K SBIR 20 years ago) up 96% [Oct 8, 21] had slipped 68.3% this year, while the broader S&P 500 SPX, 0.14% is up 16.1%. [yahoonews, Oct 8, 21]

ChemoCentryx down 62% [May 7, 21]

The most recent annual report from the (SBA) concludes that a majority of participating federal agencies did not comply with the mandated minimum spending requirements for the (SBIR/STTR) programs. [SSTI, May 6, 21] The only thing Congress really cares about, and is easy to understand, for SBIR is getting the money to their constituents. Whether SBIR is worth the bother is too hard to judge witout some deep economics.

ChemoCentryx down 23% [Mar 16, 20]

ChemoCentryx down 19% [Jun 5, 19]

ChemoCentryx up 17% [Sep 28, 18]

ChemoCentryx down 18% [Sep 27, 18]

ChemoCentryx up 10% [Sep 18, 18]

ChemoCenryx down 14% [Sep 7, 18]

ChemoCentryx down 11% [Aug 14, 18]

ChemoCentryx up 10% [Mar 14, 18]

ChemoCentryx up 12% [Mar 9, 18]

ChemoCentryx  (Mountain View, CA; one SBIR 2001, IPO2012 ) announced positive overall survival (OS) results from an ongoing Phase Ib clinical trial of the Company's second CCR2 inhibitor - CCX872 - in the treatment of locally advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer. [company press release, Jan 22, 18]

ChemoCentryx (Mountain View, CA; one SBIR) up 38% [Jan 4, 18] announced that it will receive a $50 million milestone payment from Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma. The milestone was triggered by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)'s validation of the Company's Conditional Marketing Authorization (CMA) application for avacopan in the treatment of patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic auto-antibody-associated vasculitis (ANCA-associated vasculitis), announced earlier today. [company press release, Jan 4, 18]

ChemoCentryx up 10%[Nov 8, 17]

ChemoCentryx down 23% [Aug 9, 17]

ChemoCentryx up 16% [Nov9, 16]

ChemoCentryx up 11%[Nov 4, 16]

ChemoCentryx up 12% [Sep27, 16]

ChemoCentryx up 11% [Sep 20,16]

ChemoCentryx down 20% [Sep2,16] Reports Initial Results from Ongoing Phase Ib Clinical Trial of CCX872 in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

ChemoCentryx down 10% [Jun 16, 16]

ChemoCentryx up 18% [May27,16]

ChemoCentryx up 24%[May 18, 16]

ChemoCentryx down 13%[May 12, 16]

ChemoCentryx up 54% [May11, 16]

ChemoCentryx up 42% [May10,16] Announces Exclusive License Agreement with Vifor Pharma to Commercialize Orally Administered Complement 5a Receptor Inhibitor CCX168 in Europe and Certain Other Markets ... claims "transformational year" [company press release, May 10, 16]

ChemoCentryx  up 11%[Apr20,16]

ChemoCentryx up 14% [Apr6, 16]

ChemoCentryx down 12%[Jan 13, 16]

ChemoCentryx down 16% [Jan 6,16]

ChemoCentryx down 11% [Jan 4,16]

ChemoCentryx down 11% [Aug 7,15]

ChemoCentryx up 11% [May 29, 15]

ChemoCentryx up 10% [Mar13, 15]

ChemoCentryx up 20% [Dec15, 14]

ChemoCentryx up 25% [Dec12, 14]  Announces Positive Results in Phase II Diabetic Nephropathy Trial With CCR2 Inhibitor CCX140  [company press release]

ChemoCentryx  down11% [Apr 10, 14]

ChemoCentryx up10% [Jan 17, 14]

ChemoCentryx will go it alone on an experimental Crohn's disease drug, at least for the time being, the drug developer said ....   Partner GlaxoSmithKline returned the drug, called vercirnon, to ChemoCentryx after disclosing last month that the first of four planned Phase III trials failed.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Sep 18, 13]

ChemoCentryx down 24% [Sep 10,13]

ChemoCentryx down 26% [Aug 23,13]  Disappointing test results for a Crohn’s disease treatment  [WSJ Market Watch]

ChemoCentryx up11% [May14,13]

ChemoCentryxdown10%[Apr 16, 13]

ChemoCentryx  down11%  [Aug 10, 12]

ChemoCentryx  down 10%  [Aug 9, 12]

ChemoCentryx up 16%  [Aug 6, 12]

ChemoCentryx down10% [Aug 2, 12]

ChemoCemtryx  up 12%  [Jun 22, 12]

ChemoCentryxdown18% [May 3, 12]

ChemoCentryx up10% [Apr17, 12]

ChemoCentryx up 11%[Apr10, 12]

ChemoCentryx  up10%[Apr 2, 12]

Chemocentryx up10%[Feb 8, 12]

ChemoCentryx (SanCarlos,CA; one SBIR), an unprofitable biopharmaceutical firm with no approved products, hoping to raise $64 million IPO on the Nasdaq as "CCXI" [Wall Street Journal, Feb 6, 12]

ChemoCentryx has refiled plans for an initial public offering to raise $69 million, ... develops oral drugs for autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and oncology.   [Silicon Valley/ San Jose Business Journal, Oct 17, 11]

ChemRegen (La Jolla,CA)

Dead and damaged muscle may be replaced stem cells from heart itself, if a new chemical discovered by [three] La Jolla-based scientists lives up to its promise.   ....   the three are working with Chemregen, (La= Jolla, CA; no SBIR)biotech company established by Cashman and colleagues, to see if a drug can be produced from the research. ....  A study on the findings was published Nov. 6 in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry  [Bradley Files,, Nov 15, 12]

Chemtura (Middlebury, CT)

Chemtura (Middlebury, CT; no SBIR), debtor-in-possession [under Chapter 11], will receive $1.45 million [from DOE stimulus funds] to develop, test and market new synthetic lubricants for energy-efficient refrigeration and cooling systems. [AP, Jun 19, 10]  a global specialty chemicals company with leading positions in diversified markets ... formed in 2005 with the merger of Crompton Corporation and Great Lakes Chemical Corp ... 4000 employees worldwide   [company website]

Chesapeake Sciences (Millersville, MD)

Defense contractor L-3 Communications is acquiring Chesapeake Sciences (Millersville, MD; $6.5M SBIR) for a yet-to-be disclosed sum. ... CSC had 20 contracts with DOD in 2006 worth $45.5 million [Baltimore Business Journal, Nov 26, 08]

Chesson Labs (Durham, NC)

Chesson Labs(Durham, NC; no SBIR)  now holds bragging rights that only a handful of Triangle medical companies can claim: It won regulatory approval for its first product.   The four-employee company announced Wednesday that it won approval from the Food and Drug Administration to market its Nuvaderm liquid bandage. ...  founded in 2006 and last year raised $3.3million in financing   [Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 6, 09] Another innovative small high tech firm that succeeds without government succor, and makes bilge of the argument that small high tech will suffer if SBIR isn't re-approved. The medical world seems particularly good at purely private economic success.  Maybe, just maybe, SBIR actually slows down economic progress as companies focus on getting free money at a price they cannot afford.

Chiasma (Newton Center, MA)

(Newton Center, MA; no SBIR). has added $3 million in new financing to a debt round it first reported raising last July, the Newton company reported in a regulatory filing. Chiasma is developing oral-delivery technology for protein- and peptide-based drugs that are currently administered via injection.  [Galen Moore, Mass High Tech, Mar 11, 11]

Chiasma (Newton Center, MA; no SBIR) raised $2 million in debt financing, as part of a planned $4 million debt round, according to federal documents. ....  developing technology that could enable oral delivery of protein- and peptide-based drugs that are available only by injection or intravenous methods  ....  In November of 2006, Chiasma closed on a $44 million Series C round   [Rodney Brown, Mass High Tech, Jul 23, 10]

Chimera Bioengineering)

Genomics startups are increasing in number and quality, so much so that three-year-old Illumina Accelerator has expanded with its latest class to accommodate five of them.  ... provides genomics-focused startups with capital, lab space at Illumina Accelerator’s offices in San Francisco, access to Illumina’s sequencing equipment and expertise, and advice on developing a business from legal experts, recruiting professionals, and Illumina executives and scientists, says Amanda Cashin, co-founder and head of the accelerator.  ..... takes an 8 percent equity stake ..   Checkerspot: designing advanced physical materials that can be used in industrial applications; Chimera Bioengineering:  aims to improve the efficacy and reduce the side effects of engineered cell therapies for oncology;  Encompass Bioscience:  wants to integrate genetic information into the healthcare system; Mantra Bio: studies exosomes, small lipid vesicles that are excreted from cells and deliver information, aiming to discover new drug targets and therapies;  Solarea Bio: The only company not from the Bay Area, Boston-based Solarea is developing probiotic treatments that are derived from natural sources   ....   Of the previous 13 startups that have completed the program since 2014, a few have already made some funding splashes.  Xcell Biosciences (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) develops a type of cell culture that can be used in certain types of cell propagation and gene editing, raised a $12 million Series A round of funding in February.  EpiBiome (South San Francisco, Ca) raised a $6 million seed Series A round of funding for its process of engineering microbiomes that might be used against drug-resistant bacteria in early 2016.  Trace Genomics (New York) raised a $4 million seed round in mid-2016 for its work sequencing and analyzing the genomes of soil.     [David Holley,, Jul 26, 17]  

Chimerix (Durham, NC and LaJolla, CA)

Chimerix up 69% [Jan 8, 21] announced that the Company has acquired Oncoceutics, (Phldelphia, PA; $4M SBIR), clinical-stage biotechnology company developing imipridones, a novel class of compounds. Oncoceutics' lead product candidate, ONC201, has been shown in clinical testing to selectively induce cell death in multiple cancer types. [company press release, Jan 8, 21]

Chimerix up 25% [Dec 7, 20] announced that [FDA] accepted the filing of a New Drug Application (NDA) for brincidofovir (BCV) as a medical countermeasure for smallpox. ... Brincidofovir, an investigational therapy, is a nucleotide analog lipid-conjugate that has demonstrated antiviral activity as a medical countermeasure against smallpox under the FDA's Animal Efficacy Rule, which allows for testing of investigational drugs in animal models to support effectiveness in diseases which are not ethical or feasible to study in humans. [company press release, Dec 7, 20]

Chimerix up 19% [Jun 28, 19]

Chimerix down 11%[Nov 13, 17]

Chimerix down 11% [May 2, 17]

Chimerix up 13% [Jan 23,17]

Chimerix (Durham, NC; $600K SBIR) is continuing to progress a new intravenous formulation of its lead product candidate brincidofovir after halting two trials for the DNA virus drug early last year and cutting 20 percent of its workforce. [Jennifer Henderson. Triangle Business Journal, Jan 9, 17] named the 25 most innovative companies on the basis of patents. The only SBIR user is Qualcomm #7.

Chimerix up 10% [Nov 17, 16]

Chimerix remains committed to salvaging its experimental drug, brincidofovir, in spite of lingering doubts among some industry analysts about the drug’s prospects.  The 91-employee company, which doesn’t have any drugs on the market, reported Monday that it had $301.5 million in cash as of the end of June, enough money to fund operations for two years. During that time, Chimerix hopes to get brincidofovir retested and seek approval to market the drug from the Food and Drug Administration.   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 8, 16]

Chimerix is developing drug to treat life-threatening viral infections.  It has just $300 million to operate into 2019 when it hopes the drug will be approved.  Until then it’s counting on joining national stockpile of anti-bioterror drugs.  ... Chimerix’s value has plummeted from $2.5 billion last summer to $180 million last week, forcing Chimerix to shed about a quarter of its workforce – about 40 employees – in a bid to stretch its budget.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 8, 16]

Chimerix  down 10% [Jun 10, 16]

In another potential disappointment, Chimerix said its experimental antiviral had not improved the survival rate of infected patients in an ongoing clinical trial.  .. said the antiviral, called brincidofovir, rapidly reduced the levels of adenovirus in infected patients, even to the point that that the deadly virus could not be detected in the body.  But in an ongoing AdVise clinical trial, patients treated with brincidofovir did not exhibit a meaningful difference in survival rates, Chimerix said.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, May 9, 16]

Chimerix announced that it cut 20 percent of its workforce [of 130 employees] in January. ....  said it is refocusing its development efforts for its antiviral brincidofovir in light of the recent failures.  [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Feb 29, 16]

Chimerix announced that it cut 20 percent of its workforce [of 130 employees] in January. ....  said it is refocusing its development efforts for its antiviral brincidofovir in light of the recent failures.  [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Feb 29, 16]

Chimerix up 13% [Feb 24, 16]

Chimerix down 40% [Feb 22, 16] announced that its experimental anti-viral, brincidofovir, failed to prevent viral infections in high-risk patients.... said it was halting two other clinical trials based on the disappointing drug trial results. [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Obswerver, Feb 22, 16]

Chimerix presented positive results from a pivotal study of its antiviral, brincidofovir, in an animal model for smallpox [company press release,  Feb 8, 16]

Chimerix up 15% [Jan 20, 16]

Chimerix up 13% [Dec 30, 15]

Chimerix up 11% [Dec 29, 15]

Chimerix down 81% [Dec 28, 15] said its oral antiviral drug did not significantly reduce a certain kind of infection in stem cell transplant patients in a late-stage study  [Amrutha Penumudi and Anjali Rao Koppala, Reuters, Dec 28, 15]

the former CEO of Chimerix who made national headlines last year for refusing to supply an experimental drug to a critically ill child, has been sued for pursuing an anonymous, allegedly malicious smear campaign against a prominent Triangle venture capital firm.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 18, 15]

Chimerix down 10% [Sep 21, 15]

Chimerix said it has received $13 million in federal funds [from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA] to develop a treatment for smallpox that could be used if there was a bioterror attack against the U.S....    brings the total value of Chimerix’s research contract with the agency to $81.1 million since 2011.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 14, 15]

Shares of Chimerix touched an all-time high, partly on news that the company completed enrollment on a trial testing its drug against adenovirus infection in immunocompromised patients.  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Aug 3, 15]

drug developer Chimerix (employs 105) anticipates a $100 million federal contract [from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority] in September that could top out at $435 million over five years and could bring the company to profitability.  ....BARDA is planning to stockpile brincidofovir for national security purposes against a potential bioterror attack with smallpox.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 23, 15]

Chimerix raised $173 million through a stock offering of 4.34 million shares. ...  specializes in advanced antivirals, went public just two years ago and raised $118 million at the time. Now the 100-employee company is hungry for new cash to finance ongoing clinical trials in the final phases of drug development that could cost $125 million this year alone.  ...   founded in 2000 and is developing advanced antiviral drugs that can be used against lethal viral infections.   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jun 16, 15]

Chimerix will look to raise $150 million in a secondary stock offering.  ....  comes on the heels of the biopharmaceutical company reaching a “major milestone,” as Chief Medical Officer Dr. W. Garrett Nichols said, by enrolling a trial to test its lead experimental drug brincidofovir.   [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Jun 10, 15]

Chimerix is in talks with the federal government for an exclusive contract that could bring the drug maker up to $435 million.   [HHS's]The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) said it wants to offer a sole source contract to Chimerix to buy its lead experimental drug brincidofovir for the treatment of smallpox.  [Jason deBruyn,  Triangle Business Journal, Apr 17, 15]  

Chimerix showed that its drug helped cut the mortality rate of people infected with adenovirus by half.  ...  developing an experimental drug called brincidofovir to treat adenovirus infection and showed short-term mortality rate of less than 40 percent, based on a recent Phase 3 trial titled "AdVise." Historic mortality rates as high as 80 percent for disseminated adenovirus disease have been reported.  [Jason deBruyn,Triangle Business Journal, Feb 12, 15]

 Chimerix scrapped testing of its experimental antiviral in Ebola patients in Liberia, saying the number of infections had dropped in recent weeks, and that only a handful of patients had been enrolled in the Liberian study.  The abrupt reversal in Chimerix’s plans could raise questions about whether the declining number of Ebola infections in West Africa could be a problem for other experimental drugs and vaccines currently undergoing testing in the region for safety and efficacy.  [Peter Loftus, Wall Street Journal, Feb 1, 15]

Chimerix said that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a 20-year patent [until Oct 2034] for the company’s antiviral, brincidovofir, which is being developed to combat Ebola and other fatal infections.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 12, 15]

Chimerix reached a deal with ContraVir Pharmaceuticals (Edison, NJ; no SBIR) that could net more than $20 million.  Chimerix licensed rights to the compound CMX157 to ContraVir for preferred stock valued at $1.2 million  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Dec 18, 14]

Chimerix said it will test its experimental antiviral on Ebola-stricken patients in west Africa in a clinical trial to be run by Oxford University.  The drug, brincidofovir, is one of two to be tested in the clinical trial in the epicenter of the global Ebola virus epidemic that has claimed more than 5,000 lives this year. The announcement marks another step forward for brincidofovir, which some consider a lead candidate in the global fight against the deadly viral infection.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 13, 14]

Chimerix plans to issue additional stock to lock in strong returns at a time when the company’s shares are trading at record levels.  Chimerix said it plans to raise $105 million, on top of the $118 million the company raised in April 2013 from its initial stock offering. The company’s stock has doubled in value since it began trading at $14 a share in April.  ... capitalizing on a wave of national attention it has received for the effectiveness of its experimental antiviral, brincidofovir, as a treatment against deadly viruses, including the Ebola virus. [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 30, 14]

Chimerix down 10% [Oct 20, 14]

When it started developing an Ebola drug in 2010, Tekmira Pharmaceuticals wasn’t counting on finding infected humans to test it in.  Today, in an epidemic, Several Western and African patients have been given experimental treatments, including from Tekmira, Mapp Biopharmaceutical and Chimerix with the hope they might be effective. ... Tekmira received a $140 million Defense Department contract in 2010 to develop the drug, and carried out some research with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick, Md.  .....    The pharmaceutical industry has invested relatively little in Ebola research since the first known outbreak in humans in 1976. Most outbreaks have been sporadic and limited in scope, and have occurred in poor countries, limiting the commercial appeal of developing a treatment. ...  CSL Ltd. , a maker of plasma-based therapies, said it is exploring whether it can develop a plasma treatment, at the request of the Gates Foundation. The idea would be to collect antibody-rich plasma from people who have recovered from Ebola, purify it and develop it into a “hyper-immune” product that could be transfused into patients, said Chief Executive Paul Perreault. [Peter Loftus and Betsy McKay, Wall Street Journal, Oct 17, 14]

Chimerix up 11% [Oct 15, 14]

Patient died as hope scrambles for an answer.   The Ebola patient in Dallas who received an experimental Chimerix drug died, but infectious-disease researchers keen for any new tool to fight the widening viral outbreak said it was premature to rule out the drug’s potential to treat Ebola.  The Chimerix drug, brincidofovir, is one of several experimental therapies that are being deployed against Ebola on a limited basis, in the absence of any approved Ebola-specific drugs or vaccines. Brincidofovir and the other drugs haven’t been tested in human studies against Ebola.  ...   CDC said  “One patient, one drug, you can’t draw any conclusions from it,” Dr. Pickering said,  “These patients are extremely sick. Unfortunately, this person died. We have a long way to go before we can clarify what drugs will be effective for Ebola virus.”  [Wall Street Journal, Oct 8, 14]

Trying best available.  The FDA has given Chimerix approval to test its experimental drug on patients stricken with Ebola, including to a patient in Texas who is a Liberian man infected with the virus.  ...  Emergency Investigational New Drug Applications program supplies experimental treatments to patients with life-threatening conditions for which there are no medical options.  .... “Once efficacy is demonstrated in either infected monkeys or humans, brincidofovir could be used in Ebola patients broadly and Chimerix could receive stockpiling orders from various governments,” analyst Y. Katherine Xu of the William Blair & Co. firm wrote in a research note   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer,  Oct 6, 14]

A Wall Street analyst is touting an experimental antiviral under development by [Chimerix, 75 employees] as a strong bet for thwarting an Ebola epidemic.  The continuing positive response to the  drug pushed the small company’s stock ... The shares have soared nearly 100 percent this year. Piper Jaffray analyst Joshua Schimmer issued a research note Thursday hailing the Chimerix antiviral, brincidofovir, as a “particularly attractive option” for government stockpiling against Ebola and other biological threats. Schimmer also noted that the drug’s safety record, documented in past research, gives brincidofovir an edge against other experimental treatments.  ...  Since 2011, the federal government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority has funded $22.3 million in Chimerix research to develop the drug as a measure against a smallpox bioterror attack or accidental release.  ...  has no products on the market, raised $118 million in April in a stock offering on the drug’s potential.   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 3, 14]

Chimerix up 12% [Sep 9, 14]

Open season on Ebola. Chimerix said its lead experimental drug showed promise against the deadly Ebola virus in laboratory testing at the [CDC and NIH].  ... joins a rapidly growing list of drug developers exploring the potential of their broad-spectrum antivirals to fight the virus for which there is currently no approved vaccine or treatment. [Natalie Grover, Reuters, Sep 3, 14]

Chimerix showed some 80 percent of patients who took its drug under development reported better health outcomes.  ....  developing a drug called brincidofovir to fight DNA viruses. In a recent study, Chimerix enrolled 350 patients with life-threatening DNA viral infections who had no other therapeutic options.  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Jul 31, 14]

Josh Hardy is going home after 6 1/2 months in the hospital and using an experimental antiviral drug. The Virginia first-grader was the first patient in a clinical trial of brincidofovir, a drug being developed by Chimerix.   ...  the experimental drug being developed by Chimerix that is not expected to be commercially available until 2016.   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 16, 14]

Chimerix priced its public offering at $14.22 per share, the closing price  ...   expects to raise about $104 million. It will use $60 million of that at least partly to fund a clinical trial it began after public pressure to provide its lead drug under development, brincidofovir, to Josh Hardy, a 7-year-old cancer survivor who suffered from an adenovirus infection.  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal,  May 21, 14]

Chimerix down 15% [May 20, 14]

Merck has opted out of developing and commercializing an HIV drug it acquired two years ago from  Chimerix, costing the 54-employee Triangle company up to $151 million in potential revenue.  Chimerix did not explain Merck’s reasons for returning the oral antiviral, CMX157, but the Durham company said it is not planning to commit resources to developing the HIV drug.   [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, May 19, 14]

Chimerix shelved $200 million in shares, the company announced ....  simply registered the shares with the [SEC] and could potentially sell shares up to a total value of $200 million  ....  founded in 2000, has two compounds in clinical development.   [Triangle Business Journal, May 1, 14]

The stock of Chimerix (Durham, NC; $600K SBIR) hit an all-time high Friday as the drugmaker’s experimental drug made national news this week and the company said it would release its antiviral medication to a critically ill first-grader. The Chimerix medication is still at least 2-1/2 years away from approval for public use, but that didn’t stop investors from driving up the company’s shares by 45 percent this week, to $27.14, on the drug’s potential. The small drug developer also said Friday that it has signed a multiyear lease to double its lab space in Durham to develop new antiviral drugs.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Mar 14,14]

Chimerix (La Jolla, CA; $600K SBIR)  up 18% [Mar 12, 14]

Chimerix up 12% [Nov 14,13]

Chimerix up 14% [Nov 8, 13]

Cashing out. Chimerix shareholders plan to sell ... as much as $50 million worth of their stock  [which] led to a 25 percent drop in the company’s stock price.  ....   The company will receive no money from the upcoming stock sale. Chimerix received $107M in April from an [IPO]  [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 17, 13]

Chimerix down 13% [Oct 9, 13]

Chimerix   (LaJolla, CA; $600K SBIR) down 16% [Oct 8, 13]

Novan Therapeutics (Durham, NC; no SBIR)  that is developing nitric oxide-based skin therapies, has been awarded a $7.8 million government [HHS] contract to develop a treatment for thermal burns. ... Novan began operations in January 2008 and has raised $20 million in private equity funding from individuals. The company has no drugs on the market but is conducting Phase 2 clinical trials on a nitric oxide-based therapy for acne. ...  Also  getting grants from that part of HHS:  Chimerix ($600K SBIR)   $24.8M for smallpox; Cempra Pharmaceuticals  $58M; GlaxoSmithKline  $200M. [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 26, 13]

Chimerix (LaJolla, CA; $600K SBIR) up 34% [Apr 11, 13] after its IPO raised $100M [Wall Street Journal, Apr 12]

Chimerix (Durham, NC; $600K SBIR in California) has landed a deal with blockbuster potential with pharmaceutical giant Merck. Chimerix has licensed its experimental HIV treatment CMX157 to Merck for a $17.5 million upfront payment plus milestone payments that could go as high as $151 million. Chimerix also is in line to receive royalties from sales if the drug is approved by regulators. [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 25, 12]

Chimerix (Durham, NC; one SBIR in San Diego) won a federal contract to develop one of its antiviral drug candidates as a treatment for a smallpox outbreak – a deal that will bring the Durham-based company $24.8 million this year and could deliver a total of $81.1 million over the life of the agreement. [Triangle Business Journal, Feb 16, 11]

No longer small. Siga Tech and Chimerix were picked for a small biz set aside award of a contract worth up to $2.8 billion for a new antiviral therapy for smallpox.  Chimerix cried foul to the SBA which ruled that Siga was effectively controlled by a big Ronald Perelman holding company. [Wall Street Journal, Nov 8, 10]

Chimerix (Durham, NC; $600K SBIR in California)  biopharmaceutical company, said it raised $16.1 million to continue testing antiviral drugs for treating smallpox. The latest round of financing brings the seven-year-old company's total haul to $56 million, but Chimerix is still at least several years away from having a commercial product, said chief operating officer Kenneth Moch.  (Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 12)

Chimerix (Durham, NC; $600K SBIR) has joined the Medicines for Malaria Venture and its public-private partnerships to come up with malaria treatments that work and are affordable in developing countries.  Under the partnership with MMV, the company will open its chemical library. The company has also agreed to develop any potential drugs that show promise as malaria treatments with the help of iThemba Pharmaceuticals, a company in South Africa.  Founded in 2002, Chimerix is working on oral treatments for smallpox, HIV/AIDS and cytomegalovirus, a virus common in organ-transplant recipients. [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 2, 09]

Chlorogen (Creve Coeur, MO)

Chlorogen (Creve Coeur, MO, one Phase 1 SBIR), once one of the region's most promising plant science startups, has ceased research operations and is selling off its technology ... sold to Dow AgroSciences LLC exclusive rights to its biotech crop technology for use in developing animal vaccines. [Rachel Melcer, St Louis Post Dispatch, Sep 11]


Connecticut will award $9.8 million for 20 stem cell research projects. One award for $1.29M will go to a private company Chondrogenics (no SBIR) a start-up company based at UConn.... that is investigating stem cells' potential to treat osteoarthritic cartilage damage [William Weir, Hartford Courant, Jul 21, 11]

Choice Therapeutics (Wrentham,MA)

Choice Therapeutics (Wrentham, MA; no SBIR) sold $582,000 of a planned $3 million equity round, according to a filing with the [SEC]... provides medical devices and materials under the TheraBond name for burns, advanced wound care and surgical site infections, using technology designed to protect the wound while wicking excess fluids away from the wound site. [James Connolly, Mass High Tech, Jul 28, 11]

Chordia Therapeutics

A team of ex-Takeda scientists has struck out on its own with cancer assets licensed from the drugmaker. The resulting biotech, Chordia Therapeutics, starts life with multiple oncology drugs, lab space at a Takeda site and funding from the Japanese firm and a VC syndicate. ... one of three companies founded through its entrepreneurship venture program. The drugmaker unveiled the others, discovery services shops ChromaJean and Seedsupply, in press releases earlier this year.   [Nick Paul Taylor, Fierce Biotech, Nov 22, 17]

Chorum Technologies

Chorum Technologies announced a wide passband multiplexer capable of handling 40 Gbps at a broad 100 GHz spacing, thus filtering many fewer lambdas than is possible using the company’s current line of commercial multiplexers.Chorum has had one Phase 2 from DARPA and one from BMDO. NP Photonic has had 10 Phase 1s and two Phase 2s since 1998, all but one Phase 1 from BMDO. BMDO loves lively photonics entrepreneurs.

The Occasional IPO. Although the IPO market has taken a dive faster than you can say falling NASDAQ, and although the government doesn't back many such firms anyway with its SBIR, one has filed for IPO. Chorum Technologies , first known to the government as Macro-Vision Communications hopes to raise $140M on the basis of its first $3M sales last quarter and its prospects in various optical hardware - Mux & Demux, routers, switchers, and processors. Founder and CTO Jian-Yu Liu who founded the company in 1997, and went straight to the SBIR well, right after his PhD from U Colorado, still owns about 10%. Macro-Vis had two SBIRs from DARPA and BMDO for $2.3M ($1.9M from BMDO which gives bigger than normal money for bigger than normal market prospects).

ChromaCode (Carlsbad, CA)

ChromaCode (Carlsbad, CA; no SBIR) a molecular diagnostics company, announced it has raised $12 million in Series B funding.  ...   will be used to fuel development and establish the commercial infrastructure for ChromaCode's High-Definition Polymerase Chain Reaction technology (HDPCR™).  [company press release, Apr 27, 17]

ChromaDex(Carlsbad, CA)

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; $800K SBIR) down 26% [Feb 26, 21]

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; $800K SBIR) up 92% [Feb 25, 21] announced results from the study "Combined Metabolic Activators Accelerates Recovery in Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19" were published Feb. 20 on medRxiv, a preprint publication website. The Phase 3 study demonstrated that patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 receiving standard of care experienced a 3.5 day reduction in recovery time when receiving an added nutritional protocol. Aimed at improving mitochondrial function, the protocol included nicotinamide riboside (NR), L-serine, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), and L-carnitine tartrate. [company press release, Feb 24, 21]

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; $800K SBIR) up 16% [Feb 22, 21] announced that it has entered into a securities purchase agreement for the sale of $25.0 million of its common stock in a private placement. [company press release, Feb 22, 21]

ChromaDex (Los Angeles, CA; $800K SBIR) up 28% [Oct 6, 20] announced that results from the study "Combined metabolic cofactor supplementation accelerates recovery in mild-to-moderate COVID-19" were published on the open access preprint publication server The Phase 2 study reported patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 experienced a 29% reduction in recovery time when receiving the standard of care in combination with a nutritional protocol including nicotinamide riboside (NR). [company press release, Oct 6, 20]

NBD Nanotechnologies (Lexington, MA; $1.5M SBIR) which develops advanced liquid repellant surface coatings and additives, raised $1M in debt in a $2.3M funding round, according to an SEC filing. [Srividya Kalyanaraman, BostInno, May 19, 20] prior funding $15M []

food supplements company ChromaDex (Westwood, CA; $800K SBIR) announced the expansion of its partnership with A.S. Watson Group into Europe and the launch of its main product, Tru Niagen, in more than 200 Superdrug stores across the United Kingdom. [LA Business Journal, May 18, 20]

ChromaDex up 17% [Dec 12, 19]

ChromaDex up 26% [Dec 21, 18]

ChromaDex up 15% [Sep 12, 18]

Chromadex down 10%  [Apr 30, 18]

ChromaDex up 10% [Feb 13, 18]

ChromaDex up 10% [Feb 8,18]

ChromaDex up 10% [Jan 26, 18]

ChromaDex up 11% [Dec 8, 17]

ChromaDex up 11% [Nov 16, 17]

Chromadex up 13% [Nov 7, 17]

ChromaDex up 12% [Sep 12,17]

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; one SBIR) up 22% [Sep 7, 17] announced its new partnership with Hong Kong based retailer, A.S. Watson, for the launch of the U.S. made TRU NIAGEN(TM) dietary supplement ( in Asia. ... With over 6,000 stores in 11 Asian and European markets, Watsons is the leading health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe  [company press release, Sep 7, 17]

Chromadex up 11% [Aug 11, 17]

ChromaDex  (Irvine, CA; one SBIR) up 19% [May 2, 17]

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; one SBIR) down 17% [Jan 9, 17]

ChromaDex  up 18% [Jun 29, 16]

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; one SBIR) down 43% [Jun 20, 16]  an innovator of proprietary health, wellness, and nutritional ingredients, that creates science-based solutions to dietary supplement, food and beverage, skin care, sports nutrition, and pharmaceutical products, announced today that it plans to respond to a report published today by an anonymous party on a stock-discussions website. [company website]

ChromaDex (Irvine, CA; one SBIR) up 10% [May 16, 16] reported record net sales and a net income

Chronix Biomedical (San Jose, CA)

Chronix Biomedical  (San Jose, CA; one SBIR) said  it has opened a sequencing laboratory in Brookings, South Dakota. ...  provides new approaches to diagnosing, monitoring and managing a range of cancers and other conditions.  [Lisa Sibley, Silicon Valley / San Jose Business JounraL, Mar 7, 12]

Chronix Biomedical(San Jose, CA; one SBIR) said it raised $1.8 million in new funding. ...   developing disease-specific biomarkers based on DNA fragments that are released into the bloodstream by damaged and dying cells.  [Silicon Valley/ San Jose Business Journal, Sep 20, 10]

Chrysalis BioTherapeutics (Galveston, TX)

Chrysalis BioTherapeutics (Galveston, TX; $2.4M SBIR. founded 2009, 1-10 employees ) received $1.5 million from the National Cancer Institute to continue development on a product that would lessen healthy tissue damage during radiation therapy. The two-year grant is designed to get the company to commercialization ... company has also been approached by the National Institutes of Health to submit a grant proposal to explore potential benefits of Chrysalin on burn victims.    [Bayan Raji,  Houston Business Journal,  Sep 24, 13] has raised over $5 million in non-dilutive funding ...  hope to initiate a Series A round of private or institutional investment [soon][, Nov 4, 13]  company website bare minimum, SBIR data from

Cibus Global (San Diego, CA)

Cibus (San Diego, CA; one SBIR) spins off  biotech offshoot Nucelis to make specialty chemicals with non-transgenic technology  [, May 28, 13]

Cibus Global (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) officially spun out of ValiGen (Newtown, PA; one SBIR)in late 2001, is marking the commercial introduction of its first enhanced crop—an herbicide-resistant strain of canola—in coming weeks. Cibus also plans to expand its workforce, from 52 to 60 employees by the start of 2011  [Bruce Bigelow,, Oct 27, 10]

February under-the-radar deals. Catadon Systems (Carlsbad, CA; no SBIR) A maker of towers for elevating wind turbines Equity $689,500;   Aethlon Medical (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) A developer of a medical device to treat infectious diseases Debt* $600,000 ;  Ampla Pharmaceuticals (La Jolla,  CA; no SBIR) A stealthy biotech company Equity $295,271;  Cibus Global (San Diego, CA; no SBIR)  A developer of environmentally friendly technology for producing crop traits Equity* $201,132  *includes some options and warrants [Erin Kutz,, Apr 6, 10]

Cidara Therapeutics (San Diego,CA)

Cidara Therapeutics (San Diego, CA, formerly K2 Therapeutics founded 2012 in Boston with $32 million Series A in 2014; no SBIR) is halting work on an experimental topical antifungal drug designed to treat vaginal yeast infections after the compound wasn’t better than the current standard of care in a Phase 2 clinical trial. [Frank Vinluan,, Feb 21, 17]

p> Cidara Therapeutics, (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) said the FDA has granted orphan drug designation to CD101 IV for the treatment of life threatening candidiasis and candidemia infections.  [Bruce Bigelow,, Feb 12,16]

Amplyx Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR, founded 2006) raised $40.5 million in [VC] the antifungal drug developer said ...  is preparing to launch a Phase 1 clinical trial of APX001, which belongs to a new class of antifungals, next year. It's to be used to treat life-threatening infections. ...  a spinoff of Stanford University. ...  Another San Diego company developing an antifungal drug is Cidara Therapeutics (no SBIR), whose CEO, Jeff Stein, also headed Trius. ... The company is based at JLABS, Johnson & Johnson's life science incubator in La Jolla  [Bradley Fikes, San Diego Union Tribune, Nov 11, 15]

Cidara Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) grabbed $42 million in a Series B funding round to continue developing its treatment for fungal infections, a therapy that it expects will hit the first stage of clinical trials later this year.  [David Holley,, Feb 11, 15]

Buoyed by its experimental Ebola drug, Mapp Biopharmaceutical (Sorrento Mesa, CA; $9M SBIR) was included on a prominent list of U.S. biotech companies to watch this year.  Cidara Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) biotech firm, also made the list compiled by the high-profile industry publication Fierce Biotech.  [Bradley Fikes,, Sep 22, 14]

Cidara Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; no SBIR, one employee) raised $32 million in venture financing, the startup said. ... developing immunotherapy drugs and an antifungal drug, Biafungin.  ....  acquiring some of Trius' old equipment that Cubist doesn't need, Stein said  [Bradley Fikes,, Jun 30, 14]

Ciena (Landover, MD)

Ciena  up 17% [Mar 7, 13] reported a fiscal first-quarter adjusted profit, versus expectations for a loss, on improved gross margin and revenue that rose more than expected. [Wall Street Journal, Mar 8]

Ciena Bought for $7B (Jun 4) Ciena, the startup that didn't need SBIR, was bought for $7B. The highest market cap for companies for whom SBIR was a big help is fluctuating around $300M. That's ATMI whose cap has plummeted from $600M a few months ago. Also Cree Research just under $200M.

Ciencia (East Hartford, CT)

Jeff Bond tells me that Sal Fernandez died; Sal founded Ciencia (East Hartford CT).  Nov 06

Why Pay $100K (Mar 19) Why pay $100K for a fluorescence lifetime sensor when Oriel Instruments will sell you the best for $18K? Oriel is displaying its new instrument at Pittcon '97, the annual conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. (Anyone remember mechanical chemical balances and splashed nitric acid in wet analytical chemistry?) The instrument's heart comes from Ciencia (East Hartford, CT) who developed it with two SBIR awards from BMDO (one while the crew was still at Scientific Research Associates, a huge SBIR user with little commercialization to show for it). The instrument's proximate source is an ONR SBIR. I used to say in public that when you had finished a BMDO Phase 2, you were ready for a Navy Phase 1. Question for the anti-immigration ideologues: would Ciencia and Oriel have this advance on the market if Ciencia's founder-president Sal Fernandez had not been allowed to enter from Cuba?


ethanol company Cilion raising the largest venture round ever -- $200 million -- for an alternative energy company  [, Sep 1]

CimaBay Thera

CimaBay Thera down 10% [Mar 26,15]

CinCor Pharma (Cincinnati, OH)

clinical-stage biopharmaceutical  CinCor Pharma (Cincinnati, OH; no SBIR, founded 2018) announced the completion of a $50 million Series A round. ... the largest Series A the city has ever seen. ... also CinCor announced that Swiss multinational health care company Roche would acquire exclusive global rights to CIN-107, an aldosterone synthase inhibitor compound. Said compound will be further developed to use against treatment-resistant hypertension and primary aldosteronism. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.  [Courtney Gabrielson, CincyInno, May 15,19 ]

CinRx (Cincinnati, OH)

CinRx (Cincinnati, OH; no SBIR, founded 2015), a biopharmaceutical with an innovative approach to developing novel therapeutics that address diverse therapeutic areas, announced its Series B round of financing with a total investment of $10 million   [company press release, Nov 28, 17]   has four compounds advancing in its R&D portfolio, and has ongoing discussions for additional acquisitions of products and/or collaborative agreements with other partners [company website]

Ciranova (Santa Clara, CA)

Intel Capital said it's investing more than $30 million in four technology startups...  Adaptive Computing   (Provo, UT) developer of software for data centers and cloud computing; Ciranova, (Santa Clara, CA) maker of chip design software; Joyent, (San Francisco, CA) provider of cloud-computing infrastructure; Nexant a (San Francisco, CA) developer of energy-efficiency software and clean-energy services.  [FM Russell, San Jose Mercury News, Sep 15, 10]  None had SBIR. 

Circle Technologies (Tulalip,WA)

Circle Technologies (Tulalip, WA;  no SBIR) is looking to raise nearly $4 million to do some hiring and bring its product to market.   [Rachel Nielsen, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jun 6, 16]   Our Tekla system provides the fastest analytical technology for biologic drug manufacturing [as it] provides the drug titer (concentration) every 8 minutes. [company website]

Cirius Therapeutics (Kalamazoo, MI)

Cirius Therapeutics (Kalamazoo, MI; no SBIR) developer of an experimental therapy for liver disease is moving its administrative headquarters [to San Diego]. ....   also has hired three experienced biomedical executives in San Diego to lead the company in connection with the opening. It will use $40 million of newly raised money to complete a mid-stage clinical trial of an experimental liver drug, said Bob Baltera, the company’s new CEO. [Bradley Fikes, San Diego Union Tribune, Apr 11, 17]

CivaTech Oncology (Research Triangle Park, NC)

CivaTech Oncology (Research Triangle Park, NC; $200K SBIR) raised $1.5 million in a new round and doubled the target for this latest round to $2 million. ... working to develop low-dose-rate brachytherapy devices, a type of cancer treatment that uses radiation.  [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Jul 29, 14]

N.C. Biotechnology Center-fueledCivaTech Oncology  (Research Triangle Park, NC; $200K SBIR, nine employees)  company [has nabbed $400,000 in equity] and getting ready to start early studies for its new prostate cancer device.  .... supplementing National Institutes of Health grants to develop a lung cancer radiation shielding device called the “CivaSheet,”  [Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Jun 9, 13]

Civetta Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Civetta Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) announced a $53 million Series A financing to advance select programs and a proprietary platform focused on beta-propeller proteins. ... “Civetta’s vision is to develop a broad range of expertise in drugging the propeller domains, spanning from biochemistry to biology to medicinal chemistry.[company press release, Dec 4, 19]

CiVi Biopharma (San Francisco, CA)

Secretive pharmaceutical startup CiVi Biopharma (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR for secrets) closed a $40M Series A [Luke Stangel, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Jan 9, 17]

Civitas Therapeutics (Chelsea, MA)

Acorda Thera up 28% [Sep 24, 14]  On the eve of a planned $75 million [IPO],  biotech Civitas Therapeutics (Chelsea, MA; no SBIR, 44 employees) has been acquired by Acorda Therapeutics (Ardsley, NY; $2M SBIR) for $525 million.  Acorda, which is developing treatments for multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury treatments, will be buying worldwide rights to CVT-301, a Phase 3 inhaled drug delivery technology for controlling episodes of Parkinson’s disease. Acorda estimates the market for the drug to be more than $500 million, which explains the high premium it's willing to pay despite the fact that CVT-301 won't begin late-stage trials until next year, with an approval application expected in 2016.  [Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Sep 24, 14]

Civitas Therapeutics (Chelsea, MA; $2.4M SBIR), which launched in January with a $20 million Series A funding round, has now bumped that up to $28 million, according to federal documents. ...  The company received the spun-out inhaled drug delivery program at Alkermes, and will use the manufacturing facility in Chelsea that was idled when Eli Lilly pulled out of a deal with Alkermes in 2008.  [Rodney Brown, Mass High Tech, May 3, 11]

Civitas Therapeutics (Chelsea, MA; no SBIR) has launched with $20 million in Series A funding, spun out of the inhaled drug delivery program at Alkermes Inc.. The new company will use the manufacturing facility in Chelsea that was idled when Eli Lilly pulled out of a deal with Alkermes in 2008. [Rodney Brown, Mass High Tech, Jan 10, 11]


the Shady Grove Innovation Center incubator’s remaining tenants prepare for the facility to officially close [and displace nearly 40 companies] after 15 years of housing young biotechnology companies.  The $9 million facility will soon be gutted to make way for a national cybersecurity center that the federal government agreed to locate in Montgomery County if state and local officials could find a building to house it.   ..... “That incubator was the heart of the biotech start-up space here in Montgomery County, and it is terribly unfortunate that political decisions have to have such a negative impact on our industry,” said Aprile Pilon, whose company, Clarassance, has been at the Maryland incubator seven years.  [Washington Post, Jun 30] What the politicians and the tenants are not making is any economic argument that the center has a compelling economic return.  It's a typical predicament for government subsidy programs that sound good but do not pay off. Can you think of any other government program with more pontification than profit after thirty years?

Claresta Solutions (San Antonio, TX)

Somer Baburek, founder and CEO of Claresta Solutions (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) decided to create a new medical product — a more agile and accurate ultrasound-monitoring system that uses patches on the mother's stomach (instead of a bulky machine) to track babies during labor. ... and has been working with her team to create a prototype before they seek [FDA] approval. ... they are in the midst of closing a seed round of $150,000 as her team of four finalizes the prototype.  [Hilary Burns, Bizwomen Reporter, Mar 19, 15]

Claret Medical (Santa Rosa, CA)

Medical device developer Claret Medical (Santa Rosa, CA; no SBIR) has secured $18 million [SeriesB] funding to complete the U.S. trial of its device that protects the cerebrum of the brain during surgery.  [Sarah Drake, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Aug 22, 14]  

Claria Medical (Mountain View, CA)

Women’s-health-focused pharma Organon has made an early bet on a young medtech startup Claria Medical (Mountain View, CA; $1,3M SBIR) working to reshape the hysterectomy. Claria Medical aims to deliver a medical device that turns the removal of the uterus into a minimally invasive, laparoscopic procedure that can be done safer and faster than current surgeries. [Conor Hale, Fierce Biotech, Jan 9, 2023]

Clark-MXR (Ann Arbor, MI)

Photonics Spectra Jan 2000 says Clark-MXR (Ann Arbor, MI) makes the mode-locked erbium-doped fiber ring laser that produces the femto-second pulses for Lucent's demonstration of zillion wavelengths on one fiber. Don't look for it yet in stores because it hasn't yet showed the commercial requirements for lifetime, temperature and vibration insensitivity. Clark-MXR is a combo of Clark Instruments (Rochester, NY) and start-up MXR that got going with a BMDO SBIR that the experts panned in reviewing the Phase 1 proposal.

Claros Diagnostics (Woburn, MA)

Claros Diagnostics(Woburn, MA; no SBIR) maker of in-vitro medical diagnostic tests, has been acquired by Miami biopharmaceutical and diagnostics company OPKO Health least a $30 million payment of combined cash and stocks, with the potential for another $19 million paid to Claros, based on milestone achievements [Michelle Lang, Mass High Tech, Oct 14, 11]

Claros Technologies (St Paul, MN)

Claros Technologies (St Paul, MN; $400K SBIR) led by 3M veteran, ramps up toward commercialization [J.D. Duggan, Minne Inno, Sep 5,2023]

Clean Diesel Technologies (Stamford, CT)

Clean Diesel Technologies (no SBIR). has taken its emissions technology to the water, landing as a client Burlington, Vermont-based ferry company Lake Champlain Transportation Co. [Mass High Tech, Feb 14,08]

Clean Diesel Technologies (Stamford, CT; 13 employees, no SBIR) may become a big player in emissions control. The tiny outfit, specializing in cutting nitrogen oxide and particles in the exhaust from diesel cars and trucks, has licensed its technology to two makers of emission-control products, Tenneco and Germany's Robert Bosch. [Gene Marcial, Business Week, Dec 3, 07]

Clear Catheter Systems (Bend, OR)

Clear Catheter Systems(Bend, OR; no SBIR) has raised another $3.75 million, according to a new [SEC] filing   ....  makes chest catheters that are used after heart surgery. The technology helps prevent problems from blood clots, which are common after cardiac procedures.  .... product won federal approval in 2010.  ....  has raised equity from investors several times, including a $4 million round in 2011 and a $1.2 million round led by the Oregon Angel Fund in 2010.   [Matthew Kish, Portland Buusiness Journal, Nov 7, 13]

ClearCount Medical Solutions (Ross Township, PA)

ClearCount Medical Solutions (Ross Township, PA; $1M SBIR) raised $5 million from investors, its largest capital infusion to date. ...  developer of technology that prevents patients from leaving the operating table with a surgical sponge inside is using the money for commercialization  ...  plans to add a few employees to its current 23,  [Patty Tescarella, Pittsburgh Business Times, Sep 8, 10]

ClearEdge Power

Plug Power sold $124.3 million worth of stock in its biggest stock sale ever, capitalizing on its recent rebound from penny-stock territory.  .... priced at a deep discount to Plug's recent stock price, suggesting some pushback among buyers  .... Among other stocks in the fuel-cell sector, FuelCell Energy is up 73% this year. Canada's Ballard Power Systems is up 174%. But the industry participants' shares have given head fakes before.   [Matt Jarzemsky, Wall Street Journal, Apr 24, 14]  Meanwhile, workers at ClearEdge Power (headquartered in Oregon and founded in 2003; no SBIR) in South Windsor, CT  were sent home, uncertain about what the future holds. ... Town Manager Matthew B. Gallagan said the fuel cell manufacturer will seek some form of bankruptcy protection. [Brian Dowling, Hartford Courant, Apr 24, 14]

UTC Power, a (South Windsor, CT; no SBIR) manufacturer of fuel cell systems, has laid off employees as part of a 39 percent cut in the workforce of parent company ClearEdge Power. (no SBIR)...  part of a company pivot away from mobile fuel cells that run in vehicles. ... Layoffs also occurred at ClearEdge's locations in Hillsboro, OR., Sunnyvale, CA, and Irvine, CA.    [Brian Dowling, Hartford Courant, Mar 15, 13]

ClearEdge Power (Hillsboro, OR) (Hillsboro, OR; no SBIR) a fuel-cell maker that raised $73.5 million in August. [Richard Read, The Oregonian, Dec 19, 11]

Clear Guide Medical

Johns Hopkins University is seeing strong interest for the university’s first business accelerator — a faster than expected response .... opened in January to Hopkins faculty members and students interested in pursuing business ideas with their research.  .. . One company, Clear Guide Medical (no SBIR), is developing an portable ultrasound-based tool. [Sarah Gantz, Baltimore Business Journal, Jun 24, 13]

Clearside Biomedical (Atlanta, GA)

Clearside Biomedical (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR), a late-stage clinical biopharmaceutical company developing first-in-class drug therapies to treat blinding diseases of the eye went IPO for $50M.  [company press release, Jun 1, 16]

Drug development company Clearside Biomedical (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) raised $16 million [Series B financing for] a clinical trail.  ...  developed a micro-injection platform technology that allows a surgeon to deliver medication specifically to the retina — improving the effectiveness of the drug while reducing side effects that may occur when the drug enters into other parts of the eye. ... part of a growing cluster of medical device companies in metro Atlanta. Georgia is home to 122 device manufacturing companies, which collectively employ more than 3,500 people, according to the 2012 Shaping Infinity report.  [Urvaksh Karkaria, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Sep 17, 14]

Clearside Biomedical (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) has raised $6 million as it prepares for late-stage trials on a novel injection technique. ....  has developed a micro-injection platform technology that allows a surgeon to deliver medication specifically to the retina — improving the effectiveness of the drug while reducing side effects that may occur when the drug enters into other parts of the eye.  ....  proprietary technology, licensed from Georgia Tech and Emory University  .... has raised $18 million so far from investors  [Urvaksh Karkaria, Atlanta Business Chronicle, May 12, 14]

Clearside Biomedical startup co-founded by a former Inspire Pharmaceuticals (no SBIR either) executive has raised $4 million in funding from investors ... its pharmaceutical research-and-development work will be based in the Triangle ....  owns the rights to a micro-needle used to deliver drugs to the back of the eye and the retina that was developed by scientists at Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 4, 12]

Cleave Biosciences (Burlingame, CA)

Celgene big Summit, NJ, drugmaker joined with a group of venture capitalists to give Cleave Biosciences (Burlingame, CA; no SBIR, founded 2010) a $37 million Series B round to help pay for the startup’s first human clinical studies.  ....  is developing an experimental cancer drug, CB-5083, that is currently in two Phase 1 trials: one for patients with solid tumors, and the other for those with blood cancers    [David Holley,, Aug 8, 16]

Peter Thompson, a biotechnology investor and a University of Washington affiliate professor, is launching a biotech startup Silverback (Bellevue, WA) while netting $10 M. [Seattle Times, Apr 12, 16]  Thompson also co-founder of Corvus Pharma, Cleave Biosciences, and Trubion Pharma.  []

Cleave Biosciences (Burlingame, CA; no SBIR) dosed the first patient with multiple myeloma in its first clinical trial. ...   raised $54 million in its Series A round  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Sep 4, 14]

Clene Nanomedicine (Salt Lake City, UT)

Clene Nanomedicine (Salt Lake City, UT; no SBIR), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical announced that it has secured $42.5 million in a Series D financing [to] advance Clene's clinical pipeline— particularly the lead nanocatalyst, CNM-Au8—through its ongoing Phase 3 study for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and multiple Phase 2 clinical trials for the treatment of progressive neurologic impairment seen in people suffering from multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and ALS. [company press release, Aug 26, 20]

Cleveland BioLabs (Buffalo, NY)

Cleveland BioLabs up 20% [Apr 13, 21]

Cleveland BioLabs down 42% [Jun 29, 20]

Cleveland BioLabs up 25% [Mar 6, 20]

Cleveland Biolabs up 49% [Feb 26, 20]

Cleveland BioLabs up 34% [Jan 31, 20]

Second Sight Medcal up 15% [Jan 31, 20]

Cleveland BioLabs down 27% [Jan 27, 20]

Cleveland Biolabs up 11% [Jan 31,18]

Cleveland BioLabs up 11% [Dec 21, 17]

Cleveland BioLabs up 11% [Dec 20, 17]

Cleveland Biolabs up 13% [May 31,17]

p>Cleveland Biolabs up 17% [May 23,17]

Cleveland Biolabs up 10% [May 12,17]

Cleveland Biolabs up 12% [May 10,17]

Cleveland BioLabs up 46% [Apr 19, 17]

Cleveland BioLabs down 27% [Apr 18, 17]

Clevland BioLabs  up 19% [Jun 28, 16]

Cleveland Biolabs  down 14% [Mar 17,16]

Cleveland Biolabs down 19% [Mar 16,16]   [FDA] determined that an in vivo study will be necessary to establish bio-comparability between the entolimod drug formulation proposed for use under the pre-EUA and the drug formulation used in previously conducted preclinical and clinical studies. The FDA indicated that further review of the pre-EUA dossier would not proceed until these bio-comparability data have been evaluated by the Agency. [company press release, Mar 16, 16]

Cleveland BioLabs up 10% [Jan 6, 16]

Cleveland BioLabs has received another significant federal grant in its ongoing push to commercialize entolimod, its most advanced drug candidate. The award, up to $6.6 million, will fund a clinical trial for entolimod’s ability to quickly treat large sections of the population in the event of a radiation disaster. ...  A $9.2 million [DOD] contract was awarded to Cleveland BioLabs earlier this month to fund animal studies for the same purpose. [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Sep 21, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs (Buffalo, NY; $1.8M SBIR) earned a federal contract worth up to $9.2 million ... from the Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program and support the development of entolimod, the company’s most advanced drug candidate, for its promise to treat large groups of people quickly after a radiological attack.  [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Sep 2, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs down 18% [Aug 12, 15] after a bigger quarterly loss

Cleveland BioLabs up 14% [Aug 10, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs up 17% [Jul 21,15]

Cleveland BioLabs down 14% [Jun 29, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs up 90% [Jun 25, 15] top percentage gainer. A VC bought $25M in shares at a 35% premium.

Cleveland Bio Labs down 12% [Jun 15, 15]

Cleveland Bio Labs up 31% [Jun 12, 15]

Needing cash.    Cleveland BioLabs announced reaching an agreement to sell a subsidiary, Incuron, for $4 million to that company’s board chairman, Dr. Mikhail Mogutov.  The deal includes two tranches, with 75 percent of the company’s equity being sold for about $3 million now and an option for Mogutov to purchase the remaining 25 percent for $1 million before the end of 2015.  [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Apr 29, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs and Roswell Park Cancer Institute will work together on breast cancer research under a three-year, $1.2 million federal grant. ...  local research effort will involve Entolimod, a proprietary investigational drug being developed by CBLI, which has shown preclinical potential in the immunotherapy of cancer, including models of liver metastases.   [Buffalo Business First, Apr 27, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs will remain on the NASDAQ stock exchange as it successfully raised its stock price above the $1 minimum  [with a 1:16 reverse split]  ... drugs have shown promising results in clinical trials, particularly in regards to treating the effects of radiation and certain types of cancer.  ...  Its most promising candidate, entolimod, received approval to apply for something called "pre-Emergency Use Authorization" in November 2014 from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If it receives the authorization, Cleveland BioLabs will be able to sell entolimod to the federal government for use in the event of a radiological or nuclear emergency.    [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Feb 18, 15] 

Clevelnd BioLabs down 13% [Feb 4, 15]

Clevland BioLabs  up 17% [Jan 29, 15]

Buffalo BioLabs (Buffalo, NY; $300K SBIR) is targeting investors to raise $500,000, which it would use to research animal testing models and hire a salesperson.  ....  28-person preclinical drug testing company since it broke off from Cleveland BioLabs LLC in October 2013 ...  performs early-stage and advanced preclinical research studies for clients in a way that's more timely and cost-effective than what might be possible at their own facilities.   [David Bertola, Buffalo Business First, Dec 16, 15]

Cleveland BioLabs still hopeful of commercializing a drug that helps recoery from large radiation doses. The Clevelnd researchers have had what they needed: substantial evidence [in monket trials] of entolimod’s unique ability to help huge populations of people exposed to radiation. ...   they brought those results to the FDA for a one-day meeting in July and are now waiting on the release of the meeting minutes, which will indicate whether they should apply for something called pre-Emergency Use Authorization. [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Aug 19, 14] 

Cleveland BioLabs near-term future is hugely dependent on whether a U.S. government agency sees fit to supply the funding to finish the development of Entolimod, its most advanced drug.  But in the meantime, the company is seeing significant boosts from a government across the world.  For the second time in October, BioLabs announced a $4.6 million contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. ...  for the development of Mobilan, a cancer vaccine in preclinical development.   [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Oct 23, 13]  With a federal contract for its radiation treatment drug still undetermined, Cleveland BioLabs Inc. has closed on a loan for up to $10 million with a specialty finance company. [Tracy Drury, Buffalo Business First, Oct 1, 13]

Cleveland BioLabs has spent most of its existence as an engine of pre-clinical development, preparing drugs for the hugely important phase of human testing. The day for its transition is here   .... moved in 2007 to the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus from the Cleveland Clinic by the promise of partnering with Roswell Park Cancer Institute and a $5 million incentive package from New York state and local authorities. [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Sep 12, 13]

“I’m looking for something, as a shareholder, where the stock price will be above $1.60 next year,” Chokel told [Cleveland] BioLabs’ executives ...their most advanced drug, Entolimod, which they say shows great promise in treating cancer and also in preventing the effects of radiation. ...  has undergone a number of promising trials, including those in primates and in humans, but the company needs an infusion of cash to finalize its home stretch to the market. ... moved from Cleveland to Buffalo in 2007, motivated by the promise of partnering with Roswell and a $5 million incentive package from New York state and local authorities. ...  [CFO] said Cleveland BioLabs and its subsidiaries have about $50 million in cash.  [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Jun 14, 13]

Cleveland BioLabs and its subsidiary, Incuron LLC, have plans to test a new cancer drug in Russia. [Tracey Drury, Buffalo Business First,Apr 29, 12]

Cleveland BioLabs  up 15% [Feb 27, 12]

Cleveland BioLabs up 10% [Jun 2, 11]

Cleveland BioLabsup 10% [Mar 14, 11]

Cleveland BioLabs up 7% after The Pentagon awarded the Buffalo, N.Y., specialty pharmaceutical company a $45 million contract for medication that treats radiation poisoning, such as from a nuclear catastrophe. The contract gives the company funding to seek regulatory approval and $30 million in initial orders. [Wall Street Journal, Sep 18, 10]

Cleveland biolabs up 13% [Jul 22, 10]

Cleveland BioLabs up 12% [Jun 16, 10]

Cleveland BioLabs  up 13% [Feb 22, 10]

Cleveland BioLabs up 15% [Jan 6, 10]

Cleveland BioLabs down 22% [Aug 6, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs up 10% [Aug 5, 09]

Cleveland Biolabs up 17% [Jun 29, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs up 11% [May 29, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs   up 11% [May 18, 09]

Cleveland BioLab   up 13% [May 4, 09]

Cleveland BioLabsstock, which shot up to 6 a year ago only to crash to 1.32 this Mar. 6, is again on the rise, bouncing to 3.20. Why? BioLabs "expects to receive a purchase contract this year from the Health & Human Services Dept. for a protective agent against radiation damage," says Stephen Brozak of WBB Securities, who rates the stock a strong buy, with a 12-month target of 13. He says an HHS contract could be worth several hundred million dollars. BioLabs has teamed up with the Cleveland Clinic, the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, and Roswell Park Cancer Institute to develop the radiation treatment.  [Business Week, May 11, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs  up 12% [Apr 21, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs   down 16% [Feb 17, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs down 11% [Feb 10, 09]

Cleveland BioLabs has begun its initial safety studies, the first step in the clinical trial process before applying for FDA approval for its radiation treatment drug. ... received two federal contracts totaling $22.2 million to develop the drug [Business First of Buffalo, Oct 15, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs down 13% [Oct 7, 08]

Cleveland Biolabs down 11%[Oct 6,08]

Cleveland BioLabs  down 11% [Sep 18, 08]

A new $13.3 million federal grant is helping push Cleveland BioLabs  one step closer to FDA approval for its drug to treat the gastrointenstinal effects of acute radiation syndrome. [First Business of Buffalo, Sep 16, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs received approval for the first of 20 patents sought for Protectan CBLB502, a compound used in a drug to treat acute radiation syndrome. [Business First of  Buffalo, Jul 8, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs up 23% [Apr 14, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs up 12% [Mar 3, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs up 20% [Jan 25, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs up 13% [Jan 24, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs up 10% [Jan 23, 08]

Cleveland BioLabs down 59% [Jan 4, 08] as DOD picks Osiris, up 10%, for $225M contract for stem cell therapy.

Cleveland BioLabs down 12% [Dec 11, 07]

Cleveland Polymer Technologies (Watervliet, NY)

A new book by Antoine van Agtmael, who coined the phrase “emerging markets”, and Fred Bakker, a Dutch journalist, called “The Smartest Places on Earth”, argues that the rust belts of the rich world, especially in America, are becoming hotspots of innovation. ...  Bruce Katz of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, reckons that America’s 50 most research- and technology-intensive industries have added nearly 1m jobs since 2010. ...  As Van Agtmael and Bakker note, Akron has capitalised on its heritage as home to America’s four biggest tyremakers by turning itself into America’s capital city of polymers. The University of Akron’s Polymer Training Centre houses 120 academics and 700 graduate students. Companies such as Akron Polymer Systems (Akron, OH; $1M SBIR) and Akron Surface Technologies (Akron, OH; no SBIR) are inventing new ways to commercialise synthetic materials..... In Watervliet, New York, firms such as Cleveland Polymer Technologies (Watervliet, NY; no SBIR, with operations in Israel and India, founded 2004 in Elmira, NY) occupy space in an old US Army arsenal. In Manchester, New Hampshire, the old and once-crumbling riverside mill district now buzzes with knowledge businesses and fancy restaurants.  [The Economist, Mar 5, 16]


The Exit.  Art Technology Group (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) plans to acquire CleverSet (Seattle, WA; $1.5M SBIR) for $10M [Boston Business Journal, Jan 22, 08]  CleverSet, the leading provider of personalized recommendations for eCommerce companies, was named the winner in the "Most Innovative Company" category in the 2007 American Business Awards [eMedia Wire, Jun 12, 07]  in Oct 07 in the Web 2.0 Summit Launch Pad competition, named "Best in Show" and "Most Likely to Exit First." ...  its MDA SBIR promised to develop representations and algorithms for distributed inference and control over a network of heterogeneous sensors and weapons connected by a communication network. The approach will be evaluated within CleverSet Modeler, CleverSet's relational Bayesian modeling environment using CleverSet's patent-pending synthetic variable language.

Climate Corporation ((Silicon Valley)

Prescriptive planting.    Climate Corporation  (Silicon Valley, no SBIR, founded 2006). Set up by two former Google employees, it used remote sensing and other cartographic techniques to map every field in America (all 25m of them) and superimpose on that all the climate information that it could find. By 2010 its database contained 150 billion soil observations and 10 trillion weather-simulation points. ....  last October Monsanto bought the company for about $1 billion  ... produced a map of America which says which seed grows best in which field, under what conditions. FieldScripts uses all these data to run machines made by Precision Planting, a company Monsanto bought in 2012, which makes seed drills and other devices pulled along behind tractors. .... Farmers who have tried Monsanto’s system say it has pushed up yields by roughly 5% over two years, a feat no other single intervention could match. The seed companies think providing more data to farmers could increase America’s maize yield from 160 bushels an acre (10 tonnes a hectare) to 200 bushels  [The Economist, May 24, 14]

Clinical Data

Biotechnology company Clinical Data (no SBIR) said Monday that it has agreed to sell its diagnostic business to Transgenomic (Omaha, NE; $200K SBIR)  for at least $15.4 million. [Boston Globe, Nov 30, 10]

Cloudant (Boston, MA)

Cloudant(Boston, MA; no SBIR) which offers a cloud database service competing with the Amazon DynamoDB service, said it's received a strategic investment from In-Q-Tel, the CIA venture capital arm  ... founded in 2008 by three MIT physicists ... joins more than a dozen Boston area companies with In-Q-Tel as a backer   [Don Seiffert, Mass High Tech, Oct 2, 12]  CIA's role in investment seems cloudant. Where's the market failure in database software that justifies government intervention, and worse taking an equity position in a private company? Where are Amazon's Congressional representatives as the government feeds its competitors?

CloudMade (Menlo Park, CA)

Intel is investing about $26 million in six mobile technology startups ... CloudMade (Menlo Park, CA) startup that provides tools to developers of location-based applications.  ...  InVisage Technologies (Menlo Park, CA) startup that is developing a custom semiconductor material, replacing silicon, for image sensors ... Beijing-based Borqs, New York-based Kaltura, Toronto-based SecureKey Technologies and Reading, England-based VisionOSS Solutions [Frank Russell, San Jose Mercury News, Feb 14]

Cloud Pharmaceuticals (Research Triangle Park, NC)

Cloud Pharmaceuticals (formerly TeraDiscoveries, Durham, NC; at least $150K SBIR) [CEO] says he will launch a Series B round with a $10 million target. [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Feb 19, 16] designs and develops new drugs for a wide range of therapeutic areas including cancer, inflammation, CNS disorders, and rare diseases.  [company website]

Cloud Pharmaceuticals (Research Triangle Park, NC; no SBIR) garnered a $150,000 [NSF SBIR], but has sights set on $20 million from private investors to grow  ... seeks to identify potential new medicines by targeting molecule combinations very early in the process    ...  recently closed on $2 million in private investments in a friends-and-family round [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Jul 29, 14]

Clovis Oncology (Boulder, CO)

Clovis Oncology (Boulder, CO; no SBIR, founded 2009) is stopping work on an experimental lung-cancer drug and reducing its headcount by 35 percent, affecting dozens of staff and contract employees.   [Greg Avery, Denver Business Journal, May 10, 16]  FDA's Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee said it wants to wait for more test results [Ben Miller, Denver Business Journal, Apr 13, 16]

Clovis Oncology (Boulder, CO; no SBIR) announced that [FDA] Committee recommended that the FDA wait to see results from TIGER-3, Clovis’ ongoing Phase 3, randomized, controlled trial of rociletinib, before making a decision on approval of the treatment. ... trading in the company stock was halted     [company press release, Apr 12, 16]

Clovis Oncology(Boulder, CO; no SBIR) has rebounded from last fall’s failure of the first drug it was researching, and now the Boulder-based biotech firm has not one, but two cancer drug candidates that show promise in preliminary tests. ...  brought investors rushing back to Clovis’ stock and infused $259 million in new funding.  [Greg Avery, Denver Business Journal, Jul 12, 13]

Clovis Tech (San Francisco, CA)

Clovis Technology (Boulder, CO; no SBIR)’s ovarian cancer drug received regulatory approval to be sold in the United States to thousands of women with a specific genetic profile and for whom the advanced-stage cancer is recurring. [FDA]granted accelerated approval to the drug Rubraca for treatment of advanced ovarian cancer.  [Greg Avery, Denver Business Journal, Dec 19, 16]

Clovis Tech  (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR, founded 2009, IPO 2011) down 70% [Nov 16, 15] after [FDA] requested additional clinical data for use in the efficacy analysis for both the 500mg and 625mg BID dose patient groups for rociletinib .... founded by former executives of Pharmion [which] developed and commercialized novel oncology products in the United States, Europe and additional international markets until its acquisition by Celgene  in 2008. [company website]

CMC Biologics

Down-but-not-out biotech Xoma ($500K SBIR in the 1980s) will sell its Berkeley antibodies manufacturing plant to Agenus (Lexington, MA; no SBIR) in a $6 million cash and stock offer, unload its biodefense program and trim its workforce by more than half. ...  Xoma six years ago employed 350 people but that had fallen to 180 this year, in part because it sold its large-scale manufacturing facility in Berkeley three years ago to CMC Biologics (no SBIR). Now it will have less than 100 employees.  ....  Also, Xoma said it will divest its biodefense program to Nanotherapeutics (Alachua, FL; $2.7M SBIR)  .... The company has an accumulated deficit of nearly $1.2 billion and its one-time savior-to-be antibody, gevokizumab, failed in a clinical trial for the eye disease Behcet's uveitis.   [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Nov 5, 15]

C-Motive Technologies (Madison, WI)

C-Motive Technologies  (Madison, WI; $1.6M SBIR, founded 2012) startup that’s seeking to commercialize a new type of electric motor that it claims will produce less heat and can be built with lighter materials than the motors currently on the market, like those made with cobalt. “We’re eliminating the rare earth magnets" says [CEO] Justin Reed. The company recently raised a $750,000 round of convertible debt financing from a group of angel investors, Reed says. [, Jul 16, 18]

Seven [Wisconsin] companies each will receive a $75,000 grant under a new program aimed at helping them commercialize their products. The first-ever grants are being distributed by a program called SBIR Advance. ... with $1 million from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. and administered by the UW-Extension Center for Technology Commercialization.   All of the companies have already received [SBIR or STTR]. But they aren't able to use those funds for activities like patent work and customer development and validation. receiving the grants are: C-Motive Technologies (Madison, WI; one SBIR)  Isthmus Biosciences (Madison, WI; one SBIR); Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling LLC (Madison, WI; one SBIR);  Pan Genome Systems (Madison, WI; one SBIR);  V-Glass LLC  (Milwaukee, WI; one SBIR); Fiberstar Bio-Ingredient Technologies (Eau Claire,WI; one SBIR);  Medical Cyberworlds (Verona, WI; $600K SBIR).  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Sep 25, 14]

CND Life Sciences (Phoenix, AZ)

CND Life Sciences (Paradise Valley, AZ; $4.7M SBIR) a medical technology company pioneering the development of reliable skin-based tests to help clinicians diagnose neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, today announced the closing of a $4.5 million Series Seed 3 equity financing round [company press release, Apr 6, 2023]

CND Life Sciences (Phoenix, AZ; $2.4M SBIR) developing medical diagnostics for neurodegenerative diseases has received a $2.4 million NIH SBIR] the Syn-One Test that uses skin biopsies to find abnormal proteins to indicate conditions such as dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer’s disease, REM sleep behavior disorder and Parkinson’s disease. [AZInno, May 20, 2022]

CoAdna,Holdings (Sunnyvale, CA)

II-VI announced its intent to acquire CoAdna, Holdings, (Sunnyvale, CA; no SBIR, founded Y2K) in a [$85m] cash transaction ... CoAdna is a global leader in wavelength selective switches (WSS) based on its patented LightFlow™ liquid crystal platform and II -VI’s micro-optics. [II-VI press release, Mar 26, 18]

Coap Tech (Baltimore, MD)

CoapTech (Baltimore, MD; $1.1M SBIR) a leading medical device start-up pioneering the world’s first and only ultrasound-based feeding tube placement system, announced the closing of a Series B investment of $7 million [to] commercialize the First FDA-cleared, Ultrasound-based system for Feeding Tube Placement. [company press release, Aug 28, 20]

Coap Tech (Baltimore, MD; one SBIR) raises $2.35 million [seed round], moves toward FDA clearance.... developed a technology that allows for more efficient, less-invasive feeding tube placement in hospital patients.  [Morgan Eichensehr, Baltimore Business Journal, Jul 24, 18]

CoAxia (Maple Grove, MN)

CoAxia (Maple Grove, MN, no SBIR), a med-tech firm [which raised about $70 million VC] that's struggled to receive regulatory approval to sell its devices as a treatment for stroke, has sold its assets to Zoll Medical (Masschusetts) for an undisclosed amount. [Patricia Resende, Boston Business Journal, Jul 1, 13]

Cobalt Biofuels (Mountain View, CA)

Cobalt Technologies (Mountain View, CA; no SBIR)raised $20 million in its fourth round of venture funding.  ... specializes in biobutanol [biofuel] made from bits of sugar cane or wood.  [Steven Brown, San Francisco Business Times, May 2, 11]

Cobalt Biofuels a startup based in Mountain View, CA, has developed a cheap way to make butanol from biomass. Last week, the company announced that it had raised $25 million to expand from a small laboratory-scale production to a pilot-scale plant that can produce about 35,000 gallons of fuel per year. [MIT Tech Review, Oct 27, 08]

Cocoon Biotech (Cambridge, MA)

biotech startup Cocoon Biotech (Cambridge,MA and Australia; no SBIR) that uses silk fibroin as a biomaterial, closed its fundraising round worth $4.49 million. [BostInno, Dec 4, 19]

biotech startup Cocoon Biotech (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2013) recently filed an amendment to an SEC Form D to reveal that it sold more than $4 million in a debt offering.  [Sean Whooley,, Nov 4, 19] total funding $4.3M []

Cocrystal Discovery (Seattle, WA)

Cocrystal Pharma down 16% [Jan 22, 19]

Cocrystal Pharma down 14% [Sep 7, 18]

Cocrystal Pharma down 13% [Aug 21, 18]

Cocrystal Pharmaup 11% [Aug 17, 18]

Cocrystal Pharma up 13% [Jul 18, 18]

Cocrystal Pharma up 12% [Jun 29, 18]

Cocrystal Pharma up 14% [Mar 28, 18]

RFS Pharma (now a subsidiary of CoCrystal, Tucker, GA; no SBIR, founded 2004) raised $5M in December. [David Allison, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Dec 30, 14]  to develop new drugs for the treatment of hepatitis infections as well as emerging viruses.  ...  in-licensed anti-hepatitis technology from Emory University in 2013.   In addition to its own pipeline, RFS Pharma is actively seeking promising new drugs for in-licensing.   [company website] 

RFS Pharma (Tucker, GA; no SBIR) closed on a merger with [biotech] Cocrystal Pharma (Bothell, WA; no SBIR).   Both  develop novel antiviral therapeutics for human diseases.  ... combined company plans to have a pipeline of products targeting hepatitis, influenza, rhinovirus, dengue fever and norovirus  [Ellie Hensley, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Nov 25, 14]

Cocrystal Discovery (Bothell, WA; no SBIR, founded 2008) is the latest biotechnology company to go public ... by merging with a shell company called Biozone Pharmaceuticals that trades over the counter.  ....  aims to develop “oral, once-a-day, broad spectrum drug candidates” against hepatitis C and several other viral diseases.  [Rami Grunbaum, Seattle Times, Jan 23, 14]

Cocrystal Discovery (Bothell, WA; no SBIR) drug discovery startup led by a couple of Icos veterans, has nailed down $7.5 million in new investment to develop a new kind of hepatitis C drug with Israel-based Teva Pharmaceutical. ...  led by chairman and CEO Gary Wilcox, who was previously executive vice president of operations at Bothell, WA-based Icos until that company was bought by Eli Lilly for $2.3 billion in January 2007.  [Luke Timmerman,, Sep 15, 11]

said it’s raised $10 million to help it develop new anti-viral drugs..... its focus is on the discovery and development of anti-viral compounds that target replication enzymes and will target hepatitis and influenza diseases.  [Puget Sound Business Journal, Sep 19]

Co-D Therapeutics (Madison, WI)

Co-D Therapeutics (Madison, WI; no SBIR, founded 2012) said [FDA] has granted orphan drug status for a drug it is developing for the treatment of a rare cancer of the inner lining of blood vessels.  ....  has received funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation's accelerator program.   [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 28, 15]

Eight Wisconsin biotech companies have been selected as winners of the BioForward 2013 Emerging Company Showcase:ABL Technologies LLC   (Greenfield, WI; no SBIR); Co-D Therapeutics (Madison, WI; no SBIR); Imbed Biosciences (Madison, WI; no SBIR)  medical device company developing novel and patent-pending technologies for imbedding bioactive molecules in wound dressings and surgical implants [company website]; Insert MRI  (no SBIR) developing a platform technology for encapsulating workflow 'apps' to interactively guide magnetic resonance (MR) image-guided surgical procedures [company website]; Microscopy Innovations  (Marshfield, WI; no SBIR) New Capsule-based System for  preparing Microscopy Specimens  [company website]; Regenerative Medical Solutions (Chicago/Madison; no SBIR) develop a protocol to grow healthy and resilient pancreatic stem cells [company website]; Stealth Therapeutics (Madison, WI; no SBIR) less invasive medical devices [company website]; and XenoGen Biosystems ( Madison, WI; no SBIR)  Mathematical Modeling and Computing for the Life Sciences [company website]. ... represent "a cross section of emerging companies in our industry sector that we feel are going to make an impact down the road," said Bryan Renk, BioForward's executive director.  [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sep 4, 13]

CoDa Therapeutics (San Diego, CA)

CoDa Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) said that it raised $19.2 million in a financing round to fund a large phase 2 clinical trial of its lead wound-care drug, Nexagon. ... a topical gel that inhibits the formation of so-called gap junction proteins that are created when tissue is damaged and damage surrounding healthy cells. By reducing protein production, the therapy helps to speed wound healing.  [Keith Darce,, Apr 18, 11]

Codexis (Redwood City, CA)

Enzyme maker Codexis (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR) said it inked a deal with GlaxoSmithKline that gives the drug maker license to use Codexis’s protein engineering technology, the first time a health care entity has licensed the platform, dubbed CodeEvolver. The deal pays Codexis $6 million upfront and $19 million more in milestones over two years. [Alex Lash,, Jul 17, 14]

Cleantech business Codexis (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR) bought some intellectual property from Maxygen  for $20 million. ..  won’t have to make royalty payments to Maxygen anymore ... Codexis licensed this technology from Maxygen when it was spun out of that company. Now Codexis can freely pursue biofuels and biocatalysts based on this technology, called “MolecularBreeding” by Maxygen. [SEF Brown, San Francisco Business Times, Oct 28, 10]

Codiak BioSciences (Cambridge, MA)

Codiak BioSciences ( Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) at the forefront of advancing engineered exosomes as a new class of biologic medicines, announced that it has entered into two strategic collaborations with the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard to investigate the potential of its exoVACC vaccine platform in (1) SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and in (2) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). [company press release, Jun 1, 20] total funding $168M []

Codiak Biosciences (Cambridge,MA; no SBIR) filed for an $86M IPO. .... Separately, the company is expanding into West Cambridge’s Alewife Research Center along with disease monitoring company Glympse Bio. [Rowan Walrath, Boston Inno, Apr 30, 19]

Codiak BioSciences  (Cambridge, MA, no SBIR, founded 2015)  startup run by former Biogen  research chief Doug Williams ...closed a $76.5 million Series C round ...   brings Codiak’s total to $168.5 million since its inception in 2015   [Ben Fidler,, Nov 29, 17]

startup Codiak BioSciences   (launching today in Cambridge, MA) reeled in over $80 million in venture funding to pursue its view that exosomes are the key to treating a slew of different diseases. ... building on recent discoveries over the past decade or so that exosomes are involved in much more than cellular garbage removal.  ...  will first try to make exosome-based drugs and diagnostics for pancreatic cancer, and should be in the clinic testing its first candidate next year. [Ben Fidler,, Nov 17, 15]

Co-Diagnostics (Salt Lake City, UT

Co-Diagnostics (Salt Lake City, UT; no SBIR, 20 employees) up 106% [Feb 26, 20] a molecular diagnostics company with a unique, patented platform for the development of molecular diagnostic tests, announced that its Logix Smart(TM) Coronavirus COVID-19 Test has obtained regulatory clearance to be sold as an in vitro diagnostic ("IVD") for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in markets that accept CE-marking as valid regulatory approval, and is now available for purchase from the Company's Utah-based ISO-13485:2016 certified facility. [company press release, Feb 24, 20]

Codon Devices (Cambridge, MA

Another once-promising life sciences company has died. Codon Devices (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR), a five-year-old biotech working on ways to synthesize DNA and other genetic material, is quietly shutting down.  ... after they failed to raise additional money .... Codon's failure is especially notable because it attracted so many big-name investors ..... In total, the company raised at least $31 million. Its founders included some star researchers [Todd Wallack, Boston Globe, Apr 3, 09]

Cofactor Genomics (St Louis, MO)

Louisville, where “a vibrant start-up community has developed. … Today, the city boasts five accelerators, a vibrant angel investor community and partnerships with large companies to support start-up enterprises like the GE FirstBuild center, which brings together micro-manufacturing and the maker movement.”  [Tom Friedman, New York Times, Feb 16]

Narus Biotechnologies (San Francisco, CA;  no SBIR) [focused on creating RNA diagnostic tests for neurological diseases] has been acquired by [biotech] Cofactor Genomics  (St. Louis, MO; no SBIR, $300K NIH grant, 19 employees) [which provides DNA and RNA sequencing services], the companies announced  ...  Cofactor was one of several companies founded after the completion of the Human Genome Project— supported by $900 million in research funding — by technology development scientists from Washington University’s Genome Center. ...  recently went through the Silicon Valley-based Y Combinator accelerator program, which invested $120,000 in the company. ..  Y Combinator is considered the best startup accelerator in the world having funded more than 800 startups that have a combined valuation of more than $30 billion. [Brian Feldt, St Louis Business Journal, Feb 5, 16]

Cofactor Genomics (St Louis, MO; no previous SBIR, founded 2008), a DNA and RNA sequencing service that operates out of the Cortex innovation district, has been given a $1.5 million [NIH SBIR] grant to study circular RNA.  [Brian Feldt, St. Louis Business Journal, Jul 22, 15]

Cofactor Genomics  (St. Louis MO, no SBIR, founded 2008) a DNA and RNA sequencing service that operates out of the Cortex innovation district, has been awarded a National Institute of Health (NIH) grant worth $161,000 to develop tools and software that could eventually help researchers learn more about neural development, substance abuse and psychiatric disorders.  [Brian Feldt,  St. Louis Business Journal, Aug 27, 14]

Cofactor Genomics(St Louis, MO; no SBIR) a DNA sequencing service has opened a new $3.8 million headquarters ...  launched by former Washington University researchers [Jarret Glasscock, Jon Armstrong and David Messina] in 2008, plans to hire 24 new employees, tripling its current employee headcount. [E.B. Solomont, St. Louis Business Journal, Nov 14, 13]

Cogenra (Mountain View, CA)

Cogenra (Mountain View, CA; no SBIR) solar startup, is not just competing, but beating the price of conventional solar — the price for much of the industry hovers around 70 cents a watt for commercial solar set-ups, whereas Cogenra prices as low as 50 cents per watt. It has just entered the big leagues of solar manufacturers, with its first 1 megawatt installation in Tuson, Arizona, announced in late November.   [Jun Xavier, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Dec 3, 13]

Cogentix Medical

Uroplasty (Minnetonka, MN; no SBIR) and Vision Sciences (Orangeburg, NY; two SBIRs) entered into a definitive merger agreement under which the two companies will combine in an all-stock transaction to create a new company expected to generate revenue of approximately $50 million for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2015. ...  the combined company will conduct business as Cogentix Medical  [joint press release, Dec 22,14]


Cognex (no SBIR) up 19%, the maker of machine vision sensors that inspect factory product lines, posted third-quarter earnings that beat analysts' estimates.

Cognition Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA)

Cognition Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2007) gets $6.6M in grants to fund Alzheimer's clinical studies [Paul J. Gough, Pittsburgh Business Journal, Mar 23, 18] total funding $62M develops new therapeutics to treat patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. []

Cognition Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2007) a clinical stage neuroscience company focused on the development of innovative therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurocognitive disorders, announced the initiation of U.S. clinical testing of CT1812, its proprietary first-in-class, orally available small molecule therapeutic being developed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The first US patient was dosed under Cognition’s recently submitted US IND in a drug-drug interaction study, which will support Cognition’s ongoing clinical testing of CT1812 in patients with Alzheimer’s disease in Australia.  [company press release, Dec 13, 16] raised $3M to fund continued testing of Alzheimer's drug [Pittsburgh Business Journal, Dec 6, 16]  had $12M Series B in Sept 2015 [company press release]

Australia’s neuroscience expertise has convinced US company Cognition Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR) to launch a clinical study of a new Alzheimer’s drug in Melbourne, backed by a local female focused angel investor network. Susan Catalano, chief science officer at Cognition said the exchange rate also helped with its decision to conduct the trial in Australia, adding that the company had considered the US and Europe as a base for its trials.  [The Australiian, Sep 18, 16]

Cognition Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR) developer of therapies for neurodegenerative diseases expects to advance its Alzheimer’s program into Phase 1 clinical studies by the end of 2015.  ...  last month raised $12 million in a Series B  round, said its small molecule Abeta oligomer displacement drug has the potential to rapidly improve and possibly reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and to stop disease progression.   [Patty Tascarella, Pittsburgh Business Times, Sep 9, 15]

Cognition Therapeutics (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR)  raised $12 million in a Series B round ... develops new therapeutics to improve the lives of those with neurodegenerative disorders and last year received a patent for a drug that could help combat Alzheimer’s disease.   [Patty Tascarella,Pittsburgh Business Times, Aug 5, 15]

Cognition Therapeutics(Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, employs six) life sciences company, raised $5.98 million largely from angel groups and private investors  ....   announced Wednesday that it received a patent for a drug that could help to reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease.   [Patty Tascarella, Pittsburgh Business Times, Apr 3, 14] 

Cognition Therapeutics(Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR) secured $3 million of a $3.5 million raise, said company CEO Hank Safferstein. The money will allow the company to keep advancing its small molecule program as it works to secure a larger Series B round. [Malia Spencer, Pittsburgh Buiness Times, Sep 13, 13]

Cognitive Code

A new company called Cognitive Code has built software that it believes will let everyday gadgets talk with humans. At the Techcrunch40 conference in San Francisco on Monday, the startup unveiled a developer's studio with a set of algorithms that convert strings of words into concepts and formulate a wordy response. [Kate Greene, MIT Tech Review, Sep 19]

Cohera Medical Pittsburgh, PA)

Cohera Medical (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.8M SBIR, founded 2006 with technology developed at the University of Pittsburgh, 22 employees) a rapidly growing medical device company that makes adhesives used in tummy tuck procedures, will be relocating to downtown Raleigh NC .[Amanda Hoyle, Triangle Business Journal, Feb 3, 16].  In Oct 2015  announced closing the first tranche of a $50 million equity financing led by KKR  [company website]

[FDA] has approved a surgical glue developed by Cohera Medical [Pittsburgh, PA; $1.8M SBIR] [as the] company's core product.  TissuGlu is a biodegradable product that provides an alternative to stapling, stitching and other means that surgeons use in surgery. The company was spun out of the University of Pittsburgh in 2006.  ... Cohera launched its first products in September of 2011 in Germany.   [Kris B. Mamula, Pittsburgh Business Times, Feb 6, 15]

 Cohera Medical (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.8M SBIR) announced a partnership with B. Braun to market and distribute its TissuGlu surgical adhesive in Germany, Portugal and Spain.  [Paul J. Gough,  Pittsburgh Business Times, Jan 21, 15]

Cohera Medical (Pittsburgh, PA; $2.8M SBIR) received a patent for a pressure-sensitive adhesive technology.  ....   created the adhesive for surgical mesh that can be used in hernia repair and other procedures. ...  "The unique chemistry of this synthetic pressure-sensitive adhesive is a breakthrough in the field of medical glues," said Dottie Clower, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of Cohera Medical  [Paul J. Gough, Pittsburgh Business Times, Dec 2, 14]

Cohera Medical (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.9M SBIR) said it has closed on $9.3 million from investors to complete a $26.3 million Series D financing round.  ... develops absorbable surgical adhesives and sealants, earmarked the funds to help the company work toward two regulatory approvals  [Patty Tascarella,  Pittsburgh Business Times, Jan 22, 14]

A number of Pittsburgh companies, including ExOne (no SBIR) and [Start-Up Entrepreneur Awards to] Cohera Medical (Pittsburgh, PA; $1.7M SBIR) and ThreeRivers 3D (no SBIR), were honored with 2013 Carnegie Science Awards. [Paul Gough, Pittsburgh Business Times, Jan 31, 13]

Coherus Biosciences (Redwood City, CA)

Coherus BioSciences down 9% [Nov 7, 16]  said the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office denied institution of its petition for a review of the formulation of AbbVie Inc's top-selling Humira rheumatoid arthritis treatment. ...  specializes in developing biosimilars or copies of biotech drugs  [Reuters, Nov 7, 16]

Coherus BioSciences (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR)  IPO raising $85 million ...   biologics platform company [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Nov 6, 14]  

 Medical device startup VytronUS (Sunnyvale, CA; no SBIR) gained $31.6 million ...  develops technology for people with irregular heartbeats .... for development and validation of its Low-Intensity Collimated Ultrasound (LICU) Cardiac Imaging and Ablation System to treat atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias in coming clinical trials.   [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Oct 30, 14] 

Coherus BioSci  up 20% [Nov 7, 14]

Biosimilar drug developer Coherus BioSciences (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR) wants to raise $86.25 million in an [IPO]  ...  raised $55 million in May ... There have been no biosimilar drugs approved in the United States to date.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Sep 25, 14]   

In its third round of venture funding, Coherus BioSciences (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR, started in 2010) raised $55 million.  ...  seeks to develop so-called "biosimilar" drugs that are cheaper alternatives to traditional pharmaceuticals. [Steven E.F. Brown, San Francisco Business Times, May 19, 14]

Coherus Biosciences (Redwood City, CA; no SBIR, founded 2010) inked a deal worth as much as $246 million to develop and commercialize biosimilar drugs — basically generic versions of brand-name biologic treatments — with Baxter International [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Sep 4, 13]      launched concurrently with the announcement of a strategic partnership with Daiichi Sankyo, Co. Ltd to develop and commercialize biosimilar forms of two therapies in several Asian countries. [company website 2012]

Cohesive Technologies (Franklin, MA)

Thermo Fisher Scientific bought Cohesive Technologies (Franklin, MA) to boost its line of analysis products for science-related markets such as the pharmaceutical industry. One Phase 1 SBIR long ago.

ColdQuanta (Boulder, CO)

ColdQuanta (Boulder, CO; $9M SBIR) has brought on $20 million to help commercialize its quantum computing technology. ... brings ColdQuanta’s total funding to $74 million [Nick Greenhalgh, Colorado Inno, May 13, 2021]

ColdQuanta (Boulder, CO; no SBIR) announced it raised $20 million to continue commercializing cold atom quantum technology and accelerate hiring initiatives. ...has developed technology that allows engineers to cool atoms to a few millionths of a degree above zero and use lasers to manipulate the make-up of the atom. By altering their atomic composition, ColdQuanta is able to manufacture components for computing, radio frequency sensing, timekeeping and communications. [Cassidy Ritter,, May 12, 21]

ColdQuanta (Boulder, CO; $9M SBIR, founded 2007) raises $6.75M to make it easier to spin up a limited use-case quantum computer [Matthew Lynley, TechCrunch, Jul 25, 18]

ColdWatt (Austin, TX)

ColdWatt (Austin, TX) was created by a venture investment firm that struck an agreement with Rockwell Scientific to acquire some of its pioneering research on more efficient power supplies developed in a contract Rockwell had with the U.S. Navy. ... raised $31.5M in two rounds of venture capital.  ...$6M in sales before its product is officially launched  [Austin American-Statesman, Feb 26]  It makes more efficient power supplies for servers.

Collagenex Pharmaceuticals

Galderma Laboratories, an affiliate of Suisse Galderma Pharma, acquired Collagenex Pharmaceuticals for $420M, 30% over its previous stock price. [Feb 26, 08]

Collegium Pharmaceutical (Cumberland, RI)

Collegium (Canton, MA; no SBIR) drug developer that's hoping for FDA approval of its crushable but tamper-resistant opiate [Xtampza] this fall has raised $50 million in equity financing.  ... Xtampza is different from other tamper-resistant opiates because the capsule can be broken without inhibiting the longer-release properties of the drug. The drug can be broken up for those who have difficulty swallowing pills without increasing its potency or changing its safety profile. ... the company has raised $27 million in debt and equity financing since 2010, and had several previous funding rounds from 2005 to 2008.  [Jessica Bartlett,  Boston Business Journal, Mar 13, 15]

Collegium Pharmaceutical (Cumberland, RI; no SBIR) has taken in $1 million of a planned $2.5 million debt financing round, according to [SEC] filing ... develops and commercializes drug treatments of skin-related, respiratory and central nervous system disorders, according to the Collegium website.  ... closed a $20 million Series D financing in July 2008  [Mass High Tech, Mar 9, 10]

Collegium Pharmaceutical (Cumberland, RI; no SBIR) reports that it has closed a $20 million Series D round of financing. ... founded in 2002, specializes in the development of proprietary, late-stage pharmaceutical products [Mass High Tech, Jul 15,08]

CoLucid Pharmaceuticals (Indianapolis, IN)

CoLucid Pharmaceuticals  (no SBIR), a company that in January announced it had raised $37 million to advance its experimental migraine treatment, will leave the Research Triangle area [for]for office space in Cambridge [MA].  ...  Many life sciences companies from North Carolina, and RTP in particular, are one step away from leaving, largely because there isn’t the investment capital base here that exists in the two other major life sciences hubs of Boston and Silicon Valley.   [Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, Mar 25, 15] Again, the SBIR advocates who sometinmeds argue that SBIR should enable small Nebraska companies to remain in Nebraska, are faced with the question of what SBIR is for. Their arguments usually revolve around "fair share", a purely political line.

CoLucid Pharmaceuticals (Durham, NC; no SBIR, founded 2005) raised $37.1 million to continue development of a drug it calls the biggest potential breakthrough in the treatment of migraine in more than 20 years.  ... exceeding the $25 million the company raised in 2008 to develop Lasmiditan, the migraine treatment.  Lasmiditan is designed to work on the central nervous system by targeting brain nerve receptors rather than constricting blood vessels and elevating blood pressure like traditional migraine treatments.  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 15, 15]

CoLucid Pharmaceuticals (Durham, NC; no SBIR) has raised $4 million in the third tranche of a $9.5 million targeted fundraising round, bringing the total raised so far to $7.5 million fund Phase 3 trials of its main drug candidate, lasmiditan, a migraine treatment.   [Monica Chen, Triangle Business JournaL, Sep 1, 11]

CoLucid Pharmaceuticals (Indianapolis, IN; no SBIR) raised another $25 M in venture funding to help it develop a new migraine drug it licensed two years ago from Eli Lilly ... Series B financing that included all of its original venture firms -- a move that shows its backers believe the company is on the right track.  [Indianapolis Star, Jul 1, 08]

Columbia Labs (Buffalo,NY)

Columbia Labs (Buffalo, NY; one SBIR) down 16% [Mar 18, 15]

CombiMatrix (Irvine, CA)

CombiMatrix (Irvine, CA; $1M SBIR, 55 employees) up 42% [Aug 1, 17]  a family health molecular diagnostics company specializing in DNA-based reproductive health and pediatric testing services, announced that it has entered into a definitive merger agreement with Invitae [one of the nation's fastest-growing genetics information companies] to be acquired in an all-stock merger for approximately $33 million  [company press release, Jul 31, 17]

CombiMatrix up 19% [May 8, 17]

CombiMatrix up 11% [May 5, 17]

CombiMatrix up 10% [Apr 19, 17]

CombiMatrix down 12% [Apr 11, 17]

CombiMatrix up 17% [Mar 29, 17]

CombiMatrix up 13% [Feb 2, 17]

CombiMatrix up 33% [Jan 10, 17]

CombiMatrix up13% [Nov 29, 16]

CombiMatrix up 10% [Oct 3, 16]

CombiMatrix up 14% [Aug 4, 16]

CombiMatrix down 14% [Jul 26, 16]

CombiMatrix  down 18% [Mar 21,16] after it priced a firm commitment underwritten public offering [company press release]

Combi Matrix down 13% [Mar 8,16]

Combi Matrix up 20% [Mar 7,16]

Combi Matrix up 28% [Mar 4,16]

CombiMatrix down 15% [Feb 23,16]

CombiMatrix down 10% [Feb 22, 16]

CombiMatrix  down 15% [Feb 2, 16]

CombiMatrix down 13% [Aug 7, 13]

CombiMatrix down 27% [Feb 27, 13]

CombiMatrixdown 11% [Jan 8, 13]

CombiMatrix  down 25% [Dec 13, 12]

CombiMatrix  down 16% [Dec 11, 12]

CombiMatrixup 13% [Feb 28, 11]

CombiMatrix down 12% [Aug 13, 09]

CombiMatrix ($1M SBIR) Reinvents Itself From Lab Toolmaker to Cancer Diagnostics Player.  tried for years to sell sophisticated genetic analysis instruments to laboratories, and essentially got overrun by big competitors like Santa Clara, CA-based Affymetrix and San Diego-based Illumina. ... after capturing a little more than 1 percent of the R&D market, decided to move on to the greener pastures. “We didn’t have the balance sheet to fight with them on price in the R&D market,” Kumar says. “But we have an advantage on diagnostics, and we’re establishing a beachhead before they turn their attention to the market.” [Luke Timmerman,, Jun 16, 09]

CombiMatrix  down 15% [Mar 5, 09]

Combimatrixup 18% [Nov 28, 08]

Combimatrix up 20% [Oct 13, 08]

Combimatrix down 13% [Oct 9, 08]

Combimatrix down 27% [Oct 8, 08]

Combimatrix down 11% [Oct 6, 08]

CombiMatrix down 12% [Mar 10, 08]

CombiMatrix up 11% [Feb 13, 08] after winning $31M jury award.

Dirty bomb sniffer also from CombiMatrix a winner of one Phase 2 SBIR in 2000 and a new $10M DOD contract (says Business Week, Mar 21, 05) for a computer chip product that sniffs 20 different threats (non-political). Delivery to the field by year's end (in the best of scenarios).

CombinatoRx (Cambridge, MA)

CombinatoRx said it plans to layoff another 30 employees, just weeks after it said it was cutting 52 jobs. CombinatoRx said the combined cuts, amounting to 65 percent of its workforce, should enable the company to continue to operate for at least four more years without raising additional cash.  [Boston Globe, Nov 20, 08]

Combined Energies (Latham, NY)

Two Albany area startups in the battery and energy storage industry have been awarded $250,000 in New York state funding for product development. Eonix (Colonie, NY; no SBIR) [startup developing technology to expand the capacity of ultracapacitors] and Combined Energies (Latham, NY;  SBIR) [developing distributed generation systems to extend the life of electrochemical batteries] were among the nine companies that received funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.  ... also gave $250,000 to Hollingsworth & Vose  (East Walpole, MA; no SBIR) an advanced materials manufacturing company with filtration, battery separator and industrial applications.   [Megan Rogers, Albany Business Review, Oct 27, 14]  Since 2012, the state agency has funded Paper Battery Co., BESS Technologies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and many other state entities. 

Combinent BioMedical Systems (Lexington, MA)

Combinent BioMedical Systems biopharmaceuticals company developing trans-vaginal drug-delivery technologies, reports it has raised $1 million of a planned $3 million round. [Galen Moore, Mass High Tech, Dec 30, 10]

Comet Therapeutics

Comet Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

biotech startup Comet Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; SBIR) raised $14.1M in a funding round, according to an SEC filing. [Sri) Kalyanaraman, BostonInno, Jun 17, 19]

Comfort Motion Technologies (Anderson,IN)

Comfort Motion Technologies (Anderson,IN; no SBIR), a software research and design company, said it has received a $1.085 million grant from the Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund to develop software aimed at improving driver safety and comfort.  [Indianapolis Star, Jan 17]

Commonwealth Biotechnologies

Commonwealth Biotechnologies up 31% [Apr 2, 08] after its unit Exelgen said it signed two drug discovery contracts with major pharmaceutical companies. [AP]

Grab Your Politician for Plus-Up. Smaller and more transparent earmarks of federal funds for favored domestic projects are returning after a one-year moratorium on the controversial practice. ... a bit less than 1% of total R&D appropriations (3% for DOD) ... The Senate Top 10, are mostly smaller states with senators in key committee chairmanships—Mississippi, New Mexico and Tennessee are at the top. ... search AAAS's new database of 2008 earmarks [AAAS Newsletter, Sep 07] But for small business, even 1% is a big honey pot. In the list (August version): Electro Energy  (CT; SBIR), Ocean Power Technologies (OR, SBIR in NJ),  DBS Energy CT, Eikos (MA; $8M+ SBIR), Cellular Bioengineering HI, Cerematec (UT; SBIR), Ramgen WA, Advanced Radar Technologies WY, Compact Membrane Systems (DE; $20M SBIR), SD Catalyst Group SD.  Your story is that high-tech small business will create jobs, and they don't know whether your claim is valid or just wishful thinking. Like the federal mission agencies who then have to award and supervise the contract, they don't seem much to care.

Commonwealth Fusion Systems (Cambridge, MA)

Bill Gates's Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) aims to invest $1 billion into radical energy startups capable of drastically cutting global emissions. The investees: QuantumScape (San Jose, CA; no SBIR, founded 2010, total funding $100M) building an all-solid-state battery; Commonwealth Fusion Systems (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2017, total funding $65M) nuclear-fusion reactor that uses high-temperature superconductors and aims to be the first fusion system to produce net-positive energy ; Pivot Bio (Emeryville, CA; one SBIR, founded 2010, total funding $17M) microbial solution that can replace nitrogen fertilizers; CarbonCure (Canada, founded 2007, total funding $9M) trapping carbon dioxide in concrete blocks, while endowing them with greater strength than conventional concrete; Fervo Energy (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) rethinking geothermal power with the help of modern computational models and horizontal-drilling; DMC Biotechnologies (Boulder, CO; $900K SBIR, founded 2017, total funding $2M) tailoring microbes to produce high-value chemicals, including biofuels; Zero Mass Water (Scottsdale, AZ; founded 2014, no SBIR) specialized panels that use solar power and batteries to pull water from the air. [Akshat Rathi, Quartz, Sep 26, 18]

Compass Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Compass Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2014) committed to the ambitious goal of comprehensively drugging the human immune system, today announced the closing of the final $49 million of its $132 million Series A financing [to] advance its next-generation antibody-based therapeutics into the clinic. [company press release, Jul 12, 18] total funding $116M []

Compellent Technologies (Eden Prairie, MN)

a troubling trend: The best new Minnesota tech companies keep leaving the state.  ... SmartThings’ core is moving 2,000 miles away, to a new headquarters in Silicon Valley where the company is already advertising job openings. By selling to Samsung, SmartThings joins a roster of Minnesota start-ups including Retek, Compellent and Stellent that ultimately became part of distant tech empires.   [Adam Belz, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sep 6]

Who Needs Profits? An unprofitable network-storage company led a trio of initial public offerings of stock, with Compellent Technologies [Eden Prairie, MN; no SBIR] rising 79% on its first day. [Wall Street Journal, Oct 11]

Compendia Bioscience (Ann Arbor, MI)

precision medicine startup Strata Oncology (Ann Arbor, MI; no SBIR) announced last week that it has raised a $12 million Series A round, to make tumor sequencing for cancer patients more accessible. ... has entered into a collaborative partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific. ... CEO Dan Rhodes, who led Compendia Bioscience (Ann Arbor, MI; $3.9M SBIR), a cancer genomics company that was acquired by Life Technologies in 2012, co-founded the 15-person Strata Oncology team in 2015 with Keith Flaherty, an oncologist from Harvard medical school and Massachusetts General Hospital, and pathologist Scott Tomlins from the University of Michigan medical school. [Sarah Schmid,, Jun 6, 16]

Complete Genomics (Mountain View,CA)

BGI (China) announced the launch of a West Coast Innovation Center, co-located in Seattle and San Jose.  ....   Seven years ago, BGI began its bid to turn China into a DNA superpower by buying 128 of the world’s fastest sequencing machines—then the Illumina HiSeq 200. That made BGI Illumina’s biggest single customer at the time, and an overnight sequencing sensation.  ....  Last March, almost exactly a year after Obama announced a $215 million initiative to sequence 1 million Americans, China finalized its plans for a much bigger, multi-billion dollar project.  [Megan Molteni, Wired, May 18, 17]   A Chinese company [A U.S. subsidiary of BGI-Shenzhen] will buy human genome sequencing company Complete Genomics (no SBIR, IPO 2010) for $113 million and provide $30 million in bridge financing for operations after signing a merger agreement.   [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Sep 17, 12]

New investors in the market. The Chinese firm, BGI-Shenzhen, said in a news release this weekend that its acquisition of Complete Genomics ,(Mountain View, CA; no SBIR) had been cleared by the federal Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which reviews the national security implications of foreign takeovers of American companies.  [San Jose Mercury News, Dec 31, 12]

A Chinese company [A U.S. subsidiary of BGI-Shenzhen] will buy human genome sequencing company Complete Genomics (no SBIR) for $113 million and provide $30 million in bridge financing for operations after signing a merger agreement.   [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Sep 17, 12]

a French scientist tells me he is moving his startup, Portable Genomics, to San Diego. ...  based on the assumption that it will be possible in another year to completely sequence an individual human genome for less than $1,000—and within three years, for less than $300. This is the promise of the recent announcements coming out of Life Technologies, Illumina, and Complete Genomics, as the speed of genetic sequencing increases and costs plummet. [Bruce Bigelow,, Jan 14, 11]

Complete Genomics (Mountain View, CA; no SBIR) closed down 11%, from its IPO..... began operating in March 2006, provides outsourced genome sequencing services to labs and research centers. [Wall Street Journal, Nov 12, 10]

Complexa (Pittsburgh, PA)

clinical stage biopharma Complexa (Radnor, PA; no SBIR, founded 2012) announced the completion of a $62 million Series C funding round ....  to progress the clinical development program of the Company’s lead compound, CXA-10, in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), an orphan disease affecting the kidney, and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a rare pulmonary disease.   [company press release, Jul 26, 17]  Total Equity Funding: $80.59M in 6 Rounds  []

Complexa (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2008) has raised $13 million from investors, the Tribune-Review reported. ... for clinical trials of a drug that will treat kidney disease. ... has been developing drug technology based on anti-inflammatory signalling    [Patty Tascarella, Pittsburgh Business Times, Jun 5, 14]

Complexa (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2008) biopharmaceutical company, raised $3.175 million, according to [SEC] filing  ....  focuses on developing drug technoogies for the treatment of kidney disease. [Patty Tascarella, Pittsburgh Business Times, Oct 23, 13]

 Complexa (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR) biopharmaceutical company, has raised $3.175 million ....  founded in 2008, focuses on developing drug technoogies for the treatment of kidney disease  [Patsy Tascarella,  Pittsburgh Business Journal, Oct 23, 13]

Complexa (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2007) raised another $1.4 million for  the clinical trial expected to get underway later this year. ... developing drug technology based on anti-inflammatory signaling. [Malia Spencer, Pittsburgh Business Times, May 7, 13]

Computational Fluid Dynamics Research (Huntsville, AL)

Six companies have received seven contracts [worth $270M] from NASA to build inflatable aerodynamic decelerator systems for spacecraft entry, descent and landing operations and aerocapture missions. Five of the six have previously won SBIR awards: Anasphere (Manhattan, MT; $5M SBIR); CFD Research (Huntsville, AL ; $250M SBIR); Miller Scientific (Flagstaff, AZ; one SBIR); Ryzing Technologies (Staunton, VA; $1.6M SBIR); Jackson Bond Enterprises (Dover NH; $1M SBIR) [Jane Edwards,, Sep 30, 2022]

A Growing CompanyComputational Fluid Dynamics Research (Huntsville, AL), a private graphic-simulation-technology business (with a decent website), is adding 25 employees by the end of the year and occupying 28,000 sqft of office space, says The Huntsville Times. An SBIR success story? Depends on your criteria. CFD has burned at least $12M of SBIR on projects that sound like what every university has dozens of professors doing, such as A UNIFIED CONSERVATIVE INTERFACE TREATMENT FOR ARBITRARILY OVERSET AND PATCHED MULTI-ZONE GRIDS IN COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS and AN INNOVATIVE AIR-TURBO ROCKER (ATR) SCRAMJET PROPULSION SYSTEM AND SUPPORTING DESIGN APPROACH. It has grown linearly from five employees in 1987 to 100 today, half with PhDs. If the average VC had invested $12M for half the company and got the average 42% return on $12M, the market cap of the company be something like $200M. Think CFD has such a value? Was it an efficient government investment in a capital venture program? If you are a simulation house, take heart - don't just read the words of the SBIR theory, study what government actually funds.

Conatus Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA)

Conatus Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; $1M SBIR) and Histogen (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) regenerative medicine company with a novel biological platform that replaces and regenerates tissues in the body, announced the companies have entered into a definitive agreement under which Histogen will merge with a wholly-owned subsidiary of Conatus in an all-stock transaction. The combined company will operate under the name Histogen. [company press release, Jan 28, 20]

Conatus Pharma (San Diego, CA; no SBIR, founded 2005) down 31% [Apr 5, 18]  drug developed as a treatment for chronic liver disease has failed to beat a placebo in a mid-stage study, the first of four underway for the drug....  Last year, Novartis paid Conatus $50 million up front for worldwide rights to emricasan.  [Frank Vinluan, Apr 5, 18]  total funding $25M [crunchbase,com]

Conatus Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR) said it raised $20 million from a group of venture capital funds to finance a Phase 2 clinical trial of the drug developer’s lead candidate, CTS-1027, which is being tested to treat hepatitis C. The effort increased the privately held company’s total fund raising to $53 million, ... a so-called virtual company, employing 11 workers and contracting with outside service providers for most of the activities involved in drug development.  [Keith Darce,, Feb 11, 11]

Concert Pharmaceuticals (Lexington, MA)

Concert Pharmaceuticals (Lexington, MA; no SBIR) up 62% [Mar 6, 17] has been plugging away with an experimental cystic fibrosis drug that, if successful, might someday pose a threat to Vertex Pharmaceuticals  (Boston, MA; $1M SBIR 25 years ago). So rather than wait to find out, Vertex paid $160 million in cash, up front, to bring the drug in house.  ...  acquired CTP-656, a CF drug currently in Phase 2 testing, from Concert. Vertex could pay Concert another $90 million in downstream payments if the drug progresses and eventually hits the market in the U.S. and other countries.  [Ben Fidler,, Mar 6, 17]

Concert Pharmaceuticals (Lexington, MA; no SBIR)  has quietly raised more than $95 M VC since its founding two years ago, ... trying to develop medicines for hot flashes for postmenopausal women and other conditions using a heavy version of hydrogen ... 40 employees [Boston Globe, Apr 30, 08]

Concordia Fibers (Coventry, RI)

Concordia Fibers (Coventry, RI; no SBIR)  got another investment from the state-backed early-stage Slater Technology Fund. Founded in 1920 as a manufacturer of textiles, moved into the business of making synthetic materials for biomedical devices in 2003. [Mass High Tech, Aug 27]

Concurrent Technologies (Johnstown, PA)

It's Whom You Know.   Concurrent Technologies began two decades ago doing metalworking research in Pennsylvania's struggling rust belt. In the years since, the Johnstown, Pa., company has become a federal contracting chameleon. It is an intelligence adviser, an environmental consultant and a software engineering specialist. It has trained mine-detecting dogs and managed religion-based initiatives. It oversees construction projects, organizes conferences and studies ways to use hydrogen for fuel in Pennsylvania and South Carolina. Missile-defense research is part of its portfolio. So is the development of special armor for combat vehicles in Iraq and "solid waste technology" in Florida.  And it is a nonprofit charity. Behind the rise of Concurrent is Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee's defense subcommittee, [Robert O'Harrow, Washington Post, Nov 2]

Conductus (Sunnyvale, CA)

Cutting People Costs. Conductus says it is slicing salaries 15% for its remaining 66 employees.[Wall Street Journal, Oct 15] These are times when employees wish they worked for government R&D contractors where the government re-imburses the company for actual costs and salary cuts don't help company's finances. Conductus was once in that situation before casting its lot with the private markets. It had eight DOD Phase 2 SBIRs. mostly in the enthusiastic HTSC days of the early 90s.

Although it reported no news yesterday, Conductus shot up 36%. Last week it reported an $800K government contract extension, not the stuff of 36% rises.

The Shadow thinks Conductus is cloaked in overvaluation and should be considered a prime short candidate. Given Thursday's closing price of $17.13, the company has a market cap of about $197M. But over the last 12 months Conductus has only generated $6.8M in sales. That gives it a price/sales ratio of 29 times, which is not terrible, but underneath I smell trouble. Four quarters ago (June 1999), Conductus posted revenue of $5.6M, by far its greatest quarter ever, and a number the company has not come close to since then. Poring over the 10-Q for last year's June quarter, the surge in revenue came from a one-time licensing fee of $5 million from General Dynamics. ... In the March quarter, sales declined 74% year-over-year. Conductus blamed the sharp drop in sales on "decreases in revenues from government contracts and government product sales, which resulted from the completion of several contracts and delays in the anticipated start date of new contracts in 2000." .. Bottom Line: Conductus has had 25 straight quarters of losses. It will not make a dime this year. If the field trials go well, it could make some money in 2001, but that is sheer conjecture at this point. At $19, I think investors are giving Conductus too much credit. [Tom Byrne, Individual Investor, Jun 16

Superconductors Must Be Cool. Conductus, a once hot prospect for high temp superconductors from the magic of 1987 scientific discoveries. At 24, though CDTS is 48 times its low of $0.50 last year. It is even now more than double its 1993 IPO price. The other SBIR supported HTSC companies did not follow the leader. New Warmth in Cold Superconductor Stock(Dec 23) The morbid superconductor field came alive as Conductus shot up 35% on news that it has raised another $15M and said that its first urban TDMA field trials of its ClearSite® system expanded busy-hour capacity by 80% at a major cellular carrier's site in a highly-populated urban area. This improvement represents a potential revenue increase of $300,000 per year, resulting in a payback of the carrier's investment in its ClearSite system within approximately two months.

Conductus (Sunnyvale, CA) got a $1.67M contract from Loral to develop low-loss tunable microwave devices for wireless and satellite communications. Conductus will use its specialty - thin-film tunable-dielectric materials and high-performance, high-temperature superconductor (HTS) filter technology. The idea is lower costs in manufacturing existing products and new wireless products with at least ten times today's performance. Who's really paying? DARPA's FAME (Frequency Agile Materials for Electronics) At least it's not SBIR, just the usual government R&D with the usual hype. [PRNewswire, Aug 18]

Conductus (Sunnyvale, CA) lost another $2.6M last quarter on revenues of only $1.1M. Superconducting is still a technology of the future; all three SC companies with SBIR support have done badly since going public in 1993. Which doesn't prevent DOD from continuously investing SBIR in it despite the theory that SBIR is for innovations with commercial potential, not just good science that may be useful someday. Then again, "commercial potential" has a flexible meaning in SBIR.

Conductus (Sunnyvale, CA) will close its Instrumentation and Systems Division in San Diego whose 20 people develop superconducting technologies for use in scientific instruments. Conductus President Shalvoy said the move was part of a strategic decision to focus on its markets in wireless communications and health care. It will sell some assets to Bruker Instruments where some workers will go. [San Diego Union Tribune, Aug 6] That SD unit started life with a BMDO SBIR as a spinoff of another bureauscience company and provided the product thrust that Sunnyvale lacked. It merged with Conductus just before Conductus went public at $10. Conductus is still losing a pile, $2.3M in the last quarter, while the stock languishes around $5.

Confluence Life Sciences (St. Louis MO)

Aclaris Therapeutics (Malvern, PA; no SBIR, founded 2012, IPO 2015), a dermatologist-led, biopharmaceutical company focused on identifying, developing and commercializing innovative and differentiated therapies to address significant unmet needs in medical and aesthetic dermatology announced that it has acquired Confluence Life Sciences  (St. Louis MO; at least $300K SBIR),  biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of kinase inhibitors to treat inflammatory and immunological disorders and cancer.  At the closing, Aclaris paid approximately $10 million in cash and issued approximately 350,000 shares of its common stock, with a value of approximately $10 million on the closing date, to the former equityholders of Confluence. [Aclaris press release, Aug 8, 17]

Confluence Life Sciences (St. Louis MO; no SBIR, founded 2010), a startup developing drugs to treat cancer and inflammatory diseases, raised $2.4 million from a group of investors that includes BioGenerator   [Brian Feldt, St. Louis Business Journal, Jul 31, 15]

Confluence Life Sciences  (St. Louis MO; no SBIR, founded 2010), a startup developing drugs to treat cancer and inflammatory diseases, has raised $2.4 million ... used to support clinical studies. ....   developing several drug candidates using kinase inhibitors, which target key enzymes involved in the regulation of cancer growth and chronic inflammation, according to the company’s website.  [Brian Feldt, St. Louis Business Journal, Jul 27, 15]

ConforMIS (Burlington, MA)

ConforMIS down 10% [Aug 7, 17]

ConforMIS down 12% [Aug 4, 17]

ConforMIS up 13% [Jul 25, 17]

ConforMIS down 10% [Jun 20,17]

ConforMIS down 31% [Feb 16,17] after reporting the same net loss as last year  [company press release]

ConforMIS up 33% [Nov 4, 16]  reported 35% higher evenue and a smaller quarterly loss [company press release]

ConforMS up 15% [May 16, 16]

ConforMS down 49% [May 13, 16]  after reporting more losses

ConforMIS up 20% [Apr 6, 16]

ConforMIS up 12% [Apr 1, 16]

ConforMIS up 10% [Mar 30,16]

ConforMIS down 15% [Jan 19, 16]

Tailored knee.  a technique that uses 3D printer technology to create a different sort of knee replacement, one specifically molded to each patient’s unique physiology. ... developed by Conformis, uses a CAT scan of the knee to create a virtual model of the bone, ligaments and tendons. That model is then 3D printed as a bone-replacement mold, which is filled with cobalt chrome to create a part that very closely mimics the person’s original knee.  ...   [Todd Borus, a doctor at Rebound Orthopedics and Neurosurgery in Portland,OR] has done 30 to 40 of the surgeries since he learned about the process, and he said he thinks the method could end up being a real game-changer for patients.  [Sue Vorenberg, Portland Business Journal, Dec 18, 15]

ConforMIS down 10% [Oct 21,15]

ConforMIS up 10% [Sep 23, 15]

ConforMIS up 10% [Sep 17, 15]

ConforMIS down 19% [Aug 31, 15]

ConforMIS (Burlington, MA; no SBIR)  up 22% [Jul 2, 15] scheduled its $135 million [IPO] ... makes and sells customized orthopedics and knee replacement implants  ... owns or licenses approximately 470 patents and pending patent applications for all major joints using its technology, including a hip replacement in the midst of Food and Drug Administration approval. Though the company has been selling customizable knee implants since 2007, it has yet to turn a profit.  [Jessica Bartlett, Boston Business Journal, Jun 29, 15]

ConforMIS  (Burlington, MA; no SBIR) medical device manufacturer is looking to raise $172.5 million [IPO], the company announced last week ...  makes and sells knee-replacement implants as well as customized orthopedics. The 11-year-old company has 344 employees and has sold more than 30,000 knee implants in the United States and Europe since 2007. According to financial filings, the company has yet to turn a profit.  ...  The company owns or licenses approximately 470 patents and pending patent applications for all major joints using its technology. According to federal filings, the company has raised over $223 million in equity and debt financing since 2009.  [Jessica Bartlett, Boston Business Journal, May 26, 15]

A startup company is taking a customized approach to knee replacement surgery, creating knee implants on demand that exactly match a patient's anatomy. The company, ConforMIS (Burlington, MA; no SBIR) is bringing the technology of rapid prototyping, which converts a three-dimensional computer design into a physical object, into the field of orthopedics. [Courtney Humphries, MIT Tech Review, Jul 13]  ... set to disclose today that it has raised $50 million from a consortium of private equity firms and sovereign wealth funds, one of the largest investments in a Massachusetts life sciences company this year.  [Boston Globe, Jul 13, 09]

Cognigen (Amherst, NY)

biomedical Cognigen (Amherst, NY; no SBIR, founded 1993,35 employees) that provides analysis of clinical trials has been acquired [for $7M] by Simulations Plus (Lancaster, CA; $600K SBIR) [Dan Miner, Buffalo Business First, Jul 24, 13]

Conispire (Boston, MA)

Aerodyne Research(Billerica, MA; 199 SBIR Phase Is and something like $80M total SBIR) will receive five $1-million DOEnergy [SBIR Phase II] grants, and Radiation Monitoring Devices (Watertown, MA;  404 SBIR Phase Is and something like $150M SBIR) will receive three $1 million grants, the department said. ...  Other local companies in line to receive Energy Department grants: Conispire (Boston, MA: no SBIR) , Aspen Products Group (Marlborough.MA; $5.6M SBIR), Capesym (Natick, MA; $5.3M SBIR); Nova Scientific  (Sturbridge, MA; $9M SBIR); Beacon Power (Tyngsborough, MA; $1M SBIR), the department said.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Jun 29, 12] 

ConjuGon (Madison, WI)

ConjuGon (Madison, WI; $1.4M SBIR, founded 2001) that develops technologies to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria, has raised $375,000 of a proposed $5.75 million debt and equity financing round, according to a filing with federal securities regulators.....  has raised a total of $3.6 million since 2010, according to The company appears to be doing business now under the name Atterx Biotherapeutics.. [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Apr 25, 16]

ConjuGon (Madison, WI; $1.4M SBIR, founded 2002)  developing products for treating stubborn bacterial infections has raised $1.9 million of equity funding, according to [SEC] filing ... attempting to raise a total of $4.75 million ... uses genetically modified bacteria to transfer DNA ecoded with killer genes into bacteria that cause infections in wounds.  ....  said in October it had been awarded a $2.4 million DOD grant [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 13]

ConjuGon (Madison WI; $1.5M SBIR) developing a unique anti-bacterial technology, has received a $1.2M grant from DOD to help fund development of its novel wound infection treatment product. ConjuGon's technology uses genetically modified, harmless bacteria to transfer DNA into the bacteria that are causing infection in a wound. It has been able to kill strains of bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, that were resistant to all relevant antibiotics. The company is aiming to bring to market first a product for large wounds such as those caused by burns or traumatic injuries. [Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Dec 7] It has also raised at least $4M VC in the last two years.

Connecticut Valley Bindery (New Britain, CT)

[The] company that makes a Bluetooth-enabled meat thermometer has received a $100,000 grant and $250,000 loan from the state in the latest round of Small Business Express aid packages  iDevices, (Avon, CT; no SBIR), launched the iGrill meat thermometer [that] can communicate with an iPhone or iPad through a wireless Bluetooth connection, and let its user know when the meat is ready. ....  Grow Home Organics (Guilford, CT;  no SBIR) which makes products for outdoor kitchens and gardens, is receiving a matching grant of $83,800, ... Connecticut Valley Bindery (New Britain, CT; no SBIR) is receiving a matching grant of $50,000. ....Wethersfield Offset (Rocky Hill, CT;  noSBIR), a commercial printer, is receiving a matching grant of $55,721 ... Fire Alarm Specialty Design (Windham, CT;  SBIR) which designs fire and security alarm systems for healthcare, educational, municipal, commercial, and industrial uses, is receiving a $100,000 matching grant and a loan of $100,000. [Hartford Courant, Jul 11, 12]  Even though states complain of financial distress, they continue to put public money into private enterprise with little hope of economic return to preserve jobs. It's all politics. So what happens next year when the grants expire and such investment is still uneconomic for private investment?

COnovate (Shorewood, WI)

COnovate (Milwaukee, WI; $1.4M SBIR) startup developing a novel anode material for lithium-ion batteries, announced the successful completion of its initial round of financing. The COPHITE material is a patented 2D material that is the first solid form of carbon monoxide that exists at room temperature and pressure. It was discovered by Dr. Hirschmugl and her co-founder Dr. Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. [company press release, May 4, 21]

COnovate (Shorewood, WI; $1.3M SBIR) is receiving a $100,000 phase 2 state matching grant. developing materials designed to add battery capacity and charging speed to lithium ion batteries. [Nick Williams, WisconsinInno, Mar 11, 21]

COnovate (formerly SafeLi, Shorewood, WI; $1.5M SBIR) developing materials for lithium ion batteries, is receiving $50,000 in a seed investment from BrightStar Wisconsin Foundation, the Milwaukee-based nonprofit and an early-stage investment organization. [WiscInno, Dec 22, 20]

Consonus Technologies (Cary NC)

Consonus Technologies,(Cary NC; no SBIR) formerly Strategic Technologies, filed an IPO; the 18-year-old business will use the $57M to accelerate its evolution from a consultant to a hands-on technology manager. [Raleigh News & Observer, May 9, 07]

Constant Therapeutics (Boston, MA)

Constant Therapeutics (formerly Constant Pharmaceuticals, Boston, MA; no SBIR) announced that peptide drug will be used in a Phase 2 clinical trial in the treatment of Covid-19 patients. [BostInno, Jul 29, 20]

Constellation Pharmaceuticals

Constellation Pharmaceuticals(Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) raised $15 million in a Series B extension financing, bringing its total second round of fund raising to $37 million, the company announced ....  focused on discovering and developing drugs to treat cancer and inflammatory/immunologic disorders. [Julie Donnelly, Boston Business Journal, Jun 6, 11] To be focused is great, but anybody can be focused. Raising $37M takes more than the usual claims of focus in SBIR proposals. If Congress wants SBIR to hand money to companies that do more than just focus, it needs to get serious about its incentives to the agencies. Otherwise, SBIR is just another fair-share program in the political competition for government money.

The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) today announced that it has awarded $1 million to each of three Boston-area biotech companies through its 2010 Biotech Investment Awards program: Constellation Pharmaceuticals Epizyme (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) and Karyopharm Therapeutics (Natick, MA; no SBIR) Since the inception of this MMRF program in 2006, $11 million has been committed to 11 biotech companies in multi-year, results-driven funding for the development of innovative treatments for patients with multiple myeloma.  [press release, Jan 6, 11]

Genome-focused drug developerConstellation Pharmaceuticals has closed on a $22 million Series B funding round ... pulled in $32 million in its Series A financing round, which closed in August  [Mass High Tech, Jun 2, 10]

Context Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA)

Context Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA; $200K SBIR) is “cutting all excess fat” so it can stay afloat through 2024, putting nonessential activities on hold, CEO Martin Lehr said. [Gabrielle Masson, Fierce Biotech, Sep 28, 2022]

Context Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA; $200K SBIR) up 25% [Dec 9, 21] announced that data from the window-of-opportunity clinical trial of onapristone extended release (ONA-XR) in postmenopausal patients with progesterone receptor positive (PR+) early breast cancer demonstrated ONA-XR significantly increased suppression of tumor cell proliferation. [company press release, Dec 9, 21]

Context Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA; one SBIR) up 21% [Oct 21, 21] after IPO

Context Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR, founded 2015), a biotechnology company dedicated to creating new medicines for cancer, fibrosis, and neurodegenerative disease, announced that the company has entered into agreements with three research partners in the field of Sigma1 protein and its role in disease biology at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Synergie Lyon Cancer. [company press release, Aug 17, 17]

Contour Energy Systems (Azusa, CA)

battery startup ActaCell (Austin, TX; no SBIR, nine employees) has merged with California battery maker Contour Energy Systems  (Azusa, CA; one SBIR). [Brian Gaar, Austin American Statesman, Sep 7, 12]

ControlRad Systems (Atlanta, GA)

ControlRad (Atlanta, GA; no SBIR)  with a focus on reducing radiation exposure during fluoroscopically guided procedures, raised $15M in a Series B round l[to] fuel the commercial launch of ControlRad's Trace system. [Madison Hogan, AtlantaInno, Oct 3, 19]

ControlRad Systems (Radnor, PA;  no SBIR, founded 2011) medical device firm raises $3M for radiation exposure protection technology [John George,  Philadelphia Business Journal, Mar 14, 17]    ]  developing innovative solutions that dramatically reduce the lifetime risk of radiation exposure from fixed and mobile c-arm procedures for patients and healthcare professionals.  [company website]

Convelo Therapeutics (Cleveland, OH)

Convelo Therapeutics (Cleveland, OH) launched with plans to develop drugs that regenerate myelin, which helps nerve cells send signals and breaks down in multiple sclerosis. Derrick Rossi, a co-founder of Moderna Therapeutics, Intellia Therapeutics, and Magenta Therapeutics, is Convelo’s president and CEO. [Ben Fidler,, Jul 27, 18]

Conventus Orthopaedics (Maple Grove, MN)

Medical-device maker Conventus Orthopaedics  (Maple Grove. MN; no SBIR, founded 2008), announced that it had locked down $20 million in equity financing.   With the latest funding round, the early-stage medtech company has attracted nearly $95 million from investors over the last four years. ... Its flagship product, The Conventus Cage, is made of nitinol, a memory shape alloy, and can be inserted into a fractured bone. From inside the bone, the Cage expands, creating a “rigid internal scaffold” that prevents further collapse of the fractured bone. [Sam Schaust, Twin Cities Business, May 9, 17]

startup Conventus Orthopaedics (Maple Grove, MN; no SBIR, founded 2008) which makes a self-expanding medical device for treating fractures, has completed a $24 million round of equity financing.  ...  will put the capital toward clinical trials, research and development, and launching Conventus DRS, a device that stabilizes wrist fractures.  ...  raised $13 million in equity financing last year and more recently brought in $11 million to close out the Series AA round, said CEO Paul Buckman [former St Jude exec]  ... has raised $34 million since launching   [Katharine Grayson, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal, Dec 2, 14] 

Convergen (Austin,TX)

Convergen LifeSciences announced a second new patent in as many months, but company officials say the latest discovery would broaden the applications for their experimental treatment for lung cancer. ... the resurrection of Introgen Therapeutics ($1.9M SBIR), a publicly traded company that went bankrupt in 2008 and is now operating on a $4.5 million state grant while it searches for private investors. [Laylan Copelin, Austin American Statesman, Jul 14, 11]

Public money, private secrets.  Convergen LifeSciences  led by a major campaign donor to Gov. Rick Perry has filed another lawsuit against Attorney General Greg Abbott over rulings that ordered the release of public records. The lawsuit filed Tuesday is the third that Convergen  has filed since late January in state District Court in Travis County. The lawsuits involve requests by the Austin American-Statesman and The Dallas Morning News to obtain documents related to a $4.5 million state grant awarded to Convergen, which was created by David Nance. [Austin American Statesman, Mar 8, 11]

The ETF’s Regional Center of Innovation and Commercialization, which typically reviews grant applications as the initial step of the process, was reportedly skipped over in August before a 17-person statewide board approved a $4.5 million grant for Convergen (Austin, TX; no SBIR) Lifesciences Inc. Information about Convergen is scarce, and the company doesn’t operate a website. It was reportedly founded by biotech entrepreneur David Nance, who — along with his now-bankrupt company Introgen Therapeutics (Houston, TX; $1.6M SBIR). — contributed $80,000 to Perry’s camp in the past decade.  [Austin Business Journal, Oct 22, 2010]

ConverGene (Gaithersburg, MD)

Montgomery County [MD, a competitor for America's richest county] will dole out $500,000 to investors in 10 life sciences companies through its coveted biotech tax credit, a fifth of which will go to backers of diagnostics company DioGenix (Gaithersburg, MD; no SBIR)  ... piggybacks on the $3.5 million in tax credits from the state to those same 46 investors. The incentives are tied to a total $7 million in private biotech investments in the county last year. Also receiving the credits are backers of 20/20 GeneSystems (Rockville, MD; $4.6M SBIR, incl one of $3.3M),  Alper Biotech LLC, American Gene Technologies International Inc., BeneVir Biopharm Inc., ConverGene LLC, Creatv MicroTech (Potomac, MD; $11.6M SBIR)., Rafagen Inc., Sequella (Rockville, MD; $10.3M SBIR). and SynAm Vaccine. [Bill Flook,Washington Business Journal, Feb 28, 14]

The Maryland Technology Development Corp. (Tedco) has invested $1.1 million in 14 state startups.The grants were made through the organization's Technology Commercialization Fund. ... toward advancing the each company's technology and product commercialization efforts. Common Curriculum LLC, Diagnostic Biochips Inc. and Firejack Inc. were each awarded $100,000.  • Authentik Solutions LLC; Brain Sentry LLC; Clear Guide Medical LLC (no SBIR); ConverGene LLC; Cordex Systems LLC; Pregmama LLC; SameGrain, Inc; TimberRock Energy Solutions, Inc. and Vasoptic Medical, Inc. each received $75,000. • Magpie Sensing LLC was awarded $74,990  • Weinberg Medical Physics LLC received $60,000  [Baltimore Business Journal, Jul 19, 13]

Convio (Austin,TX) Convio (Austin,TX)  an unprofitable software company that has racked up $46M in losses in its eight-year history, filed for an [IPO] ... sells software and services to help nonprofit organizations raise more money  [Austin American-Statesman, Sep 2]

Convoy Therapeutics (Oro Valley, AZ)

Convoy Therapeutics  (Oro Valley, AZ; no SBIR, founded 2011), a biotech company focusing on skin treatments, is putting together a syndicate to raise $27 million that would be used to fuel the company’s growth. .....  a subsidiary of ACTUS Biotechnologies (no SBIR) [Angela Gonzalez, Phoenix Business Journal, Oct 16, 13]  In 2011, ACTUS established its first two subsidiary companies, Convoy Therapeutics, Inc. and EnduRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., to develop and commercialize innovative platform technologies from University of California, Santa Barbara and the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute. [ACTUS company website]

Cool-Bio(Wayne, PA)

BioAdvance, operator of the Biotechnology Greenhouse Corp. of Southeastern Pennsylvania, said it made commitments of $2.4 million to seven new life science companies:  RMH Sciences  (Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR) which is developing antibacterial agents for the treatment of resistant gram negative and gram positive infections; Ossianix  (no SBIR), which is developing single domain antibodies based on the shark VNAR structure to treat immunological, inflammatory, musculoskeletal, neurologic, and other disorders; Merganser Biotech (Newtown Square, PA; no SBIR) which is developing hepcidin peptides for the treatment of hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell anemia and diseases of iron overload; Anakim Biologics (Exton, PA; no SBIR) which is developing efficiencies and improvements in biologics manufacturing; Enzium (Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR) which is developing highly sensitive biosensor methodologies for the testing of proteases and other enzymes; Imiplex (Newtown, PA; two SBIRs) which is developing the TriPol platform, engineered from proteins, designed to provide a flexible system for constructing diverse nanostructures; Cool-Bio (Wayne, PA; no SBIR) which is developing platelet-inhibiting technology geared specifically to activation during the cooling process of cardiac bypass.  [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Jun 20, 12]

CoolCAD Electronics (College Park,MD)

Fifteen university research teams from Maryland will receive a total of $4.1 million to work with local companies to turn their research into products that could one day be sold on the commercial market.  .... MIPS will contribute $1.8 million and private companies will contribute $2.8 million.A&G Pharmaceutical (Columbia, MD; no SBIR),  Rehabtics LLC (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR)  High Impact Environmental (Church Hill, MD; no SBIR),  Birich Technologies (Towson, MD; no SBIR), Earth Networks (Germantown, MD; no SBIR), Fiberight (Halethorpe, MD; no SBIR), CoolCAD Electronics (College Park,MD $1.6M SBIR), XChanger Companies (Annapolis, MD; no SBIR), Remedium Technologies (College Park, MD; no SBIR), Pothole Pros LLC (Waldorf, MD; no SBIR), Hoopers Island Oyster Aquaculture (Fishers Creek, MD; no SBIR),  Metompkin Seafood (Crisfield, MD; no SBIR) GreatGrow Maryland LLC (Rock Hall, MD; no  SBIR), vCalc (Hagerstown, MD;  SBIR), Shore Thing Shellfish (Tall Timbers, MD; no SBIR). ($114,094)  [Sarah Gantz,  Baltimore Business Journal, Feb 26, 14] 

CoolChip Technologies (Somerville,MA)

CoolChip Technologies (Somerville, MA;  no SBIR) has raised $500,000 in debt funding out of $1.5 million sought, according to federal filings.  The money is the first filing for the company, which works on low-cost, high-performance electronics cooling systems, specifically a central processing unit cooler.  [Don Seiffert, Mass High Tech, Apr 13, 12]

Cool Earth Solar (Livermore, CA)

Cool Earth Solar (Livermore, CA; no SBIR)  insight was that if you coat only one half of a balloon, leaving the other transparent, the inner surface of the coated half will act as a concave mirror. Put a solar cell at the focus of that mirror and you have an inexpensive solar-energy collector....    the fuel (sunlight) is free. ... Mr Lamkin reckons his company will be able to sell electricity to California’s grid for 11 cents a kilowatt-hour, the state’s target price for renewable energy, while still turning a tidy profit. ... plans to open a 1-megawatt facility this summer.  [The Economist, Mar 7, 09]


Cooligy claims a cooling method, out of  Stanford's ME department, with common materials for a noiseless closed-loop active cooling system for CPUs, ASICS, graphics chips, and the large programmable gate arrays. The method was prototyped in cooperation with DARPA, but does not show as an SBIR project. The inventor professors sold the idea and went back to academia. Which brings up one of the false assumptions behind SBIR - that small companies are better at inventing technology. They are NOT better at inventing, but the good ones can do what academics and other inventors cannot do - be an agile entrepreneur in getting the thing into a market. SBIR agencies do just the opposite - they fund companies with average technical competence and and put little value on entrepreneuring. Oh sure, the companies all think they are hot stuff.

CoolTech (Baltimore, MD)

CoolTech (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR, founded 2011) looks to raise $3M, plans for clinical studies [Morgan Eichensehr, Baltimore Business Journal, Jul 5, 18] develops CoolStat, a novel trans-nasal energy removal technology used for cooling for prehospital cardiac arrest.  Total funding $2M []

Corbus Pharmaceuticals (Norwood, MA)

Corbus Pharmaceuticals (Norwood, MA; no SBIR) said that it has received a $25 million grant from a cystic fibrosis research group to help fund an upcoming study of a drug targeting symptoms of the lung disease.  [Max Stendahl, Boston Business Journal, Jan 30, 2018]

Corbus Pharmaceuticals (Norwood, MA; no time for SBIR, founded 2014) up 17% [Apr 22, 15] started with $10M from investors, registered the shares fro OTC trading, and uplisted to NASDAQ with a market cap of $72M  ...  announcing a development award for up to $5 million the non-profit drug discovery and development arm of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation which will help pay for a first-in-patient Phase 2 clinical trial of the company’s oral anti-inflammatory drug Resunab in adults with cystic fibrosis. [Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Apr 22. 15]

Corcept Therapeutics

Under congressional pressure, Stanford University is temporarily pulling a faculty member off a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant involving a company in which he owns millions of dollars in stock. The company, Corcept Therapeutics (no SBIR), is testing the drug mifepristone as a treatment for depression, and Alan Schatzberg is principal investigator on a multipart NIH grant that includes a mifepristone depression study. Although Stanford says Schatzberg had reported his stock and was not involved with the trial, university officials last week told NIH that they "can see how" the situation "may create an appearance of conflict of interest."  [Science, Aug 8]

Cordex Systems (Annapolis, MD))

 The Maryland Technology Development Corp. (Tedco) has invested $1.1 million in 14 state startups.The grants were made through the organization's Technology Commercialization Fund. ... toward advancing the each company's technology and product commercialization efforts. Common Curriculum LLC, Diagnostic Biochips Inc. and Firejack Inc. were each awarded $100,000.  • Authentik Solutions LLC; Brain Sentry LLC; Clear Guide Medical LLC; ConverGene LLC; Cordex Systems LLC (no SBIR); Pregmama LLC; SameGrain, Inc; TimberRock Energy Solutions, Inc. and Vasoptic Medical, Inc. each received $75,000. • Magpie Sensing LLC was awarded $74,990  • Weinberg Medical Physics LLC received $60,000  [Baltimore Business Journal, Jul 19, 13]

CorePower Magnetics (Pittsburgh, PA)

CorePower Magnetics (Pittsburgh, PA; $500K SBIR) announced it has raised $2.5M in pre-seed funding [with] new patented combination of advanced manufacturing processes and novel materials represents a long-awaited and significant advancement in efficiency and power density in power electronics and power conversion systems [company press release, Sep 6, 2022]

CoreStreet (Cambridge, MA)

CoreStreet Ltd. (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR)got an investment from the CIA's venture arm, In-Q-Tel, to support the development of smart-card security technology, including electronic locks [Mass High Tech, Mar 25] 

Coretek (Burlington, MA)

the Boston loyalists are being dispersed, and with them, what most compound semi industry insiders regard as the best tunable VCSEL technology in the field. ... The CoreTek VCSEL had also scored several design wins based on its full Telecordia qualification, fortified with multiple tens of thousands of hours of lifetime testing. Thus the formal excuse from Nortel that CoreTek's tunable VCSEL was "too advanced for the market" simply doesn't make sense, [the full story of the suspected conspiracy]

From $1.5B to an empty factory. Nortel Networks is closing its CoreTek unit that it bought for a nominal $1.5B in inflated stock. At the time it was a dream story for SBIR of a shoe-string start-up. But even the best best new technology goes at least into hibernation when the market over-expands. About 160 employees in the Boston area will need a new home.

While CoreTek folds, Picolight expands to 140 employees and gets another round of venture finance. Picolight is the creation of Jack Jewell, who was the technical founder of Vixel, and an early user of BMDO SBIR to get started. In those 1990s, BMDO believed in the power of starting innovation. For some stories of what happened to those lucky companies, stay tuned to BMDO's Technology Update where they at least still talk about the successes from earlier investments.

Tunable lasers trip the light fantastic A year ago, Nortel Networks spent $1.4B to buy a little-known company called CoreTek which planned to make an even more obscure product: tunable lasers. Since its brief emergence from obscurity to telecom start-up jackpot of the week, CoreTek has been growing from 100 to 340 people. It has developed a fantastically complex 14-step robotic assembly line in nearby Billerica to begin mass production of a device that promises to slash the already plunging costs of optical bandwidth, which in turn will make phone calls and Internet access steadily cheaper. ... CoreTek and Nortel are optimistic that they are in one of the bright spots of the optical world today. ''In this business, we are still growing,'' said Parviz Tayebati, the founder of CoreTek. ... CoreTek has developed a laser transmitting device that can be ''tuned'' to any of 60 to 80 different channels, so a single device can be used to replace dozens of different ones in the optical switches made by Nortel, Lucent Technologies, Sycamore Networks and other companies. ... In CoreTek's case, the tuning is accomplished inside each package by microscopic machinery that can slide a lens smaller than the letter `O' by increments of 1 millionth of a centimeter and lock it in place - roughly comparable to turning a prism to change the color of sunlight coming out. .... Their new 300,000-ft2 production site features a robotic assembly line that builds the laser packages in 14 steps that take about 60 minutes from beginning to end, a time CoreTek hopes to cut dramatically as it smooths out production processes. Down the road, Nortel has plans of spinning off CoreTek and three other component and microelectronic units in Canada and England as a separate company.[Peter Howe, Boston Globe, Mar 30] BMDO SBIR can take a lot of credit for getting CoreTek into business when Tayebati left Foster-Miller to make technology that sells.

Nortel to Expand CoreTek (Jul 26) Having bought CoreTek for $1.4B, Nortel will now expand the plant as part of a nearly $2B expansion in Massachusetts. The world leader in the red-hot optical networking market will build two major facilities in Wilmington and Billerica and hire about 1,800 workers to staff them. The plants are part of a massive worldwide expansion by Nortel, aimed at locking down its lead in the market for systems that use pulses of light to transmit information much faster than traditional copper wires. Chahram Bolouri, president of global operations for Nortel, said the company will build a 100,000-square-foot addition at the CoreTek plant, which will employ 775 people. CoreTek manufactures tunable lasers capable of sending multiple frequencies along the same fiber. [Boston Globe, Jul 25] BMDO SBIR got CoreTek started.

CoreTek Bought for $1.4B   (Mar 22) CoreTek (Wilmington, MA) agreed to be bought by Nortel Networks for up to US$1.43B in Nortel Networks common shares if and when CoreTek meets certain milestones. Nortel says that CoreTek's tunable lasers and other next-generation tunable optical components will further strengthen Nortel Networks first-mover advantage in delivering aflexible, high-performance all-optical Internet CoreTek got started with a Phase 2 SBIR from BMDO in 1995 after founder Parviz Tayebati bounded out of SBIR-Champ Foster-Miller. It now has 120 employees and still without sales. The VCs who put in $26M last year will be rejoicing at an exit strategy that does not include the rigors of going public. SBIR economic nationalists can moan over the purchase of an SBIR firm by a foreign company. An Iranian got USG money to start a company that he sold to a Canadian firm. Grrrr! On the other hand if the USG had taken a proportional equity for those first SBIR's, say 20%, the Treasury would have $300M (to pay BMDO to run more anti-missile tests before the big political wrangle starts later this year). What does Parviz get out of it for the loss of his control of HIS company, his dream machine, as many SBIR proposers moan that they need government succor to avoid? Since he did only two rounds of financing, he probably has at least 20% left which would be a cool $300M.
If YOU want to follow Parviz's track to fame and fortune, start with a BMDO SBIR in your company's infancy. Bring an idea for a disruptive innovation. Round up some real capitalists for Phase 2 so you look like an entrepreneur instead of just another scientist. Tell a story of building an explosive business if you can just prove that the idea really works. Show a growing private investment as the technical uncertainties melt away within, say, $1-2M. A bunch have done it, and more keep coming through BMDO's door every week. Not one, though, is without scars of battle over what is a real business prospect and what is just wishful thinking.

Need a role model? Try CoreTek (Wilmington, MA). Parviz Tayebati leaped out of doing SBIRs for SBIR gathering champ Foster-Miller to start his own company in photonics. He got a Phase 2 SBIR from BMDO to get started in 1995. Last year he closed two rounds of VC finance, $6M early and then $20M in October to go into the goal of high-tech companies - manufacturing. His product? That optical correlator he got the first Phase 2 for? Oh no, too busy to tinker with that any more. MEMS for WDM is in demand as fibercom markets blossom. Need a commercialization strategy model for a decent SBIR proposal - no, not the usual blather - try Parviz's market opportunities page.

CoreTek Prints a Future (Oct 9) CoreTek's CEO Parviz Tayebati says that the new optical correlator funded by BMDO as CoreTek's first SBIR is working like a charm, recognizing all the fingerprints fed it with no errors at 16000 prints/sec. After two trade shows CoreTek has three significant customers ($$, $$$, and $$$$) and has started pursuing "the big boys who provide systems to the FBI etc". (Maybe someday Parviz can mimic Roger Little's saying how talk at trade shows leads to a 10% stock price increase.) The fingerprint reading idea gets more credence from Ken Gosselin's Hartford Courant story (Oct 8) on Connecticut's preventing $9M in potential welfare fraud in the last year using digital fingerprint scanners, and on MasterCard's testing fingerprint scanning, to cut 80% of fraudulent charges. One such system by Identicator Technology Corp (San Bruno, CA) assigns a secure numerical code to a person's fingerprint describing features such as the location of ends of selected fingerprint ridges. The code is loaded onto a computer chip embedded in a credit card. Since such business expansion can often conflict with far-out innovation R&D, Parviz has spun off QuantaImage Corp which, under a small private investment and licenses from CoreTek, will focus only on imaging applications. Thus investors can have a clearer picture of CoreTek's businesses.

CoreTek got a big step up with BMDO's SBIR. BUT, Parviz would have made it anyway. His success should be grabbed by the SBIR advocates to promote their agenda of keeping the program alive. The few stories like CoreTek may provide just enough success as cover story for most of the money producing little quantifiable return on investment.


CoreTek's New SLM(Sep 18) The two new spatial light modulators of CoreTek (Burlington, MA) will cost $1500-3000 and compete directly with Hughes Danbury, says Laser Focus World, Sep97] Founder Parviz Tayebati says the gadgets recognize Coretek's employees by their fingerprints (and probably their enthusiasm) and will be publicly shown next week at Technology 2007. The gadgets arose from CoreTek's first SBIR, from BMDO. Parviz jumped out of the SBIR champ Foster-Miller and is having the problem that all successful growing start-ups are having these days - hiring the right people.

Corgenix Medical (Broomfield, CO)

The first rapid-testing kits for the deadly Ebola virus are being readied for shipping by Corgenix, (Broomfield, CO; $600K SBIR) medical diagnostics company, after being green-lighted by [FDA]  [Greg Avery, Denver Business Journal, Mar 6, 15]

 A race to detect Ebola:

  • [FDA] authorized emergency use of BioFire (Salt Lake City, UT; no SBIR)’s FilmArray system to diagnose Ebola in U.S. hospitals and military labs.   ...  uses PCR [polymerase chain reaction] technology, but can deliver results in about one hour on the premises of any treatment facility that has one of the machines, which cost around $39,000 apiece.  ...  Many U.S. hospitals already have the machines, which were approved to diagnose pathogens including those causing gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.   
  • Corgenix Medical (Denver, CO; $600K SBIR) is speeding up development of a portable Ebola test kit designed to deliver results from a drop of blood in about 10 minutes, said [CEO] Doug Simpson. It uses so-called “lateral-flow” technology, which is similar to that found in a home pregnancy test, and doesn’t require electricity or a machine to process the sample. A paper strip displays one blue line if no virus is detected, two blue lines if virus is detected, and no lines if the test didn’t work properly.  ...  Corgenix is working with Tulane University in New Orleans and other partners in the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, with funding from the NIH. ..  Researchers are testing the Corgenix device, including in West Africa, but haven’t yet gathered enough data to apply for approval by either FDA or WHO, said Mr. Simpson.  
  • Chembio Diagnostics Systems (Medford, NY; no SBIR) maker of rapid diagnostics for HIV and syphilis, this week formed a partnership with another company, Integrated BioTherapeutics (Gaithersburg, MD;  $1.1M SBIR), to develop a point-of-care test for Ebola. Chembio plans to use substances known as “reagents,” developed by Integrated BioTherapeutics, for the test. Chembio hopes to begin testing the tool in Africa within months, said Chief Executive John Sperzel. 
  • Genalyte (San Diego, CA;  no SBIR) developing an Ebola diagnostic that uses a silicon chip to test a drop of blood drawn with a pinprick. The chip is processed through a 15-inch-wide machine that delivers results in about 10 minutes, said Genalyte Chief Executive Cary Gunn.  
  • OraSure Technologies (Bethlehem, PA; no SBIR), maker of an oral test for HIV, is exploring whether it can develop a rapid oral test for Ebola, said Chief Executive Douglas Michels. Chembio’s Mr. Sperzel said his company also would consider developing an oral Ebola test.     [Peter Loftus, Wall  Street Journal, Nov 5, 14]

Corgenix Medical (Broomfield, CO; $600K SBIR in 2010) which received federal funding earlier this summer to develop a quick diagnostic test for Ebola virus, is being sold to a German company,  Orgentec Diagnostika of Mainz, Germany. Both companies make diagnostic tests.   [L. Wayne Hicks, Denver Business Journal, Aug 27, 14]

[NIH] awarded Corgenix Medical (Broomfield, CO; $600K SBIR) a $2.9 million [three year] grant to speed development of a quick diagnostic test for Ebola virus, a contagious and often fatal hemorrhagic fever in the midst of a big outbreak in West Africa. ..  will collaborate with academic and industry members of a group known as the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium.  The goal is to develop a test for clinics and field labs that can tell within minutes whether a person is infected with Ebola.   [Greg Avery,Denver Business Journal, Jun 26, 14]

Corgenix Medical(Broomfield, CO; $600K SBIR) is considering putting the company up for sale, the Daily Camera reports.  ...  makes diagnostic tests  .... said it's looking at other "strategic alternatives" that could include a joint venture or strategic partnership.  [Denver Business Journal, Mar 12, 14]

Corgenix Medical (Broomfield, CO; no SBIR) developer and marketer of diagnostic test kits, has announced an expansion of the collaborative effort for developing test kits for viral hemorrhagic fever detection. The products are being produced under a grant awarded by NIH and were developed by Corgenix in collaboration with Tulane University, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, BioFactura (Rockville, MD; $800K SBIR)Autoimmune Technologies (New Orleans, LA; $1M SBIR), and various partners in West Africa. [Denver Post, Jul 16, 08]

Corindus (Natick, MA)

Corindus Vascular Robotics (Waltham, MA; no SBIR) just days after Siemens Healthineers closed its $1.1 billion acquisition of the company, reported that it has completed its first machine-assisted brain surgery procedure in humans. [Conor Hale, Fierce Biotech, Nov 8, 2019]

Corindus Vascular Robotics (Waltham, MA; no SBIR, founded 2001) up 77% [Aug 8, 19] a leading developer of precision vascular robotics, announced that it has entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by Siemens Healthineers AG [Germany]. [for] approximately $1.1 billion [cash]. [company press relesase, Aug 8,19] prior funding $118M []

Corindus Vascular Robotics (Natick, MA; no SBIR) said that the large Dutch conglomerate Royal Philips Electronics will help distribute its robot system designed for the treatment of patients with obstructed coronary arteries.Under the agreement, Philips will sell the system in the United States, the companies said. ... Philips owns a minority share in Corindus.   [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Aug 24, 12] The company was founded in Israel as NaviCath in 2002, spun off from the Technion Entrepreneurial Incubator Co., Ltd. in Haifa. It moved its headquarters to the Boston area in 2005. [Lori Valigra, Boston Globe, Mar 23, 12]

Vascular robotic systems developer Corindus (Natick, MA; no SBIR) pulled in $4.68 million of a planned $10 million equity financing. ...  designs, develops and markets remote control systems for cardiology operations. [Mass High Tech, Nov 20, 09]

Corinnova (Houston, TX)

Corinnova ; $900K SBIR) developed a device called EpicHeart [a minimally invasive device that surrounds the heart with a plastic encased wire framework. The innermost of two chambers is filled with saline to conform to the shape of a patient’s heart and the outermost pumps air to gently squeeze the heart to increase its output; developed by John Criscione at Texas A&M University] To further the device’s development, Corinnova says the company has received a $6.1 million investment from the Wellcome Trust (England) to support more tests of the device.  [Angela Shah,, Oct 30, 17]   Tourist item: Wellcome has a marvellous museum [Wellcome Collection] across from Euston Station in London.

Corinthian Ophthalmic (Raleigh, NC)

Corinthian Ophthalmic Raleigh, NC; no SBIR)  raised $625,000 in equity, according to securities filings. But the company still has a long way to go to reach its goal of raising $4 million by the end of May. ... for a new device that Ballou hopes could replace the eyedropper  [Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Apr 26, 12]

Corium International (Menlo Park, CA)

Corium International (Menlo Park, CA; no SBIR) updated its plans to go public, saying it could raise up to $76 million. ... It adapts its technology to help deliver drugs developed by five partners, two of which have made it to the U.S. market. They are a clonidine patch developed with Teva Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of hypertension and ADHD and a Fentanyl patch developed with Par Pharmaceuticals for treatment of chronic pain. It also developed a tooth whitening system with Proctor & Gamble that is on the market.  [Cromwell Schubarth,  Silicon Valley Business Journal, Mar 24, 14]

Corium International plans to raise up to $50 million in an IPO to help with its efforts to develop patches used in drug delivery.  ... adapts its technology to help deliver drugs developed by five partners, two of which have made it to the U.S. market    [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Mar 4, 14]

Corixa (Seattle, WA)

Good new drug fades. GlaxoSmithKline said recently that it will quit making and selling the drug [Bexxar] in February 2014, a little more than a decade after it was approved by the FDA. Usage peaked in 2006, but sales have been dropping 30 percent annually since then. Bexxar, developed in the late ‘90s by Coulter Pharmaceutical (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) and acquired in 2000 by Corixa (Seattle, WA; $4M SBIR).  ... The new drug application was first filed in June 1999, and wasn’t approved by the FDA until four years later. That delay, an excruciating time for Corixa, allowed a combo of Rituxan and chemotherapy more time to cement its position as the standard of care in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. [Luke Timmerman,, Aug 26, 13]

Pfizer, the world's largest drug company, has agreed to pay up to $632 million to Theraclone Sciences (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) in a research collaboration on antibody drugs for cancer and infectious disease, the companies said ...  The company is led by Steven Gillis, a scientist and venture capitalist who previously co-founded Seattle biotechnology companies Immunex (Seattle, WA; three Phase I SBIRs) and Corixa (Seattle, WA; $4M SBIR).   Amgen bought Immunex for about $16 billion in 2002; GlaxoSmithKline bought Corixa for about $300 million in 2005.  [Duff Wilson, New York Times, Jan 19, 11]  SBIR advocates should calculate the ROI to the government, and the economy, if the government had taken an appropriate equity share for its capital investment. And then insist that future SBIR be managed in such a way to push the investments to such entrepreneurs instead of the life-style companies with no taste for ROI. 

CorMatrix Cardiovascular (Alpharetta, GA)

a fully integrated regenerative medicine company, announced it has completed an asset purchase agreement with CorMatrix® Cardiovascular (Roswell, GA; no SBIR),  for the purchase of all CorMatrix commercial assets and related intellectual property.   [company press release, May 31, 17]  ....  vision is to impact healthcare through innovation of new solutions realizing the commercial potential of regenerative medicine. KeraLink is one of the world’s leading eye banks with a mission to reverse corneal blindness through transplantation.  [company website]

CorMatrix Cardiovascular  (Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR) is completing a nearly $25 million raise.  ....    is developing biomaterial devices that harness the body’s ability to repair damaged cardiovascular tissue and rebuild parts of the heart.  Last year raised $15 million of the planned $25 million round, and relocated to a new 28,500-square-foot corporate headquarters in Roswell. The $3.5 million facility allows CorMatrix expand research and development, and bring manufacturing in-house.  CorMatrix’s technology, licensed from Purdue University and implanted in more than 58,000 patients, uses the patient’s stem cells in helping repair tissue.  [Urvaksh Karkaria, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Oct 17, 13]

CorMatrix Cardiovascular(Alpharetta, GA; no SBIR, founded 2001) CorMatrix ® Cardiovascular, announced  the receipt of three U.S. Patents for replacement heart valves that utilize unique biomaterial called extracellular matrix (ECM®)  [press release July 21, 13].....  CorMatrix ECM Technology has been used at more than 720 hospitals across the U.S. and has been implanted in nearly 80,000 cardiac procedures [company website]

Cormedix (Berkeley Heights, NJ)

CorMedix (Berkeley Heights, NJ; $300K SBIR) down 57% [Aug 9, 2022] announced updates related to the FDA review of the DefenCath New Drug Application (NDA) as well as other manufacturing and commercial updates. [company press release, Aug 8, 2022]

CorMedix (Berkeley Heights, NJ; $300K SBIR) down 22% Sep 7, 21] provided an update with respect t its resubmission timeline for the DefenCath New Drug [company press release, Sep 7, 21]

CorMedix (Berkeley Heights, NJ; $300K SBIR, founded 2006) up 23% [Feb 3, 21]

Cormedix (Berkeley Heights NJ; $200K SBIR) up 18% [Nov 18, 19]

Cornami (Santa Clara, CA)

Deep learning demands new chips. The Semiconductor Industry Association and its research affiliate have enlisted 22 tech companies to launch a broad study of technologies that might bring computing advances. Alternatives range from stacking circuitry in space-saving layers to making chips from biological materials such as proteins.  Development is particularly intense in deep learning --- training systems by exposing them to immense quantities of data rather than programming them with explicit instructions. ... IBM is targeting deep learning with TrueNorth, a chip unveiled in 2014 and composed of one million structures patterned after the brain’s neurons. Mr. Modha said it has shown startling acceleration of deep-learning applications and is on track to create a “business at scale” by 2019.  Venture capitalists have taken notice. ... Cerebras Systems,(Los Altos, CA; no SBIR,25 employees) plans to design processors targeting deep learning, found it surprisingly easy to raise venture-capital funds, said founder Andrew Feldman. ... Other startups designing chips for deep learning include KnuEdge (San Diego, CA; no SBIR), Graphcore Ltd  (UK), Cornami (Santa Clara, CA; no SBIR) and Wave Computing (Campbell, CA; no SBIR).     [Don Clark, Wall Street Journal, Jan 11, 17]  Why no SBIR? Such companies are reaching too far too fast needing too much capital for federal mission agencies to keep up with plodding SBIR.

Cornerstone BioPharma(Cary,NC)

Cornerstone Therapeutics(Cary, NC; no SBIR) announced that it is being bought by an Italian pharmaceutical company, ending the Cary drug marketing firm’s five-year run as a publicly traded company. The acquisition values Cornerstone at nearly $300 million  ....  the culmination of Cornerstone’s 2-year-old business strategy of getting specialty drugs to patients by selling directly to hospitals rather than working through doctors. ... Cornerstone was created as a publicly traded company in 2008 when Cornerstone BioPharma (Cary, NC; no SBIR) acquired Critical Therapeutics (Boston, MA; no SBIR) .  ....  Chiesi is a privately held business founded in 1935 in Parma, Italy, with plants or facilities in France, Brazil, England and Rockville, Md. The company employs 3,800 people.  ..... Last year, Chiesi further extended its commitment, agreeing to lend Cornerstone up to $90 million to acquire EKR Therapeutics (Bedminster, NJ; no SBIR) [which] gave Cornerstone the rights to oral hypertension drug Cardene, Cornerstone’s best-selling product today.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 16, 13]

Cornerstone Research (Dayton, OH)

The Department of Energy has awarded $53 million [of SBIR] to multiple small businesses to develop clean energy materials and systems in support of the Biden administration’s net-zero emission goals. Proposals include a lithium-ion electric vehicle battery from Bioenno Tech (Santa Ana, CA; $4M prior SBIR), a bio-based composite material from Z&STech (no apparent SBIR) and a direct air capture system from Advanced Cooling Technologies (Lancaster, PA; $80M prior SBIR; competitor in same city,Thermacore; $32M prior SBIR). ... Charles River Analytics (Cambridge, MA; $270M SBIR) proposed a method to detect an attack on critical infrastructure assets such as power grid, while Cornerstone Research Group (Miamisburg, OH; $127M prior SBIR) offered a predictive health monitoring tool to maintain electric grid systems. [Mary-Louise Hoffman,, May 19, 2022] prior SBIR data from SBA

Dayton celebrates NASA Phase II SBIR awards:   Spectral Energies (Dayton, OH; $8M SBIR) two awards;  Cornerstone Research Group (Beavercreek OH; $35M SBIR) two awards;   Nu Waves (Middletown, OH; no SBIR);  Applied Optimization (Dayton, OH; $4M SBIR); Mound Laser & Photonics Center  (Miamisburg, OH; $4.6M SBIR). [Joe Cogliano, Dayton Business Journal, Apr 20, 15]  So NASA handed $5M to a group of firms that have already had $50M of the nursery money.   Dayton and the Dayton CODEL love it, but the American economy will see no growth spurt.   

Last year, Cornerstone Research Group (Beavercreek, OH; $32M SBIR, 80 employees) took first place in the Dayton Business Journal Innovation Index Awards in the commercialization category.  [Joe Cogliano, Dayton Business Journal, Feb 23, 15]   recognized for its innovative approach to commercialization in providing technology commercialization services and advisory support to spin-off subsidiaries, allowing them to focus on their core business needs and move more quickly into the market. ...  Spintech LLC (no SBIR) , a CRG spin-off subsidiary, has made the most profitable exit from the Accelerant fund so far (July 2013).  ... qFuzion LLC (spun off 2012), With funding support from the Dayton Development Coalition's Entrepreneurial Signature Program, now leverages CRG's expertise in nanotechnology to offer capital equipment that adds nanomaterials to polymers.   [company website]  Since firm and its spinoffs are private firms, only the SBIR managers know the degree of economic payoff from the government handouts. And it is unlikely that they care. The only way Congress would pay much attention is if the agency failed to hand out its required minimum money.

Cornerstone Research Group  (Beavercreek, OH; $32M SBIR, 80 employees) is looking to start a $2 million manufacturing operation that could create up to 50 new jobs.  ....  to make Metagraphite, a composite material it developed, for sale to the residential and civil construction market.  ....  Cornerstone has started to see success with some of its subsidiary companies. That includes:  NONA Composites LLC, a process engineering company for composite tooling and parts manufacturers. It provides a no-oven, no-autoclave composite fabrication solution to significantly reduce time and capital equipment investments; Advantic LLC, which provides an engineering service and product that acts as a lightweight alternative to pre-cast concrete, allowing customers to bid projects more competitively and eliminate heavy installation issues; and  Spintech LLC, which markets a forming system that allows composite structures to be built with a quickly removable and reusable mold.      [Joe Cogliano, Dayton Business Journal, Dec 3, 14] 

The beat goes on. Cornerstone Research Group (Beavercreek, OH; $32M SBIR, 85 employees) has picked up more than $500,000 in new [SBIR].  ......  The contracts are good news for the company, which has been leaning on its research work to spinoff commercial businesses.   [Joe Cogliano, Dayton Business Journal, Jun 16, 14]  How much kerosene is neeed to light this alleged commercial fire? 

Cornerstone Therapeutics (Cary, NC; no SBIR) is expanding its portfolio of drugs and strengthening its balance sheet with a deal that gives an Italian pharmaceutical company a majority ownership stake. ... will receive $15.5 million in cash and the exclusive U.S. rights to Curosurf, a treatment for respiratory distress syndrome, a lung ailment that afflicts premature infants. ... formed in October when Critical Therapeutics (no SBIR) and Cornerstone BioPharma (no SBIR) merged.  [Raleigh News & Observer, May 8, 09]  not to be confused with Cornerstone Research (Dayton OH; 60 SBIR projects for something like $25M)

Cornerstone Therapeutics (Cary, NC)

Cornerstone Therapeutics(Cary, NC; no SBIR) announced that it is being bought by an Italian pharmaceutical company, ending the Cary drug marketing firm’s five-year run as a publicly traded company. The acquisition values Cornerstone at nearly $300 million  ....  the culmination of Cornerstone’s 2-year-old business strategy of getting specialty drugs to patients by selling directly to hospitals rather than working through doctors. ... Cornerstone was created as a publicly traded company in 2008 when Cornerstone BioPharma (Cary, NC; no SBIR) acquired Critical Therapeutics (Boston, MA; no SBIR) .  ....  Chiesi is a privately held business founded in 1935 in Parma, Italy, with plants or facilities in France, Brazil, England and Rockville, Md. The company employs 3,800 people.  ..... Last year, Chiesi further extended its commitment, agreeing to lend Cornerstone up to $90 million to acquire EKR Therapeutics (Bedminster, NJ; no SBIR) [which] gave Cornerstone the rights to oral hypertension drug Cardene, Cornerstone’s best-selling product today.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 16, 13]

A bankruptcy court judge has approved a deal for Cornerstone Therapeutics to acquire the commercial rights to the antibiotic Factive from bankrupt Oscient Pharmaceuticals for $5M cash. [Mass High Tech, Sep 4, 09]

Cornerstone Therapeutics (Cary, NC; no SBIR) is expanding its portfolio of drugs and strengthening its balance sheet with a deal that gives an Italian pharmaceutical company a majority ownership stake. ... will receive $15.5 million in cash and the exclusive U.S. rights to Curosurf, a treatment for respiratory distress syndrome, a lung ailment that afflicts premature infants. ... formed in October when Critical Therapeutics (no SBIR) and Cornerstone BioPharma (no SBIR) merged.  [Raleigh News & Observer, May 8, 09]  not to be confused with Cornerstone Research (Dayton OH; 60 SBIR projects for something like $25M)

Coronado Biosciences (Seattle, WA)

Coronado Biosciences  (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) developer of cancer drugs, has raised $7 million in equity and options, according to [SEC] filing [Luke Timmerman,, May 10, 10]

CorQuest Medical

A South Florida entrepreneur and a former University of Miami heart surgeon teamed up two and half years ago to create a medical device company for cardiac surgery. Now CorQuest Medical (no SBIR) has been sold to a company that aims to take its technology to market.  ...  specializes in developing medical equipment and technologies that facilitate minimally invasive cardiac surgical procedures, was purchased by Cardio3 BioSciences  (Belgium), a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of regenerative and protective therapies for the treatment of cardiac diseases. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.  [Nancy Dahlberg, MiamiHerald, Nov 19, 14]

Correx (Waltham, MA)

Correx(Waltham, MA; no SBIR, founded 2004),bumped up a previously announced funding round, taking in about $3.3 million of a planned $4 million financing, the company indicated ... makes a device designed to help surgeons access the heart during aortic valve bypass.  [Michelle Lang, Mass High Tech, Dec 19, 11]

Correx has landed $2.8 million of a planned $4 million financing round ... first raised $4.5 million in 2008 ... makes a device for aortic valve bypass, which enables surgeons to access the heart through a small cut between the ribs and attach a prosthetic valve between the left ventricle of the heart and the aorta [Mass High Tech, Feb 22, 11]

Corridor Pharmaceuticals

Immune Control (West Conshohocken, PA; no SBIR) and Arginetix (Baltimore, MD; no SBIR) said they are merging to form Corridor Pharmaceuticals Inc., which will develop novel treatments for vascular diseases with an initial focus on pulmonary arterial hypertension. In conjunction with the merger, Corridor Pharmaceuticals completed a $15 million Series A financing involving previous investors in the two companies.  [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Jun 17, 10]

Cortana (Falls Church, VA)

Cortana Corporation (Falls Church, VA; $600k SBIR) found a [Debye magnetic field] significant effect. Cortana was given a second grant in 2011 to continue the work  [after Phase 1 SBIR in 2010 for Investigation of the Debye Effect for Submarine Detection], which was expected to produce a sensor which could be deployed from a ship. Since then the navy has continued to award Cortana grants for hush-hush jobs.  Neither Cortana nor the navy will discuss exactly what they are up to. But it is likely that the technique can only detect certain submarine movements in some situations.  ...  Russia’s claims in this area have long been regarded in the West as exaggerated. The new American interest suggests they might not have been.  [The Economist, Nov 12, 16]  Note: DOD rules says SBIRs may not do classified work.

Cortendo AB (Radnor, PA)

Cortendo AB (Radnor, PA and Göteborg, Sweden; no SBIR) closed a previously announced private placement totaling approximately $26.4 million. The biopharmaceutical company that is specializing in developing new treatments for rare endocrine disorders, has now raised $37 million in the last five months.  [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Feb 13, 15]

Cortendo AB  (Radnor, PA; no SBIR) biopharmaceutical company focused on developing new treatments for rare endocrine disorders, raised $27.5 million in a private stock sale.  ...  has now raised$38.5 million since October.  ...  will support the development of its lead new drug candidate COR-003, which is in late stage development as a potential treatment of Cushing's syndrome.    [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Jan 13, 15]

Cortendo AB , [Swedish] biopharmaceutical company [in] Radnor, Pa., raised $11 million in a private stock sale. ... developing new therapies for patients who suffer from rare endocrine diseases.  ... Its lead new drug candidate, called NormCort, is in late-stage clinical testing as a potential treatment for Cushing's syndrome, a rare but serious metabolic disorder caused by overproduction of corticosteroid hormones.   [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Oct 30, 14]

Cortexyme (San Francisco, CA)

Cortexyme (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) up 18% [Nov 18, 19]

Cortexyme down 27% [May 10, 19]

Cortexyme (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) up 93%, [May 9, 19] after $90M IPO, develops therapies for neurodegenerative diseases by targeting Porphyromonas gingivalis. The bacterial pathogen has been found in the brains of more than 90 percent of Alzheimer’s patients, according to the firm’s prospectus. ... firm has not yet generated revenue. [Elizabeth Balboa,, May 8, 19]

Cortexyme (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) tapped Pfizer as the lead investor in a $15 million Series A round to further its development of an Alzheimer’s treatment aimed at a bacterial pathogen that the company has not revealed. It is currently in preclinical studies. Cortexyme was seeded by Dolby Family Ventures, which is funding novel approaches to combat Alzheimer’s in honor of audio pioneer Ray Dolby, who died of the disease in 2013. [Alex Lash,, Jan 8, 16]

Wealthy investor Peter Thiel put money into three biotech startups through his Breakout Labs, a nonprofit fund aimed at scientific innovation.  Breakout Labs, led by Executive Director Lindy Fishburne, has now invested in 19 companies.  The three most recent investments are:   Cortexyme (San Francisco, CA;  no SBIR) seeking treatments for Alzheimer's and other aging disorders;      G-Tech Medical (Palo Alto, CA;  no SBIR) working on a wireless, wearable sensor that will track muscle activity in a person's gastrointestinal system;    EpiBone  (New York, NY; no SBIR) engineers a patient's own living bone to fit where there's a defect. Breakout Labs gives up to $350,000 to the startups it supports.  [Silicon Valley Business Journal, Jun 11, 14]

Corvidia Therapeutics (Waltham, MA)

Corvidia Therapeutics (Waltham, MA; no SBIR, founded 2014)  announced closing a $60 million Series B funding round [that] will accelerate growth of Corvidia’s ongoing clinical programs , expand scientific and market access capabilities and explore new treatment areas.   .....  is nearing completion of a Phase 2 clinical trial for a genetically-defined patient population  living with advanced chronic  kidney disease [company press release, Apr 25, 18] total funding $86M []

Corvid Technologies (Mooresville, NC)

Corvid Technologies (Mooresville, NC; $70M SBIR) won a potential 10-year, $385 million contract to provide operations and maintenance support for the Missile Defense Agency's test instrumentation systems. MDA placed a $1.2 million initial task order immediately after its award of the indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract [Mary-Louise Hoffman,, Sep 27, 2022]  What's their innovation? We leverage the predictive capability of our high-fidelity computational physics solvers, indigenous massively parallel supercomputer system, prototyping plant, and ballistics and mechanics lab to investigate a variety of high-rate physics phenomena. [company website]  SBIR innovation is whatever the federal agency says it is.  

Corvus Pharmaceuticals (Burlingame, CA)

Corvus Pharmaceuticals (Burlingame, CA; no SBIR) up 81% [Jul 7, 20], a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced that it has initiated a Phase 1 study to investigate a novel immunotherapy approach for patients with COVID-19. [company press release, Jul 7, 20]

Peter Thompson, a biotechnology investor and a University of Washington affiliate professor, is launching a biotech startup Silverback (Bellevue, WA) while netting $10 M. [Seattle Times, Apr 12, 16]  Thompson also co-founder of Corvus Pharma, Cleave Biosciences, and Trubion Pharma.  []

Immuno-oncology startup Corvus Pharmaceuticals (Burlingame, CA; no SBIR, founded 2014) raised $75 million in Series B ... CEO Richard Miller co-founded the startup after he left his role as CEO of Pharmacyclics (Sunnyvale, CA; one SBIR in 1995) following its acquisition by AbbVie for $21 billion. ...  develops inhibitor drugs for cancer. The drugs could be effective on their own, or in combination with anti-PD-1 or PD-L1 drugs, Miller said  [Gina Hall, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Sep 28, 15]

CosmosID (Rockville, MD)

CosmosID (Rockville, MD; no SBIR, founded 2008), a genomic big data company focused on infectious disease diagnostics and food safety testing, raised $6 million in Series B funding  ...  developed a platform that can conduct a single DNA test for microorganisms, including rapid screening for multidrug-resistant organisms known as superbugs.    [Tina Reed, Washington Business Journal, Jan 27, 16]    founded by molecular microbiologist, Dr. Rita Colwell, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland at College Park and at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Colwell was Director of the National Science Foundation from 1998 to 2004 and the recipient of the 2006 National Medal of Science of the United States and the 2010 Stockholm Water Prize. [company website]

CoStim Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA)

Two years after launchingCoStim Pharmaceuticals(Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) to develop an immunotherapy treatment for cancer, CoStim’s investors have reached a deal to sell the firm to one of the world’s largest drug companies - Novartis- for an undisclosed amount. ...  The investment in CoStim dates back to 2010, when professor Arlene Sharpe of Harvard University presented research on how to target T cells to more effectively combat cancer. Working with Sharpe as well as professors Gordon Freeman and Vijay Kuchroo, CoStim developed agents that could be directed at multiple T-cell targets — via relationships with Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Immutep SA.   [Jon Chesto, Boston Business Journal, Feb 17, 14]  Good ideas by entrepreneurs attract capital; mediocre ideas beg for free capital in the form of govrnment subsidy. The political sysytem is only too happy to help.

Cougar Biotechnology

Some 60% of new cancer drugs are developed in the labs of biotech firms, many of them startups. But this has been a year of living miserably for the biotech industry, and hundreds of these cancer-focused companies are close to folding as investors flee, stock prices sink to near-nothing, and operating cash dwindles. ...  Cougar Biotechnology  (no SBIR) no longer needs to worry—Johnson & Johnson announced on May 21 that it would pay close to $1 billion for the six-year-old Los Angeles company. The biotech is in the final stages of testing a drug, Abiraterone, that has shown promise against late-stage prostate cancer.  OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals (no SBIR) stock hit new highs five days in a row in late May, going from $4 a share in April to $14, in anticipation of the ASCO presentation on its own prostate cancer drug, OGX-11. In early trials the drug appeared to help patients live longer, but OncoGenex had only $9.4 million in cash at the end of March, not enough to fund the next round of clinical trials. Biotech analysts say ASCO gives the company a good chance to find a financing deal. [Business Week, Jun 8]

Coulbourn Instruments (Whitehall, PA)

Medical instruments maker Harvard Bioscience (Holliston, MA; $800K SBIR) said it has acquired Coulbourn Instruments (Whitehall, PA; no SBIR) , a private company that makes lab equipment for assessing learning and memory.  Harvard Bioscience estimates the total market for the instruments Coulbourn produces is between $40 million and $50 million. And it expects the company to add about $4 million in annual revenue.  [AP, Aug 23, 10]

Coulter Pharmaceutical (South San Francisco, CA)

Good new drug fades. GlaxoSmithKline said recently that it will quit making and selling the drug [Bexxar] in February 2014, a little more than a decade after it was approved by the FDA. Usage peaked in 2006, but sales have been dropping 30 percent annually since then. Bexxar, developed in the late ‘90s by Coulter Pharmaceutical (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) and acquired in 2000 by Corixa (Seattle, WA; $4M SBIR).  ... The new drug application was first filed in June 1999, and wasn’t approved by the FDA until four years later. That delay, an excruciating time for Corixa, allowed a combo of Rituxan and chemotherapy more time to cement its position as the standard of care in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. [Luke Timmerman,, Aug 26, 13]

Cour Pharmaceutical Development (Chicago, IL)

Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan) and COUR Pharmaceutical Development (Skokie, IL; no SBIR) announced that Takeda has acquired an exclusive global license to develop and commercialize the investigational medicine CNP-101/TAK-101, an immune modifying nanoparticle containing gliadin proteins. Based on COUR’s antigen specific immune tolerance platform, TAK-101 is a potential first-in-class treatment targeting the aberrant immune response in celiac disease, a serious autoimmune disease where the ingestion of gluten leads to inflammation and damage in the small intestine. [joint companies press release, Oct 22, 19] ... COUR is set to receive up to $420 million in future payments and royalties on sales of any marketed products resulting from the licence. [Richard Staines,, Oct 23, 19]

Cour Pharmaceutical Development(Chicago, IL; no SBIR) announced the publication of new data in Science Translational Medicine that shows the potential of its proprietary therapy, known as Immune Modifying Nanoparticles (IMP), to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair and regeneration in patients who have suffered a heart attack. More than 750,000 patients suffer from heart attacks & related complications each year.  ..... In November 2013, Cour entered into evaluation and option alliances with two major pharmaceutical companies to develop Cour products for Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease respectively.  [company press release, Jan 15, 14]

Coverity (San Francisco, CA)

Synopsys (Mountain View, CA; no SBIR) which makes design and testing software for engineers, will buy Coverity (San Francisco, CA;  $200K SBIR) for $375 million....  Coverity makes software used in testing source code. Synopsys is paying for the deal through cash and some debt.  [Steven E.F. Brown,    San Francisco Business Times, Feb 19, 14]

Creare (Hanover, NH)

Loving Experience.   Scientific Systems (Woburn,MA; $50M+ SBIR) won a NASA JPL Phase 2 SBIR for Distributed Formation State Estimation Algorithms Under Resource and Multi-Tasking Constraints. Creare (Hanover NH; $120M SBIR) won four NASA JPL Phase 2 SBIRs. Intelligent Automation (Rockville MD; $100M SBIR) won three NASA JPL Phase 2 SBIRs. Physical Optics (Torrance, CA; $200M SBIR) won one NASA JPL Phase 2 SBIR. Radiation Monitoring Devices (Watertown, MA; $90M SBIR) won one NASA JPL Phase 2 SBIR. Etc, etc, etc. A zillion start-ups all over America got letters saying there was not enough money to nurture their ideas.

Creare (Hanover, NH) has blossomed from its SBIR days to a company of 1100 people. Says its website, Creare began with five people in 1961, and the family of companies tracing their origins to Creare now employs over 1100. Our original roots were in fluid dynamics. We served the turbomachinery and nuclear industries heavily during the 1960s and 1970s. The 1980s saw a branching into the energy, aerospace, cryogenics, and materials processing industries, among others. The 1990s brought growth in software, controls, and biomedical applications. Today, Creare remains an employee-owned engineering services company, committed to solving problems for our clients and commercializing our own technologies through licensing or the creation of independent product companies. The growth and vitality of Creare and the family of companies that trace their origins to us is compelling evidence of our success. Current members of the Creare family include:
Hypertherm manufactures plasma arc cutting equipment. Founded 1968.
Creonics (now a part of the Allen-Bradley division of Rockwell International) manufactures motion control systems for a wide variety of industrial processes. Founded 1982.
Spectra manufactures components and systems for ink jet computer printers. Founded 1984.
Fluent develops, markets, and licenses CFD software. Founded 1988.
Mikros provides precision micromachining services. Founded in 1991.
SBA reports 197 SBIR projects over 15 years with about half going into Phase 2. From rough calculations, that would make a government contribution (for which the government presumably got its intended R&D value) of $70M.

Creative Hybrid Solutions (Somewhere, NC)

Creative Hybrid Solutions (Somewhere, NC;  no SBIR) say the magnets can improve auto fuel performance by more than 30%. ... a bold claim for a technology dismissed for years as snake oil. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission in 2004 sued another magnet marketer for making "bogus claims" on fuel performance. After testing magnets with similar claims, Popular Mechanics magazine also dismissed them as duds.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 18, 08]  Quick, think of a credible mechanism. A systematic road test, beyond unverifiable anecdotes supplied by the company,  will at least come from Raleigh and Wake schools tests to evaluate the potential for installing magnets on 963 fleet vehicles in their town.

Creatv MicroTech (Potomac,MD)

Montgomery County [MD, a competitor for America's richest county] will dole out $500,000 to investors in 10 life sciences companies through its coveted biotech tax credit, a fifth of which will go to backers of diagnostics company DioGenix (Gaithersburg, MD; no SBIR)  ... piggybacks on the $3.5 million in tax credits from the state to those same 46 investors. The incentives are tied to a total $7 million in private biotech investments in the county last year. Also receiving the credits are backers of 20/20 GeneSystems (Rockville, MD; $4.6M SBIR, incl one of $3.3M),  Alper Biotech LLC, American Gene Technologies International Inc., BeneVir Biopharm Inc., ConverGene LLC, Creatv MicroTech (Potomac, MD; $11.6M SBIR)., Rafagen Inc., Sequella (Rockville, MD; $10.3M SBIR). and SynAm Vaccine. [Bill Flook,Washington Business Journal, Feb 28, 14]

Cree (born Cree Research)  (Durham, NC)

Wolfspeed up 22% [Oct 31, 2023] announced its results for the first quarter

Wolfspeed (initially Cree Research) down 19% [Aug 17, 2023]

Wolfspeed (originally Cree Research, Durham, NC; $10 M SBIR) leads the market in the worldwide adoption of Silicon Carbide and gallium nitride (GaN) technologies down 19% [Apr 27, 2023] reported financial results

Cree (Durham, NC; $8M SBIR), now Wolfspeed, is focused on silicon carbide and gallium nitride electronic devices. Revenue for the fiscal first quarter ended Sept. 25 was $241.3 million, up 54% from a year earlier. [James R. Hagerty, Wall Street Journal, Dec 3, 2022]

Cree is changing its name to Wolfspeed [for] the firm’s “transformational journey” toward being a pure play global semiconductor power house. Wolfspeed is the name of Cree's semiconductor unit. [Lauren Ohnesorge,, Triangle Business Journal, Jan 27, 21]

Cree [which started life on silicon carbide and SBIR] the global leader in silicon carbide technology, and ABB (Swiss)’s Power Grids business have announced a partnership to jointly expand the rollout of silicon carbide in the rapidly-growing high-power semiconductor market. The agreement incorporates the use of Cree’s Wolfspeed® silicon carbide-based semiconductors into ABB’s comprehensive product portfolio, enabling Cree to broaden its customer base while accelerating ABB’s entry into the fast-expanding EV sector. [company press release, Nov 18, 19]

Marquette University has announced longtime Cree CEO, Chuck Swoboda, as the college’s first “Innovator-in-Residence.” [WisconsinInno, Oct 3, 19]

Cree down 16% [Aug 21, 19] as Its Outlook for the Quarter Surprises Wall Street [Barron's, Aug 21, 19]

Cree and ON Semiconductor announced the execution of a multi-year agreement where Cree will produce and supply its Wolfspeed® silicon carbide wafers to ON Semiconductor, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications. The agreement, valued at more than $85 million, provides for the supply of Cree’s advanced 150mm silicon carbide (SiC) bare and epitaxial wafers to ON Semiconductor for use in high-growth markets, such as electric vehicle and industrial applications. [company press release, Aug 6, 19]

Cree's Wolfspeed division makes chips out of silicon carbide, which means they can manage high-voltage power distribution without overheating, notes Eric Marshall, a portfolio manager [Michel Brush, MarktWatc, Jun 18, 19] Cree's early work in the early 1990s on conquering defects in silicon carbide was funded by SBIR from BMDO (now MDA) and ONR (Navy research).

Cree is funneling up to $1 billion in new investments in its Durham headquarters. [Triangle Business Journal, May 7, 19]

General Electric accused Cree of using a technology on Cree’s LED product which infringes the patent of GE’s TriGain LED technology. ...  filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Cree on April 11, 2019. [YiningChen,, Apr 17, 19]

Cree is selling its entire lighting division to Ideal Industries Inc. in a $310 million deal [Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Mar 15, 19]

Cree announces that it signed a multi-year agreement to produce and supply its Wolfspeed® silicon carbide (SiC) wafers to STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications. The agreement governs the supply of a quarter billion dollars of Cree’s advanced 150mm silicon carbide bare and epitaxial wafers to STMicroelectronics (Swiss) during this period of extraordinary growth and demand for silicon carbide power devices. [company press release, Jan 7, 19]

Cree executives say President Donald Trump’s tariffs on Chinese imports likely will cost the Durham company $2 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2019 [Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 16, 18] As is common is "revolutions," Trump peddles a return to a Golden Age that never was. Caveat emptor. 

Early last year, Cree’s chip-making Wolfspeed Wall Street commentators saw it as a high-cost, low-profit\ business and applauded the electronics manufacturer’s plan to unload it to a German competitor. Nowadays, Cree’s top executives see Wolfspeed not as a liability, but as the key to the company’s future. They’ve told investors they think it can grow from generating about $221 million a year in revenue to about $850 million a year, and do that by 2022. [Ray Gronberg,, Aug 14, 18]

Cree accuses employee of stealing secrets worth more than $100 million [Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 6, 18] Hold the pity! An ugly reminder that North Carolina's economic success derives from the textile industry that moved from New England for the cheap ununionized labor. New England's textile industry, in turn, was born from machine designs stolen from England's Industrial Revolution makers. Economics knows no morals. 

Cree, already contending with low-cost competitors in its light-emitting diode business, will face a 25% duty this week on LEDs shipped to the U.S. from its plant in China—costs the company said will wreak upon it “disproportionate economic harm.” Cree’s failure to persuade the White House to exempt its goods from new tariffs illustrates how even appealing to the Trump administration’s desire for American investment and jobs can run smack into its push to also penalize China on trade. .... employs about 4,000 workers in the U.S  [Jay Greene, Wall Street Journal, Jul 5, 18]  Cree is one of SBIR's best investment successes, since SBIR contributed about 20% of its initial capital in the early 1990s.  Market cap over $4 billion.

Cree is buying parts of Infineon's business, which includes hundreds of Morgan Hill employees.  [Triangle Business News, Mar 6, 18]

Cree up 10% [Mar 6, 18] has acquired assets of Infineon Technologies AG (German) Radio Frequency (RF) Power Business for approximately € 345 million. The transaction expands the Cree Wolfspeed business unit’s wireless market opportunity. Infineon continues to drive key growth areas such as electro-mobility, autonomous driving, renewables and technologies for a connected world. [company press release, Mar 6, 18]

Cree up 16% [Oct 18, 17]

Cree announced it has reached a confidential settlement in its patent infringement lawsuit with E. Mishan and Sons [who]  has agreed to an exclusive supply agreement to purchase market leading Cree® high power LEDs for its high performance tactical flashlights. [company press release, Aug 1, 17]

Cree announces it is forming a joint venture with San’an Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (SHA: 600703) to produce and deliver to market high-performing, mid-power lighting class LED packaged products in an exclusive arrangement to serve the expanding markets of North and South America, Europe and Japan, and serve China and the rest of the world on a non-exclusive basis. [company press release, Apr 25, 17]

Cree, which has been struggling with declining revenue stemming from slack demand as well as internal issues, has eliminated 70 jobs at its Durham headquarters and manufacturing operations and at its facility in Wisconsin.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 28, 17]

Cree down 11% [Apr 26, 17]  as investors reacted to the company’s latest earnings report. [Raleigh News & Observer] 

Cree is expanding its market opportunities by forming a joint venture with a Chinese company to produce lower-cost, mid-power LEDs.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 25, 17]

Cree announced that it will terminate the definitive agreement to sell its Wolfspeed Power and RF division (“Wolfspeed”), which includes the silicon carbide substrate business for power, RF and gemstone applications, to Infineon Technologies AG.  Cree and Infineon have been unable to identify alternatives which would address the national security concerns of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), and as a result, the proposed transaction will be terminated.  [Cree press release, Feb 16, 17]

Cree’s long-standing plan to sell its Wolfspeed subsidiary to Europe’s largest semiconductor company for $850 million is in jeopardy because of objections from the U.S. government.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Feb 9, 17]

Cree announced it has reached a confidential settlement in its patent infringement and false advertising lawsuit with Feit Electric ...and its Asian supplier, Unity Opto Technology ...  Feit will pay Cree a license issue fee and ongoing royalties as part of the license agreement, and Cree will receive a license to the Feit filament panel patents.  [Cree press release, Dec 20, 16]

Cree settled its patent infringement and false advertising complaints against a major competitor and, as a result, expects to exceed its previously announced revenue and net income targets for its current fiscal quarter.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Dec 20, 16]

Cree also is accusing MaxBrite LED Lightning Techology, a 10-year-old producer of indoor and outdoor LED lighting products, of infringing on Cree’s trademark.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 21, 16]

Cree filed a lawsuit in federal district court last week against E. Mishan & Sons, a New York company better known as Emson that, according to its website, is an importer and distributor of “As Seen on TV” products.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 14, 16]

OptoLum (Tempe, AZ; no SBIR) a small LED lighting systems company, that is both a customer and competitor of Cree has sued it for patent infringement, contending [Cree] copied the technology that went into its groundbreaking LED light bulb that was launched in 2013.  ...    also has accused Cree of wrongfully touting that it invented the innovative technology that enabled it to create its own brand of LED bulbs that are sold exclusively at Home Depot.  ....   buys Cree-made LED chips that it uses in its own lighting products, filed its lawsuit seeking unspecified actual damages as well as punitive damages in federal district court in Arizona last week.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 9, 16]

Cree down 11% [Oct 19, 16]

Cree confirmed that it has laid off “a very small number” of workers at its Durham headquarters.   The company reported that the local job cuts, as well as an unspecified number of jobs that were eliminated in Racine, Wis., were “in response to current business conditions.”  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 12, 16]

More than three years after getting into the consumer-priced LED bulb business, Cree has unveiled what it’s calling a “completely new portfolio” of bulb products.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Sep 14, 16]

Cree plans share buybacks.The plan to repurchase up to $300 million over the next 12 months is a follow-up to the buyback of $150 million over the last fiscal year. Cree had previously indicated that it would use the proceeds from the upcoming $850 million sale of its Wolfspeed subsidiary for stock repurchases and acquisitions.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 26, 16]

Cree down 15% [Aug 17, 16]  on soggy earnings

An LED startup with Cree roots is raising cash, prepping to debut a table lamp its CEO hopes will be a game-changer in the competitive lighting industry. ....  started Purillume (Cary, NC; no SBIR in stealth mode, founded 2014]  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Aug 11, 16]

Cree announced it has received a Notice of the Initial Determination in U.S. International Trade Commission  in favor of Cree against respondents Feit Electric Company, and its Asian supplier, Unity Opto Technology  on violations of trade laws for both patent infringement and false advertising.   [company press release, Aug 2, 16]

Cree up 11% [Jul 14, 16]  announced execution of a definitive agreement to sell its Wolfspeed Power and RF division ("Wolfspeed"), which includes the silicon carbide substrate business for power, RF and gemstone applications, to Infineon Technologies AG for $850 million in cash.  [company press release]

Cree extends the groundbreaking performance of its industry-leading OSQ Series Area and Flood LED luminaires, delivering up to 58 percent more efficacy on existing lumen packages at up to 136 lumens-per-watt (LPW) for increased energy savings. The series also now offers a new OSQ™ 28L Outdoor Area and Flood LED luminaire option, delivering up to 28,285 lumens and enabling the replacement of HID fixtures up to 1000W.   [company press release, May 24, 16]

Cree reached a confidential settlement in its patent infringement litigation with Taiwanese LED manufacturer Kingbright  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, May 10, 16]

Cree reports 31% decline in profit. [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 26, 16]

WiCab (Middleton, WI; no SBIR) raised $2.4 million in an equity financing round that could climb as high as $10 million, according to a regulatory filing. The company’s “BrainPort” device allows blind people to, in a way, “see” the world around them by substituting touch for sight. Using a small camera fastened to sunglasses, the device converts video signals to electronic impulses that are felt on the user’s tongue. In January, the startup disclosed that it had raised $975,000 from investors. [Jeff Buchnan, xconomy,com, Apr 26, 16] 

Cree down 15% [Apr 6, 16] said fiscal third quarter revenue will be lower than expected due to product delays and other issues at its lighting business.  [Josh Beckerman, MarketWatch, Apr 6, 16]

Cree has launched a new line of LED streetlights that promises warmer lighting – lighting that a company executive says should pass muster with residents of Raleigh’s older neighborhoods.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Mar 3, 16]

Cree filed a lawsuit against another eBay seller [JK], claiming patent infringement. ... Cree says JK sells items on eBay under multiple IDs such as jkgiftsstore and jkmailers. And in January, Cree alleges it was able to purchase flashlights bearing the Cree logo from JK, despite JK having never been authorized to manufacture, copy, sell, import, market or distribute any Cree merchandise. An inspection of the items found them to be counterfeit, according to the suit. [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Feb 22, 16]

Cisco  has teamed up with Durham LED giant Cree ... Cree’s smart lighting technology, SmartCast, is being combined with Cisco ethernet technology. To understand what the companies are trying to do, Gottheil suggests you look up. Your ceiling, often already equipped to run ethernet cables, is likely an untapped opportunity.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Feb 17, 16]

Cree is delaying its planned spinout [of its Wolfspeed business]. CEO Chuck Swoboda [said] that it's now unlikely to happen before the second half of 2016.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Jan 14, 16]

LED giant Cree ffiled a trademark infringement case against California e-retailer TomTop Group, accusing it of dealing in “pirated and counterfeit” Cree-branded products on sites such as eBay and Amazon. [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Dec 1, 15]

Cree scored a small victory in its legal battle with a former licensee – Taiwanese firm Kingbright Electronic Co. The Patent Trial and Appeal Board recently dismissed a petition filed by Kingbright that claimed an LED technology at the center of the fight was “unpatentable.” ...  Cree had licensed a white LED patent to the company in 2005.   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Sep 30, 15]

Lextar Electronics (Taiwan), LED vendor Leadray Energy, and Cree are reportedly combining forces in a project specifically targeted at winning government contracts ...  Taiwan has allocated $168 million U.S. dollars worth of funds to assist local governments in replacing nearly 700,000 traditional streetlights with LED technology.  ... Last year, Cree disclosed it would be investing $83 million in Lextar and that the two companies would enter into a long-term LED chip supply agreement.   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge,  Triangle Business Journal, Sep 24, 15]

When tech becomes a commodity. [Raleigh, NC] partner, Duke Energy[confirms that] homegrown LED innovator Cree lost out to a Georgia-based Acuity Lighting Group [for LED street light replacement].  ...  Duke says its product decisions are made based on criteria that include surge protection, warranty, housing moisture and dust intrusion, utility grade, tool-less entry, manufacturer production capabilities and the ability to stock large quantities of Duke-dedicated inventory.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge,Triangle Business Journal, Sep 22, 15]

Cree’s power and RF division, which it plans to spin out as a publicly-traded company, is announcing that it is carving out a separate identity by rebranding itself as Wolfspeed. ...  also announced that the U.S. Air Force awarded a $4.1 million contract to what is now Wolfspeed for continued work on a high-performance power module developed for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News Observer, Sep 2, 15]

A [cross-license agreement for light emitting diode (LED) chips] just signed by Cree with a Taiwanese competitor [LED maker Epistar] could further accelerate the adoption of LED lighting. ...  each company receives a license to the other’s nitride LED chip patents and is granted certain rights to non-nitride chip payments  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Aug 4, 15]

Recently disclosed layoff rounds at two separate companies could impact more than 140 in North Carolina – including at a Vance County plant owned by Cree lighting rival Philips Lighting.  ... Philips-Optimum, known as Optimum Lighting (no SBIR) before being acquired by Philips in 2011, manufactures energy-efficient fluorescent lighting fixtures. At the time of the acquisition, it had 70 employees. [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal,  Jul 29, 15]

Cree announced its acquisition of Arkansas Power Electronics  (Fayetteville, AR; $8M SBIR) ....   APEI manufacturers power modules and power electronics applications    [Angelica Lieth,Triangle Business Journal, Jul 9, 15]

Cree down 10% [Jun 25, 15] while the company’s market value has slid by 44% over the past 12 months, its multiple of forward earnings has remain virtually unchanged at around 25 times. [Dan Gallagher, Wall Street Journal, Jun 25, 15]

Cree said it would restructure its LED products business, hurt by a decline in selling price and under-utilization of its factory. Cree, which also lowered its revenue forecast for the fourth quarter, said it would buy back $500 million worth of stock for fiscal 2016. [Reuters, Jun 24, 15]

About 700,000 LED fluorescent tubes manufactured by Cree under the T8 label have been recalled in the United States, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. ... The LEDs were manufactured in China and retailed for about $22. [Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Jun 5, 15]

Cree is taking another consumer bet, pushing out another made-in-Durham innovation – a residential floodlight. The goal is to compete with other LED bulbs on price, pushing out the locally manufactured option to just under $10. [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, May 26, 15]

Cree is planning a $1 million solar canopy for a site at its headquarters on Silicon Drive in Durham. The project, to be placed in a 610 parking-space lot, would take up just eight parking spaces for inverter equipment to support the system, according to a permit filed with the city of Durham.   ... has more than 2,600 employees in North Carolina   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, May 22, 15]

Cree plans to spin out its Power and RF subsidiary, and has filed the [SEC] paperwork to initiate the public offering   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, May 18, 15]

Cree is touting its new WaveMax Technology as a breakthrough that will both boost the efficiency of its LED lighting fixtures and create a richer visual ambience  ...  making its debut in two new light fixtures that are expected to be available this summer — one for offices and one for parking garages.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 28, 15]

Cree is transitioning much of its manufacturing to third party partners.  CEO Chuck Swoboda told investors the move will allow Cree’s own factories, many of which are in Durham, to focus on new technologies not yet available in the market.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Apr 22, 15]

Cree has introduced a new LED lighting component that it touts will enable makers of track, ceiling downlight and outdoor lighting to reduce costs by up to 60 percent.   [Raleigh News & Observer, Feb 17, 15]

Investigation. The feds have officially decided to investigate Cree's patent infringement complaint.   U.S. International Trade Commission officially ordered an investigation on whether certain LED products being imported [by a competing firm, Feit Electric Company, infringe on Cree patents.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge,Triangle Business Journal, Feb 12, 15]

Tesla, Toyota, Cree (#19) on the list  of The Fast 50 Most Innovative Companies of 2015 by the mag Fast Company. [Lauren K. Ohnesorge,Triangle Business Journal, Feb 10, 15] 

Cree will be illuminating the [Super Bowl] stadium in Phoenix, and using 44,928 LEDs to do it. The new system, according to the company, uses 310,000 watts of energy and is 75 percent more efficient than what used to be at University of Phoenix Stadium.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Jan 27, 15]

Cree, which makes the No. 1-selling LED bulb, is entering the "smart bulb" market.  ....  announced that the Connected Cree LED Bulb will be available from Home Depot online and in stores later this month. The price for the equivalent of a 60-watt bulb: $14.97.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 16, 15]

LED giant Cree just entered into a $500 million revolving line of credit with Wells Fargo Bank  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Jan 12, 15]

Cree announced that it has filed complaints against a major competitor and its supplier for selling LED bulbs that allegedly infringe on Cree patents.  The complaints seek to halt the importation of the LED bulbs by Feit Electric and seek unspecified monetary damages from Feit and its Taiwanese supplier, Unity Opto Technology.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 12, 15]

Inside Cree's massive complex in Durham, a once-secret project is trickling out, product by product.  ...  has 2,647 employees in North Carolina, debuted what it calls the SC5 Technology Platform in October, with CEO Chuck Swoboda saying the innovation "establishes a new benchmark for LED lumens per wafer, which we believe will define the long-term success of our industry."  ... This week, two new products out of the line launch: lamps with complicated names, the XHP50 and XHP70. According to the company, the LEDs "shatter the industry's perceived limit of LED lumen density," delivering up to 2546 lumens at 19 watts and 4022 lumens at 32 watts, respectively.  And Cree confirms the products are being manufactured in Durham.    [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Dec 19, 14]

Cree down 18% [Oct 22, 14]

Cree soon will be unveiling a next-generation version that will be cheaper and produce even better light. ...  Cree’s LED bulbs currently are sold exclusively by Home Depot in stores nationwide and also online. But in a brief interview late Tuesday, Swoboda declined to discuss where the new-generation bulbs will be sold. Cree launched its first LED bulbs at Home Depot in March 2013 at what were breakthrough prices for that time.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 21, 14]

the Nobel Prize in physics for inventing blue light-emitting diodes, a breakthrough that has spurred the development of LED technology to light up homes, computer screens and smartphones worldwide.  Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and naturalized U.S. citizen Shuji Nakamura revolutionized lighting technology two decades ago when they came up with a long-elusive component of the white LED lights that in countless applications today have replaced less efficient incandescent and fluorescent lights. [AP, Oct 7, 14]   Big beneficiary of that blue research was Cree.  From the archives:  A Blue Professor's Chair. Cree pledged $1.2M to the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) to endow the Cree Chair in Solid State Lighting and Displays whose occupant would do research in the field of gallium nitride-based materials and devices. Cree will not formally get any technology rights from any research done.  .....   Brain Gain.  In a surprise move, Shuji Nakamura, the pioneer for Nichia Chemical Industries of the blue semiconductor laser based on gallium nitride technology, has joined the Japanese company’s arch rival Cree. 

Cree down 12% [Oct 2, 14]  after the company braced Wall Street for another disappointing quarter. [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 3]

Cree said it has filed patent infringement lawsuits against [LED makers] Harvatek (Taiwan) and Kingbright (City of Industry, CA; no SBIR) in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sep 16, 14]

Cree is investing $83 million in Taiwan-based Lextar Electronics ...  the first step in a supply agreement for sapphire-based LED chips [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Aug 27, 14]

Cree’s biggest competitor, Philips Electronics, is spinning its LED components operation into a separate company. ....   Philips is looking for outside investors for its Lumileds Lighting unit, which it plans to combine with its automotive-lighting business   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Jun 30, 14]

Cree has bought back $100 million of its shares and could purchase up to another $200 million more under its expanded stock repurchasing program.  [Raleigh News & Observer, May 8, 14]

Cree’s TrueWhite LED bulbs that provide more natural light, initially designed to meet California’s standards for LED bulbs, are now being sold at Home Depot stores nationwide.  The Cree TW series LED bulbs, which can be used to replace traditional 40-watt and 60-watt bulbs, rate a 93 on the 100-point Color Rendering Index — which Cree touts as unprecedented for an LED bulb. .... Cree says its TW bulbs last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, turn on instantly and are compatible with most dimmer switches.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, May 6, 14]  But performance isn't everything; consumers worry about price and most cannot do the calculation needed to decide whether the long term gain justifies the instant price. Check the latest results of high school math tests.

Creeis adding a new offering to its bulb portfolio   ... The new 90W Cree PAR38 bulb provides “dramatically different directional light distributions” compared to the existing PAR38, according to a company announcement.  ....  uses 80 percent less energy and is designed to last 25 times longer than traditional incandescent lamps, all while looking like a traditional light bulb.   [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Apr 30, 14]

Cree down 12% [Apr 23, 14]

Cree's investors could be forgiven for wanting a quieter life rather than more risk. In the past five years, the company's stock has taken a stomach-lurching round trip from the low $20s to above $80 and back again. It saw spikes of more than 24% in the two-month periods before two quarterly reports last year only to erase those gains following the results, which included lower-than-anticipated revenue and disappointing forecasts.  ... For a semiconductor company accustomed to healthy margins, shifting to a segment selling mostly commodity products at thin margins seemed counterintuitive. The effect was predictable. Revenue in Cree's lighting-product segment surged more than 40% year over year in the second fiscal quarter through December, while the gross margin for the segment slipped from 33.7% to 27.9%.   [Wall Street Journal, Mar 27, 14]  Somebody always complains about change.

Cree is in a position to double volumes.  That’s according to Sterne Agee analyst Andrew Huang, commenting after Cree announced both a new 100-watt LED bulb and price reductions on bulbs currently offered at Home Depot.  ... “We believe the price reduction is consistent with Cree’s strategy of driving LED adoption, building the Cree brand through bulb sales and passing cost reductions to consumers,” Huang adds.  The 100-watt LED bulb, at just under $20, is comparable to a Philips product priced at $24.97, his report notes. [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Mar 13, 14]

Cree is launching a new LED bulb that is the equivalent of a 100-watt bulb and is cutting the prices of other LED bulbs in its lineup by as much as 23 percent.  The new 100-watt equivalent – it actually consumes just 18 watts but produces as much light as a 100-watt incandescent bulb and is expected to last 25 times longer – was expected to be available on Home Depot [exclusively] shelves nationwide [already]  .... All of Cree’s LED bulbs are produced at the company’s manufacturing plant in Durham.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Mar 12, 14]  HD price $19.97

Illumina the smartest. Almost 25 years after the Human Genome Project launched, and a little over a decade after it reached its goal of reading all three billion base pairs in human DNA, genome sequencing for the masses is finally arriving. It will no longer be just a research tool; reading all of your DNA (rather than looking at just certain genes) will soon be cheap enough to be used regularly for pinpointing medical problems and identifying treatments. This will be an enormous business, and one company dominates it: Illumina  (San Diego, CA; $10M SBIR). ...  sells everything from sequencing machines that identify each nucleotide in DNA to software and services that analyze the data. In the coming age of genomic medicine, Illumina is poised to be what Intel was to the PC era—the dominant supplier of the fundamental technology. [Eilene Zimmerman ,,  Feb 18, 14]  Other SBIR companies among 50 smartest:  Cree (Durham, NC; $10M SBIR), Qualcomm (San Diego, CA; $1.5M SBIR), Arcadia  Biosciences (Davis, CA, $200K SBIR).

Cree is expanding past LEDs [into the] lighting controls market.  Nearly a year after offering what it called “the greatest thing since the lightbulb”– an LED bulb at the consumer-friendly price of $9.99 –  has developed a lighting control technology it’s calling “Cree SmartCast Technology.”  ... has released its first self-programming wireless lighting control system and, according to a press release, that system can reduce energy consumption by up to 70 percent.  .... 6,361 employees worldwide.  [Lauren K. Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Feb 4, 14]

Analysts at J.P. Morgan expect Cree to be one of the companies that benefit from accelerated adoption of LED lights in 2014 and beyond. [Raleigh News & Observer, Dec 30, 13]

Cree will receive $30 million in federal tax credits to expand its manufacturing footprint in Racine County as well as in Durham, N.C., the U.S. Department of Energy said  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec 12, 13]

Cree is building on the industry’s most versatile LED street light portfolio with the LEDway® High Output (HO) LED street light. ...the street light provides highly focused, directional light at nine adjustable lumen output levels, reducing energy consumption by more than 50 percent compared to outdated HPS street lights in most roadway applications. [company press release, Dec 5, 13] Cree is a premier example of SBIR done right - a few million at SiC and GaN in an infant company and technology followed by private investment to bring the products to market and the company ownership into the public realm.

From breakthrough to commodity.  Cree buzz-making LED “light bulb” that broke the $10 price barrier when it was introduced earlier this year just got federally legit [with DOE granting an “Energy Star” rating], even in the face of new competition.   ..... But trouble could be coming from big boxes.  Walmart is rolling out its “Great Value” line of LED light bulbs for less than $10 [Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal, Oct 2, 13] Got a great idea with high volume potential, really high?  Prepare for commodity competition.

Cree fell as much as 17 percent in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company’s quarterly revenue fell short of Wall Street’s expectations and it issued disappointing guidance. [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 22, 13]

Cree up 16% [Oct 1, 13]

Cree down 22% [Aug 14, 13]

Shares of LED lighting company Cree plunged as much as 16 percent in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company’s guidance for its fiscal first quarter fell short of Wall Street’s expectations.  ..... Cree shares have been riding high, more than doubling since the beginning of the year, thanks to its strong sales growth and the introduction of light bulbs sold exclusively at Home Depot that retail for $10 – a breakthrough price for an LED bulb.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 13, 13]

Researchers in Wisconsin over the next two years will strive to bring down the cost to produce energy-saving LED lights, under a pair of federal projects awarded funding Tuesday. Eaton Corp. has been awarded $2.4 million to develop a new manufacturing process to streamline the design of LED light fixtures.  The Department of Energy awarded the funds, which will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Eaton and the other four recipients of $10.1 million in funding. The two-year research projects aim to bring down the cost of manufacturing light-emitting diodes, or LEDs.  Cree that bought Ruud Lighting and BetaLED of Sturtevant in 2011, was awarded $2.3 million. [Thomas Content, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jun 4, 13]

TV commercials for Cree’s breakthrough $10 LED light bulbs – a price that is half that of some competitors’ LED bulbs – debuted April 20 during broadcasts of the NBA playoffs on ABC and ESPN. The bulbs are sold exclusively at Home Depot stores.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 29, 13]

Cree exceeded Wall Street’s expectations by posting a 23 percent jump in revenue in its fiscal third quarter,[Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 23, 13]

Germany's Osram is launching a new LED light bulb that costs less than 10 euros ($13.10) to battle rivals, such as Cree and Samsung, for a share of the fast-growing market.  ..... only six weeks after Cree announced it would sell a new LED bulb replacing 40 watt bulbs for less than $10 in the US   [Reuters, Apr 15, 13]  When technology becomes a commodity.

Cree up 14%  [Mar 5, 13] unveiled its first branded LED light bulb for consumers. The product, which sells for about $10 and will be available exclusively at Home Depot stores  [Raleigh News & Observer, Mar 5] 

Manufacturer Cree used to believe that U.S. companies and municipalities would pay for expensive, energy-saving LED lighting technology before consumers would. But confronted with disappointing commercial adoption, the company is making an about-face. ...  is putting out a new line of bulbs built around light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, for the masses in hopes that greater use by consumers will eventually affect the choices made at their offices.  [Wall Street Journal, Mar 5, 13]  Even the very best SBIR firms make wrong guesses about market adoption of new technoloy that costs more. in the short term for savings in the long term. The good and bad news for SBIR hopefuls is that most agencies will pretend to believe your economic fantasies (commercialization plan) because they don't care whether your idea makes economic sense, and don't have the skills to judge it anyway. 

Cree up 22% [Jan 23, 12]

Creewill expand its operations in Durham after signing a deal to lease 58,636 square feet at the Research Tri-Center industrial park  [Amanda Jones Hoyle, Triangle Business Journal, Dec 28, 12]

Creeup 10% [Oct 17, 12]  after quarterly revenue up17 percent from a year ago [Raleigh News & Observer]

Cree fell as much as 10 percent in after-hours trading Tuesday in the wake of underwhelming quarterly results.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 18, 12]

Cree says it has halved the cost of its light-emitting-diode streetlights and hopes the new lower prices will sway local governments to adopt the new technology.  ....  the new bulbs will be comparable in cost to traditional high-pressure sodium vacuum technology when maintenance and energy costs are included. That would clear what has been seen as a key obstacle to greater adoption. .... "LED roadway lighting is pretty much a price war at this point," said Michael Barber, a former street-light official in Anchorage, Alaska ....  Cree attributes the changes to improvements in its proprietary silicon carbide technology. [Kate Linebaugh, Wall Street Journal, Apr 10, 12]  SBIR boosted the SiC development in Cree's nursery years soon after which Cree spread its wings and flew in private markets.

The city of Asheville is in the second stage of installing 3,643 LED street lights made by Cree. The installation is projected to create annual savings in energy and maintenance costs of $260,000, Cree reported. Cree acquired the LEDway street lights being installed by Asheville last year when it purchased Wisconsin-based Ruud Lighting for $525 million.[David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 24, 12]

Cree is deepening its commitment to its new outpost in Wisconsin, where it plans to invest $24.5 million and add 469 full-time jobs over the next four years. ...  expanding its Ruud Lighting manufacturing plant in Sturtevant, Wisc. In August Cree acquired Ruud, which gets a majority of its revenue from outdoor LED lights, in a deal valued at $525 million.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 16, 11] 

Cree up 10% [Nov 4, 11]

Creedown 12% [Oct 19, 11]  in the wake of projections that disappointed analysts. .... Cree employs about 5,800 people worldwide  [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 20]

Cree down 10% [Oct 17, 11]

Cree  down 10% [Oct 3, 11]

The government wished to display LED lighting on a grand scale for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. ... Cree dug in to the complex project and worked diligently with the team to light up the [Water Cube] in very short order. Then, the minister responsible for the Bird's Nest saw the Water Cube's light. Now he wanted his venue to use LEDs, providing Cree yet another monumental opportunity to shine. In the end, Cree's LEDs were also used in the building used by journalists covering the Olympics and the opening ceremony.  Every manufacturer that Cree cared about knew about Cree before the Olympics were over. From once-negligible revenues in China, Cree now has 36 percent of its total revenue from China. [Grace Wei-Tze Ueng, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 2, 11]

Cree  down 10% [Aug 18, 11]

Cree made a $525 million acquisition of Ruud Lighting  ... gives Cree outdoor LED lighting fixtures to complement its own indoor lights  [Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 18, 11]

Cree up 15% [Aug 10, 11] on a big down-market day

Cree has launched its first products that are competitively priced with their fluorescent counterparts. ... Until now Cree's LED lights were cheaper in the long run because they lasted longer and were more energy-efficient, but their initial price was higher.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 27, 11]

Creedown 12% [Mar 23, 11]  second consecutive quarter at less than Wall Street expectations [Raleigh News & Observer]

Cree down 14% [Jan 19, 11]

Now even the lights are cheaper. Cree’s energy-efficient LED lights soon will illuminate all dining rooms and restrooms at restaurant chain Denny’s Corp.’s new and renovated locations. [Triangle Business Journal, Jan 10, 11]

Cree  up 10% [Nov 24, 10]

Cree's booming LED lighting business is just gaining momentum, [said CEO Swoboda] ... LED lights control about 4 percent of the $108 billion annual market for lights and lighting fixtures worldwide ... "That means 96 percent of the opportunity is still in front of us," he said. "We have to continue to innovate, drive adoption and lead the market." [Alan Wolf, Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 27, 10]

Creefell as much as 10% in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company reported disappointing quarterly results.  Investors were dismayed even though the Durham company's revenue jumped 59 percent in the quarter  [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 20, 10]

Cree whose rapid growth has made it a darling of politicians, is expanding for the second time in a year. After flirting with China and Malaysia, Cree executives said Monday that the company plans a $135 million expansion that would create an estimated 244 local jobs over the next two years. The company will receive more than $4 million in state and local incentives if it meets hiring and investment goals.  [David Bracken, Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 21, 10]

Cree employees are building a showcase for the company's LED lights with a philanthropic twist: It's a Habitat for Humanity house. All the light fixtures in the house they're helping to construct  in Durham will feature Cree light-emitting diodes.  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 28, 10] 

Cree down 13% [Aug 11, 10]

Cree continues to post results that are beyond the reach of most companies. ...  Net income totaled $52.8 million, five times the $9.7 million of a year ago.Cree shares fell as much as 10 percent in after-hours trading.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 11, 10]

>Cree and ABB, the Cary-based heavy electrical equipment maker, won $7.9 million in [Energy stimulus] grants to develop miniature components and to advance energy-storage technology.  Cree employs 4,500 people worldwide  [John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 13, 10]  Cree should be the poster child for SBIR. Four guys spun out of NC State U and got about 20% of their starting capital from SBIR (BMDO and ONR).  If the government had taken equity, its ROI would be fantastic.  If and when Congress ever takes an interest in SBIR as an economic growth program, instead of a political handout program, it might look at some variation of ROI calculation as a figure-of-merit for program evaluation overall and in individual agencies. 

Two rivals in the rapidly expanding LED lighting sector -- Cree [up 8%] and electronics giant Philips -- announced that they have agreed to an intellectual property deal that they say will accelerate the market's growth. The two companies have agreed to cross-license a broad range of patents related to their LED businesses. [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 7, 10]

Cree scored a coup close to home this week. The City of Durham announced it will join Cree's LED City program and add 573 LED lighting fixtures in three parking garages. Cree started the program in early 2007 with Raleigh as the first participant. The program has expanded to cities across the country and around the world.  [Alan Wolf, Raleigh News & Observer, May 21]

Add the hallowed halls of Congress to places where Cree's LED lights are being installed. ...  the cafeteria in Washington's Rayburn House Office Building. ....U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan, a North Carolina Democrat, took partial credit for the news [Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 22, 10]

Cree up 10% [Apr 5, 10]

Vice President Joe Biden arrived in the Triangle on Thursday and headed straight for the headquarters of a Durham company that has become a symbol of the Obama administration's economic hopes. ... Biden praised LED maker Cree's energy-efficient lights as exactly the kind of products that the country needs to design, manufacture and export. [Raleigh News & Ombserver, Mar 19, 10]

Cree up 17% [Jan 20, 10]

Cree rose as much as 10% in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company posted quarterly results that left analysts' expectations in the dust. [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 20, 10]

Cree qualified for a $39 million federal tax credit under an Obama administration program for green energy manufacturing.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 9, 10]

This is the year that Cree's LED lights lit up a wing of the Pentagon, a new exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum -- and Wall Street.  Shares of the Durham company, which makes LEDs and light fixtures that are becoming increasingly popular for energy-efficient interior and exterior lighting, more than tripled this year  [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Dec 31, 09] Cree is a rare bright star in DOD's SBIR that provided Cree roughly 20% of its initial capital in 1990 and a total of $10M SBIR in the 1990s mostly for low-defect silicon carbide.  Its year-end market cap $5.8B.

Cree which last month announced it plans to hire hundreds of workers at its Durham manufacturing plant - on Monday said that it is expanding in China to make more LEDs, increasingly used in energy-efficient lights. [Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 10, 09]

behemoth Walmart ... plans to install Cree's energy-efficient LED lamps in 650 stores. ... [Cree says its]TrueWhite technology makes "food and merchandise attractive." [Raleigh News & Observer, Nov 5, 09]

Cree up 11% [Oct 21, 09] company's fiscal first-quarter profit more than tripled on higher margins and revenue. The company also projected fiscal second-quarter earnings above analysts' expectations.  [Wall Street Journal, Oct 22, 09]

High Five for Cree. Cree's shares jumped Friday [to] the highest price in five years. Cree, which makes light-emitting diodes, will benefit from the fast adoption of the tiny chips in televisions and lights, Blansett wrote in a report to investors. [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 9, 09]

China's hunger for energy-efficient lights is so intense that Cree is boosting its local payroll by 575 workers. [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 9, 09]

Cree intends to raise hundreds of millions of dollars by issuing 11 million shares of stock, according to a filing made Tuesday with the SEC.  [Raleigh News & Observer,Sep 09, 09]

Much of that progress [in white LEDs] is coming from the current generation of white LEDs that use a blue LED in combination with a yellow phosphor to produce white light. In April, Cree reported that its latest commercial white LED bulb puts out an impressive 132 lumens of light per watt of electricity.  [Robert Service, Science, Aug 14]

Cree  fiscal fourth-quarter profit rose 15% on higher margins and sales for the semiconductor and light-emitting-diode, or LED, lighting company.  [Wall Street Journal, Aug 13, 09]

Chuck Swoboda, CEO of  Cree, visited the White House and shared his company's success story with President Obama.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 3, 09]

Cree now expects revenue of $143 million to $150 million for the quarter ending June 28, above analysts' expectations and more than the company's earlier prediction  [Raleigh News 7 Observer, May 27, 09]

Two of the Triangle's most successful home-grown technology companies -- Cree and Red Hat -- are the subject of takeover speculation. No wonder. Both are tantalizing targets because they are performing strongly in the recession. More important, they appear to have bright futures.  Larger companies seeking new growth engines see dollar signs ...   Takeover speculation about both companies has surfaced many times in the past without coming to fruition.   [David Ranii, Raleigh News & Observer, Apr 3, 09]

Cree up 10% [Mar 18, 09]

Cree  made a deal to supply chips to one of the world's largest makers of liquid-crystal displays. LG Display Co. agreed to buy the chips to make backlights used in flat-panel screens.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 29, 08]

Cree up 14% [Jan 21, 09] fiscal second-quarter net income jumped 62% on strong sales of light-emitting diode products, helping results beat the company's forecast. [Wall Street Journal, Jan 22]

Cree up 10% [Jan 6, 09]

Cree up 11% [Dec 8, 08]

Cree down 11% [Dec 4, 08]

Cree up 10% [Oct 28, 08]

Cree down 11% [Oct 21, 08]

Cree down 15% [Sep 29, 08]

Cree up 11% [Sep 19, 08]

Cree up 14% [Sep 18, 08]

Cree up 16% [Aug 13, 08] on healthy profits.

Cree LEDs are stars of show .... Tiny chips made in Durham NC will light up the Beijing Olympics. estimated 4 billion people worldwide will watch dazzling, computerized light shows centered partly around the iconic Bird's Nest and Water Cube buildings.... lights were built using more than 750,000 red, blue and green LED chips made at Cree's factory in Durham  In addition, Cree LEDs will illuminate massive video boards in Beijing and TV kiosks throughout the Olympics complex. ... It could aid a broader push by Cree, founded by N.C. State alumni 21 years ago, to capture more of the market for energy efficient lighting. Five years ago, Cree's light-emitting diodes were mostly used to illuminate cell phones, signs, car dashboards and other electronics. Now the company's LEDs can be found in parking-garage lights in Raleigh, high-end homes in Durham, streetlights in Anchorage and office lights across Asia. ...  The Olympics gig started for Cree when a Chinese contractor bidding to build the National Aquatics Center asked for Cree's help. Once the company won that contract last year, other contractors started calling....About half of the company's 2,600 worldwide work force is in Durham, where Cree builds chips 24 hours a day, seven days a week....Cree last year bought a Chinese lighting company to expand its foothold in that country. While Cree has sales, marketing and research staff in China, it still makes its chips only in Durham. ... Even as sales of its lighting products climb, demand for LEDs used in cell phones and other electronics has slowed, hurting Cree's profit. The company's stock is down about 30% in the past year.   [Alan Wolf, Raleigh News&Observer, Aug 8, 08]   The premium SBIR story if you measure the economic impact obtained from a couple of million dollars as about 20% of Cree's starting capital. The same ROI calculation that a real VC would make. If the cheerleaders want to make an economic argument for SBIR, they have to use some realistic ROI criteria. Otherwise, it's just jobs for the boys.

Cree down 10% [Aug 1, 08]

Creedown 17% [Apr 22, 08] on disappointing outlook.

Cree reported surging sales [Apr 22, 08] that beat Wall Street expectations but failed to brighten the bottom line. [Raleigh News & Observer]

Of the 15 game-changing startups likely to upend existing industries - and spawn new entrepreneurial opportunities, two used SBIR - Cree and A123 Systems. Business 2.0 also named One Laptop Per Child, Desktop Factory, Renewable Energy Group, Zink, Vanu, Bloom Energy, PatientstLikeMe, Virgin Charter,, Zipcar, Expensr, Raydiance, and Blinkx.

Cree is increasing its bet on the burgeoning market for energy-efficient lights [saying] it will buy LED Lighting Fixtures (Morrisville NC) for up to $100M+. LED Lighting is run by F. Neal Hunter, who 20 years ago co-founded Cree. ... Buying LED Lighting will add $1 M to Cree's revenue for the current quarter and $30M in revenue during the fiscal year that starts in June. Cree reported $394M in revenue in its last fiscal year.   [Alan Wolf and David Ranii, Raleigh News&Observer, Feb 9, 08]

Austin is the latest city to endorse Cree's LED lighting movement.  The Texas technology hub follows Raleigh, Toronto and Ann Arbor, Mich., in joining LED Cities, a partnership started by Cree to promote the use of energy-efficient light-emitting diodes by municipalities worldwide. [Raleigh News&Observer, Jan 31, 08]

Cree up 11% [Jan 23, 08] reported a surge in second-quarter sales Tuesday and raised its third-quarter forecast above analysts' estimates.  With uses for its products multiplying, the Durham company said manufacturing investments made last year in Asia enabled it to meet rising demand.  [Frank Norton, Raleigh News&Observer, Jan 23]  US company, started with lots of help from SBIR, follows economic imperative to move its manufacturing to the lowest cost point.

Creeup 14% [Jan 16, 08]  Motley Fool Jan 14, 08 sees Cree as a future monster stock. Its $2.3B market cap makes it one of the few SBIR's monster stocks where SBIR would have a large piece of a large equity if its investment had acquired a proportionate percent of the early venture capital.

Cree up 11% [Dec 26, 07]

Cree up 15% [Nov 26, 07] on the news that Genlyte, a large manufacturer of lighting fixtures, has agreed to be purchased by Philips for $2.7 B.

Cree is converting all the lights in its Durham headquarters and manufacturing plant to the energy-efficient LEDs that it designs and manufactures. [Raleigh News&Observer, Nov 2. 07]

Electric utility giant Duke Energy and Cree launched a project that evaluates the use of light-emitting diodes in widespread commercial purposes [, Oct 15,07]

Cree announced release of a new 8-amp, Zero Recovery(r) rectifier that significantly increases power-supply efficiency in computer servers. The new CSD08060 Schottky diode extends Cree's leadership in rectifiers that save energy while boosting power-supply performance. [company press release Oct 12, 07]

Cree down 11% [Oct 3, 07] after an analyst said the company is likely to miss earnings estimates and that rumors of a buyout aren't true. []

Creeis trading at its 52-week high, a sign that rumors about the sale of the company continue to circulate Wall Street despite no deal being in place. [, Sep 20, 07]

Cree surged on rumors ... could get bought by General Electric. ... Analysts have long speculated GE may try to gobble up Cree to get ahead in one fell swoop, rather than invest years in research and distribution partnering. ... up 54% so far this year. [Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 2]

Creeco-founder named one of '50 Who Matter Now'  Lifelong problem solver John Edmond is close to meeting his greatest challenge: making clean, energy-efficient lights affordable to the masses. It's a problem Edmond has been working on for nearly 20 years, and one that is bringing the co-founder of Cree national attention. [Raleigh News & Observer, Jul 6]

Blue is Golden. Longtime [Cree] investors are no better off than they were in 2000. ... But, Andrew Huang, an analyst with American Technology Research in California, wrote in a recent report. "We believe in the coming years, Cree will return to its old highs." ... founded by N.C. State University engineers in 1987, has grown into a global corporation with annual sales approaching half a billion dollars. It employs 1,300 locally, about half its worldwide work force. It's in the midst of a $300 M manufacturing expansion at its Durham campus, aided by state incentives worth as much as $5.1 M. It's profitable, with little debt. [Frank Norton, Raleigh News & Observer, Jun 12, 07] Cree started with silicon carbide technology which was good for blue diodes and lasers. It became one of the best investments SBIR ever made by any honest economic standard for ROI. Would that the rest of SBIR could also stand an economic evaluation instead of the political blather coming from the advocates for yet another re-authorization without any reform. Whether pep talk about the stock price has any import? Who knows?

In bubbleland, Cree up 10% after an analyst said it could double in  year. [June 1, 07]

Raleigh [NC] city officials said today they will expand a partnership with Cree to install possibly thousands of energy-efficient lights citywide ... The initiative, in which Cree deployed 141 light-emitting diodes, has shown to use 40% less energy than a standard lighting system [Raleigh News and Observer, Feb 12]

Creewill buy a Hong Kong company- COTCO Luminant Device - for about $200M.  Cree also made a deal to supply LEDs to a Chinese light-fixture maker.  Cree makes a superb example of just what SBIR was supposed to be designed to do. and should be doing, an early substantial boost from SBIR by SDIO and ONR. But Cree- quality start-ups are hard to find and SBIR money far exceeds the opportunities to invest in such start-ups.  So, the SBIR advocates pretend that the nation actually doesn't invest enough in start-ups and the federal agencies go along with the game by putting the excess money into their favorite R&D efforts with little regard to any investment criteria. Cree fell 13% after lowering its estimates of sales. [Dec 7, 06] Cree makes one of the top SBIR stories since the ROI would be fantastic under any investment calculation.

Cree opened a new 230,000-square-foot plant that should help end the manufacturing logjam that recently has left Cree unable to meet customer demand for its light-emitting diode products, slicing sales and Cree's stock price (down by half since April). [Anne Krishnan, Raleigh News and Observer, Aug 9]

Cree took a 22% hit (7/13/06) after it cut its quarterly profit guess.

Creeagreed to acquire INTRINSIC Semiconductor Corp. for $46M. [Jun 06]

[LED] technology remained on the fringes of industry for decades. Nichia and Cree changed that in the 1990s by broadening the LED color palette, which previously had been limited to red, yellow and green. The breakthrough came in 1993, when Nichia, Toyoda Gosei (part-owned by Toyota Motor.) and, soon afterward, Cree conquered blue, marking the final step to creating combinations that would fill out the color spectrum, including white.  Major manufacturers took notice. In 1999, GE formed GELcore, a venture with chip maker Emcore Corp., to get back into the LED business. [Evan Ramstad and Kathryn Kranhold, Wall Street Journal, Jun 8  Cree is one of SBIR's few great successes where early support of infant technology launched a revolution. White 60-watt incandescent light sources is the target color for Color Kinetics part of a $7 M round of DOE funding for the development of new LED-based solid-state lighting technologies. Other partners: GE, Osram, Kodak, and SRI.  [Mass High Tech, Jun 8]  DOE apparently doesn't believe in markets that know how to develop and sell lights once the technical hurdles are o'erleapt and the question is reduced to market economics. But then if you are a government guy, you can accept the idea that everything good can be done by government.

Cree rose15% after first-quarter earnings came in 20% above street consensus.

Cree says it will invest $100M in capital equipment in its FY06.

Cree got a five-year $20M cost share/technology investment government contract. to establish a domestic source to develop a manufacturing capability for Silicon Carbide Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Devices for commercial applications and next generation military radar systems.  [Sep 05]

Hit the Numbers or Dive.  Cree got nailed 26% when it said that second quarter profit doubled and revenue rose 34%; BUT revenue still missed expectations.

Cree jumped (up) 12% when it reported record revenue and profits for the year. Revenue up 34% to $306M and profits up 66% to $58M..Its core product: ever brighter blue light that started with late-80s SBIR funding from SDIO and ONR when the founders exploited their SiC knowledge from their NC State grad schooling.  A few million SBIR dollars later (SDIO would give bigger contracts for potentially explosive technology) they were launched into a 1993 IPO. 

As long as its customers want LEDs, Sumitomo will buy $160M worth of them from Cree. CEO Chuck Swoboda, called it the largest purchase commitment in Cree’s history. Cree is one of those rare SBIR economic success stories where a little nursery money went a long way. In a separate development, Cree announced  three more LED products for mobile appliances. [Thanks to MDA's Tech App folks for the stories.]

Two of the best SBIR companies, ever, made a deal. Cree will buy ATMI's gallium nitride business -   intellectual property, fixed assets, and inventory - for some unspecified quantum of cash. Both companies got started in the 80s in the semiconductor business with a helpful dose of SBIR when Cree was a bunch of NC State grads and ATMI was four guys in a garage. Both went on the graduate to publicly held companies making healthy profits in a world where most SBIR companies can't (or won't) go nowhere. Both focused their SBIR requests on businesses they could turn into profit makers. They didn't apply for SBIR just because they could win; they knew about opportunity cost. [Mar 04]

Love the Markets? Learn to Compete. Nichia just reduced prices by 40% for white LEDs for wireless handsets ... although Cree's March quarter "may be tracking well, industry trends are unfavorable. [Michelle Rama, Dow Jones News Wire, Mar 4]  Cree's stock price took a hit when international competition lowered the offered price on LEDs, the cream of Cree's market.  Cree makes the chip portion of the LED for cell phones and then sells it to packagers that add the coatings and sell the finished product. If your  wonderful technology makes a handsome profit and has any competitor, your pricing power is only as good as your monopoly position. 

National Medal for Carter.  Cal Carter was one of the 16 Presidential awardees of the National Medals of Science and Technology - an unheard of honor for an SBIR company.  Cal helped found Cree which soon got about 20% of its starting capital (according to Cal) from SBIR (SDIO of course).  Cree is one of the rare SBIR companies that has returned a decent profit for its venture investors after having gone public in 1993 and risen to a market cap of 1.5B even after its market cap peak five times that in 2000 when the dotcom bubble burst for infotech companies. 

Making MoneyCree reported another doubled profit but some of it came from selling second-quality chips to low quality users. Although sales increased 36%, some analysts questioned the need to lower prices by about 10% to induce buyers for phones, car dashboards and other electronic devices. That was due to increased competition from rivals overseas and a new sales strategy. The company sold chips that didn't meet manufacturing standards at steep discounts to customers who wanted them anyway. It pulled down the average selling price.  [Raleigh News and Observer, Oct 17]

Cree says it will sell 500M LED chips  to OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH over the next 21 months. Of the many SBIR companies with actually new technology, Cree is one of the few making real money to support a PE ratio of 40. Still, it is down (and up) to a sixth of its bubble high. Blood Feud at Cree. Spencer Ante (Business Week, Aug 11) describes the feud between the Hunter brothers over control and doings at Cree. The saga of Cree and the Hunter brothers is a cautionary tale of how family feuds can dim a company's promise. Since the lawsuit was filed, Cree's stock has tumbled by 39%, to around $14 a share, slicing $700 million off its market capitalization. Short-sellers are swarming: With 33% of its shares sold short, Cree has the second-largest short-interest ratio on the NASDAQ. At least 15 class actions have been filed against Cree, echoing many of the charges outlined in Eric's complaints.  Even though,  Cree could have a bright future. The LED market is soaring, and Cree is one of the leading players, along with Nichia, Toyoda Gosei, and Osram. Because LEDs generally use less power and last longer, many scientists believe that as costs come down over the next 10 to 20 years they could replace Thomas Edison's lightbulb and reinvent the $40B illumination market.

Sue Thy Brother.The Hunter brothers are having a family feud over Cree's business practices. Co-founder Eric Hunter is suing his brother Neal and Cree for $3 BILLION for securities violations, defamations, and personal threats. What's more the suit charges that third brother Jeff conspired to accept unlimited deliveries of Cree product to inflate sales.  The company says that Eric has been whispering allegations for years.  Whatta mess, and the news hit Cree stock 19% on Friday the 13th, and down 27% for the week.

How disappointing - only a $10M profit for the quarter - and the source of a 13% drop in stock price for Cree.  Turns out that although bottom-line profit was good, the top line was down. Kopin alos took a 15% hit but not for making only $10M. 

Cree signed a $100M deal with Sumitomo for Cree's blue spectrum LED chip,  the largest contract in Cree's history. Compound Semiconductor News April 7 also reports that CoreTek is back under the name Ahura in Wilmington, MA,, and that Picolight and IBM showed a new VCSEL-based standard in bandwidth density.

Cree's stock pricehas doubled in the last month on drumbeat of positive news (or at least non-negative). It settled a GaN dispute with Nichia by cross-licensing and in line with a general rise in semi-conductor stocks. Even Cypress was the top percentage gainer one day. It reported a $3.8M quarterly profit (subject to the usual accounting gyrations).  Meanwhile ATMI, which is not reporting profits, gained about 50%. [Dec 02]

The Black Art of Digital Light . At Cree researchers made two breakthroughs last year that tripled the brightness of their LEDs, leapfrogging their main rival, Nichia of Japan. Just one thing: They don't really know how they did it. ..says CEO Charles Swoboda "There are theories, that's all. We know what works, but not how it works." Cree makes the LEDs that Color Kinetics and others use in lighting applications. .. The economic slowdown is behind Cree's latest breakthroughs. As orders fell off, Cree converted production lines into R&D lines and tripled its experimental batches. In nine months the brightness of Cree's chips leaped from 5 to 15 milliwatts--not bad, considering it took two years to go from 3 milliwatts to 5 milliwatts. Cree got a big break in 1997, when Volkswagen started using its LEDs in their dashboards. ... Cree's sales for fiscal 2002 (ended June 30) exceeded $150M, [Daniel Lyons, Forbes, Oct 14]

Cree won the biggest government contract in its history, a total of $26M from Air Force and Navy research organizations - a huge amount for such organizations which normally award small exploratory contracts. Cree is being awarded an $8.1 million cost-share contract to develop 4H-Silicon Carbide substrates with reduced micropipe density, develop a multi-water, horizontal hot-wall chemical vapor deposition susceptor and process for SiC epitaxial growth, and advance the state of the arts in 3" and 4" thick epiwafers suitable for microwave power device applications, develop processing technology and fabricate vertical Diffused Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Field Effect Transitor devices and develop SiC pin devices. This contract contains options which, if exercised, will bring the total cumulative value of this contract to $10.76 million. Work will be performed in Durham, N.C., and is expected to be completed by December 2003. [Wall Street Journal, July 2]

Cree says 405nm, 3mw project a lifetime over 10,000 hours at room temperature. from sampling tests going back december customer evaluations, company believes its blue laser diodes will satsify new uniform standards for next-generation optical disc format designed to succeed DVD (digital versatile disc).CEO Swoboda said,"this is one most significant achievements in history of the company. recently, Cree also trotted out xbright(tm) 505 and 525nm green light-emitting diode devices.

Despite an economic slowdown and a slumping stock price, new product announcements have emerged from each of Cree's four primary divisions in recent months. New devices include a brighter light-emitting diode, or LED; a much-awaited blue laser that would allow DVDs to contain four times the data as today's discs; and a new radio-frequency transistor that will allow for more services on cell phones. "These are huge new markets," said Chuck Swoboda, Cree's president and chief executive. "It could really change the game." Started in 1987 by brothers Neil and Eric Hunter and three scientists from N.C. State University in one building in Durham, Cree has grown to a 12-building campus complete with bunker-like security, about 1,000 employees nationwide and a worldwide reputation within the semiconductor industry. [Carlene Hempel, Raleigh News & Observer, Jan 16]

Make Growing Profit, or Take Pain. Cree shares took a 23% hit when the company reported sharply lower earnings and gave a poor forecast for growth in the next two years. Profit was 8 cents a share, down from 18 cents, in the year-earlier period, but the street expected 9 cents a share.

Sell Cree, says Individual Investor because Iffy deal-making plus questionable growth prospects add up to a sell for the LED maker. Meanwhile, Cree rolled out a new MegaBright(TM) blue LED with triple brightness (increased two times), 10mW, of Cree's existing UltraBright(TM) LEDs and equal to the max brightness of competing sapphire-based LEds. Whom do you believe?

Even Cree, a money-making firm, gets pounded by lagging profits. Cree down 31% after poor earnings growth and resultant downgrades by three brokerages. Cree cit3ed slower demand from a softening economy - time for a tax break for LED buyers according the political talk. Forbes called Cree Dog of the Day. White-LED competitor Emcore was up 12% on a report that its order book was filling nicely.

Cree: During the last five years, this North Carolina firm has increased its earnings by an average of 100 percent annually. Cree makes semiconductor devices based on its silicon carbide technology. What does that mean? Well, Cree is a leader in the manufacture of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which illuminate the tiny screen on your cell phone, for example. Short-sellers have pounded this stock on the theory that Cree's products are becoming "commoditized," but that's still a theory. Meanwhile, it's easy to see the shining numbers on Cree's balance sheet. [James Glassman, "Time To Buy Small Caps? Consider These Five Great Techs", Tech Central Station, Mar 5]

Cree says it has demonstrated a near-UV/violet InGaN LED with a 32% quantum efficiency. This is the highest known external quantum efficiency publicly reported for an LED in the UV-to-blue and exceeds previous results demonstrated by Cree Lighting in July 2000 by 20%. The LED demonstrated emits at 390 nm and has a power output of 21 mW operating at 20 mA. LEDs in the UV and near UV spectrum are essential for making efficient solid state white light sources. The market is less impressed as Cree sells at 30% of its year-ago price although still at 50 times earnings which have been growing nicely.

High Tech to Commodity. dropped 12% when one Wall Street analyst recommended shorting the stock because Cree would have to drop the selling price of its main line of products. SBIR companies typically claim they will commercialize by grabbing the high-end momopoly markets and saying nothing about the inevitable fall in price as the market matures and competitors appear. The government pretends to believe the company's stories.

Cree justified its PE of 60 with a 125% increase in earnings per share for the quarter of $13.8M. That's 18 consecutive quarters of profit which let Cree pay back all its SBIR with $7M in income taxes for the quarter. Cree is one of the handful of companies that pay a return to the governmment for SBIR investment. For those interested in such economic measures of government investment, it's hard to come by since governmment doesn't much care about return. BMDO has about the only quantitative estimates of return which was a hypothetical 46% IRR for the companies that went public. Government could actually do some useful estimates by using just corporate taxes paid as the metric of return.

Cree teamed up with a leading Japanese company - Rohm to make and sell blueLEDs and semiconductor lasers by mid-2001. Rohm calims to be Japan's biggest specialised manufacturer of large-scale integration chips and aims for 20-30% market share of LEDs worth $400M.

A Blue Professor's Chair . Cree pledged $1.2M to the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) to endow the Cree Chair in Solid State Lighting and Displays whose occupant would do research in the field of gallium nitride-based materials and devices. Cree will not formally get any technology rights from any research done.

Brain Gain
(Oct 30) In a surprise move, Shuji Nakamura, the pioneer for Nichia Chemical Industries of the blue semiconductor laser based on gallium nitride technology, has joined the Japanese company’s arch rival Cree. The news comes at the same time as Cree announced that it had filed a lawsuit against Nakamura's former employer for patent infringement covering the growth of GaN structures. [, Oct 27] Stand by for the usual lawsuits.

Meanwhile the announcement that the Republican show in Philadelphia is using Cree blue and green LEDs for its glitz coincided with a 13% drop in stock price. Less than compassionate conservatism on Wall Street

Cree took a 10% dive when a mutual fund manager said, Its innovative technology essentially provided a solution in search of a problem.. That fund's biggest holding is SDL says .It is an earnings oriented growth fund with the sell idea that This fund's sell discipline is tough - the ``cockroach'' theory of earnings. just as where you see one cockroach you can bet there are thousands more you haven't seen. If a company posts even one quarter of disappointing earnings, the managers will sell off at least one-half of the fund's position and possibly sell the entire holding. Ant SBIR company yammering about IPO should have to discuss such philosophies of people likely to own their stock.

Cree Buys Nitres (Apr 12) Since GaN goes well with SiC to make blue light, Cree bought an SBIR firm that specializaes in GaN, Nitres (Westlake Village, CA) for $2.1M worth of Cree shares at Cree's fluctuating share price. Standing by as proud parent of boith companies is BMDO's SBIR which was a big infant supporter of Cree in the late 80s and a four-time Phase 2 awarder to Nitres in the late-90s. The Cree press release sounds like Cree wants to compete with Emcore's white LED for solid-state lighting that has GE in its marketing corner. Over the past decade, Cree has had lots of chances to buy any of the many GaN firms that got lots of DOD SBIR money. Cree has had the soaring stock price for easy acquisitions. Picking Nitres may say that Cree has finally decided that GaN has reached the point of serious commercialization and out of the dreamy claims of the past decade by scientists wanting to work on GaN with government money.

Five years ago, you could have picked up Cree for $1.50 a share, adjusted for splits. A month ago, you could have bought Cree for about $80. Since then, the ride has been straight up. Cree shares closed at $160 Friday. ...Cree is extracting real profits from its products, which are based on the company's ever-improving silicon-carbide manufacturing processes. In the six months ended in December, Cree earned $10.4 million on revenue of nearly $44 million. That represented a 67 percent increase in sales over the same period in 1998, and a 100 percent increase in profit. When profits grow faster than revenue, that's a big deal. [Raleigh News & Pbserver, Feb 13] Wanna write a convincing SBIR proposal for an agency who cares about commercialization? Say, like BMDO. Study the Cree story and find parallels in your vision about how your market will develop? Don't just wave your hands with "a better noustrap" claim. Everybody does that.

CrazyFor Cree
(Feb 7) The big three: Cree, RedHat, and the power company. Investors are going crazy for Cree, boosting the stock price 47% since Monday and transforming the business into the Triangle's third-most-valuable public company with headquarters in the Triangle. Cree closed at $139 per share Thursday, a $19 jump from Wednesday. And that was after a $15 pop the previous day. At this time last year, the stock sold for about $23. The current stock price gives the company a market capitalization of $4.6B. Among Triangle public companies, only Carolina Power & Light and Red Hat are worth more. (And Red Hat is even newer and more speculative than Cree.)..
. What's going on? It's no big secret, analysts say. Mostly, investors are beginning to see the potential of Cree products -- in particular the company's super-efficient silicon-carbide chip, which will make traffic lights, dashboards and cell-phone lights shine much longer than conventional lighting. The demand for Cree's stock spiked after Banc of America Securities predicted Tuesday that the company's share price would rise as high as $200 before the end of this year. [Karin Schill, Raleigh News & Obsewrver, Feb 4] What's also going on is a huge momentum in info-tech stocks of all sizes.
Meanwhile, Cree's blue LED competitor - Nichia - sued to stop Sumitomo from selling Cree LEDs in Japan. On patent grounds.

The seemingly bottomless demandfor the company's LEDs fuels its rapid expansion. Cree Research extended its expansion binge by announcing that it plans to spend $8 million to buy a new building across the street from its existing complex. The purchase plans come on top of last week's groundbreaking for a 125,000-square-foot expansion at its headquarters and manufacturing complex on Silicon Drive and Chin Page Road in Durham. Moreover, the semiconductor maker recently finished a 42,000-square-foot expansion of its manufacturing plant. The growth is being fueled by soaring demand for the company's light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, which has created a 12-month order backlog. Among the uses for LEDs are lighting car dashboards and serving as backlights for cellular phones. [Raleigh News & Observer, Dec 22]

Cree's New Wafer (Oct 13) Cree Research gave Wall Street news it loves to hear - a way to boost production, allowing the company to trim costs and compete in new markets. Cree said it has spent nearly a year developing a new 4-inch wafer used to make single-crystal, silicon-carbide chips. ... Analysts said the wafer will allow Cree to enter more mainstream markets for electronics. "This basically quadruples the number of chips they can produce," said Terry O'Brien, of Cabell, Branch. "It substantially reduces the cost of wafers." And as costs go down, Cree will be able to compete with companies that use different technologies to make wafers. The news sent Cree's traditionally volatile stock up $2.50 to $39.50 a share. During the summer, Cree's stock price doubled in value, mostly because of good news and a higher profile on Wall Street after Cree raised $55.8 million in a secondary stock offering in February. Touted as a breakthrough, the new 4-inch wafer won't be available for commercial use anytime soon, said Fran Barsky, Cree's investor relations manager. ...Cree is the only company that can produce commercial quantities of silicon-carbide wafers, although giant companies such as Motorola, Westinghouse and Philips are experimenting with silicon-carbide transistors and chips made by Cree. [Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 12]

Cree Research(Durham, NC) announced that it is selling significantly less expensive silicon-carbide wafers in an effort to spur greater demand from scientific researchers. Cree said its new 2-inch wafers will sell for $495 apiece, compared with about $1,000 for what had been its least expensive wafers. Scientists are working with silicon-carbide wafers to develop new optoelectronic devices such as lasers.[Raleigh News & Observer, Oct 8]

Number 15 on Fortune's list
(Aug 26) #15 of 100 fastest growing companies is Cree Research. With 123% rise in earnings per share, 56% in revenue, and 72% in total return. That's per year for the past three years. Not bad for five guys from NC State in the late 80s who got some SBIR from SDIO (now BMDO) and ONR to supplement private capital (like the SBIR 1982 legislation said) to start a company to exploit a new idea in electronic grade silicon carbide. Note that even today, the Navy's foresight will not let it give Cree more than the standard SBIR amount per contract. BMDO will give the right amount, although BMDO gets to designate what is "right". Cree went public in 1993.

Sunny Results and a Cloud. (Jul 30) Record revenue and earnings put Cree Research down in stock price as Herb Greenberg questioned C3's concept in Quarterly record revenue was $17.7M, a 53% gain over the previous year's quarter. Profit was $4.1M. For the fiscal year, Cree saw both record revenue of $60,050,000, up 41%and profit of $12.7M, nearly double. New SiC high brightness blue and green LEDs and the increased demand for standard brightness LEDs for general backlighting and other uses lit the way.

Cree Splitting Again Cree Splitting Again
(Jul 15) Cree Research said it will split its stock two for one on July 26, the second such split since its 1993 IPO. The stock at $79 is 15 times its IPO price and didn't even budge when two Wall Street houses downgraded it from Strong Buy and a mere Buy presumably after its big recent runup to eight times its September 1998 price. The SBIR investors of 1988 sure look like they picked a winner. If BMDO had taken a proportional equity position at the time (which the government does not do) it would have about a $200M value, 200 times its investment. And the Republicans could plump for another tax cut while the Democrats look for another handout to the voting elderly.

Bright Blue-Cree Jump Bright Blue-Cree Jump
(May 19) Cree Research (Durham, NC) stock jumped 17% on news that that it has jacked up production of its brightest lighting products. That puts Cree 50% above its May 4 price and at a $700M market cap. The bright LEDs in blue and green are 300% brighter than earlier products. One customer, the new Audi TT sports coupe, uses Cree LEDs to illuminate its instrument cluster with white light. [facts from Raleigh News & Observer, May 19] Cree is the type of SBIR that government should focus on. Ten years ago Cree got started with $1M of BMDO/Navy SBIR to SUPPLEMENT its private capital. It knew then what it wanted to do and how to do it.

Cree Earnings Boom (Apr 19) Cree Research, (Durham, NC) reported record revenue of $16M for the third, half again the same quarter last year. $14M was products Profit grew 92% to $3.4M from $1.8M. In February, the company sold 1.5M shares of common stock. For the nine month period, the company reported record revenue of $42M, a 37% rise. Cree's stock at 47 is almost five times its low last September.

Land, Buy Land Flush with $55M from the secondary offering, Cree Research (Durham, NC) bought 80 acres near its plant and headquarters for future expansion. The Durham-based semiconductor maker paid about $19,000 an acre. Cree, which already has a 145K Sqft factory and a 35K sqft office building, says it plans to use the $55M to reduce debt, expand its facility and pay for research and development. Cree is developing a blue-light laser and producing silicone-carbide crystals that C3 uses to make its diamond-like moissanite gems. Note that IF the government had taken an equity position in Cree for its early SBIR, the taxpayer would today have about $150M worth of Cree stock for under $3M of SBIR. Even though the government doesn't do equity, such a hypothetical measure could be used to value the investment efficiency of SBIR. No, of course, neither the government managers nor the winningest companies want to see such a measure even considered.

Cree Raises $55M Cree Raises $55M
(Feb 22) Cree Research (Durham, NC) sold 1.5M shares for $60M for expansion of facilities, debt repayment, research and development and other general corporate purposes. The price to the public was $39.375 per share which is about 9 times the 1993 IPO price. Cree got a big starting boost from SDIO and Navy SBIRs in 1988 and should be the poster child for SBIR with its $600M market cap.

Cree Makes and Raises Money Cree Makes and Raises Money
(Jan 22) Cree Research (Durham, NC) filed to sell 1.3M shares which would raise $150M at today's stock price. The proceeds would go into the company for expansion of facilities, debt repayment, and R&D. Maybe it can share the development cost of more new technology with forward-looking government bureaus like BMDO. Cree also reported $2.9M profit for the quarter, up 94% on last year's quarter.

Cree Keeps Climbing Cree Keeps Climbing (Dec 22) Cree Research (Durham, NC) keeps climbing, up another 10% yesterday. The other two prime SBIR examples are also climbing. SDL is quadruple its 1998 low and ATMI's stock price is recovering nicely from the Asian contagion up to triple its 1998 low but still a third below its high.

Cree $8M More
(Dec 18) Cree Research, Inc. (Durham, NC) the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of silicon carbide (SiC) wafers and SiC based semiconductor products said its got another $8M deal with Siemens for of Cree's conductive buffer (CB) light emitting diode (LED) of Cree's conductive buffer (CB) light emitting diode (LED).

More Cree Land More Cree Land (Dec 14) Cree Research is buying 80 acres near Research Triangle Park, possibly to expand its nearby manufacturing plant and headquarters. [RNO, Dec 11] With its market cap over $500M and its earnings growing at 20% a quarter, it can stand expansion. And says Max Yoder, the Navy's wide bandgap expert at Office of Naval Research, Investor Business Daily has rated Cree Research the best investment of any of the Semiconductor companies in America. Its stock has shot up from around $13 per share in early September to about $43 per share this week. Cree Research was essentially founded by ONR support at NCSU followed by ONR SBIR and BMDO/ONR SBIR support circa 1986 and has continued to be supported almost continuously thereafter. No, Max does not recommend Cree nor any other stock but he does know his bandgaps and most of the bandgap companies and academics. Not only is Max the Director of ONR's Electronics Division, he is also one of the most credible experts reviewing BMDO's SBIR proposals. (Yes, there's a hint that one should not automatically equate being a government division head with being a credible SBIR reviewer. Some just don't get what SBIR is for.)

Cree & ATMI Rise Cree & ATMI Rise (Nov 30) Cree Research and ATMI had happy stockholders last week as they rose 30% and 18%. The two are SBIR's best examples of what seed investment can do for new technology. Eventually the two could be competing in the silicon carbide market although SiC is a small part of ATMI's market strategy. Even with the rise, though, ATMI is still half its high which it is not likley to recover until the semiconductor industry recovers from its overcapacity. Given a seemingly infinite demand for semiconductors, the industry tries to supply even more. National governments everywhere wanted in on the jobs and profits enough to destroy the ride for everyone. US computers buyers reap the benefits.

SiC Rocket (Nov 24) Cree Research rocketed 29% to a new all-time high market cap of $500M. That's triple its Sep 1 value. Last week Cree said it was shipping Solid State White Light as an adjunct to its blue LEDs. The market likes the growth rates of something like 20% per quarter since late 1996. Cree got 30% of its starting money from three SBIR contracts (two BMDO and one AF) in 1988. If BMDO had taken an equity position at the time (no, the government doesn't do that) the US Treasury would be about $150M richer (in unrealized profit, mind you). No other SBIR company (I think) can make such a claim. If the others tried to measure their SBIR success by such a number, SBIR would be a much more sensible program for technology development. (No, don't worry; the federal agencies aren't interested anyway in getting themselves measured that way.)

The 50% rise in a week of Cree Research, an efficient SBIR user, coincided with the news that profits doubled over the same quarter last year to $2.3M. It also coincided with a general upswing in battered small company stocks.

More Siemens for Cree (Sep 14) Cree Research (Durham, NC) said that Siemens A.G. enlarged its buying of existing and new LED products to the level that will be a third of Cree's 1999 product revenue. Siemens to also plans to purchase certain quantities of SiC wafers for use in manufacturing LEDs under license from Cree. Cree president and CEO Neal Hunter stated, "Cree has a proprietary process that provides us with the world's lowest cost platform for producing blue and green LEDs. [PRNewswire, Sep 10] If you want to be an SBIR materials house, you should compare yourself to Cree which when it started in 1988 was just another materials applicant. If you can make a good case for being another Cree you should propose to BMDO (who watches such things); if not, apply to the DOD military services or NSF who are a lot more likely to buy your future fiction.

Cree Made $6.3M (Jul 30) Cree Research (Durham, NC) reported a profit of $6.3M for the year on $42M in sales. The market wasn't impressed and the stock price dove 12% (temporarily of course). Meanwhile, the commercial outlet for one Cree product - artificial diamonds by C3 Inc- said it was moving out of being an R&D company as it had sales of $240K for the quarter.

Cree $3M Deal
(Jul 17) Cree Research and Japan's Kansai Electric Power agreed to develop silicon carbide power-transmission devices for which Kansai will pay up to $3M in development during the next 32 months The devices will have with a blocking voltage in excess of five kilovolts for use in power-transmission systems. [Dow Jones, Jul 16]

Cree Very Short (Jun 30)Number 6 on the list of shortest NASDAQ stocks in mid-June was Cree Research (Durham, NC). Short interest ration is the numbers of days of average trading volume to re-purchase all the stock sold short (borrowed and sold in anticipation of re-buying cheaper later). Technical analysts note that a large ratio means an large underlying demand for the stock since the borrowed stock must eventually be re-purchase and returned to its rightful owner. The last SBIR stock in such a position was Kopin (Taunton, MA).

Rising Demand, No Sales (May 11) Even with the new crystal-growing equipment, C3 will be unable to meet demand for its product in 1999 and possibly in 2000, Hunter said. The company sometimes receives more than 500 calls a day expressing interest. .. It is scheduled to ship its first fake diamonds in June. ... C3, which went public in November, aims to sell its gems to working women through jewelry chains, independent jewelers, jewelry manufacturers and wholesalers in the U.S. and abroad. [Raleigh News & Observer, May 9] SBIR advocates should be jumping to take credit for this "wealth creation" because the early SBIR contributions to parent Cree Research helped get Cree started. Naysayers could argue that government ought not be subsidizing the jewelry industry. But the demand for the "rhinestone carbides" has helped steer capital into Cree where it will buttress the silicon carbide business for high-tech advances like blue lasers. What SBIR needs to justify its existence as more than a mere political handout is more Crees and fewer analysis and service contractors.

C3's First Revenues C3's First Revenues (May 4) C3 Inc (Morrisville, NC) got its first revenues $250K for testers so that jewelers can tell real diamonds from C3's fakes. [Raleigh News & Observer, May 1] What a great game: counterfeit something and then make your money selling a way to detect the counterfeit. Anyway, it's a commercialization route for Cree Research's (Durham, NC) silicon carbide technology.

Cree Profits (Apr 16) Cree Research (Durham, NC) made $1.75M (five times the same quarter last year) for the quarter and revenues of $10.7M. Blue LEDs and SiC products. Cree has had $4.7M of DOD SBIR for its SiC things. It may pay enough taxes this year to pay back ALL the SBIR awards, a standard the government might consider for high-multiple winners.

The commercial launch of C3's fake diamonds, expected by the end of June, will be limited to smaller gemstones measuring one-half carat or less while the company's supplier works out the kinks of producing larger stones. [Raleigh News-Observer, Feb 27] The rhinestone carbide grew from Cree Research's silicon carbide technology fostered in its infancy by SBIR.

Cree Makes $1.4M (Jan 19) Cree Research (Durham, NC) made $1.4M in the latest quarter on sales of $10M. Sales for the half-year were also up by half. Cree makes a great SBIR story; got enough SBIR to help product development but not enough to depend on nor to grow on. Cree, however, should watch over its shoulder for SBIR-helped infant companies like Sterling Semiconductor (Loudon Co, VA), which has dipped a big drink out of BMDO's Fast Track well for ultrahigh quality bulk silicon carbide and improved economics for SiC growth. Whichever company wins, SBIR wins and the industry gets healthy competition.

A Little Less Cree (Dec 17) Vinik sold 145,400 shares in Cree, reducing its stake to 7.4%. Critics maintain that Vinik trades on his notoriety by investing in a stock, driving its price up, and then bailing out with a tidy profit. But Cree's stock has actually been falling since Vinik's group made its investment public. The shares dropped 41% since they reached a 52-week high on Nov6. [Raleigh News-Observer, Dec 16]

Cree Keeps German Customer (Dec 12) Cree Research is reinforcing the foundation of its growing revenue by extending a key contract with its biggest customer, industrial giant Siemens A.G. Cree expects to sell more than $12 million in blue light-emitting diodes to Siemens in the next 12 months. Siemens uses the blue LEDs in a system for illuminating automobile dashboards. Siemens's $12M is 41% of last year's revenue. Analysts, however, expect Cree's revenues to jump this to $46.1M. [Raleigh News Observer, Dec 11] The NASDAQ worries, though, over Asia-dive cut Cree's price yesterday by 10%. Most SBIR firms and government SBIR overseers, don't worry, you'll never have such opportunities to live in the fishbowl of a public firm.

Hedge Fund Finds Cree (Dec 4) An investment group headed by former Fidelity Magellan Fund manager Jeffrey Vinik raised its stake in Cree Research to 8.5% of the laser technology developer's outstanding common shares, according to a filing with the SEC. Cree shares rose $1 to $24 Tuesday.[ Raleigh News-Observer, Dec 3] Love those blue gagdets! How many other SBIR funded companies has Vinik invested in, do you think? No, hedgers don't "invest" in a company; they bet on stock movements.

More money was raised in IPOs in November - nearly $8B - than in any previous month. [WSJ, Dec 3] What problem, then, is SBIR solving?

Cree Expanding (Nov 24) Cree Research (Durham, NC) paid $3M for a 30-acre site, which includes a 145,000-square-foot plant and a 35,000-square-foot warehouse. Cree plans to consolidate all its operations at the site over the next two years and plans to invest $6 million to $7 million in the plant. It has entered into a $10 million loan agreement with NationsBank to finance the purchase and capital improvements. [Raleigh Observer News, Nov 22]. Such expansion should alert the Army's SBIR to the kind of company that will provide for the Army's future without continual feeding like most Army SBIR companies are expecting and will do little good without.

Blue-Blood Cree (Nov 6) With all the blood shed in last week's market ride, Cree Research makes a new high and high and high. It's up to $29, triple its low for the last 12 months, a market cap of $350M, and within 10% of its all time 1995 high. Market prospects for blue lasers must be looking up again.

Cree Rising (Oct 13) Cree Research stock has jumped 31% in the past week thanks to the raised profile of its exclusive supply agreement with C3 developing a new diamond substitute. The supply agreement -- and its revenue potential for Cree - has assumed more visibility since C3 announced plans to go public last week. C3 was founded by Eric Hunter, co-founder and Cree's former CEO. However, C3 is a small start-up that was pretty much an unknown quantity in the investment community before it filed a registration statement with the SEC on Sept. 30. C3 hopes to $30M worth of stock to the public in mid-November. It intends to use Cree's silicon carbide to produce a synthetic, clear gemstone that C3 touts as being superior to cubic zirconia and nearly indistinguishable from diamond. Cree posted a profit of $3.5 million in the fiscal year ended June 30, up from a mere $242,000 the prior year. Annual revenue, meanwhile, jumped from $15 million to $29 million. [Raleigh Observer Oct 10] Cree is one well-touted SBIR success, first funded in 1988, IPO in 1993, growing line of bleeding-edge SiC products, a perfect example of SBIR's claiming high credit for what would have happened anyway. Those six NC State guys had the stuff. For the SBIR advocates, each Cree justifies a thousand awards to companies specializing in serving the federal agency.

Buoyed by growing sales and promising research projects, Cree Research [Durham, NC} Inc. expects to invest tens of millions of dollars in the next few years in a new manufacturing/research and development facility. The 205-employee company with 55,000 square feet [will be]. moving to a site with at least twice as much space -- and with room for further expansion ... Cree develops light-emitting diodes used in electronic message signs and as indicator lights in, for example, automobile dashboards. Cree also hopes to parlay its expertise in silicon carbide-based semiconductors into a wide array of lucrative new ventures, including a blue laser that would replace the infrared lasers used in CD players and for storing data in personal computers. CEO Hunter said. "Just for the blue laser alone, if that takes off, there's another 100,000 square feet you would need."[DAVID RANII, Raleigh News & Observer, Aug 13] Cree will find land easier to buy than high-tech workers. Cree is an SBIR success story.

Two Inches Now, Three Later(Sep 3) You can now buy a few two-inch wafers of silicon carbide from Cree Research (Durham, NC) and someday not too long three-inch wafers. Cree, one of the great SBIR stories from 1988, demonstrated the three-inch in Stockholm. The press release includes attaboys from the DARPA program manager (with good government precise language like "especially critical" and "tremendous") that has put real money into Cree's continuing SiC development. SDIO (now BMDO) put in the first money as SBIR was meant to do.

Like A Rhinestone Carbide(Aug 1) If making silicon carbide substrates for blue lasers is too tough a problem for a present cash cow, how about baubles? Cree Research (Durham, NC) has made a $12M deal with C3 Inc to sell moissanite as faux diamond. After all, silicon carbide has a form that looks so like diamond that only a jeweler can tell. Will government trumpet the result as a triumph for SBIR even though it is not the high-minded enriching result government says it seeks? Never mind that the role of jewelry in storing and displaying wealth has ceded its place to mobile phones. Such spinoffs destroy more wealth than they create because except for buying land from unsuspecting natives, baubles have no feed-through value. They enable no new technologies and they substitute a cheap good for a rare good. For Cree it does breathe life into a struggle for value in silicon carbide semiconductors. The market liked the new deal enough to drive Cree's stock to a 52-week high.

Cree's Footnote (Aug 6) Although Cree Research reported $3M profit for the year in profit, the footnote says that $2.1M is non-recurring, as was $1.4M the year before. How long does a string of non-recurring items have to be to make it a recurring source of profit (loss)? The ploy is usually abused by corporations to disguise losses.

Cree Turns a Nice Profit (Aug 5) Cree Research (Durham, NC) made $700K in the quarter after selling 234% more blue LEDs. A lot better result than the $1M lost in last year's quarter.

Cree's Blue Laser Goes Continuous (Jul30) Cree Resaerch (Durham., NC) said its blue laser ran continuously (not pulsing) for the demonstrably long time of one microsecond. Recently, the laser ran for an hour in pulsing mode. Running in short pulsing lets the thing cool down while it waits for the next pulse.

Cree's In Play in Korea
(Jun26) Cree Research (Durham, NC) got an order for 800 real color module products from Rainbow Vision, a Korean firm which plans to use the full color LEDs for a live action replay board for a new sports arena. [Dow Jones Newswire]

A Blue Hour for Cree (Jun 23) Cree's blue laser lasted an hour, with only 9,999 more hours to go. Cree Research (Durham, NC). If some system questions can be worked out, and blue lasers extrapolate neatly from today's red lasers, blue could quadruple storage on a CD-ROM.

Cree announces blue lase (Jun10)Cree Research (Durham, NC) announced a room-temperature blue GaN-on-SiC laser, the dream of dozens of SBIR hopefuls dabbling in both GaN and SiC materials. Unlike most of the dabblers, though, Cree is market-driven, not science-driven, what SBIR is supposed to foster. Cree credits financial support from DARPA, which takes on high-risk, high-payoff stuff. Cree should also credit the SBIRs it got from several places including BMDO when Cree first started as a company. Don't rush out to the corner electronics store just yet. More work remains.

Cree to Sell Fewer Holes (Jun 17) Cree Research (Durham, NC) will heretofore sell 40% fewer holes. It will sell its silicon carbide wafers with micropipe densities graded in three groups: the new best grade will have only 30 per cmsq (a 40% reduction), the next best 31-100 per cmsq, and the coarsest will have 101-200 per cmsq (a 50% reduction). The Holy Grail is still Zero Micropipes per wafer which would make SiC an odds-on candidate for higher power uses like lasers and power electronics. Companies like Sterling Semiconductor (Reston, VA) are taking SBIR money to hunt for the Zeros.

Cree Reports Profit (May 8) Cree Research (Durham, NC) reported $550K profit for the first quarter. BUT $500K came from a license fee despite a doubling of product revenue from shipments of LEDs to dominant customer Siemens. Whether investors like that depends on whether they think Cree is a production company or a licensing company. Cree does note that a "substantial portion" of its lifetime revenues have come from government R&D contracts and customers' evaluation purchases. On balance, despite its market struggles, Cree is one of SBIR's better investments although a howling success will not come until the marketplace accepts Cree's quality of LED. It did what SBIR was intended to do for a start-up with a potentially competitive new technology -- get it started. Note the qualifier "potentially competitive". Therein hangs the tale of most SBIR mediocrity, the unwillingness of government to discern what is potentially competitive from what is merely service to the agency's menu-du-jour. But then agencies understand their immediate menu and are ill-placed to judge "potentially competitive".

Cree Makes Real Profit (Jan 30) Cree Research reports $358K profit for the quarter which is both down and up from the same quarter last year. That quarter included a juicy one-time license fee.(the whole business of separating one-time from recurring revenues and profits makes a bonanza for accountants and lawyers.) Cree attributes the winning results to zooming sales of LEDs, up 500% over last year, by the self-proclaimed world leader in the development of silicon carbide based semiconductors. SBIR analysts should recognize that the government's investment in Cree is one of the too few examples of SBIR's doing what Congress thought SBIR should do - start a new technology that can transition to world competition. Cree did what too few SBIR awardees do - risk itself in the marketplace with private capital backing. Instead, many too many companies bleat how they can use SBIR to produce what the government wants, but stop developing when the grant runs out for a whole panoply of rationalizations. The process flourishes because the symbiosis serves both parasitic companies and market-indifferent agencies.

Cree Rising (Jan 24) Cree Research stock up 50% in three weeks.

We hate to be a party pooper, but hasn't anyone noticed that the computer industry's sales growth in 1996 was half the rate of 1995, ad that earnings in 1996 were below 1995?G Morgenson, Forbes, Jan 27

Cree Lerached Cree Research (Durham, NC). After Cree said it would produce six million LEDs in the spring quarter, insiders sold $3.7M of their stock as the stock rose from $14 to $20. The suit against Cree alleges that the insiders knew all too well that production problems would lower quality and thus sales. That, say the plaintiffs, violates the SEC Act. Actual production for the quarters was three million LEDs. Yesterday, the stock was back down to the $10 range. Who are the plaintiffs? Californians would recognize them - the exploiters of the Lerach strike suit tactic. The law firm representing the plaintiffs is the well-known Lerach firm against whom the opponents of California Prop 211 rage. Those opponents have raised a lot of money and prominent names to defeat 211 next week. A Wall Street Journal op-ed piece today predicts a big stock market fall if 211 wins approval. The problem of insider manipulation is as old as stocks because the money to be made from superior knowledge puts too large a strain on moral restraints.

Cree Makes A Non-Recurring(?) Profit With revenues more than doubling for the quarter, Cree Research turned a tidy $1.9M profit thanks to a $2.4 license fee. In the fine print it says it would have posted a small loss but for the one-time items. [American corporate accounting seems to teem with one-time entries that obscure a long range view of management.] In a statement that defies Prop 211 Cree projected that the DH-85 blue LED would be the 199 revenue driver. [In your face, says Cree to Bill Lerach and the strike suit lawyers.] In another note, Cree said it closed its Eastern European Division in Russia.

Two More Cree LicensesShin-Etsu Handotai Co and Sumitomo ponied up $2.7M for licenses to getCree Research's silicon carbide process for light emitting diodes. Cree will still supply the bare SiC wafers from its proprietary Carolina home.

Cree Taps Government and Grows 52 Percent. Three contracts worth $3.9M combined will flow into Cree Research (Durham, NC) for more silicon carbide improvement to get to "world-class high-power and high-frequency transistors" . The big contract, $2.4M (plus $0.4M sharing) from DARPA seeks a 100 watt microwave amplifier built around high-power transistors. When you're a Cree you grab every morning's paper (remember print media?) to see what new blue product has been announced by Nichia Chemical (Japan). The press release also said that Cree's 1996 revenues grew 52 percent over 1995 with a net income of $243K.

Blue Laser, Bluer HuntersThe hunt is still on but American blue laser hunters may be behind again. Toshiba announced a "more advanced version" of Nichia Chemical Industries's GaN-based laser, saysThe Economist (Sep 21). BMDO supported a bunch of American small hunters with SBIR including Cree Research (Durham, NC) whose CEO is named Hunter. They're all after what HP estimates is a $2B market in blue LEDs and even more for blue lasers. Other known GaN hunters are Advanced Technology Materials (Danbury, CT), Linares Management Associates (Medfield, MA), APA Optics (Blaine, MN), Astralux (Boulder, CO), and EMCORE .(Somerset, NJ).

Cree-ping Up on GaN Business At least $5M worth light emitting diodes (LED)of gallium nitride on silicon carbide will flow from Cree Research (Durham, NC) to Siemens, the German electronics giant. Cree will add a production reactor and Siemens will devote scientists to understanding the process (should Cree want its giant partner to know a lot about the product?). Cree got started in SiC in the late 80s with a substantial contribution from (then) SDIO's SBIR.

Cree Profits Cree Research eked a $0.44M profit despite a 4th quarter loss. It shipped 3 million LEDs (presumably all blue) in the 4th quarter but couldn't get cost down to selling price. (Lost a little on every item but made up for it in volume?) Cree makes a good SBIR model because it used SBIR as only a part of a larger and realistic strategy for exploiting silicon carbide electronics at North Carolina State University.

More Blue MoneyCree Research and Philips share a new DARPA contract for $5.2M to keep developing the GaN on SiC hope for blue LEDs and blue lasers. The pair will add $1M of their own money and are still spending the $8M from a previous DARPA contract $4M of which is private money. Good for start-up Cree but questionable as corporate welfare for world Dutch giant Philips. And if the DOD is going heavily into such investment sharing, why not bring back the pioneer DARPA Director Fields who got sacked for starting it in a Republican administration.

Crescendo Bioscience (South San Francisco, CA)

Crescendo Bioscience (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) just enjoyed a big success, being acquired by Myriad Genetics for $270 million.  .... Without going through an FDA clearance process, Crescendo had a pretty easy path to the market. But it took Crescendo three years on the market before it could get Medicare reimbursement at $575 per test. After a decade of work and $100 million in venture capital  [Luke Timmerman,, Feb 14, 14]

Myriad Genetics(Salt Lake City, UT; one SBIR) is interested in buying molecular diagnostics test developer Crescendo Bioscience (South San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) in an all-cash deal triggered by Crescendo hitting a minimum sales target for its Vectra DA rheumatoid arthritis test. ..... a September 2011 agreement in which Myriad invested $25 million in Crescendo in return for an exclusive three-year option to buy the company.    [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Nov 27, 13]

Crinetics Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA )

Crinetics Pharmaceuticals (Encinitas, CA; $10M SBIR) up 24% [Apr 13, 22] announced the pricing of an underwritten follow-on offering of 5,625,563 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $22.22 per share. [company press release, Apr 13, 22]

Crinetics Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; $10 SBIR) has partnered with venture capital shops to launch Radionetics Oncology with $30 million in initial fuel. While Crinetics is largely focused on oral treatments for rare endocrine diseases and related tumors, Radionetics' mandate is a much broader scope within oncology. [Kyle LaHucik, Fierce Biotech, Oct 18, 2021]

Crinetics Pharma down 15% [Jun 11, 19]

Skin microbiome therapeutics company DermBiont (Boston, MA; no SBIR), raised $8.8M in a funding round, according to an SEC filing. [Rowan Walrath, Boston Inno, Jun 11, 19]

Crinetics Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; at least $8.7M SBIR) filing to raise up to $86 million in its IPO. The move comes three months after the biotech picked up $63.5 million in its series B and will see its lead asset through phase 2. ... working on oral treatments for endocrine disorders and endocrine-related cancers by targeting the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Its lead candidate, CRN00808, is a nonpeptide somatostatin agonist in phase 1 for the treatment of acromegaly, a condition in which the body produces too much growth hormone. [Fierce Biotech, Jun 25, 18]

biotech Crinetics (San Diego, CA; at least $10M SBIR) a rare disease therapeutics company focused on endocrine disorders and endocrine-related cancers, today announced it has completed a Series B financing which raised $63.5 million [company press release, Mar 13, 18]

San Diego County companies that raised the largest amount of venture capital in the fourth quarter of 2015
Sapphire Energy ($200K SBIR) $91 million;  Effector Therapeutics: $40 million;  MD Revolution: $22.45 million;  AltheaDX: $20.1 million;  Elcelyx Therapeutics: $20 million;  Amplyx Pharmaceuticals: $20 million;  Astute Medical: $20 million;   Glysens  ($6.8M SBIR): $20 million;  Crinetics Pharmaceuticals  ($200K SBIR): $18 million;   Enlibrium: $15 million   Source: MoneyTree Survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the NVCA with data from Thomson Reuters  []

Seeking to get its first drug ready for human testing, biotech Crinetics Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; one SBIR, 12 employees) raised $40 million [VC] ...   developing a drug to treat acromegaly, a rare endocrine disorder caused by overproduction of human growth hormone in adults.   [Bradley Fikes, San Diego Union Tribune, Nov 3, 15]

Crinetics Pharmaceuticals(San Diego, CA; $200K SBIR) found an unusual source of funding, according to a report by Keith Darce in the San Diego Union-Tribune. The early stage biotech, which is developing ovarian cancer drug candidates, has received $1.4 million in grants from the Found Animals Foundation, a nonprofit animal welfare organization based in Los Angeles. Crinetics now is competing to win the $25-million Michelson Prize, an incentive prize created by the foundation to produce a low-cost, nonsurgical way to sterilize dogs and cats.  [Bruce Bigelow,, Sep 15, 11 ]

CrispTek (Columbia, MD)

The BioMaryland Center has awarded nearly $1 million in grants to five life sciences firms. The companies received up to $200,000 each and will use the funding for research. ...  part of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development.   The recipients:

Animalgesic Labs (Baltimore, MD;  no SBIR) manufacturing its first batch of FDA authorized pain medication
    Cardiosolv  (Baltimore, MD;  one SBIR)  undertaking a study to create a less-invasive treatment for tachycardia patients.
    Adlyfe  (Rockville, MD;  $1.7M SBIR) commercializing technologies for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease;
    CrispTek   (Columbia, MD;  no SBIR) developing and marketing three new certified gluten and allergen-free baking mixes
    Remedium Technologies  (College Park, MD;  no SBIR) advancing its Hemogrip TM, a proprietary lifesaving technology to stop traumatic bleeding.   [Ryan Sharrow, Baltimore Business Journal, Jun 4, 13]

Critical Therapeutics (Boston, MA)

Cornerstone Therapeutics(Cary, NC; no SBIR) announced that it is being bought by an Italian pharmaceutical company, ending the Cary drug marketing firm’s five-year run as a publicly traded company. The acquisition values Cornerstone at nearly $300 million  ....  the culmination of Cornerstone’s 2-year-old business strategy of getting specialty drugs to patients by selling directly to hospitals rather than working through doctors. ... Cornerstone was created as a publicly traded company in 2008 when Cornerstone BioPharma (Cary, NC; no SBIR) acquired Critical Therapeutics (Boston, MA; no SBIR) .  ....  Chiesi is a privately held business founded in 1935 in Parma, Italy, with plants or facilities in France, Brazil, England and Rockville, Md. The company employs 3,800 people.  ..... Last year, Chiesi further extended its commitment, agreeing to lend Cornerstone up to $90 million to acquire EKR Therapeutics (Bedminster, NJ; no SBIR) [which] gave Cornerstone the rights to oral hypertension drug Cardene, Cornerstone’s best-selling product today.  [Raleigh News & Observer, Sep 16, 13]

CritiTech (Lawrence, KS)

CritiTech(Lawrence,KS; one SBIR) will receive $50,000 [by the Kansas Bioscience Authority] for research on the ovarian cancer market that will advance the company’s commercialization goals. [Kansas City Business Journal, Nov 10, 09]

Crossbar (Santa Clara,CA)

Crossbar (Santa Clara, CA; no SBIR, founded 2008) raised $35 million in Series D funding this week as it ramps up sales of chips it says could disrupt the $60 billion flash memory market.  ...  says it can fit a terabyte of data on a postage stamp-sized chip that is 20 times faster than the best flash memory. It can be used in everything from data centers to smartphones, wearables and Internet of Things-connected devices. ... has now raised a total of $85 million. It emerged from stealth in August 2013 and is working with beta customers for its embedded memory offering, targeted for production next year.   [Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Sep 14, 15]

Cross Current (Bucks County, PA))

The Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center of Bucks County is getting some federal government money to expand yet again.  ... serves as an incubator for early-stage life sciences companies. The grant will support the addition of 15 laboratories at the site, which is expected to result in the creation of 90 new jobs.  ...  Nearly 300 people currently work at biotech center.  ...   Five for-profit life sciences companies — Flow Metric,  Novira Therapeutics, Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center  ($600K SBIR), Synergy Pharmaceuticals ($900K SBIR) , and Cross Currenthave committed to leasing the new space being created at the center.   [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Oct 10, 14] 

CrossFiber (San Diego, CA)

CrossFiber(San Diego, CA; no SBIR) maker of photonic switches for data centers and fiber optic networks, said it had raised $13.4 million in a fourth round of venture capital funding.   .....  to expand manufacturing for its LiteSwitch product family.  [Mike Freeman,, Sep 12, 12]

CrossFiber(San Diego, CA; no SBIR) maker of photonic switches for data centers and fiber optic networks, said it had raised $13.4 million in a fourth round of venture capital funding.   .....  to expand manufacturing for its LiteSwitch product family.  [Mike Freeman,, Sep 12, 12]

Cruise Automation (San Francisco,CA)

General Motors’s proposed purchase of tiny Cruise Automation (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR, founded 2013) for more than $1 billion would be one of the auto industry’s biggest Silicon Valley acquisitions to date. .... Consultants at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP estimate 2015 merger-and-acquisition activity by automotive suppliers reached nearly $50 billion, more than three times the prior year. ... Industry players looking to meet demand for autonomous-driving technologies may find plenty of potential targets to satisfy their needs. Among them: Zoox (Palo Alto, CA; too secret for SBIR)  which has been building a robot taxi with a futuristic design; nuTonomy, which tells autonomous cars how to plan their motion; Nauto, which is building automotive networking and safety features; and, which is developing artificial intelligence to control autonomous cars.   [Mike Ramsey, Wall Street Journal, Mar 24, 16]


CryoLife up 10% [Aug 7, 18]

CryoCor (no SBIR) rocketed upward when the FDA advisory board blessed its scheme of freezing cold to treat some abnormal heart rhythms. The doubling Thursday put it back where it was Monday before the FDA issued a bad advisory for the long term benefit of the scheme.


CryoLife up 24% [Apr 30, 21] reported quarterly financials

CryoLife down 25% [Jun 18, 20]

CryoLife down 18% [Mar 20, 20]

CryoLife down 15% [Feb 14, 19]

CryoLife up 11% [Mar 8, 18]

CryoLife down 14% [Oct 11, 17]   announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire JOTEC AG, a German developer of technologically differentiated endovascular stent grafts, and cardiac and vascular surgical grafts, focused on aortic repair. ...  Provides Access into $2 Billion Global Stent Graft Market with Highly Competitive Technologically Advanced Product Portfolio  [company press release, Oct 10, 17]

CryoLife up 10% [Apr 27, 17]  

American Superconductor down 27% [Apr 27, 17]

CryoLife down 18% [Feb 16,17]

CryoLife up 14% [Jul 26,16]

CryoLife ($2.3M SBIR) sold its HeRO Graft product line to Merit Medical Systems (no SBIR) for $18.5 million.  [Atlanta Business Journal, Feb 4, 16]

CryoLife (Atlanta, GA; $2M SBIR) entered into an agreement to acquire On-X Life Technologies Holdings (Austin, TX; no SBIR)  mechanical heart valve company ...  On-X valves have been implanted in over 200,000 patients ... for an upfront payment of $130 million. [Carla Caldwell, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Dec 2, 15]

CryoLife clearance for PerClot Topical hemostatic powder, allowing CryoLife to start commercialization of the product in the United States.   ...  is a unique hemostat composed of polysaccharide granules and is intended for use as a topical dressing for the temporary treatment of mildly bleeding wounds   [Ellie Hensley, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Apr 29, 14]

CryoLife (Kennesaw, GA; $2.5M SBIR, listed on NYSE) gained exclusive worldwide distribution rights for ProCol Vascular Bioprosthesis from Hancock Jaffe Laboratories (no SBIR)  ... [for money] gets exclusive rights for up to five years, a purchase option of the product line, first right of refusal for other applications of ProCol technology and roughly 4,000 units of the product itself.  ... ProCol is a natural biological graft that provides vascular access for end-stage renal (ESRD) hemodialysis patients. [Ellie Hensley, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Mar 27, 14]

CryoLife($2.3M SBIR) will expand its presence in the Asia Pacific market by opening CryoLife Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd   [Ellie Hensley, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Feb 20, 14] company’s profit more than doubled in 2013. It was benefitted by $61.5 million in surgical sealant and hemostat revenues [Ellie Hensley, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Feb 18, 14]

CryoLife(Kennesaw, GA; $2.5M SBIR in the 1990s)  expects to get $15.1 million from C.R. Bard Inc.’s acquisition of Medafor   ....  an implantable biological medical device and cardiovascular tissue processing company, holds 2,379,554 shares of Medafor common stock. [Jacques Couret, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Oct 7, 13]

[FDA] gave a. implantable biological medical device and cardiovascular tissue processing company CryoLife (Kennesaw, GA;  $2.7M SBIR) conditional approval of its Investigational Device Exemption for PerClot. PerClot is a “unique hemostat composed of absorbable polysaccharide granules and is intended for use in surgical procedures as an adjunctive hemostatic device when control of capillary, venular, and arteriolar bleeding by pressure, ligature, and other conventional means is ineffective or impractical,” CryoLife said. [Jaques Couret, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Jun 19, 13]

Cryolife(Kennesaw, GA; $2.3M SBIR in the 1990s) raised its divided by 10% [May 29, 13]

CryoLife (Kennesaw, GA; $2.5M SBIR) may engage in a proxy fight to take over medtech Medafor (Brooklyn Center, MN; no SBIR) after Medafor  rejected CryoLife’s initial $40 million offer for company. [Minneapolis/St Paul Business Journal, Feb 18, 10]

Cryolife up 10% [Aug 17, 09]

CryoLife($2M SBIR) surged 30%, said it received FDA marketing approval for its pulmonary human cardiac patch, CryoPatch. The CryoPatch is used to help repair tissue in portions of the heart following surgery, particularly surgeries commonly performed on children with congenital heart defects.  [Wall Street Journal, Aug 13, 09]

Cryomedical Sciences ((Owego, NY))

Biolife Solutions (formerly Cryomedical Sciences (Owego, NY), Bothell, WA; $1.2M SBIR) up 11% [Aug 17, 17]

Cryosa (Roseville, MN)

startup Cryosa (Roseville, MN; no SBIR) just wrapped up its Series A-2 financing round, raising $8.25 million. [to] develop therapies for obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that affects approximately 22 million people in the U.S. [Burl Gilyard, Twin Cities Business, June 25, 20]

Cryptonite (Rockville, MD)

Cryptonite (Rockville, MD; no SBIR) with its new product, rolled out officially, the company focuses on not only preventing an attack from breaching the network, but also on preventing an attack from hopping from one computer to another in the same network — something that could’ve been useful in the Yahoo! or Target breaches in the last couple of years. In 2015, Cryptonite quietly spun out of federal contractor Intelligent Automation (Rockville, MD; 480 SBIR projects), with only the technology and a few key employees following it. Since then, they’ve been in stealth mode. The team has been quietly testing its product with key clients, and they’ve landed a total of $5M in funding. Today, with the key research and development completed, they’re making their product launch official. [DC Inno Beat, Oct 26, 17]  That's in the neighborhood of $250M in SBIR for this "federal contractor" over thirty years of SBIR.  Any idea of the ROI from such investment?  The agencies buying the R&D services don't ask such questions.

Crystal IS (Green Island, NY)

Research at Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories has shown the Klaran UVC LEDs made by Crystal IS (an Asahi Kasei company, Green Island, NY; $2.4M SBIR) can inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus, The Crystal IS product produces a type of ultraviolet light that inactivates viruses and bacteria. Its customers are companies that use the LEDs to make disinfecting products. [Justin Dawes, Albany Business Review, Oct 15, 20],/

Crystal IS (Cohoes, NY; several SBIRs in infant years) is seeking applications for its newly launched UV Accelerator. Experienced startups and small organizations can receive up to $250K for new ideas regarding the use and application of the company’s UVC LEDs for the disinfection of air or surfaces. Learn more and apply here. [BostInno, Jul 8, 20] Now an Asahi Kasei company, is a U.S.-based manufacturer of high-performance LEDs that emit UV light. These LEDs are integrated into our customers’ products to sterilize and disinfect water, air and surfaces in a variety of applications. Additionally, our LEDs can be used as light sources for scientific and industrial instrumentation applications. founded in 1997 by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) professors, Leo Schowalter and Glen Slack to develop native aluminum nitride (AlN) substrate technology for more powerful and reliable semiconductor devices. [company website]

Crystal IS  (Green Island, NY; $2.4M SBIR), an ultraviolet light technology developer that makes LEDs has started selling a flat UV LED chip that can monitor changes in chemical processes.  Crystal IS designs and makes 0.8-millimeter ultraviolet LED chips used to sense and disinfect water, air and surfaces. The light, called the Optan Flat Window, is the company's third product designed for the industrial manufacturing, food processing and pharmaceutical industries.   [Chelsea Diana, Albany Business Review, Nov 11, 15]

Crystal IS (Green Island, NY; $2.3M SBIR over a decade, founded in 1997 by professors from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) has started selling a UV LED chip that kills bacteria in water for the pharmaceutical, semiconductor and power generation industries. The device can also track climate change. The disinfecting chip, called the Optan SMD, prevents biofilm from forming.  ...  Crystal IS is [now] a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asahi Kasei, a global manufacturer of chemicals and fibers for the housing, construction, electronics and healthcare industries. [Chelsea Diana, Albany Business Review, Aug 11, 15]

Crystal IS  (Green Island, NY, founded 1997, now is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asahi Kasei)  is taking its first commercial UVC LED light international, with new distributors that will bring the LEDs to a larger pool of potential buyers. ...  designs and manufactures 0.8 millimeter ultraviolet LED chips used to sense and disinfect water, air and surfaces.    [Chelsea Diana,  Albany Business Review, Feb 5, 15]  

Crystal IS  (Green Island, NY; $2.3M SBIR) an ultraviolet light technology developer that manufacturers LEDs is preparing for major growth in 2015.  ....   designs and manufactures 0.8 millimeter ultraviolet LED chips used to sense and disinfect water, air and surfaces.  ...  [now] a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asahi Kasei , a global manufacturer of chemicals and fibers for the housing, construction, electronics and healthcare industries based in Tokoyo.   [[Chelsea Diana,  Albany Business Review, Dec 19, 14]  

Hari Venugopalan sees opportunity for Crystal IS (Green Island, NY; $2.5M SBIR, founded 1997, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asahi Kasei) in the disinfection and sterilization markets.  Venugopalan, the director of global product management at Crystal IS, said the company is developing a product to detect germ particles in water and on lab surfaces using ultraviolet LED lights.  The 17-year-old company in Green Island, New York, has spent the last three months manufacturing ultraviolet light technology for global customers in the life sciences and environmental monitoring industries.  [Krystle S. Morey, Albany Business Review, Jun 11, 14]

Crystal IS  (Green Island, NY; $2.5M SBIR, 42 employees), an ultraviolet light technology developer has its first vice president of operations.  ... [since 2011] a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asahi Kasei, a global manufacturer of chemicals and fibers for the housing, construction, electronics and healthcare industries.  ...  founded in 1997 by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) professors, Leo Schowalter and Glen Slack to develop native aluminum nitride (AlN) substrate ... raised $25M in 2004  ....  [in 2006] Released the world’s first 2-inch single-crystal AlN substrate, cut from a bulk boule  [Krystle S. Morey, Albany Business Review May 21, 14, and company website]

Crystal IS (Green Island, NY; $2.5M SBIR), an early-stage developer of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes, was acquired by Asahi Kasei of Japan (founded in 1931 and has 25,000 employees), the companies announced.  Terms not released.   .... formed in the late 1990s out of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [Physics Dept head Schowalter];, received its first round of venture funding in 2004. ... also received significant funding from state and federal grants.   [Richard D'Errico, The Businesss Review (Albany), Jan 11, 12]  Got a critical Phase II SBIR from MDA back when Jeff Bond supported companies with serious commercialization attitudes, not just happy words for DOD pretenses.

In contrast to a life-style company Crystal IS (Green Island, NY; $2.5M SBIR plus $4M ATP) currently is seeking another $10 million to commercialize its LEDs, ... The company is funded with $15.7 million from ARCH Venture Partners, 3i, Lux Capital, Harris and Harris, Credit Suisse and a few other smaller firms. [The Business Review (Albany), Sep 26, 08]  Crystal IS started in the RPI Incubator with a $1M 1999 Phase 2 SBIR from MDA, which in those days didn't tolerate life-style companies. 

Crystal IS(Green Island, NY; $2M SBIR+ $2M ATP) won a $1M DOE grant to develop its light-emitting diode business. ... makes a substrate [AlN] that it says is particularly good for making LEDs ...  founder Leo Schowalter (RPI Physics prof) said the DOE money will help the company enter the so-called solid state lighting industry that includes LEDs, which he pegged at $14 billion a year. ... employs 26 people, but expects to expand its facilities by next year ... The company has received tens of millions of dollars in venture and government funding in the past two years alone. [Larry Rulison, Albany Times-Union, May 6, 08]

Researchers at Rensselaer Poly and semiconductor maker Crystal IS (Green Island, NY) created a multilayered, porous coating that eases the transition as light moves from the air into a solid material or into the air from a semiconductor in an LED. Each layer is made of nanorods grown at a precise angle. [MIT Tech Review, M/J07]  Crystal IS, founded by the RPI's Physics Dept chair, had $2M SBIR for AlN substrates.

Crystal IS  (Watervliet NY) which is developing aluminum nitride substrates for use in a variety of electronic devices, has received $10.6M venture capital. Josh Wolfe, the lead VC said the company has a winning combination of patented processes, proprietary materials, high-value end markets and the team to execute.  [Larry Rulison, Albany Times Union, Sep 1]  Crystal IS got its first SBIR Phase II to develop AlN substrates for III-nitride epitaxy from (you guessed it) BMDO's Jeff Bond in 1999, back when commercial potential mattered at MDA.

Crystal IS (Watervliet, NY) says it is the market leader in the commercialization of native single-crystal aluminum nitride (AlN) substrates for the cost-effective production of high performance electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices such as high power radio frequency transistors and ultraviolet lasers and light emitting diodes. Leo Schowalter's company has had 13 DOD SBIRs including two Phase 2. Its first big hit was $1M from MDA.

Yankees Meet Dixie. Crystal IS (Watervliet, NY) did a non-exclusive patent license agreement with most favored status with Cree on Crystal's ultra-low defect density native aluminum nitride (AlN) single crystal substrates. Where did Crystal get a chunk of early development money? BMDO SBIR in its "ROI matters" days of Jeff Bond, and then two Navy awards. 

Crystal IS (Latham, NY) got a $2M grant from ATP to continue its development of 2-inch diameter, crack-free, optically transparent, semi-insulating, native single-crystal AlN boules and substrates. It is contributing another $1.1M from private sources as demanded by the NIST cost-sharing model. But with a more Republican Congress, a runaway deficit, and a lame duck president, perhaps ATP will finally bite the dust as thinly disguised corporate welfare of government subsidy for commercial products. Crystal was one of 32 awards including Cree.  Also winning: Dow, Siemens, Corning, and Sarnoff. 

Meanwhile, another company is on the prowl for Picolight-like success. Crystal IS (Watervliet, NY, my home town) has chalked up an impressive doubling in diameter size of their heavily DoD backed native nitride substrate development., says Compound Semiconductor News, Sep 22President, co-founder, CEO Leo Schowalter (who also heads the Physics Department at RPI (my alma mater) across the Hudson) credits DOD SBIR for early money and even credits synergetic programs among DARPA, MDA, AF, and Navy. In technical ways the departments are synergetic because, despite their bureaucratic tussles for money, the technical people in the trenches review and inhabit each others' technical oversight of programs and companies. If you can get one of those technical guys excited about your idea, they will spread the word among the other DOD agencies. That good news os offset by their being hard to convince that your idea is anything that great. They do, after all, see the best ideas from all over the country in universities and companies. Sometimes you have to compete with smart innovators like Leo who exploits university research into entrepreneurial products.  Crystal IS claims to be  the market leader in the commercialization of single-crystal aluminum nitride (AlN) substrates for the cost-effective production of high power, high temperature, and optoelectronic devices such as blue and ultraviolet lasers.  


Crystallume Chapter 3. Not only is Crystallume alive and well, there are two such Crystallumes under the same aegis. Ed Francis, VP Imagineering, of the most direct successor to Tom Schultz's original VC-backed company, clarifies it thus:  Crystallume PVD was spun off from Crystallume Engineered Diamond ( as a separate company to specialize in PVD coating service. Crystallume Engineered Damond is the largest CVD diamond facility in North America running nine CVD diamond chambers 24/7. The Santa Clara facility grows diamond film for industrial and semiconductor applications. For more information check out the website ) for patents, white papers and completed research in the technical section. Crystallume continues to apply its 20 plus years of diamond research to new diamond applications.  Which means that the SBIR investments in the 1980s eventually paid off in measurable commercial activity. Now, if SBIR econometrics could just shark up some systematic way to capture such economics ans show one way or the other whether SBIR was better or worse than doing nothing but allowing capitalism to create wealth.

Crystallume alive and well. A recent note suggested that Crystallume had died. Not so. Although the SBIR company that spent a lot of SBIR in the 80s to develop CVD diamond electronics found the product too expensive for commercial tastes, another company bought it and shifted the business focus to PVD diamond coatings for tooling. Thus the new enterprise Crystallume PVD says Crystallume has become the world leader in this area, especially when good uniformity and tight tolerances are required.   Sorry for any confusion.

Crystal Systems (Merrimack, NH)

GT Solar International (Merrimack, NH) maker of solar energy production technology, said that it is acquiring Salem-based sapphire producer Crystal Systems (Salem, MA; $7.4M SBIR) [for] $24 million in cash, 5.4 million shares of GT Solar common stock (GT Solar closed at $6.25 on Thursday) and a $21 million cash earn-out. [Mass High Tech, Jul 30, 10]

CSA Engineering (Mountain View, CA)

Moog will buy CSA Engineering (Mountain View, CA; $28M SBIR) for $14.8M ... The company makes systems for vibration suppression, precision motion control and dynamic testing of structures for the space, defense, aircraft and industrial markets. Sales in the most recent year were $14 M. [Buffalo (NY) Business First, May 2] If you had invested $28 in a company's R&D over two decades for a minor equity share, would you be happy to get your share of a selling price of $15? Would you be consoled by the happy thought that you had paid for a lot of jobs?   If SBIR offered shares to the public as a venture fund, would you buy some?   Maybe you don't yet understand why set-aside programs make such "investments".


CS-Keys, (Indianapolis, IN; no SBIR)  startup developing a new method for the early detection of cancer, is expected to announce today that it has received $6.25 million in funding [Indianapolis Star, Jan 29, 08]

CTD Holdings (Alachua,FL)

NIH touts an experimental drug for a rare metabolic disorder as one of its first big successes. But a bitter fight involving NIH, two companies, and opposing camps of researchers and parents of children with the fatal condition is marring the triumph.  ... In December 2014, the center entered a cooperative research and development agreement under which Vtesse (Gaithersburg, MD; no SBIR) took over the therapy, speeding the drug into a pivotal, late-stage clinical trial in the space of 18 months. ....   But Vtesse has a rival, which is starting clinical trials of its own cyclodextrin. CTD Holdings (Gainesville, FL; no SBIR)  that makes cyclodextrins for a broad variety of purposes, became aware of their potential as an NPC treatment after being contacted by Chris and Hugh Hempel, the parents of twin girls with the disease.    [Meredith Wadman, Science, Oct 7, 16]  One positive result of SBIR is surprises for the agency on who is working on their problem outside their knowledge. Since NIH has boatloads of money, it could easily bring CTD into the game immediately.

After years of effort, scientists and families of young patients with the genetic condition Niemann-Pick Type C are in a position to which any rare-disease community aspires: the prospect of not one, not two, but three companies launching clinical trials to develop therapies. .... But The pool of eligible patients with a rare disease like NPC is small. Doctors say there aren’t yet reliable counts of diagnosed cases, but current estimates put the number at around 500 world-wide.   The companies are Vtesse (Gaithersburg, MD; no SBIR) ,  CTD Holdings (Alachua, FL; no SBIR), and  Orphazyme ApS(Denmark). [Amy Dockser Marcus, Wall Streeet Journal, Aug 20, 15]

Cteir (Lexington, MA)

Cteir [Lexington, MA; $2.2M SBIR) announced the strategic prioritization of clinical development of CYT-0851, an investigational monocarboxylate transporter inhibitor, as a potential combination therapy for the treatment of ovarian cancer. .... also announced that it will be suspending all preclinical research. ... and Reducing company headcount to approximately 15 full-time employees. [company press release, Jan 19, 2023]

CTI (McLean, VA)

CTI (McLean, VA) announces it has been awarded a $188M GSA FEDSIM SBIR Phase III contract: "Multi-Domain Analysis, Evaluation, and Software for Tactical and Remote Operations (MAESTRO)." MAESTRO is a multi-sponsor, combined effort for engineering services and software development to integrate SBIR technologies into existing manned and unmanned vehicles and cloud solutions, leveraging CTI's Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) developed technology. [company press release, Sep 21, 21] Well, only post-SBIR. GSA doesn't have an SBIR program, and Phase III is not SBIR money.  SBIR law does encourage post-SBIR investment by giving the federal agency some sole-source authority. 

(formerly Cell Therapeutics) CTI BioPharma

CTI BioPharma (Seattle, WA; $200K SBIR) announced that it has received a $10M milestone payment from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries related to the achievement of sales milestones for TRISENOX® (arsenic trioxide). TRISENOX was acquired from CTI BioPharma by Cephalon [which] was subsequently acquired by Teva. [CTI press release, Feb 11, 19]

CTI BioPharma (Seattle, WA; $200K SBIR) announced a restructuring plan to improve efficiencies and reduce costs within the organization. As part of this plan, workforce reductions have been implemented that impact approximately 50 percent of the total number of the Company's employees. [company press release, Dec 13, 18

CTI BioPharma down 33% [Jul 18, 18] announced that it recently conducted a Type B meeting with [FDA] for its lead product candidate pacritinib [to] discuss the regulatory pathway for pacritinib. Based on FDA feedback, the Company plans to conduct a randomized Phase 3 study in patients with myelofibrosis. [company press release, Jul 18, 18]

A CTI BioPharma (formerly Cell Therapetics, Seattle, WA; no SBIR) treatment for a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma has failed a clinical trial key for maintaining its approval in Europe, casting doubt on the drug’s prospects with the FDA... said its drug, pixantrone, failed to meet the goal of improving progression-free survival, which is the length of time a patient lives without the disease worsening. [Frank Vinluan,, Jul 9, 18] total funding $85M []

CTI  Biopharma down 14% [Jul 6, 18]

CTI Biopharma up 11%  [May 17, 18]

CTI Biopharma up 11% [Jan 8, 18]

CTI Biopharma down 20% [Jun 6,17]

CTI Biopharma up 12% [Jan 5, 17]

James Bianco, who founded the Seattle biotechnology company CTI BioPharma (formerly Cell Therapeutics, Seattle, WA; $200K SBIR) 25 years ago and spent $2.1 billion in a consistently unprofitable pursuit of better cancer drugs, has retired as president and CEO. [, Oct 4, 16]

[FDA] shut down CTI BioPharma’s [previously known as Cell Therapeutics] clinical trial of a cancer-drug candidate after patients died of cardiac arrest and bleeding inside the skull.  ...   started testing the drug called pacritinib in December 2013 as a treatment for myelofibrosis, a blood cancer, and other cancers. [Rachel Lerman, Seattle Times, Feb 10, 16]

CTI BioPharma presented promising results of a Phase 3 clinical trial for its drug pacritinib, which treats a rare type of leukemia called myelofibrosis, at the American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago this week. The presentation sent CTI's stock soaring 18 percent Monday to nearly $2.50. [Annie Zak, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jun 3, 15]

CTI BioPharma jumps in early trading in response to its announcement that patients with myelofibrosis treated with its lead product candidate, pacritinib, in a Phase 3 trial called PERSIST-1 met the primary efficacy endpoint of a statistically significant reduction in spleen volume compared to baseline at week 24. The results were originally reported in March.  [, Jun 1, 15]

CTI Biopharma down 24% [Mar 13, 15]

CTI BioPharma said its experimental blood cancer treatment achieved the main goal of a late-stage study .... was significantly better than the "best available therapy" as prescribed by the patients' physician to treat myelofibrosis. . [Reuters, Mar 9, 15]

CTI BioPharma said it expects to raise about $32.8 million in an underwritten public offering of its convertible preferred stock. [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Nov 7, 14]  

CTI BioPharma up 11% [Sep 17, 14]  said it's made a deal with French pharmaceutical firm Servier that could be worth up to $133 million ... for development and commercialization of its non-Hodgkin lymphoma drug Pixuvri (pixantrone).  [Ben Miller, Puget Sound Business Journal, Sep 17, 14]

CTI BioPharma won approval from Israeli officials to distribute its Pixuvri drug for certain patients with cancer in Israel.  .... In the Netherlands, Pixuvri has been approved for inclusion on the list of reimbursed drugs, CTI said.   [Erin Van Bronkhorst, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jul 23, 14] 

CTI BioPharma completes enrollment in the PERSIST-1 Phase 3 clinical trial of pacritinib , an oral JAK2/FLT3 inhibitor being evaluated as a treatment for myelofibrosis . Under the terms of the development and commercialization agreement with Baxter International, CTI expects to receive a $20M milestone payment when the last patient in the trial begins dosing. The payment should occur this quarter. [, Jul 1, 14]

Cell Therapeutics said it's changed its name to CTI BioPharma  [Ben Miller,  Puget Sound Business Journal, May 30, 14]

Cuberg (Emeryville, CA)

Northvolt (Sweden) announced the acquisition of Cuberg (Emeryville, CA; $1.4M SBIR) battery technology company delivering high-performance lithium metal cells produced on existing lithium-ion manufacturing lines for electromobility solutions. Cuberg spun out of Stanford University in 2015 with the goal of commercializing next-generation battery technology based on a groundbreaking liquid electrolyte combined with a lithium metal anode. [Northvolt press release, Mar 9, 21] terms not disclosed

Cubist Pharmaceuticals   (Lexington, MA)

Drug developer Adynxx (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) is trying to address [post-surgical] pain with a new treatment developed to be administered to patients during surgery. ...   a new investor in the company led the $16 million Series B round.  Domain Associates, which backed Adynxx’s $18 million Series A round in 2010 also participated. ... The idea of preventing post-surgical pain caught the eye of Cubist Pharmaceuticals, which paid $20 million in 2013 for the right to acquire Adynxx pending mid-stage clinical trial results. But after getting a look at those results in 2014, Cubist passed on its option to buy the company, saying that the “magnitude of the clinical response did not meet Cubist’s exercise criteria.” Cubist itself was acquired by Merck  later that year. [Frank Vinluan,, Jan 10, 17]

Merck agreed to purchase biotechnology company Afferent Pharmaceuticals (San Mateo, CA; no SBIR, founded 2009), whose lead drug candidate is being evaluated as a treatment for refractory, chronic cough and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with cough.  The deal will include an upfront payment of $500 million and milestones of up to $750 million.   Afferent focuses on targeting the P2X3 receptor for neurogenic conditions.  Last month, Afferent reported that its lead candidate, AF-219, significantly reduced cough frequency in the first cohort of a two-cohort, Phase 2b study of chronic cough patients.  In July, Afferent said it completed a $55 million Series C financing. Merck's resent acquisitions have included an $8.3 billion deal for antibiotic maker Cubist Pharmaceuticals ($5M SBIR) and the purchase of cancer-focused IOmet Pharma (no SBIR).  [Josh Beckerman, Wall Street Journal, Jun 9, 16]

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Cubist Pharmaceuticals bid to revive four patents for its antibiotic drug Cubicin, paving the way for rival Hospira to introduce a generic version as soon as this year. [Lawrence Hurley, Reuters, May 31, 16]

Peptilogics (Pittsburgh, PA; no SBIR, founded 2013), plans clinical trials in two years for a new class of antibiotics that attack bacteria in a different way when compared to conventional drugs, with the promise of fewer side effects and a longer-lasting solution. ...   to commercialize novel ways of killing bacteria, especially kinds already resistant to antibiotics...  University of Pittsburgh spinout ... Pharmaceutical industry veteran Rick Oleson is Peptilogics’ chief development officer. Oleson worked for 18 years at Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc. where he was vice president of nonclinical development. Merck acquired Cubist in 2014 for $8.4 billion. [Matt Lepri,, Sep 28, 15]

FDA approval of the latest new antibiotic by Cubist Pharmaceuticals is a step toward combating a problem estimated to kill 10 million people and cost $100 trillion globally by 2050.  ... the nod to Zerbaxa, formerly known by the generic name of ceftolozane/tazobactam, for the treatment of adults with complicated urinary tract infections (cUTI) and complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAI) caused by certain so-called Gram-negative bacteria, typically considered among the hardest to kill.   ... Zerbaxa is expected to be the company's next blockbuster drug after Cubicin, which was launched in 2003 but just surpassed the $1 billion sales mark this past year.  [Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Dec 22, 14]

Cubist Pharma up 35% [Dec 8, 14]   Merck will spend $8.4 billion to buy Cubist Pharmaceuticals ($5M SBIR 1995-2004) and push deeper into treating so-called "superbugs" that have drawn dire warnings from global health organizations.   [TOM MURPHY, AP, Dec 8, 14] IF the government had taken proportionate equity for its "SBIR capital investment,"  the taxpayers might get several hundred million from the sale. But government doesn't do that, and thus has only political bragging rights and no accurate accounting.  The many beneficiaries, and their politicians, who produce no verified economic return prefer vague accountability rules. 

Merck is in talks to acquire Cubist Pharmaceuticals for more than $7 billion in a deal that could be announced as early as next week, the New York Times reported  [Reuters, Dec 6, 14]

Cubist Pharma is testing a new antibacterial in children which has the potential to fight a serious type of diarrhea common to cancer patients called Clostridium difficile more effectively and cheaply than current drugs.  The company plans to present results of an early-stage trial this weekend which it says will give early insight into the possibility of using a drug it acquired last year, called Dificid, in kids. The drug was approved in 2011 for adults.   [Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Oct 9, 14]

A competitor of antibiotics maker Cubist Pharmaceuticals has agreed not to launch a generic version of its flagship drug for skin infections until at least Dec. 1 while a judge decides on a patent challenge.    In 2012, Illinois-based Hospira indicated it hopes to launch a generic of Cubicin, claiming the patents are invalid. Cubicin remains Cubist’s biggest money-maker, contributing 80 percent of the company’s revenue in the three months that ended in June. [Don Seiffert, Boston Business Journal, Jul 23, 14]

[FDA] approved a new Cubist Pharmaceuticals antibiotic targeting a variety of skin infections, most notably those caused by the so-called MRSA bacteria, which has been named a serious public health threat by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to a Cubist announcement.   [Robert Buderi,, Jun 21, 14]

Cubist Pharma up 13% [Apr 29, 14]

In its escalating battle against “superbugs” that resist today’s antibiotics, Cubist Pharmaceuticalsis looking to 2014 as a pivotal year. US regulators last month accepted for priority review Cubist’s drug application for tedizoid phosphate, an antibiotic for hard-to-treat infections, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.  [FDA]officials are set to rule in June on that drug.   [Robert Weisman, Boston Globe, Jan 10, 14]

The $704 million sale of Trius Therapeutics to Cubist Pharmaceuticalshas been completed, Cubist said.  The deal ends the antibiotic maker’s existence as a publicly traded company. Trius had developed tedizolid phosphate, which treats drug-resistant infections.  [Bradley Fikes,, Sep 11, 13]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalssaid it is recalling four lots of its Cubicin antibiotic after glass particles were found in some vials.[Boston Globe, Aug 29, 13]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals has agreed pay up to $1.6 billion for Trius Therapeutics and Optimer Pharmaceuticals, expanding its heft in antibiotics at a time when the number of drug-resistant viruses are on the rise. The widely praised deals will give Cubist, one of the few big players in U.S. antibiotics in the United States, an additional $600 million to $1 billion in revenue on an annual basis from the companies' lead drugs. Antibiotics has often been shunned by many big pharma firms as a field of research due to poor returns.  [Vrinda Manocha and Zeba Siddiqui, Reuters, Jul 30, 13]

Federal regulators have granted fast-track review status of several uses for an experimental antibiotic drug developed byCubist Pharmaceuticals  [Robert Weisman, Boston Globe, May 7, 13]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalssaid it has obtained the rights to ceftolozane in certain Asia-Pacific and Middle East territories from Astellas Pharma Inc. With the attainment of these rights, Cubist said it now owns worldwide rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize ceftolozane/tazobactam. Ceftolozane is a drug candidate with the potential to treat for urinary tract and intraabdominal infections.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Mar 11, 13]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalsbest known for its flagship drug, the antibiotic Cubicin, said Monday that it has an exclusive option to acquire Adynxx, (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR)  testing a pain-management drug. Adynxx’s lead product candidate is currently designated as AYX1, and it seeks to reduce pain following surgery. [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Feb 26, 13]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals made its name selling a single product, daptomycin (Cubicin). ... has been around 20 years, and has made its living selling a potent antibiotic used to fight tough-to-treat infections in hospitals. This isn’t a consumer product you’ll ever see advertised on TV. Cubist rode this horse to $736 million in sales last year, which has enabled the company to join the small fraternity of profitable biotech companies. If Cubist can deliver some new antibiotics from its pipeline, that could be a good thing for its shareholders, and for public health. But given how antibiotics are taken for granted in this country—even though drug-resistant superbugs are a cause for concern—don’t expect to hear people scream from the rooftops about success even if Cubist can deliver a couple more Cubicins.  [Luke Timmerman,, Jul 9,12]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalsknown for its intravenous antibiotic Cubicin, said Monday that it plans to generate $2 billion in global annual revenue in 2017, driven largely by organic growth. [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Jun 11, 12]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalssaid it will file a patent infringement lawsuit against generic drug maker Hospira  after being alerted that Hospira has asked regulators for permission to market a generic version of Cubist’s most important drug.  [Robert Weisman, Boston Globe Feb 9, 12]

Hydra Biosciences (Cambridge, MA; two SBIRs) and Cubist Pharmaceuticals said they plan to start a Phase 1 clinical trial for an experimental pain and inflammation drug on which they are collaborating, triggering a $5 million milestone payment to Hydra from Cubist. [Lori Valigra, Mass High Tech, Jan 11, 12]

Adolor up 143% [Oct 24, 11]  Cubist Pharmaceuticals agreed to buy all outstanding shares of Adolor Corp. with an up-front payment of $190 million. Adolor can qualify for additional payments if its drugs achieve regulatory and commercialization milestones; the total transaction is valued at up to $415 million,... Adolor  markets a drug designed to accelerate recovery time for patients who have had bowel resection surgery, and it has another promising drug candidate in its pipeline. [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Ocr 25, 11]

Cubist Pharma up 10% [Oct 20, 11]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals took a chance on another antibiotic that attacks MRSA. Daptomycin, the drug in question, had already been tested and rejected by one of the big boys, Eli Lilly. The company’s researchers found that the drug caused muscle damage and recommended dropping it. Cubist’s researchers, however, worked out how to adjust the dose to deal with this side-effect. Daptomycin is now a commercial success. [The Economist, Apr 4]

A day after a federal advisory panel endorsed Optimer Pharmaceuticals’ new antibiotic for approval, the San Diego company said Wednesday that it would co-market the drug with Cubist Pharmaceuticals, which already sells its own antibiotic in hundreds of hospitals across the country. ...  Optimer will pay Cubist $30 million in service fees over the two-year life of the agreement. [Keith Darce, signonsandiego,com, Apr 7, 11]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals yesterday reached an agreement to settle a two-year patent dispute with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. , sending Cubist shares up 14.5 percent to a 52-week high of $28.91 in after-hours trading on the Nasdaq exchange. [Boston Globe, Apr 5, 11]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals is a turnaround story. After sustaining losses each year from 1994 through 2006, it broke into the black in 2007. Last year its earned about $80 million on sales of $562 million. Its sole drug so far is the antibiotic Cubicin, and another antibiotic, CXA-201, is in the pipeline. [John Dorfman recommending stocks at PE 10, Bloomberg Opinion, Jul 18, 10]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals announced that it will no longer develop its drug ecallantide, a potential therapy to control bleeding in high-risk cardiac surgery patients. ...  will end a licensing agreement with Dyax  which discovered ecallantide and licensed it to Cubist.  [Mass High Tech, Apr 2, 10]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalsreported that its fourth-quarter profit dropped 76 percent from a year-ago period helped by a hefty tax benefit, but said sales of its antibiotic Cubicin sharply increased.   [Boston Globe, Jan 22, 10]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals, leaping into the biotech deal-making bazaar, is set to disclose today that it will spend up to $402.5 million to buy [two-year-old Calixa Therapeutics of San Diego, backed financially by a consortium of venture capital firms] that is developing an antibiotic to fight so-called superbugs.  [Robert Weisman, Boston Globe, Dec 14, 09]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalssaid it has prematurely ended enrollment in a Phase 2 trial for a potential therapy to control bleeding in high-risk cardiac surgery patients, citing disparities in trial data that may indicate unexpectedly high mortality rates. [Mass High Tech, Dec 8, 09]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals said it has entered into a deal to license technology from Hydra Biosciences (Cambridge, MA; $200K SBIR)  that develops drugs to treat pain and inflammation. Under the collaboration, Cubist agreed to pay Hydra an upfront licensing fee of $5 million and additional annual payments of $5 million for the first two years, in exchange for exclusive rights to develop and commercialize licensed products.  [Boston Globe, Oct 15, 09]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals filed a patent infringement lawsuit against [Israel's] Teva Parenteral Medicines, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
TPM is looking for approval of its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a generic version of daptomycin, sold as Cubicin (daptomycin for injection) by Cubist, before the Lexington biotech’s patent rights expired.
[Mass High Tech, Mar 24, 09]

Cubist Pharmaceuticalsfell 15% as a unit of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries informed Cubist it will be seeking approval for a generic version of Cubist's antibiotic Cubicin. [Wall Street Journal, Feb 11]

FORMA Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) said that it has signed a collaboration agreement with Cubist Pharmaceuticals to leverage [whatever that means] FORMA's chemistry platform to discover novel antibacterial compounds for development by Cubist.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Jan 27, 09]

Two local life sciences companies are teaming up to work on a collaboration to commercialize some RNAi therapeutics that could potentially yield one of the companies just over $100 million in up-front and milestone payments. Cubist Pharmaceuticals  and Alnylam Pharmaceuticals  announced that they have formed a strategic collaboration to develop and commercialize Alnylam's ALN-RSV program; the RSV-specific RNAi therapeutic program includes ALN-RSV01, which is currently in Phase II clinical development for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection in adult lung transplant patients, the two companies said in a press release.  [Boston Globe, Jan 9, 09]

New highs made by Cubist Pharma and Osiris Therapeutics [Dec 2, 08]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals opened its new 35,000-square-foot research facility at the company’s biopharmaceutical headquarters in Lexington. The facility, constructed of environmentally friendly materials, adds enough lab space to fit an additional 100 people, officials said. [Mass High Tech, Sep 30, 08]

Since Cubist Pharmaceuticals launched its first drug five years ago - an antibiotic called Cubicin - sales have skyrocketed. ... This year alone, the Lexington biotech company expects Cubicin to generate $395 million to $405 million in sales nationwide, up more than one-quarter from 2007. And executives predict that US sales could climb to $750 million within the next few years. Domestic sales have been so strong that the company next month will add 187,000 square feet to its Lexington headquarters.  But sales have been tepid elsewhere in the world. [Boston Globe, Aug 19, 08]

Under an exclusive agreement, Cubist Pharmaceuticals will provide sales and promotion of AstraZeneca's broad spectrum antibiotic Merrem I.V. in the U.S. for a guaranteed $20 million annually.  [Mass High Tech, Jul 2, 08]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals said first-quarter profit more than tripled, helped by higher demand for its products in the USA. Cubist markets Cubicin, an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections of the skin. [Boston Globe, Apr 18, 08]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals said it has warned the Food and Drug Administration that one of its antibiotic drugs, Cubicin, has been tainted with a potentially harmful industrial chemical. [Wall Street Journal, Apr 10, 08]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals  (Lexington, MA; $5M+ SBIR) lowered its previously reported fourth-quarter earnings to reflect a hefty acquisition charge [relating to buying] Illumigen Biosciences (Seattle, WA; $2M SBIR). [Boston Globe, Feb 13, 08]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals ($4M SBIR) repurchased $50M worth of notes through private transactions. [Boston Globe, Feb 8, 08]

Cubist Pharmaceuticals (Lexington, MA; $5+M SBIR) bought Illumigen Biosciences (Seattle,, WA; $2M SBIR) for $9M cash and planned milestone payments.  Cubist, of , will make up to $75M in development payments for Illumigen’s lead product, IB657, now aimed at treating hepatitis C. Development of the compound for other uses could trigger payments of up to $117M. [Boston Globe, Dec 27]

The SBIR advocate's nice Website lauds Cubist Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA) as Solidly involved in SBIR since 1995 and having a zooming stoxk price. Cubist says it is raising another $125M to cover the costs of clinical trials and commercialzation of daptomycin in the EDGE (TM) (Evaluation of Daptomycin in Gram-positive Entities). ... Cubist has in place-strategic partnerships with Novartis Pharma AG, Merck & Co., Inc. and Bristol-Myers Squibb and has formed biotechnology alliances with Phylos, Inc., Cetek, Coelacanth,and Neurogen Corporation. She notes that the stock price has been between 3 and 71 this year. What is SBIR's role in Cubist which has lost $35M cumulative since 1992 plus revenues of $11M. It went public in 1996. The stock dribbled along until late 1999 when it shot up from 10 to 70 as, After a quiet year in 1999, biotech stocks have exploded out of the starting gate in 2000, says Mary Weil of Dow Jones .... "I've never seen anything like this, and I've seen a lot of wacky things," says Phil Goldstein of Opportunity Partners. "The phrase 'life science' has captured people's attention The sshare sale at the astronomical price wll dilute the present shareholders and add to the cumulative capital loss. Who knows how long the investors will go along? They have supported Irvine Sensors for a decade of big losses. The company said that Phase 2 clinical trial data showed daptomycin, administered once-a-day at 4 milligrams per kilogram, has a 91% clinical success rate. SBA's publicly available database (which some observers say is quite inaccurate) says that Cubist has had about $1.6M of SBIR in the mid 90s. Which raises the question whether SBIR is causing the growth or riding on it. The SBIR money is both late and small and therefore likely to be merely reducing the cost of capital while the company adds one more brick to the temple it is building. Why does a company that can raise the kind of capital that Cubist is raising need a seed investment from a nursery government program? What is NIH doing with its SBIR besides incremental additions to research that will get funded by the private sector in huge amounts anyway?
One healthy approach to SBIR in public firms is to limit SBIR to the highest risk portion of wholly new technology that cannot attract private financing because, and only because, it is too technically uncertain for ROI calculation. Any other apporach is merely distorting private finance, a role government should be avoiding, unless you are a screaming liberal who believes that government should be organizing society including the private sector's allocation of capital.

Cue Biopharma (Cambridge, MA)

Cue Biopharma up 10% [Jan 3, 18]

Cue Biopharma (Cambridge,MA; no SBIR) up 55% [Jan 2, 18]  an immunotherapy company developing a novel, proprietary class of biologics engineered to selectively modulate the human immune system to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, announced the closing of its [IPO] [with] gross proceeds approximately $66.2 million [company press release, Jan 2, 18]

Cue Biopharma (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2015, at least $50M raised to date), an immunotherapy company developing a novel, proprietary class of biologics engineered to selectively modulate the human immune system to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, announced a strategic research collaboration and license agreement with Merck  ...  the CUE Biologics™ platform will be leveraged to develop biologics engineered to selectively modulate disease-relevant T cell subsets for the treatment of autoimmune disease. The multi-year collaboration will encompass multiple disease targets across certain primary disease indication areas.  ...   Cue Biopharma will receive an [undisclosed] up-front payment. .... also eligible to earn up to $374 million in research, development, regulatory and commercial milestone payments in addition to tiered royalties on sales, if all pre-specified milestones associated with multiple products across the primary disease indication areas are achieved.   [company press release, Nov 15, 17]

Cue Biopharma (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2015) aims to accomplish what cell therapy does, but in a different way—and without the same side effects. Rather than reintroducing T cells to the body that have been engineered to recognize tumors, Cue has developed what it says is a way to use a drug to activate the immune response. Passeri says Cue’s biological drug only triggers the T cells relevant to the cancer.  .... is now unveiling its immunotherapy approach, along with $16.4 million in new capital, led by MDB Capital Group. The investment follows $10 million in seed funding the company raised after it was founded. [Frank Vinluan,, Jan 24, 17]

Cullinan Oncology (Cambridge, MA)

Cullinan Oncology (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) and The Wistar Institute (Philadelphia, PA) announced an agreement to accelerate the development of VK-2019, a novel EBNA1 (Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1) inhibitor discovered by The Wistar Institute. [joint press release, Jan 30, 19] total funding $150M []

Cumberland Pharma (Nashville,TN)

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals down 18% [Dec 7, 21]

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals (Nashville, TN; $4.6M SBIR) down 18% [Dec 1, 21]

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals (Nashville, TN; $4.6M SBIR) up 129% [Nov 30, 21] announced [FDA] approved expanded labeling for Caldolor(R), an intravenously delivered formulation of ibuprofen, to now include use in pre-operative administration. The non-narcotic pain reliever may now be administered just prior to surgery to enable patients to wake up from their procedure in significantly less pain. [company press release, Nov 29, 21]

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals (Nashville, TN; $1.1M SBIR) and China's Gloria Pharmaceuticals announced a joint [R&D] initiative. Each company has made a $1 million investment in Cumberland Emerging Technologies, which is majority owned by Cumberland and partners with academic research centers to develop promising biopharmaceutical technologies. The new funds will be used to accelerate development of CET's pipeline of new product candidates emerging from Vanderbilt University and other regional research centers.  ....  Gloria will have the first opportunity to negotiate a license to CET products for China, and Cumberland will retain access to CET's product rights for the rest of the world.  [company press release, May 6, 14]

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals(Nashville, TN; $1M SBIR) down 12% [Aug 7, 13]

Cumberland Pharma(Nashville, TN; $1.1M SBIR) up 29% [Mar 15, 13]


Plans evolve. A reorganization of a division of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche has hit home in Branford [CT] with the layoffs of 60 people at the company's 454 Life Sciences subsidiary.....  part of an elimination of the Roche's Applied Science Division in order to enhance the company's overall "responsiveness to scientific and market needs." .... 454 Life Sciences was established as part of fellow biotech Curagen(Branford, CT; $1.2M SBIR) in 2000. It was acquired by Roche in 2007 and a year later was in an expansion mode, hiring workers in Branford   [Luther Turmelle, Hartford Courant, Apr 29]

Celldex Therapeutics (no SBIR) said it has agreed to buy CuraGen in a transaction that values CuraGen at $94.5 million. [Boston Globe, May 29, 09]

Drug developer CuraGen continues to cut expenses and consider selling itself as the firm prepares to release new data about the performance of its most advanced cancer drug. ... has yet to bring a drug to market, said it had a net loss of $1.5 million for the quarter ended March 31, down from $6.8 million a year earlier, and operating expenses of $3.6 million, down from $7.1 million. CuraGen had no revenue, but said it ended the quarter with $80 million in cash and investments.  [Hartford Courant, Apr 28, 09]

CuraGen reports it is evaluating “strategic initiatives to make more money for its shareholders, including possibly selling the company  [Mass High Tech, Feb 18, 09]

CuraGen reports it has regained compliance on the Nasdaq Global Market with its higher share price  [Mass High Tech, May 30]

CuraGen has been warned by NASDAQ for being below the buck. [Mass High Tech, Jan 30, 08] <

CuraGen and its Danish partner TopoTarget A/S have begun patient dosing in a Phase 1/2 clinical trial evaluating PXD101, a small molecule compound, for the treatment of inoperable hepatocellular cancer [Mass High Tech, Jul 14, 06]

The FDA gave CuraGen an orphan drug designation for its treatment of radiation induced oral mucositis (OM). An orphan drug is one that would cure less than 200K patients

CuraGen added a board member with 37 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry as chief scientific officer and senior vice president of Warner-Lambert. [Mass High Tech, Jan 7]

Curamir Therapeutics (Woburn, MA)

Delos Capital (China) announces that it has launched Curamir Therapeutics (Woburn, MA) biotechnology company pioneering micro RNA (miRNA) based cancer therapeutics, with a $10 million Series A financing [Delos press release, Sep 20, 19]

Curamir Therapeutics [Woburn, MA; no SBIR) raised $5.2M in equity and seeks to raise an additional $5M, according to an SEC filing. [Rowan Walrath, BostonInno, Sep, 4. 19]

Curative (San Dimas, CA)

COVID-19 testing startup Curative (San Dimas, CA; no SBIR, founded 2020) announced that the FDA has authorized its oral fluid test under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) guidelines. The Curative test has been in use by the City of Los Angeles since March 21, and with this EUA, it can now be scaled and distributed nationwide. [company press release, Apr 17, 20] Separately, The Air Force signed an agreement with Curative, to deploy and scale an oral fluid Coronavirus test, which recently received an FDA emergency use authorization, across Air Force installations. [USAF press release, Apr 17, 20]

Curi Bio (Seattle, WA)

Curi Bio (Seattle, WA; $8M SBIR) landed more than $4.4 million from [NIH] for two projects over the next two and a half years. ... uses stem cell technology to accelerate drug discovery [Rick Morgan, Seattle Inno, Aug 24, 2023]

Curi Bio (Seattle, WA; $4.5M SBIR) announced the second closing of a $10 million oversubscribed Series A financing [company press release, Dec 29, 2021]

Current Motor (Ann Arbor,MI)

Belle Capital, a new Michigan-based angel fund that backs women-run companies, has made its first investment, as much as $500,000, in Current Motor (Ann Arbor, MI; no SBIR), an electric motorcycle startup. [Thomas Lee,, Apr 29, 11]

Curtana Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA)

biotech company OncoNano Medicine (Dallas, TX; no SBIR) was one of the big winners in a $107 million round of funding (101 grants) awarded by the state’s cancer-fighting agency today. ...  awarded $6 million to OncoNano for a project that develops nanotechnology-enabled fluorescent probes to help cancer surgeons visualize tumors during surgery, allowing them to excise tumors more precisely. ...  [funding agency CPRIT] is a state agency created with $3 billion in bond money ... The largest single grant given this round by the state anti-cancer agency will go to Curtana Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA; no SBIR), relocating to Austin. It will receive $7.5 million over three years to develop treatments for adult and pediatric brain cancer tumors.  ...  Get the full list of 101 grant recipients here .   [Bill Hethcock, Dallas Business Journal, Aug 21, 14]

Custom Electronics (Oneonta, NY)

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority awarded $250K to  Custom Electronics  (Oneonta, NY; no SBIR)  to develop a detailed commercialization plan and produce prototype devices for a high voltage graphene-based electrolytic capacitor. This product is designed to provide increased power conditioning performance for applications such as computer servers and electrical equipment. [NYSERDA, Oct 27, 14]

CVD Equipment (Central Islip NY)

CVD Equipment (Central Islip, NY; $700K SBIR) up 29% [Aug 21, 2023]

CVD Equipment (CENTRAL ISLIP, NY; $500K SBIR) down 26% [May 16, 2023] reported financial results

CVD Equipment  (Central Islip, NY; $100K SBIR in 1987, 173 employees) up 12% [May 16,17]

CVD Equipment (Central Islip, NY; two SBIRs in 1980s) up 21% [May 10, 16]

CVD Equipment (Central Islip NY; $100K SBIR in 1987) up 14% [Aug 13, 15] on "record-breaking" results

CVRx (Maple Grove, MN)

a ninth round  for CVRx  (Brooklyn Park MN; no SBIR) which makes a treatment for high blood pressure and heart failure, attracted $46.5 million.   [Patrick Kennedy, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Oct 14, 16]

CVRx  (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR, founded 2000) revealed more details about its recent venture capital round  saying it pulled in a total of $93 million in an investment led by Johnson & Johnson’s venture capital arm.  [Katharine Grayson, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal, Aug 9, 16]   secured a new $20 million debt facility  for the primary purposes of completing the Baroreflex Activation Therapy for Heart Failure Pivotal Clinical Trial (BeAT-HF) and expanding its global commercial activities. The company closed a $20 million term loan agreement  ... develops implantable technology for the treatment of high blood pressure/hypertension and heart failure to serve customers in Europe. [, Aug 9, 16]

Medical device maker CVRx (Minneapolis, MN; no SBIR) will announce that it has raised $93 million in VC, led by Johnson & Johnson Innovation, which also invested in a 2008 round. The fresh funds should enable CVRx to complete its final clinical tests of its Barostim Neo implant for U.S. regulators and proceed to U.S.-market commercialization. The product already is sold in Europe.    [Neal St. Anthony, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Aug 8, 16]

CVRx  (Brooklyn Park, MN; no SBIR) closed on $12 million in funding for clinical trials of its implantable device, which treats high blood pressure and heart failure. .... on top of the nearly $30 million in funding CVRx raised in July. The company has now reeled in more than $250 million since launching in 2001. ...  use the funds for an international launch of Barostim neo, its pacemaker-like device that uses electricity to stimulate blood-pressure receptors in a patient’s carotid arteries.  [Katharine Grayson, Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal , Oct 31, 13]

Med-tech firm CVRx (Brooklyn Park, MN; no SBIR), which is developing a device to treat high blood pressure, has raised $29.6 million [partly from J&J] to help pay for just-approved clinical trials. ... The [St Paul] Pioneer Press notes that -based CVRx has already raised $209 million to fund its new device, which resembles a pacemaker but is used to help control hypertension. [Mark Reilly, Minneapolis / St Paul Business Journal, Jul 11, 13]

Medical devices start-ups powered Minnesota to the best quarterly VC performance in eight years just as a sagging economy curbed venture spending across the country. ... Seven medical device firms captured $130 million, led by CVRx(Brooklyn Park, MN; no SBIR) that makes a device that treats high blood pressure, raised $84 million on top of the $200 million investors have already poured into the company.  Cardiac Concepts  (no SBIR) first-round financing totaled a hefty $21 million. ... Other notable deals: Proto Labs (Maple Plain, MN; no SBIR) -based maker of injection molded products, attracted $67.2 million. Sage Electrochromics (Faribault, MN; $2M SBIR) raised $13.3 million, which makes glass that influences building temperatures, previously won $16 million in venture financing.  [Minneapolis Star Tribune, Oct 26, 08]CVRx (Maple Grove, MN; no SBIR) is developing a device to treat high blood pressure or hypertension, said the first data from a European clinical trial look promising. [Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jun 18, 08]

CV Therapeutics (Palo Alto, CA)

The CEO and CFO of CV Thera sold $12M worth of shares. [Wall Street Journal, Apr 11, 09]

CV Thera up 13% [Mar 12, 09]

CV Therapeutics  up 36% [Jan 27, 09] after Astellas Pharma made a nearly $1 billion unsolicited takeover offer [WSJ, Jan 28]

CV Thera up 10% [Jan 21, 09]

CV Thera up 15% [Jan 15, 09]

Hit the Jackpot. CV Therapeutics just got a nice reward after winning federal approval last week for Lexiscan, a drug it developed to help doctors identify patients with heart ailments. TPG-Axon Capital, a New York hedge fund, has agreed to pay the Palo Alto biotechnology company $175 million in exchange for half the sales royalties CV Therapeutics gets from its partner, Astellas Pharma of Tokyo, which will market the product.  CV Therapeutics also said in a news release it could receive $10 million more from TPG-Axon if certain unspecified goals are met in connection with the drug. Plus, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of the drug entitled CV Therapeutics to a $12 million goal-reaching payment from Astellas.  Lexiscan is designed for patients unable to exercise on treadmills to generate the increased blood flow needed for doctors to check them for coronary artery disease. The drug mimics the effect of exercise by temporarily increasing blood flow.  [San Jose Mercury News, Apr 16]

CV Thera up 13% [Mar 12, 08]

CV Therapeutics (Palo Alto, CA; one SBIR) down 20% ; posted a fourth-quarter loss that exceeded Wall Street forecasts. [Wall Street Journal, Feb 28]

CV Therapeutics up 12% [Aug 8, 07]

CV Therapeutics up 11% after filing an application for a drug to be used in heart stress tests. [May 16, 07]

CV Therapeutics(one small SBIR) fell 24%, after reporting that a heart-condition drug failed to meet its efficacy goal in a trial.

Cyanotech (Kailua-Kona, HI)

Cyanotech (Kailuha, HI; one SBIR, founded Y2K) up 36% [Feb 6,18] a world leader in microalgae-based, high-value nutrition and health products, reported a quarterly profit [company press release Feb 6, 18]

Cyanotech (Kailua, HI; one SBIR) up 10% [May 9, 16]

Cyanotech  up 17% [Feb 12, 15]

Cyanotech down 11% [Nov 20, 14] 

Cyanotech  up 10% [Nov 17, 14]

Cyanotech (Kailua-Kona, HI: one SBIR) up 23% [Nov 11, 14]  a world leader in microalgae-based, high-value nutrition and health products ...   strong quarter financials  [company website]


Cyberdyne debut on the Tokyo Stock Exchange sends a strong message to the industry and to the world: The robots are coming. Heck, they're already here. [Travis Hessman,  Technology Trends, Apr 1, 14]

CyberKey Solutions

Federal authorities have accused the CEO of CyberKey Solutions Inc. of St. George (UT) of defrauding investors by selling unregistered stock and falsely claiming the company had a $25M purchase order from the Department of Homeland Security. [Salt Lake Tribune, Mar 21]  No SBIR

Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems

Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systemswhose device to treat victims of spinal-cord injuries was developed at Purdue University and researched at Indiana University -- serves as a reminder that creating such ventures is a tough and complicated task.  ...  is quickly running out of money and may have to shut down in the coming weeks, according to a company filing this week with securities regulators. [Indianapolis Star, Nov 6, 08]

NeuroMetrix Inc. and Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems report the two medical devices firms have formed a limited liability company to expand an existing joint venture to develop a product for peripheral nerve injury. [Mass High Tech, Feb 19, 08]

Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems says the FDA wants more information about its Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) marketing application for its nerve growth stimulator system for spinal injuries. The additional analyses and data request may delay HDE market approval until at least the first half of 2008 [Mass High Tech, Dec 11]

Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems asked the government for a humanitarian exemption to gain approval for its device to restore nerve function in patients with spinal cord injuries. [Mass High Tech, Feb 21] One Phase 2 SBIR in 2002.

Cybernet Systems (Ann Arbor, MI)

Cybernet Systems(Ann Arbor, MI; something like $60M SBIR) [developed a] remarkable ammunition sorter for the Army. The SBIR Phase I, II and III funding was approximately $1.8 million. The first unit was prototyped 90 days after completion of the Phase II, and was in the field in Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, 45 days thereafter! The [Army] said that it resulted in over $27 million in savings in the first four months of operation. Savings to date for the five years are slightly over $500 million. The Army ROI was about 278:1—not too bad!  [SBTC Success Story, Nov 4, 09]  Note: always beware of government "savings" claims.

Cyberonics (Houston, TX)

Buying tech abroad.  Cyberonics (Houston, TX; no SBIR, 536 employees) made an initial investment of $2.6 million in a German company [Cerbomed GmbH]that is developing a non-invasive neurostimulation device for the treatment of epilepsy.  .... [the company] said in a statement that its total investment in Cerbomed could reach as high as $7.2 million, subject to reaching certain milestones. Cerbomed's Nemos device received regulatory approval for the treatment of epilepsy and depression in 2010 and for pain in 2012 and is now commercially available in Germany and Austria.  [Greg Barr, Houston Business Journal, Sep 21, 12] 

CyberOptics   (Golden Valley, MN)

CyberOptics (Minneapolis, MN; $400K SBIR) up 29% [Aug 8, 2022] specialized-equipment company Nordson said it was buying CyberOptics, a 3D-sensing technology company, for $380 million. [Barron's , Aug 8, 22]

CyberOptics down 29% [Oct 23, 20] reported increased sales and a net profit [company press release, Oct 22, 20]

CyberOptics up 16% [Apr 24, 20]

CyberOptics down 23% [Jul 2, 19]

Cyber Opticsdown 10% [Feb 5,18]

Cyber Optics up 10% [Oct 25, 17]

Cyber Optics down 27% [Oct 2, 17]

Cyber Optics down 27% [Jul 28, 17]

Cyber Optics down 13% [Apr 26, 17]

Cyber Optics down 19% [Mar 1,17] Reports Strong Fourth Quarter Year-Over-Year Operating Results  [company press release, Feb 28, 17]

Cyber Optics up 16% [Jan 18, 17]

Cyber Optics up 14% [Jan 9,17]

CyberOptics up 10% [Jan 5,17]

Cyber Optics up 13% [Nov 16, 16]

Cyber Optics up 10% [Aug 29, 16]

Cyber Optics up 13% [Aug 26, 16]

CyberOptics up 15% [Apr 29, 16]

CyberOptics up 18% [Apr 15, 16]

CyberOptics up 18% [Apr 13, 16]

Cyber Optics up 10% [Jan 8, 16]

CyberOptics (Minneapolis, MN; $300K SBIR) down 15% [Oct 28, 15]  after reporting quarterly results

CyberOptics ($300K SBIR long ago) down 12% [Jul 31,15]

Cyber Optics up 10% [Jan 6, 15]

CyberOptics  up 10% [Nov 12, 14]

CyberOptics  (Minneapolis, MN; $300K SBIR) down 12% [Nov 3, 14] 

CyberOptics (Minneapolis, MN; $300K SBIR)  up 10% [Aug 25, 14] reported significantly improved operating results for the second quarter

CyberOptics(Minneapolis, MN; $300K SBIR) has a [$3 million all-cash]deal to acquire Laser Design (Bloomington, MN; no SBIR), a 3D measuring company [which] makes about $6 million in yearly revenue and provides scanning systems and services to major customers like Samsung and Toyota. [Branden Largent , Minneapolis / St Paul Business Journal, Jan 15, 14] 

CyberOptics(Minneapolis, MN; $300K SBIR) up 13% [Jan 15, 14]

CyberOptics (Minneapolis, MN; $300K SBIR) down 10% [Oct 8, 13]

CyberOptics (Golden Valley, MN; $300K SBIR) said it has cut 10 percent of its workforce in response to a severe drop in sales. ...  had about 200 employees earlier this year, [Ed Stych, Minneaapolis / St Paul Business Journal, Dec 7, 12]

CyberOptics  up 10% [Jun 24, 08]

CyberOptics (Golden Valley, MN; $0.3M SBIR) said that it expects to begin a "Dutch Auction" tender offer within the next two weeks to buy a number of common stock shares not to exceed a total price of $15 million. [Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jun 23,08]

Cybrexa Therapeutics (New Haven, CT)

[present] therapies are not as effective at attacking cancer cells that lack the antigen they are designed to target. Yale University spinout Cybrexa Therapeutics (New Haven, CT; $1.2M SBIR) is reporting promising early evidence indicating it may have a solution to that shortcoming. Cybrexa has developed a peptide-drug conjugate (PDC) which, instead of aiming for a specific antigen, targets the acidic environment of cancer cells to deliver a toxic payload. [Angus Liu, Fierce Biotech, Oct 7, 2021]

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals (Berkeley Heights, NJ)

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals down 52% [Apr 21, 20] announced the pricing of a public offering with expected total gross proceeds of approximately $20 million [company press release, Apr 21, 20]

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals (Berkeley Heights, NJ; no SBIR) up 38% [Apr 20, 20] developing innovative medicines announced it entered into an agreement with the University of Edinburgh to study fadraciclib (CYC065) and seliciclib (CYC202 or R-roscovitine), its clinical stage CDK2/9 inhibitors, as potential early treatments for the inflammatory response observed in patients with COVID-19 disease. [company press release, Apr 20, 20] executed 1:20 reverse stock split Apr 14, 20]

Cyclerion Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Cyclerion Thera (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) up 37% [Jun 23, 20]

Cyclerion Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR) down 80% [Oct 30, 19], a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimulators for the treatment of serious and orphan diseases, announced topline results from its Phase 2 proof-of-concept study of praliciguat ... The study did not meet statistical significance on its primary endpoint of reduction in albuminuria from baseline as compared to placebo, but there was a trend toward improvement across the total intention-to-treat (ITT) study population. [compamy press release, Oct 29, 19] will lay off 30 of its 135 employees [Fierce Biotech, Oct 30, 19]

Cydan (Cambridge, MA

orphan drug startup accelerator Cydan launched its second company this week, Imara  (Cambridge, MA) with a $31 million Series A round and a drug candidate aimed at sickle cell disease.  [Ben Fidler,, Apr 14, 16]

Cydan LLC(Cambridge, MA; no SBIR)  announced its launch with $16 million in financing. Cydan plans to focus on rare diseases and help acclerate the development and commercialization of the so-called orphan drugs designed to treat rare diseases. A rare and orphan disease is generally one that affects fewer than 200,000 patients, or about 1 in 1,500 people, in the US  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Apr 11, 13]

Cygnal Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Flagship Pioneering, a unique life sciences innovation enterprise, unveiled Cygnal Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2017). Cygnal is the first company to develop drugs in the field of exoneural biology, a new understanding of how nerves and neural signaling drive human health and disease. [Flagship press release, Oct 8, 19] With $65 million from Flagship and other unidentified investors [Jonathan Saltzman, Boston Globe, Oct 8, 19]

Cykloburn Technologies (Baltimore, MD)

SBIR has provided two [DC] startups, both spun out of area universities, with funding, the Baltimore Business Journal reports. Gemstone Biotherapeutics, a company that's developing "scar-free skin regeneration" technology and was originally formed at Johns Hopkins University, received $225K from [NSF]. Cykloburn Technologies, a Morgan State University startup that looks to turn "excess poultry farm litter" into clean energy, also received $225K. [DCInno, Jul 2, 18]

CymaBay Therapeutics (Hayward, CA)

CymaBay Thera down 76% [Nov 25, 19] announced that the company was terminating its Phase 2b study of seladelpar in subjects with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and its recently initiated Phase 2 study of seladelpar in subjects with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). In addition, the company is putting on hold all studies of seladelpar in subjects with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). [company press release, Nov 25, 19]

Cymabay (Newark, CA; no SBIR, founded 1991) reported interim results from a Phase 2 study of its experimental drug seladelpar in 181 NASH patients. After 12 weeks of treatment, seladelpar led to “minimal and not significant” reductions in patients’ liver fat compared to placebo—the study’s main goal. [Ben Fidler,, Jun 11, 19] total funding $180M []

CyMaBay Thera down 14% [Feb 25, 15]

CymaBay Therapeutics  (formerly Metabolex (one SBIR)  down 19% [Feb 24, 15] announced positive preliminary topline results from its Phase 2b clinical study of its lead product candidate, arhalofenate, for the treatment of gout. [company press release]

Gout drug developer CymaBay Therapeutics (Hayward, CA; no SBIR, 12 employees) lined up $5 million in venture debt   ... The fundraising by the former Metabolex  comes on the heels of CymaBay selling more than 6 million shares of common stock and warrants to buy another 1.2 million shares that the company said raised more than $33 million in September and October.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Dec 11, 13]

Cymbet (Elk River, MN)

Thin-film battery maker Cymbet  (Elk River, MN; no SBIR, founded 2000) announced that it has completed a recapitalization and restructuring of the company in connection with a $10 million-plus equity investment ....  the first to market eco-friendly rechargeable solid state batteries that provide electronic systems designers with new embedded power capabilities. ...  utilize semiconductor fabrication processes to produce a rechargeable energy storage device with no liquids, gels, or harmful chemicals. [company press release and website, Jan 21, 16]

Cymbet (Elk River, MN; no SBIR) announced that it has completed a recapitalization and restructuring of the company in connection with a $10 million-plus equity investment ...  will fund the productization and introduction of new products and provide additional working capital to expand Cymbet’s business in key markets.  ... The company’s EnerChip™ devices are the first eco-friendly rechargeable solid state batteries that provide electronic system designers new embedded power capabilities.  [company press release, Jan 12, 16]

Cymbet (Elk River, MN; no SBIR) , a maker of thin-film rechargeable batteries, has wrapped up a $31 million round of financing, ... third round of funding; that round began in late 2008, when the company closed on $14 million  ...  technology provides back-up power to circuits used in several electronic devices, such as cell phones [Kathryn Grayson, Minneapolis/St Paul Business Journal, Jan 25, 10]

Cymbet (Elk River, MN) got $16.5M in a second round of private-equity financing to scale up to  large-scale commercial production of its "thin-film" technology for microscopic batteries. Said CEO Bill Priesmeyer, "The technology works .. with immediate applications and cost savings."   The deal is one of the largest single VC deal for a Minnesota company this year. Cymbet founder Mark Jenson, a one-time Honeywell engineer, and his team have worked for several years to convert battery technology licensed from the federal government into what Cymbet calls its patented "Power Fab" manufacturing process. Nearly $6 million of the $16.5 million in funding was raised from affluent individuals [Minneapolis Star Tribune, Dec 21, 04] Cymbet does not show up on the SBIR radar. In Minneapolis, medical equipment innovations are right at home in the Medtronic neighborhood. Porter's cluster ideas tell why. And why politicians' putting SBIR money in the middle of agricultural landscapes in isolated companies has little chance of being anything more than a jobs handout.

CyMedica Orthopedics (Scottsdale, AZ)

CyMedica Orthopedics (Scottsdalem AZ; no SBIR, fouded 2013, 25 employees)) medical device company, has received $11.5 million in venture capital financing to launch its healing device. ...  to treat quadriceps muscle atrophy, received [FDA] clearance in April to market in the U.S. ... sends a small pulse of electricity into the patient's quad, causing the nerve to activate the muscle, simulating exercise to rebuild the muscle

Cymer Technologies (formerly Cymer Laser Technologies, San Diego, CA)

Cymer Technologies (formerly Cymer Laser Technologies, San Diego, CA; $400K SBIR, founded 1986, IPO1996) and parent company ASML (The Netherlands, acqusition 2014) have cleared key performance milestones required by big semiconductor manufacturing houses such as Intel, Samsung and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.  These chipmakers are beginning to order equipment from ASML/Cymer in larger volumes for inclusion in their production lines -- not just for pilot testing. [Mike Freeman, San Diego Union Tribune, Aug 29, 17]

The parent company ofCymeris expanding its clean room manufacturing facilities in San Diego and elsewhere to produce the next generation of complex lasers used in semiconductor production.  ASML, a Netherlands company which purchased Cymer earlier this year for $3.7 billion, plans to convert 50,000 square feet of warehouse and light manufacturing space in San Diego to high-tech clean room production facilities for Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) laser systems starting early next year.   [Mike Freeman,, Dec 4, 13]

Cymer (San Diego, CA; $400K SBIR twenty years ago), a maker of complex lasers used in semiconductor production, has completed its sale to ASML Holdings of The Netherlands in a cash and stock deal value at about $3.7 billion.  [Mike Freeman,, May 30, 13]  If victory has a thousand fathers, SBIR advocates should trumpet the economic gain.  And the free-marketers should question whether the "investment" was really correcting a "market failure." But since SBIR is all politics, expect some fatuous remarks from SBA. On the other hand, there is a clique in SBIR-land that wants the program to defend small (uncompetitive) companies' remaining small and locally owned for which there is no federal justification.

Cymer up 49% [Oct 17, 12] on news of buyout

Cymer ($400K SBIR two decades ago), a maker of complex lasers used in semiconductor production, has agreed to be acquired by ASML Holdings of the Netherlands in a cash and stock deal valued at $2.5 billion. [Mike Freeman,, Oct 16, 12]

Cymer (San Diego, CA; $400K SBIR twenty years ago)  is developing the next generation of laser systems that will allow semiconductor manufacturers to produce even smaller, more powerful chips. Cymer recently showed off its technology, called Extreme Ultra Violet, in demonstrations .... expects to spend $58 million in research and development in the second quarter  [Mike Freeman,, Apr 25, 12]


Cynosure (Westford, MA; $3.2M SBIR in the 1990s) up 28% [Feb 14, 17]  Hologic (Marlborough, MA; no SBIR), a leader in women's health, and Cynosure, a leader in medical aesthetics systems and technologies, announced they have signed a definitive agreement for Hologic to acquire all outstanding Cynosure shares for [approximately $1.65 billion]. [joint companies press release, Feb 14, 17]

Cynosure  (Bedford, MA; $3.2M SBIR) up 17% [Jul 29, 14] 

Cynosure(Bedford, MA; $3.2M SBIR), a developer and manufacturer of lasers used for such aesthetic applications as hair and tattoo removal, has signed a lease that greatly expands its presence at Westford Corporate Center following its recent acquisition of Palomar Medical Technologies (Burlington, MA; no SBIR), a broker involved in the transaction said [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Dec 17, 13].

laser health-care and aesthetics systems maker Cynosure (Westford, MA; $3.1M SBIR) has paid $24 million in cash for the assets of the aesthetic laser business of California’s HOYA ConBio. The laser business is based on HOYA ConBio’s proprietary PhotoAcoustic energy technology. With an installed base of more than 3,200 aesthetic laser systems worldwide, HOYA ConBio generated revenue of $23.9 million from aesthetic applications for its fiscal year ending March 31, 2011. The company derived most of that from outside the United States [ Rodney Brown, Mass High Tech, Jun 28, 11]

Cynosure (Westford, MA; $3.3M SBIR) that specializes in aesthetic lasers and other aesthetic treatment systems, said it has reduced its worldwide headcount by 17%, which leaves the company with about 285 employees. [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Jan 15]

BioChemics (Danvers, MA; no SBIR) announced that it has signed a research collaboration agreement with Cynosure (Westford, MA; $3M SBIR) to evaluate the use of BCI's VALE based compositions in conjunction with light based aesthetic treatments.  [Boston Globe, Sep 30]

Cynosure (Westford, MA; $3M SBIR), developer and manufacturer of light-based aesthetic treatment systems, announced the opening of its second sales office in the People's Republic of China.  [Chris Reidy, Boston Globe, Jun 26]

Cynosure(Westford, MA; $3M SBIR) reported second-quarter revenues of $30M, up 66%. [Boston Globe, Aug 16,07]

Popping Fat Cells. Cynosure got FDA OK for its Smartlipo system, a laser procedure that disrupts fat cells and causes coagulation of the tissue leading to skin tightening.  Four Phase 2 SBIRs in the 1990s. It now says it is  a worldwide organization with four wholly owned international subsidiaries, a joint venture in China, 19 distributors, and installations in 64 countries. [company press release, Nov 9]

Cyntellect (San Diego, CA)

Cyntellect(San Diego, CA; $3.5M SBIR) a provider of biotechnology research instruments, has raised $9 million in equity, debt and rights funding, according to a regulatory filing. ... added to its Series E round, in which the firm raised $16 million last year  [, May 21]

Cypher Genomics (San Diego, CA)

Cypher Genomics  (San Diego, CA; no SBIR, founded 2011, 10 employees) biotech startup has signed a sales partnership with DNA sequencing giant Illumina and brought on board some prominent industry veterans. ...  Illumina's sales force will sell Cypher Genomics's service which analyzes genomes to discover clinically important information. The software uses all the genome, including the great majority lacking genes that code for proteins but that still may contain sequences that influence health, said Ashley Van Zeeland   [Bradley Fikes, utsandiego. com, Jul 24, 14]

Cypher Genomics (San Diego, CA; no SBIR, five employees) , a startup developing software programs to help clinicians and researchers more quickly and easily search large genomic databases for information that will help them detect, identify and treat diseases. ....  [believes that] the real challenge in the future will be in interpreting changes in DNA sequences between individuals and how they may impact health.  [Gary Robbins, utsandiego, Mar 13, 12]

CyPhy Works

CyPhy Works (Danvers, MA; $700K SBIR) announced a $22 million Series B round ...   [FAA] decision to green-light commercial drone use earlier this year appears to be spurring the deployment of even more capital into the fledgling sector. ...   founded by iRobot co-founder Helen Greiner.  ...   Other [VC recipients] in this sector include 3D Robotics (Berkeley, CA; no SBIR), which has raised more than $90 million, and Airware (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR), which has snagged more than $40 million. [Jeff Engel,, Oct 13, 15]

CyPhy Works (Danvers, MA; $700K SBIR), a maker of flying robots said that it was awarded a [USAF] contract [from DOD's Rapid Innovation Fund] for a new miniature drone that could help improve search-and-rescue operations. ...   Extreme Access Pocket Flyer — which can fit into the cargo pants of a military member and weighs 2.3 ounces — will focus on the remote inspection of small passageways and tunnels that are often blocked by debris and rubble. The drone measures about 7 inches by 7 inches and is 2 inches thick.  [David Harris, Boston Business Journal, Sep 17, 14]

$7 million just deposited to the bank account of CyPhy Works  (Danvers. MA;  $700K SBIR), the drone startup from iRobot co-founder Helen Greiner. ...  they're tethered to a portable command station on the ground by a "microfilament" that's thinner than the cord on your headphones. .....  But commercial drones likely won't be cleared for take-off by the Federal Aviation Authority before 2015.  [Scott Kirsner, Boston Globe, Nov 5, 13]

CyPhy Works(Danvers, MA; one SBIR)., a maker of small unmanned flying robots to be used for infrastructure inspections, has raised $1.2 million in a new round of funding, according to federal documents ...  founded as The Droid Works in 2009 by iRobot Corp. co-founder Helen Greiner ... is listed as developing its technology for both commercial and defense clients [Rodney Brown, Mass High Tech, Jul 12, 11]

CyPhy Works  (no SBIR), formerly known as The Droid Works and founded by iRobot co-founder Helen Greiner, has landed a $2.4 million research award from [NIST] [Mass High Tech, Dec 16, 09]

Cypress Bioscience (San Diego, CA)

Cypress Bioscience (San Diego, CA; no SBIR)  says it paid $5 million to license an electronic nicotine delivery technology from Alexza Pharmaceutical that helps smokers quit smoking by enabling them to inhale reduced doses of nicotine without smoking cigarettes. .... also agreed to pay Alexza an additional $1 million technology transfer payment once certain milestones have been met. Alexza also gets 10 percent (subject to certain circumstances) in the net proceeds of any sale or license of its nicotine delivery technology.  ... Earlier this month, Cypress rejected a $160-million buyout offer .... At roughly the same time, laid off 123 employees, or 86 percent of its workforce, in a strategic reorganization  [Bruce Bigelow,, Aug 28, 10]

Cyrus Biotechnology (Seattle,WA)

Cyrus Biotechnology (Seattle, WA; $200K SBIR) announced the closing of a $18M Series B financing and acquisition of Orthogonal Biologics, a deep mutational scanning protein engineering spin-out from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. [company press release, Dec 6, 21]

Cyrus Biotechnology (Seattle, WA; no time yet for SBIR, founded 2015) is harnessing UW technology so scientists can sort through large data sets, design proteins and bring drugs to market faster. ...  The company's product, Cyrus Bench, is a software-as-a-service product. It works by using a computer to design proteins.  [Annie Zak, Puget Sound Business Journal, Jun 3, 15]  SBIR is simply not designed for fast runners as it favors the slow, steady, and predictable.

Cyteir Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA)

Cyteir Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; $2.2M SBIR) up 20% [Jun 25, 21] announced the closing of its [IPO] with gross proceeds $133 million [company press release, Jun 22, 21]

Cyteir Therapeutics (Lexington, MA; $2,2M SBIR), a leader in the discovery and development of next-generation synthetic lethal therapies for cancer, today announced the close of an oversubscribed $80 million Series C financing. The company will use the new funds to advance its lead compound, the first-in-class inhibitor of RAD51-mediated DNA repair, CYT-0851, into phase 2 monotherapy trials in hematologic cancers and solid tumors, to initiate trials combining CYT-0851 with other cancer therapies, and to expand preclinical research to identify and advance additional novel cancer therapies. [company press release, Feb 11, 21[

Cyteir Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; $2.2M SBIR, founded 2012) Adds $40M for Clinical Test of “Synthetically Lethal” Cancer Drug ...  has $40.2 million more in cash to support early-stage tests of a drug intended to treat cancer by targeting a tumor repair mechanism. [Frank Vinluan,, Oct 15, 19] prior funding $36M []

Cyteir Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, founded 2012) just raised $29 million  [with its] approach to treating cancer is based on research showing how cancer cells behave differently than healthy ones.... Cyteir is the latest company to emerge with the goal of broadening synthetic lethality beyond PARP.  Tango Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA; no SBIR, Series A 2017) unveiled a $55 million in funding last year to back its synthetic lethality research in cancer. Repare Therapeutics (Boston, MA and Canda; no SBIR, founded 2016) raised $68 million last year to support its work. Ideaya Biosciences (South San Francisco and La Jolla, CA; no SBIR, founded 2015), which raised $46 million in 2016, is also in the mix. [Frank Vinluan,, Mar 8, 18]

Cyterix Pharmaceuticals (San Francisco,CA)

Biotech startup Cyterix Pharmaceuticals (San Francisco, CA; no SBIR) raised $9.2 million ...  founded by academics Steve Everett and Paul Ortiz de Montellano and the late biotech entrepreneur John Curd, is working to discover and develop drugs that target certain enzymes that are highly over-expressed in many cancers. Specifically, it targets extra-hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes.[Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Jun 7, 11]

CytImmune (Rockville,MD)

CytImmune Sciences (Rockville, MD; $700K SBIR)  has raised $400,000 from the Maryland Venture Fund, Montgomery County and an unnamed venture investor to push Aurimune — a drug that pairs a decades-old tumor-fighting agent with gold nanoparticles — into phase 2 trials.  [Bill Flook, Washington Business Journal, Jun 3, 14]  

The trick, then, is to concentrate the TNF in the tumour. That can be done surgically, by a procedure known as isolated limb perfusion. But this is complicated, and the treatment works only in about three-quarters of cases. CytImmune (Rockville, MD; $700K SBIR) hopes that its method will be simpler. It intends to use Aurimune as a way of delivering TNF to the tumour site, and only to the tumour site, by employing the “leaky wall” effect to get the particles to the right place.  [The Economist, Nov 8, 08]

CytImmune (Rockville, MD; two SBIRs), which uses nanotechnology to target tumors with its PEGylated colloidal gold delivery system has totaled $14M from private investment and grant funding. [Muphen R. Whitney, Tech Journal South, Nov 2]

CytoAgents (Pittsburgh, PA)

CytoAgents (Pittsburgh, PA; $3.7M SBIR, four employees) announced it reached the next milestone in its pursuit of full [FDA] approval for its drug that looks to aid cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy treatment. This new clearance for CytoAgents comes just days after the startup closed on a $7 million Series A2. [ Nate Doughty, Pittsburgh Inno, May 12, 2023]

CytoBioScience (San Antonio, TX)

CytoBioscience (San Antonio, TX; $200K SBIR) acquired BioDtech (Birmingham, AL; $600K SBIR, founded 2003) [W. Scott Bailey, San Antonio Business Journal, Nov 28, 18] BioDtech develops technologically advanced products geared toward the endotoxin market [company web site]

CytoBioScience (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) revealed that WestMountain (Fort Collins, CO; no SBIR), a marketing, media relations, and investor relations consultant, merged into CytoBioscience, according to [SEC] document.  .... raised a $1.53 million equity round of funding, according to a document filed March 19 with the SEC, which states that the funds are being raised in connection with an intended merger.  [David Holley,, Mar 23, 18]

CytoBioScience (San Antonio, one SBIR, founded in Germany, moved to San Antonio in 2015) that canceled plans to merge with a publicly traded business last year, may have new merger plans. .... raised a $1.53 million equity round of funding, according to [SEC filing], which states that the funds are being raised in connection with an intended merger. [David Holley,, Mar 19, 18]

CytoBioScience (San Antonio, TX;  no SBIR, founded in Germany and moved to San Antonio in 2015) announced it signed a letter of intent to merge with Skyline Medical (Eagan, MN; no SBIR)  [David Holley,, Aug 1, 17]

Cytocentrics (San Antonio, TX)

Cytocentrics (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) is looking to raise $30 million in Series B funding. [W. Scott Bailey, San Antonio Business Journal, Apr 1, 16]

Cytocentrics (San Antonio, TX; no SBIR) has entered into a business collaboration with Cologne, Germany-based Axiogenesis which could trigger additional economic development opportunities in San Antonio. Under the new deal, Cytocentrics will become the exclusive U.S. distributor of Axiogenesis’ novel cardiomyocyte cell lines and American portal for the company’s other stem cell products.   Through Axiogenesis’ proprietary technology, the bioscience company can reprogram human skin or blood cells into embryonic-like stem cells.   [W. Scott Bailey, San Antonio Business Journal, Jan 11, 16]

CytoCore (formerly Molecular Diagnostics, Chicago. IL)

CytoCore (formerly Molecular Diagnostics, Chicago. IL; no SBIR) announced that MEDITE Group (Orlando, FL; no SBIR) , a leading developer of innovative, high-quality equipment and supplies for the cancer diagnostic segments of histology, pathology and cytology announced that it has signed a definitive purchase agreement to be acquired by CytoCore a late development stage bio molecular diagnostics company [company press release, Jan 13, 14]

Cytocybernetics (Buffalo, NY)

Cytocybernetics (Buffalo, NY; one prior SBIR), a University at Buffalo spinoff, has been awarded $1.5 million [NIH SBIR] to develop an enhanced version of the Cybercyte — the company’s device that integrates electronics with heart muscle cells to test how new drugs affect the heart’s electrical activity. ... previously won $500,000 in the 43North business idea competition, and received funding through the SUNY Technology Accelerator Fund (TAF) and UB Center for Advanced Technology in Big Data and Health Sciences. [Charlotte Hsu, U Buffalo press release, Jan 17, 18]

CytoDyn (Vancouver, WA)

CytoDyn (Vancouver WA; no SBIR), which is developing an HIV drug, has completed a capital raise of $4.3 million, according to [SEC] filing  ... In January,  raised $33 million in equity.   [Elizabeth Hayes, Portland Business Journal, May 11, 16]

CytoDyn  (Vancouver, WA; no SBIR), which recently found itself in the national spotlight when actor Charlie Sheen expressed interest in the HIV drug the company is developing, raised $33 million. ....  is in a Phase 3 trial that combines PRO 140 with the current standard retroviral therapy This week, the company announced plans for a Phase 3 “monotherapy” trial, in which patients would substitute PRO 140, a self-administered weekly shot, for their oral drug regimen. The therapy has so far shown a drop in patients’ viral loads.  [Elizabeth Hayes, Portland Business Journal, Feb 25, 16]

Cytodyne (Vancouver, WA; no SBIR) evidence keeps on mounting that its therapy, an antibody called PRO 140, is an effective way to reduce viral loads and transmission, not to mention replace a host of daily pills with a weekly shot. [CEO] Pourhassan was in New York this week raising a $30 million funding round  [Elizabeth Hayes, Portland Business Journal, Jul 17, 15]

CytoDyn (Vancouver, WA; no SBIR) which is developing an HIV therapy, raised $3.28 million, according to an SEC filing.  ... The therapy, called PRO 140, belongs to a new class of HIV/AIDS therapeutics that are intended to protect healthy cells from viral infection.  ...  has two other drugs in its pipeline, another one for HIV and one for HIV in cats.     [Elizabeth Hayes, Portland Business Journal, Mar 15, 15]

CytoDyn (Vancouver, WA; no SBIR) announced it concluded the second phase of its study into a new therapy for combating HIV. .... announced it finished its Phase 2b study with 98 percent success ...  "That's unheard of," said [CEO] Nader Pourhassan, "It's an antibody with almost no toxicity or side effects."  [Elizabeth Hayes, Portland Business Journal, Feb 3, 15] 

CytoDyn(Vancouver, WA; no SBIR) biotech company, raised $14.5 million from a private offering, helping fund its ongoing efforts to develop HIV treatments. ...  in August raised $1.2 million from investors, part of $7.8 million round disclosed in an earlier filing  .... still pre-revenue. [Elizabeth Hayes, Portland Buusiness Journal, Oct 25, 13] 

CytoDyn(Lake Oswego, OR; no SBIR)  has raised $1.2 million from investors, according to [SEC] filing  ....developing a treatment for HIV.   .... a pre-revenue company with an operating loss of $41.5 million dating back to October 2003.  [Matthew Kish, Portland Business Journal, Aug 12, 13]

Cytogel Pharma (Darien, CT)

Cytogel Pharma (Darien, CT; no SBIR) has taken in $2.2 million in a mixed funding of equity and warrants, according to [SEC] filing  [Mass High Tech, May 19, 10]

Cytokinetics  (South San Francisco, CA)

Cytokinetics (So San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) up 83% [Dec 27, 2023] announced positive topline results from SEQUOIA-HCM (Safety, Efficacy, and Quantitative Understanding of Obstruction Impact of Aficamten in HCM), the pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial of aficamten in patients with symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). [company press release, Dec 27, 2023]

Cytokinetics (So San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) up 25% [Dec 21, 2023] no press release

Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) commercial ambitions met another late-stage stonewall, with the company’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) prospect coming up short when investigators took a look under the clinical hood. [Max Bayer,Fierce Biotech, Mar 31, 2023]

Cytokinetics announced topline results from METEORIC-HF (Multicenter Exercise Tolerance Evaluation of Omecamtiv Mecarbil Related to Increased Contractility in Heart Failure) [in which] There was no effect on the primary endpoint, which was the change in peak oxygen uptake (pVO2) on CPET from baseline to Week 20 in patients treated with omecamtiv mecarbil compared to placebo. [company press release, Feb 15, 2022]

Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) and Royalty Pharma plc announced that Cytokinetics has secured long-term capital from Royalty Pharma to support the potential commercialization of omecamtiv mecarbil and the further development of aficamten. In addition, Cytokinetics sold to Royalty Pharma royalties on future worldwide sales of aficamten. Royalty Pharma will provide Cytokinetics long-term capital of up to $300 million to support the potential commercialization of omecamtiv mecarbil and the further development of aficamten, and other general corporate purposes. The capital is available in five tranches, including an initial tranche of $50 million upon closing and four additional tranches in the aggregate amount of $250 million upon the occurrence of certain regulatory and clinical development milestones related to omecamtiv mecarbil and aficamten. In addition, Royalty Pharma has purchased from Cytokinetics a royalty on aficamten of 4.5% on sales up to $1 billion and 3.5% on sales above $1 billion, [joimt companies press release, Jan 7, 2022]

Cy­to­ki­net­ics has found another company that still sees a future for its heart failure prospect omecamtiv mecarbil. After losing partnerships with Amgen and Servier in quick succession, Cy­to­ki­net­ics has sold the Chinese rights to the candidate to Ji Xing Pharmaceuticals. [Nick Paul Taylor, Fierce Biotech, Dec 22, 21]

Cytokinetics (Sount San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) up 40% [Jul 19, 21] announced positive topline results from Cohorts 1 and 2 of REDWOOD-HCM (Randomized Evaluation of Dosing With CK-274 in Obstructive Outflow Disease in HCM), the Phase 2 clinical trial of CK-3773274 (CK-274), an investigational next-generation cardiac myosin inhibitor in development for the potential treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). [company press release, Jul 19, 21]

Cytokinetics up 23% [Dec 9, 20] announced the progression of REDWOOD-HCM following the conduct of an interim analysis of data from Cohort 1. REDWOOD-HCM (Randomized Evaluation of Dosing With CK-274 in Obstructive Outflow Disease in HCM) is an ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial of CK-3773274 (CK-274), a next-generation cardiac myosin inhibitor in development for the potential treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). [company press release, Dec 9, 20]

Cytokinetics down 42% [Oct 8, 20] announced topline results from GALACTIC-HF, a Phase 3 pivotal clinical trial of omecamtiv mecarbil in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). The results of GALACTIC-HF show that treatment with omecamtiv mecarbil achieved the primary composite efficacy endpoint and demonstrated a statistically significant effect to reduce cardiovascular (CV) death or heart failure events (heart failure hospitalization and other urgent treatment for heart failure) compared to placebo in patients treated with standard of care (HR: 0.92; 95% CI: 0.86, 0.99, p=0.0252). No reduction in the secondary endpoint of CV death was observed. [company press release, Oct 7, 20]

Cytokinetics up 19% [Oct 5, 20]

Cytokinetics up 16% [Jul 14, 20]

Cytokinetics up 33% [May 11, 20]

Cytokinetics said its drug reldesemtiv failed to improve patients’ lung function in a 485-patient Phase 2 trial, FORTITUDE-ALS. But the company will press ahead with a larger Phase 3 study because it saw positive signs outside the trial design. [Ben Fidler,, May 10, 19]

Cytokinetics up 19% [Mar 20, 19]

Cytokinetics up 14% [Oct 16, 18]

Cytokinetics down 17%  [Jun 18, 18]

Cytokinetics up 12% [Apr 27, 18]

Cytokinetics up 10% [Nov 30, 17]

Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR, market cap $600M) down 26% [Nov 21, 17] announced that VITALITY-ALS (Ventilatory Investigation of Tirasemtiv and Assessment of Longitudinal Indices after Treatment for a Year in ALS), the international Phase 3 clinical trial of tirasemtiv in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), did not meet the primary endpoint of change from baseline in slow vital capacity (SVC) which was evaluated at 24 weeks following randomization or any of the secondary endpoints in the trial which were evaluated at 48 weeks [company press release, Nov 21, 17]

Cyokinetics up 11% [Oct 27, 17]

Cytokinetics down 10% [Aug 3, 17]

Cytokinetics up 10% [Apr 18, 17]

Royalty Pharma, a New York-based company that buys up rights to royalty streams of potentially revenue-producing drugs, is paying $90 million for a for a chance to reap 4.5 percent royalty on possible sales of an experimental heart drug being developed by Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) and its partner, Amgen.  Cytokinetics plans to use $40 million of the up-front cash payment for the Phase 3 testing of the drug in question, omecamtiv mecarbil, a treatment that aims to help the heart contract and pump blood when it fails to do so.  ... In the deal with Amgen, Cytokinetics is also eligible for as much as $600 million in potential milestone payments  [David Holley,, Feb 2, 17]

Cytokinetics  up 11% [Oct 28, 16]

Cytokineticsdown 13% [Sep 1, 16]

The team that in less than two years built and sold cancer immunotherapy company Flexus Biosciences for $1.25 billion has raised $70 million for its latest venture.  Arcus Biosciences (Hayward, CA; no  SBIR)  ....  news was first reported by Fierce Biotech  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Aug 31,16]

Astellas, of Tokyo, is paying Cytokinetics  (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) $65 million for an option to the rights to its drug tirasemtiv in Japan, other Asian countries, the Middle East and Africa, and South America. But before Astellas exercises the option, tirasemtiv must first show positive results in a key clinical trial treating patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.  [David Holley,, Jul 27, 16]

Cytokinetics down 12% [Dec 3, 15]

Cytokinetics and its development partner Amgen said that their experimental heart failure drug omecamtiv mecarbil demonstrated positive Phase 2 results, but they did not say whether they would move the drug into a larger Phase 3 trial, according to Reuters.   [Bruce Bigelow,, Nov 13, 15]

Cytokinetics up 14%  [Nov 9, 15]

Cytokinetics up 20% [Nov 2, 15

Cytokinetics  up 17% [Oct 29, 15]

Cytokinetics down 14% [Jul 30,15]

Cytokinetics down 10% [May 1,15]

Cytokinetics  up 20% [Feb 13, 15]

Cytokinetics  (S San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) up 16% [Dec 31, 14]

Cytokinetics  (S San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) up 13% [Dec 23, 14]

Cytokinetics (S San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR)  up 16% [Nov 4, 14]

Cytokinetics up 15% [Jan 10, 14]

Cytokineticsup 12% [Oct 11, 13]

Two American biotechnology companies, Amgen and Cytokinetics, reported results from a trial of a drug called omecamtiv mecarbil to a recent congress held in Amsterdam by the European Society of Cardiology. Although more tests are needed, the drug has been shown to stimulate the ability of heart muscles to contract without debilitating side-effects. [The Economist, Sep 15, 13]

An experimental heart failure drug from Amgen and missed its goal of improving shortness of breath in a mid-stage clinical trial, leaving its future uncertain. [Reuters, Sep 3, 13]<

Cytokinetics(South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) will boost the size of a mid-stage Lou Gehrig's disease drug trial after a contractor mistakenly switched some patients from the drug to a placebo.[Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Jul 23, 13]

Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA;  $500K SBIR) could earn up to $40 million in the first two years in the deal with Astellas, Japan's second-largest drug maker, and as much as $450 million that is tied to development and commercial targets.  The deal is for a Cytokinetics muscle treatment that is in the first stage of clinical testing.  [San Francisco Business Times, Jun 25, 13]

CytoKinetics up 11% [Jun 27, 13]

Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA;  $500K SBIR) experimental drug to treat patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, won fast-track designation  [San Francisco Business Times, Apr 20, 12]

European regulators granted “orphan” status to a potential treatment for Lou Gehrig’s disease developed byCytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA;  $500K SBIR)   [San Francisco Business Times, Mar 6, 12]

Moving Upsize. Genentech’s early drug research unit hired former Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA; five SBIR Phase Is 2001-2003) founder, CEO and chairman Dr. James Sabry as vice president of partnering. [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Mar 18]  Cyto founded 1997, went public in 2004, and trades at a fifth of its optimistic 2004 high.

Cytokinetics down 19% [Oct 29, 09]

Cytokinetics up 11% [Sep 25, 09]

Cytokinetics up 20% [Sep 21, 09]

Cytokinetics up 14% [Sep 18, 09]

Cytokinetics up 10% [Jun 26, 09]

Cytokinetics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) will get $50 million from Amgen which exercised a license option for a heart failure treatment.  [San Francisco Business Times, May 26, 09]


start-ups in the drug field within the Milwaukee 7 economic development region suggests another strategic direction for the regional economy. Those new ventures come as Concordia University of Wisconsin mounts an impressive campaign to build a new pharmacy school in southeastern Wisconsin, possibly in downtown Milwaukee. ... New ventures  in the emerging drug-making concentration:  MPP Group  (no SBIR), a venture headed by serial entrepreneur Frank Langley that is building drugs aimed at alcoholism. James Cook, a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee researcher, developed the compounds.  Neuro Amp (no SBIR), a spin-off from PhysioGenix (Wauwatosa, WI; $3M SBIR) that is aiming at diseases of the central nervous system and Alzheimer's.  Promentis(no SBIR), a collaboration between Marquette University's David Baker and UWM researchers and former Schwarz Pharma managers who are targeting schizophrenia and central nervous system disorders.  Cytometix (no SBIR) , a 2004 start-up headed by Lane Brostrom that is developing drugs for the treatment of pain and asthma. Endece  (no SBIR), a 2006 Mequon start-up headed by James Yarger that is developing compounds for treating cancer, sepsis, learning and memory. [John Torinus, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan 31, 09]

CytomX (South San Francisco, CA)

Xencor (Monrovia, CA; $800K SBIR) and CytomX (Santa Barbara, CA; $500K SBIR) have taken a scalpel to their pipelines, stopping work on an ex-AbbVie ADC and pulling back from a Genentech co-development deal.

AbbVie has ditched its pact with CytomX Therapeutics. After seeing 83% of patients in the latest data cut develop anemia, the Big Pharma has dropped the cancer program for strategic portfolio reasons—and begun negotiating to sell the lead antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) back to CytomX. [Nick Paul Taylor, Fierce Biotech, Mar 28, 2023]

CytomX Therapeutics (SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA; $500K SBIR) and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals announced a collaboration and licensing agreement to create conditionally-activated investigational bispecific cancer therapies utilizing CytomX’s Probody® therapeutic platform and Regeneron’s Veloci-Bi® bispecific antibody development platform. CytomX will receive an upfront payment of $30 million and will be eligible to receive future target nomination payments and preclinical, clinical, and commercial milestones of up to $2 billion. CytomX is also eligible to receive tiered global net sales royalties. [joint companies press release, Nov 17, 2022]

CytomX (SANTA BARBARA, CA; $55K SBIR) slashes headcount by 40% after breast cancer setback [Nick Paul Taylor, Fierce Biotech, Jul 14, 22]

CytomX Therapeutics (Santa Barbara, CA; $500K SBIR) down 40% [Dec 21, 21] announced preliminary Phase 2 results in patients with either advanced squamous non-small cell lung cancer (sqNSCLC) or head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), who were treated with CX-2029 -- a CD71-directed conditionally activated antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) being co-developed by CytomX and AbbVie. [company press release, Dec 20, 21]

CytomX Therapeutics down 19% [Jan 21, 21]

CytomX Thera down 36% [May 14, 20]

CytomX Thera up 16% [May 8, 20]

CytomX Thera up 25% [Apr 29, 20]

CytomX Therapeutics is teaming up with Astellas Pharma in a research and development alliance focused on developing new cancer immunotherapies based on its antibody technology. Under deal terms announced late Monday, Astellas is paying CytomX $80 million up front and potential $1.6B donstream. [, Mar 25, 20]

CytomX Thera up 32% [Mar 24, 20] on plus 11% market day

CytomX up 28% [Mar 17, 20]

CytomX down 30% [Mar 16, 20]

CytomX Thera up 19% [Nov 20, 19]

CyTomx Thera down 19% [Feb 26, 19]

CytomX Thera up 25% [Nov 7, 18]

CyTomX Thera up 12%  [Jun 6, 18]

CyTomX Thera down 16%  [Jun 4, 18]

Pfizer has been slowly but surely backing out of its $635 million armed antibody tech deal with CytomX in the last few months, and during the biotech’s financials posted late yesterday, the final nail was drilled into this fruitless pact. ... CytomX still has pacts with other big pharmas, including Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb and AbbVie, which includes combo programs with next-gen cancer meds, and billions in back-loaded biobucks.   [Ben Adams, Fierce Biotech, Mar 8, 18]

CyTomX Thera up 12% [Mar 2, 18]

CytomX signed a biobucks deal potentially worth $1.5 billion with Amgen.  ... Just a few months after Fierce 15 winner CytomX signed a major $3.6 billion biobucks deal with Bristol-Myers Squibb  [Ben Adams, FierceBiotech, Oct 4, 17]

CytomX up 22% [Oct 4, 17]

CytomX (Santa Barbara, CA; $500K SBIR) up 24% [Mar 20, 17] announced that it has gotten $200 million in cash to significantly expanded a 2014 collaboration with Bristol Myers to co-develop CytomX’s “Probody” antibody drugs for cancer. ....  In the original, 2014 deal, Bristol paid CytomX $50 million up front to develop four Probody drugs aimed four different cancer targets.  [Ben Fidler,, Mar 20, 17]

CyTomX Thera down 15% [Mar 6, 17]

CytomX  up 11%  [Sep 14, 16]

CytomX Thera down 11% [May 12, 16]

drug-masking technology landed CyTomX biotech a potential $500 million deal [with AbbVie] to fight cancer.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Busines Times, Apr 21, 16]

CytomX Thera  down 11% [Feb 29,16]

CytomX Therapeutics, developing investigational Probody™ therapeutics for the treatment of cancer, announced the selection of a third target by Bristol-Myers Squibb in accordance with the companies’ strategic oncology collaboration established in May 2014, triggering a $10 million milestone payment.  [company press release, Jan 20, 16]

CytomX up 18% [Jan 20, 16]

CytomX Thera down 13% [Jan 6, 16]

CytomX Thera up 13% [Dec 23, 15]

CytomX up 12% [Dec 16, 15]

CytomX  down 10% [Dec 14, 15]

CyTomX down 10% [Dec 10, 15]

CytomX up 14% [Dec 1, 15]

Emcore up 12% [Dec 1, 15]

CyTomX up 11% [Nov 24, 15]

CytomX Therapeutics said it would collaborate with MD Anderson Cancer Center of Houston to create new cell therapies that use CytomX’s antibody technology to hone in more precisely on cancer targets.  [Alex Lash,, Nov 6, 15]

CytomX Thera up 10%  [Nov 3, 15]

CytomX Thera up11% [Oct 26,15]

CytomX down 10% [Oct 21,15]

CytomX down 14% [Oct 19,15]

CytomX up 8% after IPO raised $80 million  .... raised a total of $142 million in equity funding since it was founded in 2008  [Riley McDermid, San Francisco Business Times, Oct 8, 15]

CytomX Therapeutics (S San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) filed plans to raise up to $100 million IPO. ... earlier this summer raised $70 million  ... develops cancer immunotherapies that avoid healthy cells  [Riley McDermid, Silicon Valley Business Journal, Aug 31, 15]

CytomX Therapeutics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) will use $70 million from a Series D financing round to deepen its own portfolio of experimental cancer drugs and set the stage for an initial public offering. ...  to focus on its own so-called Probody therapeutics, which the company says zero in on specific points on a tumor to deliver their cell-killing payloads without damaging healthy cells, said CEO Sean McCarthy.   [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Jun 17, 15]

CytomX Therapeutics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) said  it has pulled in a $20 million Series C round led by Pfizer’s venture arm. ...   Pfizer is no stranger to CytomX. Since 2013 it has been a development partner of the -based drug developer, which has created a version of monoclonal antibodies it calls Probodies because they have “prodrug” qualities—that is, they are only activated under specific conditions. CytomX has also inked deals with ImmunoGen and Bristol-Myers Squibb to develop Probody-drug conjugates and Probodies to target immunotherapy checkpoint targets.  [Alex Lash,, Jan 8, 15]

CytomX Therapeutics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR, spun out of the University of California, Santa Barbara) will get $50 million upfront from Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. in a research and licensing deal centered on a next generation of antibodies designed to rally the immune system to fight cancer. ....  could net preclinical development milestones, which weren’t specified by the companies, and up to $1.2 billion in development milestones — or $298 million per target.  [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, May 27, 14]

Venture-backed CytomX Therapeutics (South San Francisco, CA; $500K SBIR) cut a deal with ImmunoGen in the hot drug-development space known as antibody-drug conjugates.  ....  Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but it will include CytomX's technology, which masks monoclonal antibodies, and ImmunoGen's potent cell-killing agents. Each company will retain full development control [Ron Leuty, San Francisco Business Times, Jan 9, 14]

Presage Biosciences (Seattle, WA; no SBIR) has been named one of FierceBiotech ’s “Fierce 15” of 2013.  ... a spinoff company of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center  .... patented a novel method for simultaneously analyzing multiple cancer drug candidates and drug combinations within a single tumor while that tumor is still in a patient.  .... FierceBiotech evaluates hundreds of private companies from around the world each year before selecting the 15 it considers the most innovative, creative and promising.   The other Fierce 14 are:   Acetylon Pharmaceuticals;   AnaptysBioCytomX  (Santa Barbara, CA; $500K SBIR); FibroGen  (South San Francisco, CA; $1.3M SBIR);  Immunocore; Jounce TherapeuticsKala PharmaceuticalsMacroGenics  (Rockville, MD; $2.6M SBIR) ; Moderna Therapeutics; Nimbus Discovery; Scioderm; UltragenyxUniQure; and Visterra.  [Valerie Bauman,  Puget Sound Business Journal , Sep 24] 

CytomX (South San Francisco, CA; $460K SBIR) has fixed its attention on making an engineered antibody drug (which it calls a Probody) that is more precisely targeted to cancer cells, and packs more wallop, than Eli Lilly’s cetuximab (Erbitux) and Amgen’s panitumumab (Vectibix). ...still in early development, with a goal of filing regulatory paperwork for clinical trials by the end of 2013, but CytomX has hit enough of its technical milestones to start talking publicly about this bold new initiative, says CEO Sean McCarthy.  ....  founded in 2008 with technology from UC Santa Barbara  [Luke Timmerman,, Mar 2, 12]


Thirty Massachusetts life sciences companies have been awarded a total of $23.9 million in tax incentives by the state in an effort to spur job creation. The awards range from as much as $5.85 million to as little as $55,000.  The companies receiving the awards have committed to creating nearly 1,000 new jobs in the Commonwealth over the coming year.  ...  Last year, the program's first, the state awarded $24.5 million to 26 companies that pledged to create 800 jobs in the state. As of June 30th, those companies had created around 400 jobs, according to the state's Life Sciences Center.  [DC Dennison, Boston Globe, Dec 22]   That's $24000 per job created IFF the recipients create the 1000 jobs.  Last year's cost per actual job was about $70000.  What do you think should be the state's limit on amount spent per job created?  Or is it all sound-bite politics anyway and that real economics don't matter? And if so, how many federal programs do the same thing, only bigger?  SBIR firms taking the money are:  BIND Biosciences, Cytonome, Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Organogenesis, Vertex Pharmaceuticals.

Cytophil (East Troy, WI)

Cytophil (East Troy, WI; no SBIR) has been certified as a "qualified new business venture" by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.... financial backers of the businesses will be eligible for a 25% tax credit on the amount they invest in the company. Founded in 2005,  develops and makes synthetic bone and soft tissue fillers for therapeutic and cosmetic applications. The company also does contract development and manufacturing for outside customers.   [Kathleen Gallagher, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sep 1]

Cytori Therapeutics (San Diego, CA)

Cytori Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; $250K SBIR) is re-starting a San Antonio manufacturing facility it gained through its acquisition of Azaya Therapeutics (no SBIR) , a maker of nanoparticle-encapsulated generic drugs. The San Diego company plans to find a European distributor for a drug the San Antonio facility makes called ATI-0918, which is a formulation of generic chemotherapy drug liposomal doxorubicin. [Angela Shah,, May 9, 17]

Cytori Thera up 36% [May 17, 16]

Cytori Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; one SBIR) [developer of stem cell therapies] has been warned by Nasdaq that its shares could be delisted from the exchange ...  sells a device called Celution that extracts what it calls adipose-derived regenerative cells from a patient's own fat. Cytori is sponsoring clinical trials using the cells to treat heart failure and acute heart attack, breast reconstruction, rheumatoid arthritis and soft tissue sports injuries.   [Bradley Fikes,, Nov 26, 14]  A technology of the future must first survive in the present.

CytoriTherapeutics (San Diego, CA; $200K SBIR) said it has received permission to begin a clinical trial to test the safety and feasibility of treating hamstring injuries with its stem cell therapy. .... treats patients with their own stem cells. The cells are extracted from fat tissue with its Celution device. The cells are already being tested for heart failure.   [Bradley Fikes,, Jan 13, 14]

Cytori Therapeutics said it received $12 million as the first installment in 30-year exclusive licensing agreement with Beijing-based Lorem Vascular that is expected to eventually be worth as much as $531 million. The agreement enables Lorem to commercialize Cytori Cell Therapy for the cardiovascular, renal, and diabetes markets in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.  [Bruce Bigelow,, Nov 8, 13]

Cytori Thera  up 19% [Nov 9, 10]

Cytori Theraup 14%  [Sep 28, 12]

Cytori Thera down 11%  [Sep 26, 12]  (one SBIR)

Cytori(San Diego, CA; one SBIR) said it raised $6 million ... extracts the cells from each patient’s fat with a machine called the Celution One. The cells then are injected through a catheter into the coronary artery, which feeds blood to the heart.  [Keith Darce,, Jul 14, 11]

Health regulators in the Netherlands have cleared Cytori Therapeutics to begin a pivotal European trial of the San Diego company’s experimental stem cell therapy in people who suffered heart attacks.[signonsandiego,com, Jan 21,11]

Cytori Therapeutics  (San Diego, CA; one SBIR) plans to seek European approval of the system for treating chronic heart failure patients based on the latest study [Keith Darce,, Nov 15, 10]

Cytori Therapeuticshas been cleared to market its fatty tissue extraction device in Europe for breast reconstruction and the repair of wounds resulting from Crohn’s disease<[San Diego Union Tribune, Jul 27, 10]

Cytori Therapeutics (San Diego, CA; one SBIR) said yesterday that it received approval to start marketing a product that prepares a patient’s fat tissue for reinjection into the body for cosmetic procedures. [Thomas Kupper, San Diego Union Tribune, Jan 9, 10]

Cytori Therapeutics  (San Diego, CA; 133 employees, no SBIR) has a novel twist on stem cells: Its Celution System extracts them from an adult's own fat tissue (the procedure takes an hour) and injects the cells into the same patient in a variety of medical situations, including reconstructive surgery and heart disease treatment. ... expects the Food & Drug Administration to O.K. the U.S. use by yearend  [Gene Marcial, Business Week, Dec 3,07]

CytoSen Therapeutics (Dallas, TX)

Kiadis Pharma N.V. (Netherlands), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, announced that it has entered a definitive agreement to acquire CytoSen Therapeutics (Dallas, TX; no SBIR, founded 2014 in Florida) [Kiadis press release, Apr 17, 19] CytoSen is on a mission to advance natural killer (NK) cell therapeutics and to make it a real cure in the fight with cancer. [company website]

CytoSolv (Providence, RI)

Cytosolv >/span>(Providence, RI; no SBIR)biotech startup has taken in $500,000 in seed-stage funding from the Slater Technology Fund, Rhode Island’s state-backed venture capital fund. ... developing proprietary technology to address wound healing, initially targeting diabetic ulcers [Mass High Tech, Feb 9, 10]


CytoSorbents (Monmouth County, NJ; $4.4M recent SBIR/STTR, 65 employees) up 12% [Sep 5, 17] Highlights Important Research Advances in Traumatic Brain Injury, Hemorrhagic Shock, and Severe Hyperkalemia at the Military Health System Research Symposium ....  CytoSorb blood purification was administered  following direct cortical impact to the brain, an hour of hemorrhagic  shock, and subsequent resuscitation in a rat trauma model.  Treatment led to a reduction in a panel of key inflammatory cytokines during the  treatment period that persisted for three days following the injury. More importantly, CytoSorb treatment resulted in more than a doubling of  survival, from 41% in the sham treated group (N=17), to 86% survival [company press release, Sep 5, 17] ... flagship product, CytoSorb®, is approved in the European Union with distribution in 43 countries around the world, as a safe and effective extracorporeal cytokine adsorber, designed to reduce the “cytokine storm” or “cytokine release syndrome” that could otherwise cause massive inflammation, organ failure and death in common critical illnesses such as sepsis, burn injury, trauma, lung injury, and pancreatitis, as well as in cancer immunotherapy. ... funding of approximately $20 million from DARPA, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), and others. [company website]

Cytosorbents up 22% [Mar 17,16]

Cytosorbents  (MONMOUTH JUNCTION, NJ; one SBIR) down 11% [Mar 16,16]

Cytovale (So San Francisco,CA)

Cytovale (South San Francisco, CA; $2.8M SBIR) announced it has raised $84 million in Series C funding [company press release, Nov 16, 2023]

Cytovale (South San Francisco, CA; $2.8M SBIR) announced it has raised $84 million in Series C funding [company press release, Nov 16, 2023]

Cytovas (Philadelphia, PA)

CytoVas (Philadelphia, PA; no SBIR) formed a partnership with BD Biosciences (Becton, Dickenson)  to jointly develop a new blood-based diagnostic test to predict individualized patient risk of heart attack and stroke.   ..... named as the first recipient of an American Heart Association Science & Technology Accelerator Program, created to speed up the development of products aimed at helping patients with heart disease.   [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, May 10, 13]

Cytovas (Philadelphia, PA;  no SBIR) is getting ready to begin a clinical trial for a test it’s developing to measure vascular health, thanks to funding from a new American Heart Association program.....  specializes in in vitro diagnostics, is the first recipient of an investment, $250,000, from the Science & Technology Accelerator Program launched last year by the AHA. [John George, Philadelphia Business Journal, Oct 5, 12]

CytRx (Los Angeles, CA)

CytRx down 60% [Jul 12, 16]  announced the results of its Phase 3 clinical trial of aldoxorubicin, which did not show significant improvement over other commonly used cancer drugs. The Company disclosed that nearly half of all patients in the Phase 3 trial were excluded from the data because the study was interrupted by a partial clinical hold in November 2014. [law firm Levi & Korsinsky press release re:investigation of securities fraud.]

CytRx down 20% [Jul 21,15]

CytRx up 19% [May 4,15]

CytRx down 16% [May 1,15]

CytRx up 11% [Apr 17,15]

CytRx up 11% [Apr 9,15]

CytRx up 15% [Jan 6, 15] 

shares of biotech firm CytRx (Los Angeles, CA; $1.3M SBIR) soared 50% following a article that touted the company's brain cancer treatment. That article and others came in through the websites' contributor networks, but they were not labeled as advertisements and carried no disclosures that the authors had been compensated by their subjects. In fact, on at least one of the websites—stock blog Seeking Alpha—the articles carried a disclosure stating the author had not received any compensation from anyone outside of Seeking Alpha to write the piece. Seeking Alpha had to admit that some of its disclosures were wrong.  In the end, well over 100 articles were pulled from the several news sites.  [Stephen Gandel, Fortune, Dec 28, 14]  currently is focused on the clinical development of aldoxorubicin (formerly known as INNO-206), its improved version of the widely used chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin. CytRx has initiated under a special protocol assessment a pivotal Phase 3 global trial with aldoxorubicin as a therapy for patients with soft tissue sarcomas whose tumors have progressed following treatment with chemotherapy, and recently announced that it has received approval from the FDA to continue dosing patients with aldoxorubicin until disease progression in that clinical trial. [company website]

Cytyc  (Marlborough MA)

While they haven't yet found a cure for cancer, Cytyc and Hologic are teaming up to show the power of prevention. The two companies announced in late May a combination to form what would be the country's largest company focused exclusively on advanced technology in the field of women's health. Hologic specializes in mammography and breast biopsy systems, while Cytyc's ThinPrep System is used to detect cervical cancer and other diseases. [Hoover's, Jun 19, 07]

Cytyc acquired Adiana (no SBIR) which develops female contraceptives for up to $215M. [Mass High Tech, Feb 26]

Cytyc (Marlborough MA), a diversified women's health company, is giving shareholders of Vision Systems Ltd. until Nov. 17 to accept its offer to buy the Australian medical device firm for $517M cash. [Mass High Tech, Oct 31]  One Phase 2 1995. Now $3B market cap, in the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index.

CyVek (Wallingford, CT)

Connecticut Innovations said it invested an an additional $445,683 in CyVek (Wallingford, CT; no SBIR) biotech firm. CI invested $802,500 in cyvek in 2010. The latest funding is part of a $3 million round of financing.CyVek is developing a technology for "measuring multiple markers simultaneously in patient blood samples," CI said — a tool that can be used in drug discovery as well as diagnosis in doctors' offices.  [Hartford Courant, May 3, 12]

CyVek (Wallingford, CT; no SBIR) has pulled in $1.95 million in an equity offering [Mass High Tech, Feb 17, 10]

helping small high-tech companies get from idea to market

Published by Carl Nelson Consulting, 990 N Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611       e-mail Carl Nelson     Last update Mar 23, 2024